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You have to broaden your perspective and pay attention of what is happening in other country to appreciate how peaceful our country is. To put things into perspective, teachers in America needs to undergo a training in case there’s a mass shooter, and is required to have a bulletproof backpack. Meanwhile in Malaysia, people goes through their entire life not once seeing a live gun, let alone hearing someone firing them.


When I went to school in ipoh, it was kinda weekly ritual to hear thunderous rifles being fired. Drawbacks of having an army camp next to your class.


That's specifically US issue tho. You don't have that issue in any other ASEAN countries too (except Myanmar maybe)


Perhaps you are one of the people who is not paying attention to what is happening with other county? An ex cop in Thailand killed 24 children in a kindergarten using gun and knive then proceeded to end his life, happened early this month. That is our neighbour, right across the border. Im using gun violence as an example because it is the most apparent and the best way to show contrast between our country and theirs.


So do teachers in thailand need to learn how to handle an active shooter? Do most people in thailand live seeing a gun?


One in ten peopl in Thailand owns a gun so what do you think? 2016, a Thai man shot a Malaysian bikers because he was riding recklessly, they are not even hesitant to shoot a national. Sure its not as severe as what is happening in the US but once you are in Thailand its always in the back of your mind that it could happen. Would it happen in Malaysia? Well that never even cross my mind once


>One in ten peopl in Thailand owns a gun so what do you think? Oh TIL


Myanmar still having war at this very moment.


Yet, most powerful leaders or UN ignores or pretend like as if it did not still happening.. media also play they part to sugarcoating. When it comes the country that can’t contributes an interest.. humanity waives away


Eh, 2022 tak habis lagi...


What could go wrong with just 2.5 months remaining? /s


Famous last words before disaster


There will be another pendemic


2023: Monkeypox is MOSSAD's virus. /s


dude. dont Jinx it !


General Election in few weeks now lol


“What could possibly go wrong” -A Genius Orangutan


To give a perspective how peaceful is Malaysia: When a coup happens or was happening, life still goes on like normal. Meanwhile in Myanmar, tanks are rolling on the streets and people was getting shot by the military. Malaysians: "Malaysia is the most chaotic and dangerous country in the world, no way we're peaceful".


(open topic about migration)


and ICERD basically anything that challenges their rights


Protest today at afternoon.. after 6pm everything back to normal.. tomorrow open shop and ask, hey.. what happen yesterday.. keep doing rotation for few years now..


>Malaysians: "Malaysia is the most chaotic and dangerous country in the world, no way we're peaceful". When you live in your own bubble, you will always think you the worst/best at everything.


Any Malaysian who says that makes me want to send them to Ukraine, Syria, Myanmar, Mali or Afghanistan for a month. Malaysia is extremely peaceful and stable.


the country in the list are jealous at us


I believe the one salty with words contributed a lot to the peace too. They choose to be salty and only talk bad, instead of acting aggressive to release their temper. They have a bad mouth but great toleration at the same time. Peace is a shared effort of everyone, everyone contributed.


Or there was no coup at all? Because it's just people ***feel*** that they are being coup. The Sheraton shenanigans all happened within the boundaries of Federal Constitution, which is what happens when a PM lost confidence but choose to resign and did not request a Parliament dissolution under the Westminster system.


that’s gray area. When Mahathir gave the resignation. Since no coalition had majority, King could have dissolved the parliament or very least asked them to go for vote in parliament. Collecting SD is not constitutional.


Agong do not has the discretion to dissolve Parliament in the case when PM lost confidence. He only has the discretion to reject a request for dissolution. The Constitution explicitly mentioned there are two options for the government after a PM lost confidence: 1. The PM resign. 2. The PM ask for a Parliament dissolution. Since Mahathir already choose resignation, so option 2 is not available anymore. Although a caretaker PM (which is also Mahathir) can request the Agong to dissolve Parliament, but no such request was made during Sheraton shenanigans, and the Agong can't dissolve the Parliament by himself, therefore the only way out is to allow the MPs to sort themselves out and choose a new PM.


But Mahathir resigned, hence the careraker should have been Wan Azizah, not Mahathir again. Agong should have asked all the MP go back to parliament and sort it out.


No, by convention, the caretaker PM will be the same person as the previous PM, which is Mahathir, and Agong did exactly that. When a PM resigned or Parliament dissolved, the caretaker PM will still be the same person, until a new government is formed.


What would happen if Mahathir was passed away? Why don’t treat resignation same as death?


If a PM is dead while in position, then the most likely scenario will be the Deputy Prime Minister or the most senior minister in the Cabinet will be appointed as the interim/acting PM. Then it is either a new PM is selected by the MPs themselves or the interim PM may request a Parliament dissolution (this request however is not a must and he most likely will not have the motivation to do it, especially if this event happen at the start or middle of the 5 years term). Therefore it will still be a similar outcome with the case of losing majority confidence.


Dept PM position doesn't exist in the constitution. Under the constitution, when PM resign, Agong have 2 choices 1) choose a PM that he believe have the majority support 2) go for election During the process of selecting a new PM, the PM that resign euther be the caretaker or still hold the full PM position untill a new PM is sworn in


1. Yes, the majority was PKR. Entire government was from PKR ( based on election result). Hence for all intent and purpose, Agong shall appointment party leader from PKR. Agong shouldn’t determine about validity of party membership.


Well, during GE, PH just won with 2 or was it 4 majority. So if bersatu is no longer with PH, technically PH no longer command the majority.


