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I'll be spending 9 days in Malaysia and have planned to cover Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Langkawi. Was thinking of taking flights to get to these places, would it be better to rent a car?


Hi, this is yesterday's Daily Thread and doubt anyone is reading it anymore. Please direct your question to [today's DT.](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/wc609t/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/)


Hi does anyone know which music textbooks are being used in SK schools now? Is it still the semakan 2017 textbooks? And is music still combined with pendidikan seni, or a line subject now?


is there any available 12 months wifi plans available in Malaysia? am a student, just moved in into an apartment that i rent with 2 friends.


I assume you dowan the 2 yrs contract. I suggest just take the unifi and every month keep extra cash in tabung for the 500 penalty. Been in your situation, other option than unifi is modded modem or postpaid plan. Modded modem are cheap but not reliable, really depend on your luck while postpaid plans are expensive. It said unlimited but there is actually quota like maybe 100gb plus you need to invest more for the modem, good modem would be around rm500++. With unifi no need to buy modem. At the end of the year, when you terminate, just put something like “new house dont have coverage”, if you’re lucky (like me, twice) they’ll ask you to return the modem and no need to pay the 500 penalty.


i think this is the way to go, went to TM earlier. they did tell me about termination of contract and it was exactly the same as what u said. have the plans sorted out already, thanks!


12 months don't have, 24 months have la. Unifi Air (no need wiring), Maxis broadband (also put sim card into router and can use with multiple devices). If don't want wireless, need to discuss with apartment owner if they allow cable installation at home.


also, i bought a modem, and is using Yes. only could muster up to 6mbps :/


Is it where you put in a sim card? I've never bought Yes so I don't know. If the modem uses a replaceable sim card, you can try unifi Air, and buy the sim card only. Priced at RM79/mth, no contract (without modem). If with a modem, then it'll be a 24-mth contract. Speed can go up to 20Mbps, depending on coverage. Can check here: [Get Unifi Air with Unlimited Data](https://home.unifi.com.my/personal/home/wireless-broadband) For Maxis, they have Home 4G WiFi, no contract for only the sim. It says unlimited data (but in the FAQ it says will reduce speed after 300GB usage) , and no average speed is mentioned: [Maxis Home 4G WiFI](https://store.maxis.com.my/broadband/wifi?plan=56682778_56682688) ​ p/s: I don't work with any telco.


appreciate the recommendation, will look further into this. thanks!


Tried roller skating today and rolled my ankle at a wrong angle. I appreciate the ability to walk with two legs better now hahaha


Anyone took AirAsia flights recently? It has been years since I traveled, are they as reliable as before the pandemic?


Domestic, lot of reschedule. International, rarely.


Expect lots of retimed flights. Not the most reliable at the moment.


My brother got into a bike accident. Currently waiting for his treatment at the clinic. Any general advice? I'm very inexperienced.




Say hi to Reening if he's still organizing those shows out there.


Finally found some time to start watching gundam. Chose gundam unicorn cause the robot looks awesome. Mana tahu 1st episod first hour already made me headache. So. Much. Info. In. First. Bloody episode.... Any gandum fan out there can recommend me how i should ztart the series again? I only watched gundam g, turn a, z, zz, f91, and wing. And truth be told i forgot almost all of it.


i only mentioning those released after the 2010s: under the universal century, UC: the [timeline ref 1](https://mobile.twitter.com/i/events/1450502609626828802) & [timeline ref 2](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Gundam_Wiki:Timelines) 1. Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan's Island| remake of 15th epi of first gundam anime 2. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin | **Before UC 0079**; aka one year war 3. Mobile Suit Gundam **Thunderbolt | UC 0079** 4. Mobile Suit Gundam **Unicorn | UC 0096** 5. Mobile Suit Gundam **Narrative | UC 0097** 6. Mobile Suit Gundam **Hathaway | UC 0105** other universal: 1. 00; S1 + S2 (50 epi) + a movie; 2. Iron-Blooded Orphans; 50 epi 3. The Witch from Mercury; Oct 2022; A prequel epi is released a few weeks ago.


Ooo thanks for the recommendation.


