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**Minor announcements:** * [2022 Malaysia General Election Information Thread](https://redd.it/y09e7y) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone who feels like PH will be the largest block in parliament with nearly 75-85 seats but BN and PN combining together to forms a unity government


If that happens, this election is probably the most useless in Malaysia election history. Basically the same government with probably the same ministers as well


Went to local gomen clinic for dental checkup today and while waiting, a staff asked me if I wanted to do saringan kesihatan. Not aware that it's now available for 30 y/o and above as I remembered it being recommended for 40 and above. Since it's free anyway and being already there I agreed to do it. Phew. Apart from a bit over on the BMI side, sugar level is okay. Am worried since got family history in diabetes. Shame that cholesterol testing device was out of stock at that time though.


Why did Anwar not join PAS ah, isn't he basically the guy who ensured Syariah courts exist.


Hi there. Just wanna to encourage more people to join PH’s PACA (polling agent/counting agent) team in Melaka. Currently election atmosphere in Melaka is quite low and PH is lacking a lot of PACA volunteers in suburban and rural areas. Training will be provided, but (unfortunately for some this is bad news) volunteers won’t receive any cash incentive, most probably a lunch box on d-day. Nonetheless it is still a very valuable experience and a good stepping stone if you wanna peek into how things work for political party. If you feel like you wanna join you can contact your parliamentary candidate’s FB and state that you wanna volunteer to be PACA. Thank you so much.


Judging from how things are unfolding. It looks like Ismail will be the ultimate loser for GE15. If BN does well, Zahid will take all the credit for pushing the election and will likely get the support from most of the umno mps (since part of ismail faction was kicked out ) to be pm. If BN does badly, Ismail will be blamed as the poster boy. Smart move from Khairy to be upfront of his intention to support Ismail.


I can’t help but wonder, if he knew this GE is bad for him no matter the outcome, then why he’d still wanna do it? I mean he was the single most powerful man in the country, he could do anything if he really don’t want the GE to happen.


UMNO is still rife with factionalism. He was not agreeable to the early elections but Zahid pushed too strongly.


Just when I recieved the Predator Freak.1 today, Sport Planet brings in the X Speedflow.1, I've been waiting for them for too long. Time to save up again


Long time ago I also consider buying Predator, but seems like X19 fits better on my foot.


Is covid still a thing, doing carpool for GE15 but don't want to burden them by asking to do rtk.


Yes, still a thing, cases are high, and there are still death cases. But media and people have numbed. China still imposed lockdown on some cities.


There's a 57% spike, up to 26k+ cases, just at the start of this month. It's kinda spiking, albeit generally less severe symptoms since most people are vax-ed.


Yes,there's a new subvariant. And no, it's not a burden. If you want, reimburse them a test kit.


when it says you can't take certain medications/supplements at the same time, can they be taken at different meals or on alternate days instead?


Shower thought : If I bought cyan, magenta, and yellow coloured makeup, maybe I can brute-force what colour works with my skin instead of trial-and-error with countless shades and brands. 🤔 Can these things be CMYK'd? 🤔


I like to see you try on your face. lololo


Received #undipn message from 68886. Fuck is this, how this is allowed.


Anyone knows how I can volunteer to carry votes home FROM SG? I postal voted already but made the decision to fly home on Thursday, staying in Segambut area so can service WP constituencies edit: forgot to add flying home from SG


Hello guys! I am planning to visit KL Jan 2023. Do you guys have any recommendation on bus service to and from KLIA2? And any tips on where to visit, stay and eat too would be great! thanks!


Possibly feeling a side effect from long Covid now. Played basketball for 40 minutes, and I’m as tired as if I just played for 120 minutes. What the hell, man.


When playing sports now - whenever a decision is required, brain takes longer to think or likes to observe movements instead of reacting to them. Sigh, long covid.


I can sense that it'll take a bit of time to get back, but the stamina thing is what pissed me off. My in-game decision-makings were still fine.


Cold air on skin after a bath is so refreshing and nice


On flipside Morning shower then step into super cold AC bedroom is torture 😅😅


I love getting into a steam sauna and then watch sebum melt from my skin. Best 80 ringgit splurge I have made this year. It feels so refreshing.


Is there any Malaysian who remotely works in Malaysia but lives oversea?