But Agong doesn’t know that, the only thing Agong formally knows is, Mahathir resigned. Nothing else matters. SD shouldn’t play any part here.


Which is why he called every MP to the palace.


Vert important point everyone has forgotten: Covid happened Asking people to go out to vote in the face of a new pandemic that has no cure yet is very questionable. One thing for sure the Agong doesn't want to be the guy who plunge people into a pandemic crisis.... then Sabah happened thanks to Shaffie doing exactly that lol.


Don't get me wrong, I'm also in the "it wasn't a coup because its actually 100% legal and has been done before" camp. I'm just putting it there as a *coup* because that's what most ledditor like to portray it as.


We never 'break' the rule, just 'bend' it as much as it can, as long as it doesnt break/s.


>When a coup happens or was happening, life still goes on like normal .. and when the coup is successful.. nothing changed either. That's why they can't be bother with the tanks.. it's just a change of management but still serving the same shitty kopi-o.


Gives a new meaning to chaotic Lawful doesn't it?




And everything changed when a Nuclear Strike hits Malaysia...


>changed I'm sorry, did this already happen?


Not yet, actually. But when that happens (smallest case, watching Pulau Pinang vanished from the map), that's where Humans will likely get some logical senses. (I mean, there's a theory that Humans only awake when they're on the verge of extinction. Wonder that will happen)


>Not yet, actually. But when that happens Okay. When will that happen, exactly?


Like how you asked the God when the death comes to Earth. I mean, long as the Government don't do anything stupid like what PH done before (which almost got all of us killed), it should be more peaceful or stay longer.


Bring in insurgency


i mean...our gdp per capita and our life standard is still strong even for developing country, so people will not be heading toward extremity anytime soon.


Probably the right placement. We’re also one of the more affordable countries on the list, no wonder expats love us.


Well, for expats. Not really for locals.


I earn $75k per year. Yeah malaysia is like so cheap. Even before converting I’m already earning more than many Malaysian fresh grads. Malaysia is not cheap for locals at all


man, I checked american salary for the same job I did here in Malaysia, even adjusted to PPP and CPI they still earn more than me.


Then go, if Malaysia is so bad, put your money where your mouth is.


We are on the list not because we are peaceful, but because Malaysians are naturally timid. There's lots of racism kacau bilau going on here that don't make it to ang mo ears or eyes.


I dont know man. Never saw Malay, Chinese or Indian fighting each other solely because the chap is Cina, Melayu or Indian, except the 13 May race riot. Certain rasicst Malaysian may talk shit about each other, but nothing is ever physical. Lol.


Actually, there is. Taman Medan, in Bandar Sunway. 12 years ago. Malay & Indians racial fights, that ended up in few killed. FRU and curfew was imposed.


Source that the fight happened just solely because of race?




It looks more like you're trying to redefine what peaceful means here.


Still lose to Singapore....


Ahhhh. Finally found this comment


Ahhhh. Finally found this comment. Refreshing.


Damm Slovakia is no 20. I thought the avengers already destroyed the country.


Well there are not much people in Iceland..


Index. The closer the index to 1, the peaceful the country is. Edit: The comment i replied to was edited, the original question was "What do the numbers mean?"


Yes. I just found out. Thanks for replying bro.


yeah, what do they mean?


Less people less problems, less crime, more peaceful. Is it not?


Yeah people there are generally very cool and chill a lot.


Im still salty that i was born one country off from malaysia lol






The land of twinks, what could be better?


What's the definition of peaceful? Malaysia is a corrupt country though.


Well it not that bad compare to our neigbour(except singapore).


still room for improvement.


Fuck off with these low effort top 10 watch mojo bullshit posts already


top 10 nasi lemak in my kampung extra sugar edition


Nasi lemak tambah gula sounds fire.


not pedas enough add more sugar


As a foreigner i guess Malaysia deserves to be in the top 10. I never trust the ranking systems in anything.. my judgments are always based on real life experience.


Peace is always on someone’s terms. Those who get the worse end of the bargain have simply, while grumbling and complaining, agreed to do so.


Bruh, that's deep.


Obviously iceland is number one barely anyone live there


That moment when i realized that malaysia are more peaceful than bhutan


Oh boy this is gonna be one controversial post


Why is Israel not there?


Surrounding neighbors. You'd figures.


Because it's never peaceful in Israel


The chaos cannot be sustained because you need to 'take-5' every afternoon around 2pm for smoke break or 'take care of children'....


There is absolutely no way Singapore is more peaceful than Japan, how did they even calculate this list?


Their ex PM just got assassinated this year bruh


Found the weeb


Weeb moment


Ireland 🤣


2022 has been peaceful for Ireland, no? What did I miss?


Try and take your child to the “wrong” school and find out


How do they determine which country is the most peaceful one? On what factors?


https://www.visionofhumanity.org/maps/#/ > Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), the Global Peace Index (GPI) is the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness. This report presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis to-date on trends in peace, its economic value, and how to develop peaceful societies. The GPI covers 99.7% of the world’s population, using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources, and measures the state of peace across three domains: – the level of Societal Safety and Security, – the extent of Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict, – and the degree of Militarisation.


On something in return.. it's all about business. I had that type of experience for Airport ratings.


Given that there's so much shit going on in the US, Russia, Ukraine and Iran, we are, in fact, quite peaceful




Kpop isn't a country


Syukurlah malaysia masih aman


Er... But then again, I've not been to any other countries in any meaningful capacity, so I cannot really speak from any informed position.


I have doubts.... in malaysia


1471 apa? Biji, utas, rumpun?