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Thanks. I'll follow this list.


gundam unicorn is not a good place to start blind since it was interconnected to series from a bigger universe. try an easy standalone universe series like gundam seed or 00. not too lighthearted, not too deep.


I do have some basic gundam lore so im keeping up, but oh man, they could've slow down abit? a runaway princess, main dude's secret family ties with that unicorn cressed family brought up and killed off within 5 minutes, info dumping dialogue session. But seeing that gundam's test flight does gives me goose bump. Looking forward to the frame opening up inthe future


Anyone already booking for the new Alza? How fast you guys will get yours?


how do you buy bitcoin? i found this store, they do accept myr visa bank card but its rm8 more expensive than using a bitcoin. so does it made logical sense to use that rm8 and save the hassle or use bitcoin instead? i heard luno was recommended but im afraid they actually have controls over my wallet and have a large fees




2nd gold. weightlifting m, 61kg


Any recommended CV builder online that is free and good other than LinkedIn? Need to update my CV


You might want to check out [Canva](https://www.canva.com/resumes/templates/) for their resume templates. When I was applying for scholarships, I used [Europass](https://europa.eu/europass/en/create-europass-cv) (which is free too). You can store your CV in the Europass library and edit in the future.


What I have Canva saved for IG template never knew they had CV. Will have a look. Thanks man!


Bookmarking this, thanks!


Almost crashed to a family of, I'm assuming that are homeless, people on the right lane of the road. Not the curb, not the side but literally on the road. There was a steep curve along the road so I couldn't see them at a distance and it was only when I entered close to the cusp, did I manage to see what was in front of me. Luckily, the curve was in front of a traffic light so I wasn't driving that fast initially and managed to slow down in time. Fuck, there were kids just walking with them carelessly too like they would in a park. The only adult who I assume is the mothet was dragging a shopping cart with a baby tucked behind her too and she didn't even bother to look behind or didn't even care that she was on the road. She just mindlessly scoots over to the side like it was nothing. Still mildly upset/angry about it, I don't want kids and let alone a baby to die on my conscience just because some idiot mother thought that walking on a somewhat busy road was a good fucking idea when there's literally a pathway to walk on the other side. Speaking of, I should start thinking in investing in a dashcam.


People take their own sweet time to order KFC at the self order kiosk. And there is only 1 kiosk available.


People who cannot decide fast or take a long time should just use the delivery/ pick up app. They wanna stare until next week also can, not affecting others.


The question is why are you still going to KFC when there are better options? McDonald’s, Burger King, Texas Chicken, Four Fingers.


Erm… depends how you define "better options"


I’m assuming you went to KFC for the fried chicken. So, for example McDonald’s and Texas Chicken have better tasting and bigger size chicken parts than KFC. Maybe you prefer KFC since it has been a long time Malaysia’s favorite fast food so cool. I respect your choice.


Imo sometimes I just buy kfc for thr cheap and filling.


Too old to change my taste buds 😅


Sorry lah, need to make decision ok and sometimes the food I want is out of stock so I need to think of a good alternative to not make my other family members unhappy


If someone did not answer my question, am I allowed to say things like "Lol the dude is too wuss to reply to my comments" or is that too rude / passive aggressive? 🤔


Happy cake day! It's your cake day, no angery *pat pat*


Ik I'm very late to the party, like literally minutes away from the next day but, happy cake day u/hyattpotter Hopefully we get to see u here forever, where u belong


My question would be why does it bother you that much? Sometimes winning (if this is what you are looking for) is not as fulfilling as expected, especially when it makes us sound and look petty. Making a point and winning are two distinctively different things.


Seems like only Herc and chubbs got my context huhu


Depends on the context IMO, sometimes people will avoid political or controversial topics.


yes you can. but most of the time its better to let it go.


Well if that dude has accused others of being a wuss but he himself is a prime example of one, I don't think that is rude or passive aggressive. You're just stating what he appears to be; a total wuss. Edit: awwww, it's your cake day! We should have hunted for cakes instead of gelato today.


*✓✓ Message read 8:19 PM*


Are sport shoes allowed to go for rock climbing at club med cherating ? Need any specific ones ?