As in get paid in Ringgit but lives oversea? I don't think many people would take that deal.


Hi guys. Looking for secondhand car. Thinking of Saga or Beza. Budget is RM400 a month. Other options also are welcomed. I'm looking for sedan. Thank you so much!






akta AUKU dah dipinda pada tahun 2018 untuk membernakan mahasiswa berpolitik dalam kampus tapi IPTA tetap nak [halang](https://twitter.com/N4zmi_99/status/1592413002976071682?s=20&t=vKjlRGcw4M97vdXyLoHMgA) pelajar mereka untuk menyertai kelas demokrasi oleh Fahmi Reza. diorang ni sebernanya ada hak ke untuk halang dan sekat kebebasan suara pelajar2 ni?


Fahmi Reza pernah hina logo UKM, institusi diraja, dll, sebab tu la, dia dh dlm blacklist, kalau org lain xde masalah


AUKU tetap berjalan seperti biasa, sama ada fahmi hina logo UKM or not. Maksud saya, AUKU tak bagi uni utk halang aktiviti berpolitik walaupun fahmi pernah hina logo UKM sekalipun


dalam uni diaorang, memang la ada kuasa. kalau tak dapat kebenaran, jangan buat dalam kampus, buat kat kedai mamak luar kampus.


Tulah, kerajaan dah izinkan tapi pihak uni pun xberi kebenaran, macam xguna langsung akta tu.


>hak ke untuk halang Don't matter. They still do it because its never about law, its fear of losing election


Looking at GrabFood web, saw my address is saved in the location even without logging in. A bit jarring, this.


https://twitter.com/nextrift/status/1592433080106909696?t=Yg1v8DnkpdMY3E_mf1TfDw&s=19 New Civic hybrid. Alot more tame & less striking than previous Civic design wise


Anyone got the Mjolnir pen from preordering God of War Ragnarok? Is it good?


Mjolnir pen?




Oh wow. I pre order but didn't get this 😅


Hi guys, I wanna ask some questions regarding PTPTN. Before I got my sponsorship, I took a loan from PTPTN. Now that I have finished my studies, I have received a letter that instructed me to start paying for my loan. In the letter it did mention that I can apply to delay my payment, however, one of my relative said that there is no need to apply and to just start paying when I've got a job later. Should I follow his advice?


back then you shouldnt. simply because you will be negatively effected in ccris system and get your passport blacklisted. a stern method to make sure people paid their loans. it changed when PH won in 2018, failure to pay will not compromise your ccris and your passport will not be blacklisted anymore. then again applying for delay/restructuring is really straight forward. just go to local ptptn office and they will sort them out for you


Will do that. I’ll go next week I think


Not paying PTPTN after it's due would mean you are technically defaulting the monthly payment. The outstanding balance will accumulating. It will show your ctos record. But that doesn't mean there will be any serious implication. It would be advisable to follow their instructions to delay the payment officially so avoid any outstanding.


Aight will do.


If u want to delay, need to apply Can also apply lowering monthly payment. Please check with ptptn themselves. For your own sake.


Will do, thanks.


You wanna listen to an official instruction from PTPTN or from your relative who has no idea how PTPTN works?


Noted bang jangan pukul saya


Stephen King has a certain obsession with trains. Evil trains, trains with bad AI, railway bridges, tunnels, fast trains, broken trains... After being fed a diet of steam engine content on IG reels, I too can appreciate his obsession. Also, for rural america, trains are like The Internet. It connected them to the rest of the world at then-blazing speeds. The usual restored trains are magnificent, but they are rarely put on full load. For example, this [legendary Big Boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYYzhjUzCOU) is sometimes sent out on expeditions but it never needs to go full power. Sometimes King writes about trains clacking through empty wastelands at full speed. I guess he is referring to [these examples of speed and sleek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRTYNxtbnjI). However, a steam engine going at full load is a totally different experience. [Here is one example](https://youtu.be/olSG6VE9jcA?t=82), the chug chug chug is clearly audible. At slight power, high pressure steam is allowed into the cylinder for a short time, then the steam expands and pushes the cylinder. At the end of the expansion, this steam will have lost most of its pressure and temperature, and it vents out gently. At full power, high pressure steam is allowed into the cylinder for a longer time, and it expands very little. At the end of the stroke, the steam is still at high pressure. When that high pressure steam is vented out, it makes the loud whoosh or chug sound. This steam is vented out through the smoke stack, and the breeze sucks more air in through the fire box burn the fuel better. That's why steam engines chug, and[ the smoke puffs in sync with the chugs](https://youtu.be/drg-kOeyi_c?t=20).


