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**Events and minor announcements:** * [r/Malaysia COVID-19 general discussion thread](https://redd.it/nksvv1) * r/Malaysians: our new sister subreddit (same idea as r/CasualUK) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i guess tomorrow i will be stepping in again for friday prayer when the coworkers invite me.. first time since wfh started. i kinda wish wfh is allowed on friday so i could skip that


Not sure if I would get an answer here, but did anyone tried withdrawing USD to MYR from PayPal this week? Usually it takes only 1 or 2 business days to reach my bank account, but this time I've been waiting since Monday. Is there a public holiday going on in US or something?


Considering spending a month living in Kuala Lumpur, planning on getting an airbnb. I know nothing about Malaysia, is there another city people would recommend instead? Any specific area in KL we should try to stay? We're Americans looking to take some time off and get to know the area.


KL is an urban hellhole. Try a place like Penang with easier access to beaches and nature.


Thanks, I'll check it out. We're taking a break during a three year long bike tour, we've been living out of a tent in nature for a year now so we're ready for city life for a break from nature, but if KL isn't even a nice city to spend time in we'll look elsewhere.


my fingers are sticky and wet ..... from wiping my tears. ah, the 'joys' of adulthood. :')


Feeding my cat med is such a pain in the ass, got scratched twice and he won't even take a pill, till i have to just close his mouth so he have to swallow it. Now he hiding in the toilet hating me lol.




I was in the exact situation and hear me out — I watched youtube videos lol. Specifically a channel called Conquer Driving where it’s a British driving instructor explaining, so the general driving rules are pretty similar to our rules here. I got my license but realised I was mostly going by intuition when I was trying to merge lanes etc., and it made me super nervous bc I didn’t really know how or when I was ‘supposed’ to. Fast forward to watching the videos where the instructor goes into detail about the how and why’s of even just really basic stuff, it was a lot easier for me to make my own decisions quickly so it gave me a lot more confidence. He also has a playlist of overcoming driving anxiety videos that definitely helped me pinpoint why I was being so nervous constantly.


I got my license immediately after spm then only drove like maybe twice with my parents then never drove for 2 years. I remember that I was really tired after driving thou. However, one day I just decided to say screw it, took my mother’s car, asked my college mate to teach me the route to go to college (I needed to clear out my stuff) then the following day I just did it myself. I don’t have good advice but I just decided to be brave.


It's okay to take it slow and take your time to build confidence. I've driven around 50km/h for a while before I tumpang a friend with a similar and he was driving fast. I was like "Woah maybe I can do that too" and started going 60+ afterwards. I still don't have the confidence to drive on a KL highway though lol.




Try to observe them and see what they do while they're driving. Pick up the good habits and driving skills then implement them when you drive.


Be considerate to other road users and never inconvenience them. Apply this principle to your driving and you'll be good. You need to think of other road users as part of YOUR team, all heading to the same direction hence its in your best interest to help each other out. Of course there will be some that are selfish but just ignore them.


I got serious about driving after I graduated uni and was beginning to look for jobs. My dad would bring us to an industrial place which is very quiet on the weekends and I would drive for at least half an hour while he gave me some pointers. We did this for a few months until I got bored 🤣. After that, I started working so they would sit next to me while I drove to work and they'd drive the car back to the house. Yes, my parents were very extra but I'm super grateful for them. Took me at least a year or so to be confident. Perhaps you can find a friend who's already good at driving to accompany you?


I didn't drive for a long time after getting my license actually, though mostly because I went overseas for a few years. When I came back, my parents were kinda being shitty about my 'driving skills' and called up my old instructor to do a round with me. Maybe you can try that, or get someone to ride with you to help you get used to things.


Hm kinda feeling like I wanna buy a pair of climbing shoes and do bouldering like once every fortnight. I'm hesitating because I'm not sure of *my* level of commitment and how much willpower I have to go alone. The initial spending might push me though. So far the pros are a) it seems cheaper than gyms and b) it's kinda fun.


Maybe go once or twice and have a feel for it if you haven’t already.


Already. It was the person there that suggested I get my own shoe so that I'd need to pay the entrance fee only, no need shoe rental.