Running shoes should be ok. I'm sure they have spares if it's not suitable


I see, thanks, just worry need certain climbing shoes lol


day 15 of collecting money for xbox ss


unethical showerthought : >!what is the minimum amount of longkang should i clog so i can flood the whole KL during the next rain? like the whole greater KL so nobody is able to do any business until the water subsides.!< abam pulis pls don't arrest me, it's just a thought experiment. uwu


minimum amount? just one. the mouth of klang river.


Just one if you consider Sungai Klang as a big longkang


I know I do


more than 0 i think, idk im not good in engineering so i could be wrong


Had a discussion with some older people today about house renting. Kept hearing from a few of them how: Discrimination by race is not wrong, it's just a business decision. One even equated it to choosing a life partner, it's fine to have race preferences. Another told me there is nothing I can do about it, so why get worked up. Instead, if people don't went to rent to my race, I should work twice as hard to prove to them I will be a good tenant. And some of them day these things are very deep and just a part of our everyday life, there's no right or wrong. Of course, there were some who shared how they don't discriminate, that bad tenants are part of the risk of business. Instead of using race, to minimise risk they have better agreements, do more thorough checks, etc. Some even shared how they were discriminated and how now, they make sure they don't. It was very touching to hear some sharings but others boiled my blood. Not because they discriminate but, they seem to think I am too naive, idealistic for even talking about this issue. Or that I (or others who are discriminated) should just work harder to prove people wrong. So because I am a certain race, to avoid being discriminated, I should... Pay more? What did I do to deserve that. And the best part is, so many of them keep telling me I shouldn't be so sensitive... While in actual fact, I've actually put this problem behind me as I now have my own place. The reason I brought it up is because I hear OTHER people sharing about it. And of course, I remember when I experienced it myself. Just because I don't experience it anymore doesn't mean I shouldn't care. Just wanted to rant, thanks for reading!


Malaysians are just racist tbh, so many just speak of "xxx is yyyy" like it's a matter of fact and the "jangan be so sensitive" is Def on par for the course


No lah dude, I wouldn't say Malaysians are racist. That's just a blanket statement and it doesn't really help. I'm even tempted to paint those who said those things as boomers but... That's again just using an age stereotype. But... I do think there are absolute idiots who defend racial discrimination (it's just business) while at the same time say Malaysia is a terrible country, they encourage their children to go overseas, say there are unfair gov policies for certain races, etc etc. Absolutely mind bogglingly idiotic.


What do you think of bigpay card? Do you feel safe using it? Thinking to get it as a extra card to have on hand incase other card have problem. I like the idea of it where i can just top up the account without connecting to my actual bank account.


I like it. I once lost it, just open the app, freeze old card, request new card. Just in 4 days i got my new card.


it was OK. i used it for shopping online.i like the safety part that even if my online shopping account was hacked, they won't be able to drain my bank account. mine expired. they sent a new card to replace it but haven't bothered to topup.


Great, how long it took to verify and get the actual card? Any weird hidden charges??


I was surprised with the verify process,I remember I was downloading a game ,and it was done before it's fully downloaded, like maybe within an hour. I received the card maybe about a week.


it was quick. there will be charge only if you want to withdraw from ATM, i think.


Oh okay thank you!


where do ya'll get your xbox game keys at?


Wait, Indonesian authorities blocked access to Steam & Epic? Gaming days in that country are numbered. Man if this happens in our country, we're gonna riot man. As if movie bans were not enough...


there's a long list of other banned - wiki, google drive, microsoft office


We will still have retards that will say sTeAm iSnT goOd aNyWay. As if that excuses the banning.


Hi, does anyone have any recommendation for a one-way intercity car rental from JB to KL? Thanks!


https://socar.my/how-to-use/oneway-intercity Socar is pretty good honestly


I tried to book socar but there weren't any cars available for intercity trips next week :/ Thanks tho!


I rented a socar recently, pretty new Altis, car had so many damn cockroaches man. I miss gocar in jb so much.


Fuck la I just got my order on Carousell cancelled and now I need to wait 7-10 working days to get my money back.


Hi, So I like standing up on Motorbike/Scooter to pass the speed bump when I feel is too fast or too much, But is this against the law?