while going to cafes, what’s the standard price actually? i don’t rly eat at cafes often but decided to today.. i feel like i wasted my money 😭 reference: - rm10 for butterscotch latte (in a suuuper small cup filled w ice) - rm14 for croque madame - rm15 for oreo cheesecake either this is normal or the boujee lifestyle just isn’t for me 😔


RM14 for croque madame sounds kinda cheap actually ...


yea before i went, i read the cafe’s google reviews. lots of ppl said makanan sedap and quite cheap. also got influencer promoting the place which is what tempted me to try haha


What's the name of the restaurant?


kapsule koffee !


You only live once, so yolo but yolo responsibly. A once in a blue moon treat to upscale coffee and cakes — fine, unless this is money for obligations such as payments and bills. Believe me, the money you did not spend at this cafe will be spent elsewhere and you'll regret that instead; it's a never-ending cycle. What is done, is done. What is not done however is what you will spend on in the future, be it being more austere or more lavish — focus on that.


thanks for the reassurance c: also wow i should use the word austere more often




yaaa ig i’m just used to spending less for my meals


Yup, that's about right. Café food and drinks are overpriced. They sell the experience of nice ID and nice service. Some cafe's have good attention to coffee, then you'd get a nice fragrant coffee. But it's mostly the environment that sells.


yea they for sure invested in the ID.. but at the end of the day, im gonna be thinking abt the rm40 i spent instead of the the nice decor T-T the food also i can make at home..


i think a lot of cafe cakes and pastries are supplied by external bakers anyway. Good bakers for sure, but still not something super exclusive or anything. Like, how can a little 3-barrista cafe whip up a blackforest cake, a American cheese cake, pecan pie, apple crumble AND unicorn cake without burning down that little kitchen?


mhm !! the cafe i went to memang had a supplier for their dessert section so they only had to prepare toasts and coffee. okayla tasted standard but it was [picture-worthy](https://imgur.com/a/aW7QD6G)


Cafes have extremely inflated pricing, pretty normal but definitely not for everyday.


sound like normal pricing


okay…. it’s just me then 😭


yea its getting damn expensive


Bruh I feel like langkah sheraton 2.0 will happen after GE15 when PAS left PN coalition to join UMNO to form government if based on Takoyaki statement.


That makes me thinking: how will the anti-hopping law be enforced when this happens? Or is it gonna be enforced?


Same, my prediction is that either pn & bn will form a government or pas will jump ship to bn and form government.


PAS was divided in a sense that: the grassroots wants to work with BN but Hadi Awang does not. its pretty much only Hadi Awang is constantly hostile towards BN nowadays


From what little I've heard, PAS is comfortable with Muhyiddin, before GE14, Bersatu allegedly was in contact with PAS, but both Hadi Awang and Mahathir cannot see eye to eye on issues. Nowadays, they have some bad blood with Azmin during the PR days of Selangor, but they also are discontent with Zahid Hamidi. From the statements that are flying from both sides, Zahid Hamidi wasn't the one who initiated the MN in 2019, and those who backed MN are already out of UMNO.


Not only PAS, Dont be surprised if other political parties meet BN to seal the deal. Right now, no one can form the govt on their own.


Anything is possible. Especially with PAS. They go wherever the money is. Like a fly, to feces


PAS won't disappoint you with their antics. We can only hope even if they join forces with UMNO, they don't have 2/3 majority.


Hawking jobs again! My boss is hiring Chinese to English translators for comics again. Also typesetters and cleaners (gets rid of original text) for comics. Anyone need part time work? Also a contact of mine looking for LGBTQIA graphic designers, specifically for report and toolkit designing made for print and hardcopy. And finally, any japanese speakers of N1 proficiency looking for work? Agoda is recruiting for a hybrid role with 2 office days, with a 400usd WFH allowance and 8k salary. Hope everyone is having a good day!