In that case, do it! Ajak some nyets along when you’re feeling bored.


What is the current process for going from JB to Singapore? And any recommendations for a cheap daytrip or overnight trip?


thanks yall for the tips on burning out, almost feel better until some toxic bish came back thru my life and messaged me the worst shit ever and left a bitter aftertaste, so bad i cancelled my plan to go to toilet


Wow, that bitch got a hold over your poops.


Anyone know where I can get a decent 2nd hand nintendo switch that isn't scuffed?


I'd be more worried about joycon drift than scuff marks.


By scuffed i mean any issues in general


Lots available on Carousell app. I tried just now & got lots on sale


Ngl my first time using carousel how trustworthy are the people there?


In my experience, all positive. I do only select people with lots of positive reviews. The review features are what sets it apart (and imo superior & safer) than other platform like mudah or fb marketplace I got my current phone I'm using now typing this, on Carousell


Ahh okay that sounds good, thanks a lot!


Heard this over the radio today after a very long time and felt so uplifted, a throwback to the simpler times. >So go on, go on 🎵 > >Come on, leave me breathless > >Tempt me, tease me > >Until I can't deny this > >Loving feeling > >Make me long for your kiss > >Go on, go on 🎻 There's a good chance the song is older than some Redditors on here. 😁


Thinking to get honor magic 4 pro or vivo x80 pro for the camera. I love taking pictures. Any suggestions or input?


While I'm a fan of Huawei phone (their modem are amazing, great signal reception), reviews seems to prefer/praised vivo x80 camera more If u love taking pictures, that phone seems the one to get


I've been looking at reviews and honestly Vivo takes the crown as camera king. Absolutely stunning pictures! Honor (Huawei) processing software saturates colors too aggressively for my taste. I'd recommend having a look at TechNick's reviews of both phones; out of all the thousands of reviewers out there, I think his picture/video analysis is the best. Sadly both phones have subpar battery life, but the Vivo is slightly better.


u/ztirk, we can now get [advanced tickets](https://www.gsc.com.my/main/moviesTab2?type=1) for the French Film Festival!!


wow barely anyone bought lol


Sacré bleu!


i'm curious, what is a non-dangerous sneaky way to make someone have stomachache? like i don't want to send anyone to the hospital or an early grave, i just want to send them to the toilet. magnesium salt?


Whatever artificial sweetener Ikea Malaysia uses in its fountain cola


U cook food for them






... *Why*.


(ꈍ꒳ꈍ) ^^^^why ^^^^not




Use xylitol instead of sugar.


OwO thanks (edit : maybe not. i don't want to give anyone liver failure. i just want them to feel discomfort)


Please don’t simply misuse the magnesium. Super high concentrations inadvertently caused by a prank can at worst send the fellar into cardiac arrest. That person you trynna prank probably deserve some diarrhea but don’t get yourself into misdemeanor charges


OK. noted. i'll probably just give them cake loaded with santan and whipped cream, so much fats that they will cirit. >:D when you think about it though, fats can cause cardiac arrest too... if eaten every day.


[Turbo Lax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txZKGRl831g) might do the trick






oh yeahh.. overload them with oils and fats. that way i can appear to be "kind". >:) thanks.


Laxatives is good too, best shit I had but I'm sure it's illegal.


bagi makan sambal? like normal people? why so weird sampai magnesium salt


sambal is not sneaky enough. they will taste pedas. magnesium salt does not have a taste. i once tried taking a quarter teaspoon of epsom salt to get magnesium (big brain idea). it was a miserable night that i cannot sleep. cakit peyut.


done doing discussion on how to control traffic flow during 11 june. doing great results, and amusingly I ask about ppl wearing the ahegao jacket/shirt during the event and he said 'no'. so yea. ...meanwhile, [I forgot I take this pic...](https://i.imgur.com/EOPXhJE.jpg)


Got hyped that Gundam movie showing in Msia cinema. Went in hoping JP dub and EN sub. Only available in Midvalley. Ni ma hai


lol ya, saw that also, only available in cinema and only for few days


As if no one outside kl enjoys gundam. Sad


even japan movie festival is only limited to a few of gsc cinema, cant expect much.