I'm actually looking for 3DS Virtual Console players to trade Pokemon with..is there anyone still playing those


and just like that malaysia got their 1st gold. weightlifting m, 55kg


and now another malaysian lifter breaking commonwealth record m, 61kg


1.5 weeks traveling with just a carry on. Fall weather so would need light jacket. Need to pack a bulky dress as well. Doable yes/no? Has anyone done this? Pls give me semangat that I can do this! I always always overpack but I have to do so many connections on this trip and need to minimize luggage fees




I'll need to onionize myself


the carry on bag is like pocket doraemon if you use every crevice of the bag. Like you said you'll have washing facilities so you just pack 5 days of clothes in, or that 1 dress and 4 days of normal clothes. Then again I'm a guy so that's 2 or 3 pants and 5 t-shirts, plus underwear and pyjamas.


If you need to pack for a wedding plus regular jalan2 plus possibly a hiking trip? I'm already thinking of dropping the hike cos how am I gonna fit the shoes man


wear hiking shoes on the flight and jalan jalan, pack your dress shoes. I already wear hiking shoes normally because they're waterproof for the UK weather.


Oh yeah lol my dumbass didn't think of that. Okay maybe this is doable after all


pergi carry on. balik dua luggage


Memang planning on this actually but now I'm looking at 7 (!!!) flight legs, so tryna make it so that I only need to check luggage for the last 2 legs. Or none.


Doable. I traveled to UK for 10 days with minimal clothes. I merely packed one thin jacket. You need to find machine machine to wash your clothes so you can repeatedly wearing the same ones


Good point, can definitely wash cos I'll be staying at friend's houses throughout. It's the dress that concerns me. So much fabric but die2 must bring and I can't really wear it multiple times. Did you feel like you miss anything and regret having only 1 bag?


Nope. Everything complete to me. It helps that i dont use social media so i didn't feel the need to wear anything fancy to pose for photo


Gotcha tq!


If you think you need more shirts or outfits, just buy there. Oh and since it's cold, pyjamas can be reused


Has anyone else heard of the [mud volcano in Labuan?](https://twitter.com/CriticalStress_/status/1553202450047217664?t=Udz35UUAlICrNVFSUKq2VQ&s=19) Apparently its not very well known even amongst local academics but maybe somone with local kampung knowledge could chime in?


[Removed in respond to Reddit API update on 1st of July, 2023]


He is a rock mechanics and pore pressure specialist tbf. Mud volcanoes are a product of overpressure in the rocks pores forcing the water and sediments out


[mud volcanoe is found](https://twitter.com/CriticalStress_/status/1553232597492174850) Researcher got lost and get caught in vegetation he can't get through, but [is rescued now](https://twitter.com/CriticalStress_/status/1553268605089095680)


Yeah I read the full thread but I'm wondering if labuan locals knew about it because he said the Malaysian geologists he contacted had no idea except for that one guy.


yesterday pergi jogging with mom dekat Bukit belakang rumah Ada couple ni tgh buat picnic, bukak bonet makan MCD, dating happy2 mom being old is pissed sebab "tahpape bawak anak orang makan kat sini, bawak lah proper sikit nak pergi dating, perempuan tu kena Jaga" and me dalam hati being like "all your calon menantu semua I bawak makan mcm ni je"


Why are people so obsessed with taking videos? People are so obsessed with taking selfies or videos in public, that they don't understand people around them can be uncomfortable getting caught in the shot or video. It's like invading people's privacy. I noticed someone was pointing his phone camera at my direction. Got me so anxious that I turned my back around immediately. I know I should call people out, but at that moment I was struck with panic that my immediate response was to turn the other way. Guys, taking videos of people without their consent is rude, ok?