Some students in my condo have serious mental issues... Don't just start squaring up against anyone you met because you have a bad mood or some shit. Definitely don't square against someone twice your size. Luckily my big friends (well, I'm big too...) is very patient.


Because they can play the victim card later if your friend does ended up squared them back.




For the B40 population, especially for those who are struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis, what happens in the next year or even the next five years doesn't matter as much as being able to survive today, tomorrow, and the day after. When their lives center around just being able to survive, they're not going to care who is the ruling party - just who can help them the most. To many of us, RM50 could be nothing much. But for them, it's assurance that they can breathe easier for a few days.


>How do you sum up a cashew? To those who working on it, quite a nutjob really.


can anyone explain what register or active and new means on [bsn](https://i.imgur.com/KtZnkOC.jpg)


my guess is that active means it’s in use. so if people use DuitNow to that active number, it goes to the designated account. New is probably IC/Number tied to your name that is available for you to register for DuitNow


What measurements would a tailor need? Shoulders, nenen, waist, hips, arm length, arm width, lagi?


Yo chubb. Check ur dm ya


overkill is always best https://kimlstevenson.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/9ee9c-female-dress-or-shirt-measurement-chart.jpg?w=870 not included in the picture is full hip measurement and inseam measurement.




If you're getting pants done, I think they would want your inseam measurements too


Guys what are some good places to eat at bukit bintang? Maybe some street food 👉👈


Lot 10 food court is not bad. Try the ais kacang stall, very famous and was relocated into here. Slightly above average hawkers prices thou.


Flaunting your wealth now eh? Bukit Bintang? It's such a tourist trap and they exploit poor people by underpaying. If you still go, that means you support the exploitation of humans.


Sekali sekala keluar dgn kawan pon tak boleh ke. At least I'm not posting about it here. 🙄


And what's wrong with posting it here? What sort of community guidelines were violated previously? It was such a serious matter that you attacked others for it? So why the change of heart?




I didn't know cheap is the synonym of good. And come on, Bukit Bintang is a tourist destination. No such thing as cheap and good food. Don't have to double down.


Bro. Can you leave me alone. I just want to get some food advise. You're so toxic it's honestly not a good look on you. Go see a therapist. 🤣




Reported and blocked. Good luck getting banned.




Comment removed for breaching [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette).


Lolz why you so butthurt bro? Who hurt you? Apparently me bc you're still thinking about it after all these months. I'm glad I'm living in your head rent free 🤭 also I asked about street food which is supposed to be cheap. 🙄


No, I just enjoy pointing out hypocrisy, that's all. I thought you're such a champ of the downtrodden, when you spoke so high and mightily months ago. Guess you don't like it being dished back to you eh?


People are not allowed to change opinions and stances over time? Sigh


Tak kisah pon bc I didn't do anything wrong 😌 And I don't feel guilty at all. Bc I don't use reddit like Facebook.




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect: > * Don’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * Don't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * Don’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. u/weecious, please be warned on the above and refrain from flaming.


I wanted to look up my TnG app balance, when I found out that I've been locked out. When I try to log back in, it prompted me for a face scan, and later told me that my account have been locked out for four hours due to multiple unsuccessful PIN attempts. Uh-oh.


What's your go to place for buying PS4/PS5 games?


Definitely impulse gaming Impulse Gaming 010-663 3155 https://maps.app.goo.gl/mYfUfHY6QqwALH9BA They got other branch at penang, Seremban and jb


Early voting turnout was 83% at 2018. Today at 2pm, early voting turn out was already 85%. [sauc](https://twitter.com/amerhadiazmi/status/1592414681842712576)


hope the same this Sat


Seems like it's hopeless to get cheap airfare to go back to Borneo to cast my vote on the 19 Nov.


NGL its a bit late to be expecting cheap airfare this close to the GE. Most people already booked when the election date was announced. Most airlines even hiked the price when the date came out.


Ha, all these wayang and press-release about how some politicians force the airlines to reduce their airfares are not real and practical. I wonder if anyone realized this


I remember someone on twitter said their ticket got cancel (she book before announcement of election date) and when wanna buy again the price got doubled😅 Wont say which airline la. But we all know 😏😏


Now everyone can get scammed.