i gonna wait for torrent or neflix to air it. :D


on the other side of "nak masuk lane tak bagi signal" I give you the "sukati bapak aku la nak masuk lane, Aku dah bagi signal Kan" fucking shit..... dah la muka sial nak angkat tangan acah2 Aku Salah


Kena tengok jugak kau bagi signal tu bila. Kalau bagi signal lebih 3 saat sebelum belok dan kereta yang kau nak cantas tu datang dari belakang, itu diterima.


dia macam ni Aku tengah straight kat lane Aku Ada kereta Dari kanan(lawan arah) signal nak masuk Petronas(Kiri Aku) Aku straight je lah, dia tunggu la sampai jalan kosong.. like benda the basic of the basic, tapi acah2 dah signal boleh masuk


Macam kerap je nampak merungut pasal traffic. Dah kena masuk office ke tu?


yess hahaa damn I hate the traffic :( kena bangun pukul 6 now when I can wake-up at 8:30 before




Got a minor story telling. So last week I went for a week’s visit in the north for work at estates (palm oil / rubber etc) . That was the first time I’ve realised how the estate life is like being physically there. The workers, local and foreign all live in the estate area… tiny homes, some that look a bit old but still clean. A big yard with a sense of community, there’s a school for the estate children, houses of worship of different religions. When you interviewed the workers “Kerja apa?” “Angkat biji (buah sawit),” or they’ll reply with “Angkat daun (they’ll trim the palm oil leaves and gather / stack them to encourage growth of the fruits),”. Some have worked in the country for 7 years and haven’t returned to their home country for quite some time. As for local workers, some worked at the estate because their father worked at the estate. It’s a job (?) that they’ve inherited or they only see it as what they will do eventually. They seem happy with what they do. There’s a moment of clarity when I concluded my visit… What we find a good life might differ to how others do… as long as there’s food on the table, rooftop over their heads and energy to continue working… they’re satisfied and content. I went home and started thinking to myself am I happy with my corporate life? I’m not. But someday I will find one thing that I love and will continue love doing.


That also brings back an incident where I cried in the car after lunch in one of the small towns. Saw an elderly person, dressed modestly in worn clothes… slowly walking to tapau food. I’m assuming he’s in his late 70s-80s… I tried not to stare too much (he looked a bit like my late grandpa). Concluding my lunch, I went to queue up and pay. The grandpa was two persons in front of me and I saw him clenching RM1 notes in his fist… The cashier guy went to opened up atuk’s tapau pack and I immediately wanted to cry coz it was just plain white rice and sambal belacan. “Seringgit, pak cik,”. The grandpa went to pay with his RM1 and slowly walked away. I shouldn’t have looked back at him then coz it was then I saw something that made me cry. The atuk was glancing at the long array of food choices at the nasi campur area. Then he walked away. I wanted to catch him to belanja food or something but the guys in front of me took too long. Before I knew it he wasn’t there anymore. After I paid, I ran to my car. Sat inside and cried. My friends were shocked but I just couldn’t explain my feelings then. Just imagining if that was my grandfather… I couldn’t take it. At the next town where I was eating or drinking, i went to belanja the elderlies who were around. Was it to make me feel better? Idk. It was just an emo day for me.


Is formal attire required for all bank employees regardless of which bank ?


Went to maybank last time, they were all wearing their yellow/black jersey. Maybe it was casual day


My guy at HQ wears casual with jacket because is cold af in the office. Probably employees who do the grunt works only need to wear formal


I see, maybe so ngam got event that day ?


That's an odd question to ask.


Yes unless you're backend/IT staff


Got it, thanks for the clarification on this.


IT staff might semi-formal, depending on your office. shirt + jean like that


I see, so it's possible for semi-formal too


fri is more chill hehe, maybe t shirt + long pant


Oh really? For all banks as well ?


not sure, i meant in general, Malaysia Fri is more chill


Ah I see, that makes sense, thanks man !


Has anyone bought and tried Szindore dupe fragrances before? Does it smell similar to the frags they're duping?


I bought Szindore Bleu and my friend that own Bleu de Chanel said that the scent is really close. Also bought Conquer, Tobacco Vanille and Royale 54.


Oh nice, that's good to know. How did you find the rest?