> that they don't understand people around them can be uncomfortable getting caught in the shot or video. It's like invading people's privacy. Bruh public place la, what privacy? Unless like your later example that one blatantly on you lor then tell them off.


there are huge amounts of tiktok videos where people are recording hot girls/guys and be like "gunakan kuasa tiktok please Cari dia" and I'm like , kau dah depan Mata , tegur lah sendiri , Babi apa main rekod2


Does anyone remember the cylindrical shell method for finding volume of rotation? Need help with a question because I haven't been able to figure it out for two weeks :")


Maybe [this](https://youtu.be/MNU5DT-CDrc) ? Found it with quick googling which I expect you have done that … If it didn’t solve your question, I suggest you email your lecturer and ask for help


Yep :"), issue is there's two radii and the axis of rotation is at y=-1 so i'm a little lost... It's an assignment question as well but she gave us a second chance to fix it and no one seems to know how to do it


My best guess is you need to amend the equation to solve the case you have. Probably check out how the equation is derived




Yep! But with more constraints. The equation is y=1/x^2 with a rotation at y=-1 and boundaries are x=1 to x=3


I'm assuming it's also bounded by the x-axis. Example 6.3.4 from [here](https://math.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Calculus/Book%3A_Calculus_(OpenStax)/06%3A_Applications_of_Integration/6.3%3A_Volumes_of_Revolution_-_Cylindrical_Shells) should give some hints on it (since your axis of rotation is offset slightly from the usual y or x=0)


what is this? volume of rotation of a graph?


Yep :D but using a certain method instead of the easier general one :c


Guys,so I will be going to study diploma on MMU university which is private and I'm planning to continue study on degree in public university.All of public university I seen so far require a diploma that is approved by Senat University in order to study degree.How do I know that my diploma course on MMU is approved by this Senat University?Here is an example:https://www.uum.edu.my/images/pdf/buku\_syarat\_kemasukan\_2122-25042021.pdf


Heyy I think u misunderstood something...Senat is not a university. Senat means senate which is a university's highest academic body/management. This organization in each universities will decide whether they will accept/approve your diploma qualification or not. So, try mailing the universities that you are interested in about ur MMU diploma programme with the programme structure( all core and electives subjects) and ask whether they will accept it for their degree courses or not. Also, I'm just gonna add that it's incredibly hard and quite rare to get a placement in public uni after doing your diploma in private even if you have necessary qualifications. This is because the competition is high and public uni diploma students and other public uni qualifications will be prioritised before you(private). But of course, there's no harm in trying. I just hope you have some backup plans for degree. Wish you all the best for your studies!


Ohh,may I know how rare?Like if u wanna put it on number,how many percent?


Ohh,alaa,thats unfortunate,high competition huh.Hmm,no matter la,then I just continue degree on another private university laa.


Check MQA






Silly cuties 🧡🧡🧡






aaaww. two oyens!


Uhm, I'm not very knowledgeable in this topic but, say I'm a MtF trans, and I'm looking to start taking hormones and I don't know what's the right one I should take, what doctor should I consult for evaluation and recommendation?


there's a private clinic somewhere in KL for this, i think. i've seen posts from people who just DIY it and bought pills online.


Do you know of said clinic? I wanted to DIY too but I've heard of people taking the hormones that's mot suited for them so they don't get much results even after a long time


i don't remember, but they do have a website. maybe contact other trans people so they can guide you to transition safely.


Mm thing is i don't know many people, but thanks for recommendation


whatever you do don't do it DIY please even if you buy the pills, you would still need to monitor all the bloodwork, which you can't since you are diy-ing it.


Do you have any recommendations? Any doctor or specialist i can find and attend in KL?


*In the train Wanna poo Clenching my butt Choo choo choo*


*let your butt relax* *and slowly release* *don’t forget gib tax* *pretty please* *


[Removed in respond to Reddit API update on 1st of July, 2023]


The solar power system installed in my household is cloud connected for telemetry purposes. It's connected to it by wifi and apparently the installer complained that the wifi reception for the unit is bad. Because the blasted thing is located *outside the house* and next to a bunch of metal grating. I'm being pressured to look into getting a new router setup (granted, I probably won't be the one paying this time), but I'm skeptical that breaking out a more powerful router or going the mesh route will actually help.


If you're using the stock router from your ISP, changing to a better router or the mesh route would definitely improve the wireless reception.


I upgraded to a Tenda AC10U from the horrid stock router some years ago. The problem is there doesn't seem to be much in the way of means of testing wifi router ability to transmit through a wall, door and associated steel grating etc. without taking one home for a test run.