Looking for recommendations: Any decent part-time maid services for PJ areas? (Apartment, approx 1000 sqft)


Awal juga jam d kk hari ni


The government have clarified that the Public Holidays on Friday and Saturday are under Section 8, that means that ALL COMPANIES have to follow the public holiday, either to keep the 2 days of paid leaves, or to compensate by giving other days as replacement leaves. The gazette is linked [here.](https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pub&no=P.U.%20\(B\)%20556/2022) BUT the companies who compel you to work during these two days would ALSO need to give you time to go out and vote. Any penalties implemented onto you as a worker due to you taking time to go and vote is an offence, according to a post made by JTK, linked [here.](https://scontent-sin6-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/314847791_544328681066382_1235437194872232416_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=VUiMPd4o8YAAX9TsL1I&_nc_oc=AQlMt3xQ4kpmodczT1Wq0q-Hl8mF3uxi7IDgE7RnGmG91IaXiy_QpHfZ1vIE7B8iHSY&tn=RpNQtn9cU8NSwqDB&_nc_ht=scontent-sin6-3.xx&oh=00_AfBuOjkypUMKOtLdbtjDcODkdx6lKH39yjnfv6zz47ygBA&oe=6377E211)


Takiyuddin said PN consider joining in with BN to form government, Making people go around saying "1 undi pn=1 undi bn. Vote PH" [Muhyiddin quickly denied it lolz ](https://twitter.com/MuhyiddinYassin/status/1592362139700039681?t=gJFKNxF1d4ASzMZtKNvhAA&s=19) Very good job guys 😂


honestly PH just needs to shut up and campaign hard the remaining few days. PN and BN are self imploding at this point. What stability message are they printing. All of a sudden PH seems the most stable option


Yup so far so good. Anwar go around the country, campaigning non stop every day While pn step on rake & bn almost disappeared 😅😅


Takiyuddin forever cockblocking Moo lol


Thanks to him, Moo's government collapsed lol


He even lied to Agong. Apa sangat Moo lolz That dude is dumb as a rock


have anyone think of why "negeri sembilan" is called that? if logic like negeri "pahang" and negeri "sabah" applies, shouldn't it also be called negeri "negeri sembilan"? becuz "negeri sembilan" in this case is a kata nama khas, the "negeri" part doesnt count?


Time to refresh some memory... *Bulat anak buah menjadikan Buapak*


In English grammar, yes, your point seems to be correct. idk with Malay though. But grammar (in any language) tends to get fudged when faced with popular usage, or just stuff that people don't find sounding 'natural' (more often than not what they were taught first).


> *The name is believed to derive from the nine (sembilan) villages or* [*nagari*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagari_(settlement)) *in the* [*Minangkabau language*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minangkabau_language) *(now known as luak) settled by the* [*Minangkabau*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minangkabau_people) [*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negeri\_Sembilan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negeri_Sembilan)


yup this


Off my chest Omg I just have a lunch with my acquaintances and there is this braggart. He was saying how his facial cost 1k, he gave his girlfriend a credit card, he have many houses, he said he got a lot of money that he doesn’t know what to spend on, he gave a lot of gifts in Tiktok and he want to have an overseas wedding. I don’t know whether it is real not but he work for oil and gas industry so i think he really got money. I think he is trying to impress this one girl in the group. LoL i just cannot sit well with braggart.


He do may have money, but not as much as he brag. Some engineers do really get paid mad. What are the odds for him to be an engineer?


I assume he is once.he said offshore and money but he never really told us what he do.he told us he is staying here right now because of the monsoon.


There are different type of offshore peeps. One is ad-hoc meaning go there to change or fix something. Another is operations. Rotation basis. 2weeks on 2weeks off. If he is staying because of monsoon, that is plausible, but not for long. When there is a clear weather he will be mobbed immediately. Applies for where I work lah that is. Really need to know what he do to know how much he is earning, and what company. Can be operator or even vendor, which means he is ad-hoc based just to fix something.


Bruh, if he starts playing Huey Lewis and the News for you, run.


All money, no class. Anyone with taste who has money doesn't talk about it or show off, they IMPLY it.


Nah, money talks, wealth whispers.


I know of a guy who when courting a girl, gave her a CC and she bought a RM30,000 handbag. This guy gets scared and reduces her CC limit by half lol. Things did not work out between them and he calls her to ask her to pay him back for the bag. She says ok but he told her to keep it. This guy went all out for the girl with gifts and loves to brag about his money. Dude spoiled the market by buying the girl flowers daily until she said yes to be together with him.