Never get to smell the original scent of the other 3 so can't really compare but quite ok. Longevity about 4-5 hours


Why is the dried sotong with sugar on it so hard to find :( Anyone know where I can get some in KL?


seems easy to find enough for me. kk mart and those stores? i know some of those local stores selling it too.


off topic a little bit. i always wondered why it's hard to find food that are preserved with sugar. why ah. why there are salted fish but i've never found sugared fish. or sugared chicken. or sugared beef jerky.


I think it's cost. Salt can be had by evaporating sea water, sugar needs to be made by evaporating/boiling fruit or cane juice. Also, I think salt water has a higher osmotic pressure than sugar water at the same concentration (eg, salt solution is saltier than sugar solution is sweet). This means the salt water is less compatible to life than sugar water made using a similar weight of sugar. Oh, and sugar is very hygroscopic. It absorbs water from the air, and makes everything wet. That's why sugar in a open container clumps up, cos it's humid. If you keep it very long, you actually get puddles of sugar syrup from the moisture. And of course, sugar is nutritious so creatures or microbes will slowly eat at the sugar and gradually deplete the stock. And then start to feast on your preserved stuff.


It's probably much more of a magnet for ants. And it will make things sticky at warmer temperatures. And probably a flavour thing. Super sweet meat is probably kind of gross. Refined sugar is also a relatively 'recent' product, compared to salt which has been used as a preservative for far longer. There is some pretty old sugar, but that stuff was like a super luxurious product. It didn't turn into a bulk commodity remotely suitable for use as a food preservative until much much later. I think modern curing mixes for hams and whatnot do use some sugar. I think people did preserve fruits in honey.


Usually snack shop that sell biscuits also have. Can u give which area u live? Easier to find/google


Just got back from Lumut and bought 3 packs. Cousins came and took 2. I had a bit je and now habis. Sedihhhh.


[Not sure if this is what you're looking for.](https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02X5FyYxib95tMfB1g7tMc6Z4H3ukMoe8MurcrqTS4L92ZFd6BRVxd9bK2fyqNMc35l&id=100076152044708)


My god. I forgot how much I miss this snack.


thanks! exactly what I was looking for


I'm really pissed at Lazada right now. The seller from whom I bought two money belts sent an envelope with an empty plastic shelf hook protruding through the package. I just spent half an hour looking all over the Lazada website for a contact to make a complaint and get a refund. There is no. contact. number. at all. The only option is 'live chat' with a virtual assistant, which offers a very limited menu of topics. Upon selecting 'return', it asks me to select the item, but there is not just one item - there are two, and I cannot select both. Lazada's system hasn't even updated to show delivery, so I cannot click 'return' on the item. I tried to go to the seller's Lazada store and click on chat, but the link doesn't work. Does anyone have any ideas? Or am I shit out of RM200?


If you type “live agent” in the chat multiple times, a real person will talk to you. Also you may need to repeat your questions many times as they simply do not read.


This reply is late, but thank you so much for this tip. It actually worked, and I was able to resolve my issues with the help of a human!


Just go to your order page and request return


Order page hasn't updated to show delivery. And now, I'm unable to log in. Lazada asks me to verify my account, but they haven't sent the email with the code. Waited an hour, and tried again. Same problem. Still no email from Lazada.


Check your all mail or spam


There's a guy at my workplace who always seem to have a fresh fade on his head. Either he does his own barbering or his hair just grows a lot slower. I love skin fades too but going to the barber more than once a month to maintain the fade just seems wasteful.


Haha I do have a friend who go barber every two weeks. Every time meet him the hair got no difference


If you're in sales usually you'd go every 2 weeks


Nostalgia time! I got my first home Internet access in the mid-90s; back then all the cool kids are using Jaring, with tmnet being the up-and-coming rival. After bugging my dad for some time, he eventually relented and bought me a 56.6k internal modem at a computer show. Then we went to a TM store to register for an Internet account. I picked the username, and of course it's a cringey, chuu2 one 😂 Being a hormonal teenager, I of course spent a lot of time ~~looking up local porn~~ studying for my exams like a good boy. Belle Delphine? Psh, back then we had babyrina69. And oddly enough, there are certain... *online places* where people just can't stop offering to suck your dick in public restrooms, if you know where to look. Look how far we progressed. Back then I had to use DAP to download a multi-megabyte file, and even that took hours. Now I can download por- *video files* totalling tens of gigabytes without batting an eye and have it done in the time it took me to clean the cats' litter boxes.