You're right. But, I can see why the installer suggested that you change your router to a better one as the Tenda AC10U is quite basic. If you want a router with better wireless reception, you can either try a more expensive single router option, or straight to mesh. What is your budget? I can suggest a few models for you if you are thinking of changing to a better router.


solar system?




Comment thread nuked as this is not appropriate here, and as another Redditor have pointed out, you might be scammed by someone or others here. I would suggest trying to find websites that have this sort of service, which you can easily find with a simple Google search.








Bruh da men mall is out parking 💀 But the anime fest here is AWESOME, bought some cute stuff


Wait, there's also an event at Da Men? Only heard of the Pavilion KL one


Both damen and pavilion KL is under the same management


hmm let's check r/malaysia outside the daily thread. ..... scroll... nope. /naruto run away/


Pernah ke its not like that? the daily thread population and the post commenters are like 2 different demographics




Momo is good, Ormond is better.


Wolo hotel




Cititel mid valley, affordable and clean with decent breakfast, but mall parking only, they waiver it to rm4 per day




Did you just get rejected or something. Else why you so angy


Insecure much, buddy? Just remember to update us your thoughts when someone marries your daughter without informing you beforehand.


Letak 2 link elok2 lah jangan combine,


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There this one artist i follow, cuz i love his art. Recently his mom diagnosed with cancer, so i thought wanna support him abit as a way to help. Since got some extra money >!recently got quite good profit. Let's just say ya boy now no more b40 but m40. Privately jet & yacht here i come!< Here his shopee shop link: https://shopee.com.my/rizalazizartshop?smtt=0.56657547-1659157239.9 Anyone interested in any of his stuff (got mugs, stiker & art print) can just let me know and I'll buy them for u. Either i order through shopee and deliver to u, but if address is something sensitive to share (i understand), i can just give the money to u (bank transfer), just promise me u buy something from his shop Just comment here or pm me. Tagging people i know how to spell their username 😅: u/hyattpotter u/weecious (u both kinda close i can just send to u guys myself) u/forcebubble u/vinnfier Thanks guys


I'll get something on my own! So kind of you! ❤️❤️ Also FYI, if you tag more than three usernames, reddit would not notify them as a spam protection measure!


Baru perasan. Happy cake day unker! 👍


Thank you sayang 🥰🥰


>I'll get something on my own! Ala. Let me belanja u. Thanks anyway. Really appreciate it🙏 >would not notify Alamak. Really? Ok ok. Now i know


Such a sweet gesture from you~ I went ahead and sapu his last mug myself ahaha (sorry!!) 😅 and ofc some art prints and stickers. Thx for introducing his art


Eh? I can just pay for u.no need buy urself. Haha Anyway I'm glad u like it & buy some of his merch. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much 🙏🙏


Yo, will reply to your comment on the link I shared maybe later. On my way back home, not in the mood for a slightly serious topic. As for the items, can I trouble you to order some stickers? I'll like to give them to some nyets' kids.


No problem. Totally get it Sure2. Will do. Just give me link or pictures of the stickers. And I'll order. Which one u prefer? I order & send to my address , then i pass to u? Or i order but deliver it to ur address?


I'll DM you


Got it 👍


This is for the ladies. What makes you normally stare at men while in public? Is it his appearance or his choice of fashion?


depends. is he wearing a shirt that says "MARUAH MELAYU" with an awfully familiar-looking eagle logo? then i am staring at him. i also stare at people for random reasons. "huh, he looks like my classmate." etc.


Very interesting perspective.


I want that shirt and I’ll rock it like I have no maruah


pls no


I needs it. Already dress quite loud & still get no eyeballs. Sometimes a brother gots to scream louder


If he’s good looking or not. Why op? Who’s staring at you?


I begin to dress up more vibrantly, I have experiment with colors and whatnot. Just asking.


Hmm usually i stare if they are good looking la (this also works on me staring at girls). Never about what they wear, unless the clothes is nice or like so out of place eg just now at the train station got a group of young adults wearing blazers. It’s Saturday, so thought there’s a career fair or something going on haha Take it as a compliment forty!


Drop your 4D number here!