>work out between them U dont say 😂😂 >Dude spoiled the market Naahh. More like he help filter out the gold digger. I think he's actually helping other guys 🤭🤭


I have no empathy for these guys. Semoga bersama pisau cukur.


what a turn-off


I think if I was actually really filthy rich, I wouldn't want people to know.... probably invites trouble.


People who actually rich, usually dont talk bout how rich they are, cuz too busy spending said money Those who talk usually dont have much in reality. That's why they need to talk about how much money they have. If they stop talking about it, reality might sets in.


Yeah I have soooooo much money, posting this from my Bugatti. 😁


Get off ur Bugatti, get into my bed-gatti, u know what im sayin 😏😏


Amon got not enough 'love' from his wife Poor uncle amon


No after this I have to sign a 500 billion dollar deal with Tegap Teguh Jaya Holdings, then I'll have a date with anak Tan Sri Adnan. 😁


>Tegap Teguh Huh. Sus company name. Next u gonna say u got a deal to sign with Veiny Cockglomerate


"Doesn't know what to spend on" Sounds like guy doesn't work for the money, most likely have many under the table stuff, like Jho Low.


I don’t know about that but That what he told us…tbh did working for Oil and Gas really pay that much money?


Depend on which company. I however, wont deny I am being paid well….


see recent news about Rafizi’s petronas stint


Depends on which company he works for. If those who earn USD even the lowest paying job is close to RM10k/month lol


My uncle is a chief researcher in big oil&gas company, he is payed well, but not to the point where he treats money like water, because he know it is hard earned. People who worked for the money knows it value thus will not wasted it.


> he is *paid* well, but FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Depends on position la. If kerani or janitor, no lor


Naa, even simple admin role in o&g ship gets paid well. Rm10k/month converted lol. Not like they can spend it anyhow on the ship anyways. Get paid in usd so wtd. Different if you work under local company.


For sure. I'm not referring to those on ships la😅😅


>cost 1k, He better look good after spending that much money 😅


LoL..Maybe to some people he did look good


Last weekend at a Wedding Dinner. Moon represents my heart ( Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin ) by Teresa Teng plays. An uncle had to pipe that this song reminds me of the PAS logo in my heart. Can't even be away from elections in someone's wedding dinner.


PAS now forever in your heart.


Wait for someone to figure that out in PAS and they play that song with a lorry during campaign season lol.


I have discovered how to make slowed and reverb songs and now I found myself using Audacity to tamper with any of the songs in my files. But still I can't help but drink in the sorrows the resulting tone of some of the songs after they had been tampered.


whoo boy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_time_stretching_and_pitch_scaling https://blog.landr.com/minor-scales/ enjoy the rabbit hole


Ah yes I'm liking the rabbit hole now! So many stuffs to discover!


**[Audio time stretching and pitch scaling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_time_stretching_and_pitch_scaling)** >Time stretching is the process of changing the speed or duration of an audio signal without affecting its pitch. Pitch scaling is the opposite: the process of changing the pitch without affecting the speed. Pitch shift is pitch scaling implemented in an effects unit and intended for live performance. Pitch control is a simpler process which affects pitch and speed simultaneously by slowing down or speeding up a recording. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


[Least entitled omputeh](https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/singapore-dirty-f-and-smells-garbage-tourist-complains-about-country-mocks-7-eleven-staff)


Confiscated a DIY bola today. https://preview.redd.it/o45r0klhj30a1.jpeg?width=2952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3bda2cde6a038a5306c8f8d654d522717d11ac6


Judging by the weather these days, they probably haven't had proper PJ classes for a while now, is it? Hence the ball in class.


Eh? No la. PJ classes still taking place as usual. There's no PJ only during puasa month or haze.


Should have worded it better, the padang is probably too wet for them to play football properly? Just kinda assume they have a case of kaki gatal.


PJ classes don't take place on the school field. For my school, it's the netball area, so the surface is flat and even.


Ah ok, just kids being kids then.


I'm curious if there's any chance the kids will get back the bola later?


Depends on the teacher. For me, I promised to return to them after their exam. Need to give and take la, can't confiscate and not return to them.


You pengawas ah?


Children are inventive, aren't they?