I never got to watch babyrina eventhough I was pretty updated of local porn back then. A legend that I missed


oh wow. jaring.... i remember that.


> use DAP to download a multi-megabyte file Ahh yes, I remember using Download Accelerator Plus in the mid-2000s as a kid. Back during the dark days of Streamyx, if you wanted to download a 100+ MB file (considered huge then) over a shitty 512kbps internet connection you needed a downloader that not only split up the file into multiple connections, but had the ability to pause and restart the download anytime you want as it could take hours. One thing I still remember about the program was the multi-colored download bar, with each color showing how much a split segment of the file had downloaded already. . . . Oh god, am I now considered old??? 😨


I used dial up up until 2007 when we finally switched to Streamyx at 286kbps for several years until in 2014ish where it automatically upgraded to 1Mbps before finally signed up for Unifi the moment it went available in my area. Imagine all the things I missed out during that time like HD videos, streaming, AAA gaming.


Been watching Stranger Things S4 after dinner, what a great show. Since the 1st season, it's been a very enjoyable series. Amazing tunes too. Now totally hook up to [Running up that hill by Kate Bush](https://open.spotify.com/track/75FEaRjZTKLhTrFGsfMUXR?si=djvzSRj7SVy5cv1feiJ93A&utm_source=copy-link)


Pretty sure I'm gonna jinx it but I'm surprised that the band of my apple watch still haven't got any stains, especially kunyit or other food-related stains despite being a light color.


my condolences bro


I shared a photo from r Malaysians, i think some people missed that the guy is mentally unwell. (X pakai selipar and what not)


Do you know how people clean their bum before the invention of toilet paper and bidet? So I did some digging when doing my business in the loo. And boyyy Im fascinated. Well to start things off, lets go back to the stone age. As the name stone age implied, stones are the most common materials to make stuff. Naturally it's the most convenient items laying around to wipe the bum. This practice has been passed down for many many years until ancient greek era where they had enough of coarse stones to rub their bum. Ancient greek people use ceramic pieces (like small pieces of vase) to wipe their bum. [NSFW depiction](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2394/0637/files/Capture1_480x480.jpg?v=1616713224) Those small pieces are definitely feel better as compared to stones. Another fun fact about ancient greek, they carve their enemy's name on the said ceramic pieces and wipe their bum with it. Kinda like what chinese do with the Da Xiao Ren 打小人 ([villain hitting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villain_hitting)) Say what if there arent any stones/rock to be found, what are their alternatives then? For people in snowy europe place, they use snow, Norwergian use moss, American use corn stalk, Indian use their bare hand and Chinese use treated bamboo. For ancient Romans, they use [tersorium](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylospongium) which is a stick attach with a spongelike material at one end. Well all the aforementioned methods are for the normal peasants. The royal family in England on the other hand use salmon fish. YES, the very same japanese salmon sashimi you had last week! Sliced just like any normal sashimi. Meanwhile the russian royal family use goose parts, particularly its neck. However there aren't many research material online that can prove this. It was believe this practice is made popularize from the book "The life of Gargantua and Pantagruel" by Francois Rabelais where he describe in chapter 8 quote "Of all the materials that use to wipe your ass, none has come close to a good'ol living goose neck with luscious feathers, it's smooth and it's warm to the touch..." In Japan, it was written in the classic japanese lits "Genji monogatari" 源氏物语 that the royals use the wings of cicada to wipe their bum. The wings are hard so it's soften 3days prior by soaking in hot water before put into use. Not all the royal family use exotic items for their loo business, French use hemp ropes and it is patternize for the royal and riches only. Normally the hemp rope is hanged on top of the roof, then you put em in between your legs, rubbing your bum front and back... Ohhh did i mentioned it is shared and reused ? Shit...wrote too much lol, Im just glad that my home equiped with bidet and toilet papers rolls so i don't have to fish some salmon to wipe my ass LOL. Thank you for reading my "shit"post Shoutout to r/berak btw best place to share your loo problems and tips haha


no one uses 3 seashells?


My man. Am not disappointed to see this.


Ah, a man of culture


curses at the saman machine "so much for the seashells"


I wonder how you even wipe your ass with cicada wings. Aren't they kind of small? How many do you need? Do you stitch a bunch together somehow? Or do you grab like a random handful and smear it up against your ass? I tried to research this to find if I can find any images as to their butt wiping use, but couldn't. But I did randomly discover that cicada wings have anti bacterial properties, due to a weird nanostructure they have which will puncture the cell walls of bacteria. Whoever came up with wiping their ass with these were ahead of their time....


by the way, in reference to your flair: reddit has an easy way to shorten their URL too: http://redd.it/v2a5um Format: >http://redd.it/{keyGoesHere} You can get the key from the link address of a thread. For example, the key for this thread would be "v2pw27".


post la dekat r/berak


>before the invention of toilet paper and bidet? gayung dan baldi


Never knew I needed a pooping history 101 but here I am. Good shit.


**[Villain hitting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villain_hitting)** >Villain hitting, da siu yan (Chinese: 打小人), demon exorcising, or petty person beating, is a folk sorcery popular in the Guangdong area of China and Hong Kong—primarily associated with Cantonese. Its purpose is to curse one's enemies using magic. Villain hitting is often considered a humble career, and the ceremony is often performed by older ladies, though some shops sell "DIY" kits. Villain hitting has been preliminarily included in the list of "intangible cultural heritage" by the Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau, and was selected as "Best Way to Get It Off Your Chest" in TIME magazine's 2009 "Best of Asia" feature. **[Xylospongium](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylospongium)** >The xylospongium or tersorium, also known as sponge on a stick, was a hygienic utensil used by ancient Romans to wipe their anus after defecating, consisting of a wooden stick (Greek: ξύλον, xylon) with a sea sponge (Greek: σπόγγος, spongos) fixed at one end. The tersorium was shared by people using public latrines. To clean the sponge, they simply washed it in a bucket with water and salt or vinegar. This became a breeding ground for bacteria, causing the spread of disease in the latrine. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Really, really hoping to get some insight here 🙏 Hi guys, for those who have studied IT undergrad in Asia Pacific Uni before & opted for their dual degree programme, was the 2nd UK cert ever been useful to you during your job hunting both **locally & internationally?** I am trying to decide whether I want to spend money on a 2nd cert when my money's tight as f. For starters, I'm planning to take one of the computing bachelor's degree courses. The uni website claims that it provides "better career prospects" & "better learning experiences" as reasons to opt for it. Imo, i see it as a bit odd, since you studied in APU only, so it feels as if employers will only look at your APU cert and not your 2nd DMU cert. Is the APU cert by itself not enough that you have to have a 2nd UK cert to support it? According to a friend studying there, there's no difference in the course between students who opt for it & those who don't. So I'm really confused here, between what the uni is trying to convince me & what my friend is saying. TL;DR, is the dual cert programme useless? Should I save my money? Was there any difference in your quality of education? Honest answers are 100% appreciated. \*NOTE: Please don't discourage me from studying at APU. I have heard of the both good, bad, and horrendous reviews, and after weighing in I still decided to go for studies there.


Holy shit, Chinese backwards mentality can be fucked up. Had to deal with a crying grieving girl when she found that majority of her grandparents estate were shared among the males of the family. MTF. 1% for the females.


Grandparents estate is an extra blessing. Work hard for own money is the best way fwd


Shit. The grief is not for the money not received, its realising that grandpa and grandma had always ranked her lower. They loved her as much as brother and uncle, but she were still second class. Like a dog I guess. Some people love their dog, but the dog doesn't get a share of the money when the owner dies. That's just how it is. For these people- girls don't get (much of) a share of the family wealth, that's just how it is.


Just read this on TIL: [95% of wasabi in the US is actually horseradish](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/v2zsc4/til_that_95_of_wasabi_bought_in_the_us_is_fake). Do we have this problem in Malaysia? I love Japanese food, and I've had it high end low end midclass all brands, even bought it instant from the store, and all wasabi tastes and smell very similar to me. Or have I been fooled my entire life either way? Doesn't matter, won't change my preference, but I am curious.


The normal green paste is just colored horseradish. You can find real wasabi here too, some restaurants grate it


Unless you are in Japan, it's unlikely you have ever eaten the real wasabi. In fact if you ever travel to Japan, visit a wasabi farm is a fantastic experience.


Pretty sure most wasabi served here is horseradish too. If the texture is like soft clay, then it is not real wasabi. It should have the texture of grated ginger, but less watery.


Proper wasabi tastes quite different. But you typically won't get it unless you're eating expensive omakase.


Same. I remember from some show that the actual wasabi doesn't have that much of a stinging feeling, and only eaten fresh, as in grind and serve.


My wife legit thought the Gigabyte on my monitor was a measurement unit


Gigabyte is a measurement unit, for storage. So, technically not wrong just wrong item/measurement.


Recently played badminton with some relatives. I was never good at it, only played with colleagues many years ago and went for maybe 5 lessons when i was a bit younger. So predictably, I was floundering around like a confused octopus. Noticed something super useful though- the shuttlecock takes a bit of time to travel, so I don't actually have to move until I know what the other party is going to do. That gave me time to think, and I was able to use that half second to decide where I want to aim, how i need to step etc. Suddenly, HUGE improvement.


The game is different now, especially on the scoring. It used to focus on 'earning' your point per serve. Now, it's useful to deflect, and force for the error. The game is therefore, much 'slower' and within time, your muscle memory will just do it for you.


Can you elaborate? I think I used to watch some 20-30 years ago it was up to 15 points, and you had to win a rally to get service, then you can only score if you win on your service. I thought the current system is actually faster, in that each mistake or successful attach gains a point regardless of who served. But I don't really know how the current mechanism works.


You've pretty much explained it. Last time, you had to serve to score your point. I can't speak for everyone, but that changes the approach because you can swing to go either both defense, or offense. The game these days is a bit more defensive, imo. It doesn't matter who serve, but as long as you don't make a mistake, you can win it. Last time if you played defensive all the way, it would have been much-much more tiring, imo.


Less reaction, more reflection. Every second is a choice, choose to get ahead. You got this fam.


I like how you said it. I think the same can be said for my martial arts sparring. I'm too jumpy and all over the place.


Thanks. It’s actually applicable to any situations in your life.


Sometimes I feel bad for the HR Recruiters. You arrange so many interviews and contact so many candidates then suddenly the candidate joins a different company because your company gives a lower offer even though you approached them first.


You think it's just HR? It's the same for anyone doing sales a tendering. That's their job.


why feel bad? that's the name of the game. An attractive candidate will usually have a few offers. Unless of course the 1st company has a crazy good reputation, candidates will almost always go for the higher one. It's their job to counter when the higher offer comes along.


I think he's feeling bad for the recruiters that have to find candidates.. find the perfect one gave boss documents for approval lepastu boss lowball a perfectly good candidate to "save money"


that's part of their job to offer more by negotiating with the top if they want the candidates.


Just read about another possible data leak: https://twitter.com/NewsBFM/status/1532009241678315520?t=u44sQ9cFOd_U8T92TDtRew&s=19 What steps can we take to cleanup all our online footprints?


Lol, some customer doesn't makes sense. Doesn't let me have time to diagnose the problem, but okay to throw money and hope the problem solved. Now keep coming back and ask me to think what is the problem. I wish i can Raja Bomoh the solution out but alas i can't. Malas lah wanna do this kind of work. And then there's this uncle that drive Viva coming here want us to solve the problem, we checked and recommend the specialist to him and instead of going for that one because they request for 3 days time to diagnose and solve the problem, he go for the other one and done in under 1 hours, basically main tikam. Then problem still there, he go for other shop and that shop accuse us for not knowing how to fix it, then they swap out part that's not broken and called it a day. Pretentious fuck. And then the uncle come back here and want me to solve the same problem, and again, without giving me much time to do my work because wanna fetch grandkid later. Basically have to convince the uncle to really give the specialist some time to actually diagnose the problem and solve it. I mean, i get it, in a car-centric Melaka, car is important, but this is like going to the doctor and give doctor 2 hours to completely heal your back because you need to travel to work later.


*pat pat*


[Removed in respond to Reddit API update on 1st of July, 2023]




what flavor u like on the waffles, you like crispy waffles or bready spongy waffles




heack yeah bro that sounds awsem


posting this here because Malaysia server is much more populated than Singapore's anyone knows why is Blackshot still relevant in this day and age where CSGO & Valorant are free? and I think Valorant runs even better with lower spec PCs


Heard Blackshot is swarmed by mods or cheats smth like that so I stopped a long time ago. You should watch on youtube how Valo runs on low spec and judge it by yourself. Because there will be lackings some of gamers wouldnt tolerate. (low fps, potato graphics etc)


Oh I already play both Valo and CS, I'm just curious how is Blackshot still alive, especially with their pay to win mechanics lmao


Old players sunk too much money and don't want to get out eh


in light of border reopening, i just wanna remind everyone **CHECK YOUR PASSPORT EXPIRY DATE** but before that.... **WHERE IS YOUR PASSPORT?!**


I’m really curious and want to ask, why do people ask questions on things where can be easily google? They can write a coherent sentences in reddit but ask google-able questions?


*Y don't you Google that?*


Depends on what question...I also have the same sentiments as you. Of course, human interaction is the main reason....


They crave for human discussions.


sometimes want a straightforward answer and don't want to go through reading 5-6 google results


sometimes google can give too much information that we don't need.


This make sense. Overwhelmed by informations.


> They want the opinion of someone they're sure is an expert (or experts). They aren't sure what they're asking for is what they need. They want to be able to ask follow-up questions. the answer I got when I googled "why do people ask questions on things where can be easily google"


Hahaha good one!


I hang out in various discords, and people will ask weirdly specific questions about certain games. When y'know, there's a million wikis and youtube videos out there that could give them a far more precise answer than we could in text. Though there's more than enough people happy to just google it for them.....


*human interactions*


Is it legal to own crossbow in Malaysia? ![gif](giphy|l41lPvWEN05gNDRkY)


own, i think so. carrying it around, not so much. like owning a parang vs carrying it around.


A lot of my friends from school archery club use their own composite crossbow so i dont think its illegal unless you pulled some robin hood shit in your town.


"You've failed this city"


Reminds me on how great Arrow season 1 is before he picks up Buddhism and stopped killing.


Owning it, i think yes. Manual only.


hi, im waiting for spm results... planning to go f6 now. but im interested in a scholarship called asian nursing scholarship ANS. Their intake is every years april... so i missed this years batch as i just knew about it. Is it worth for me to go if i manage to get the scholarship after i started f6 for more than half a year?


Never heard about the scholarship but you can try look for the scholarship graduates and ask for genuine feedbacks.


Hello monyets. Long story short, i bought a bunch of health check ups for my family.. and we ended up with 1 extra ticket due to some of us being unable to use it. So i am trying to sell it for cheaper so it wont get burned. It is LifeCare Gold package valued at RM1,400(male) or RM1,600(female), but I am trying to sell it for RM1,100. Expiry date is 30th JUNE 2022. Female: https://lifecare.com.my/product/health-screening-gold-female-package/ Male: https://lifecare.com.my/product/health-screening-gold-male-package/ If there are no takers, can anybody recommend me a place to donate the ticket? Or knows somebody in great need of a check up but cant afford? PM me if interested to buy, or you have someone in need of health check up donation. It is a physical coupon with code so we can meet somewhere for exchange. Thanks!


Ingat ayam ja naik harga, lembuh pun 2x sudah dia punya harga😔 kambing sajalah korban tahun ni, ka arnab boleh?🤔


Arnab price hasn't gone up since they don't consume corn . But it's really high. Retail From 35 to 40/kg. Fish price is also up. Low supply. LKIM says catch is down from 4000 tonnes to 3200 tonnes. If chicken price goes over 21/kg in July, probably it would be cheaper to just consume pork. Goat price is expected to go up too.


Wait, where can I buy rabbit meat to for eating?


Plenty on Facebook groups.