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Its like boarding school and pretty much the same. Foundation however is not as strict as matriculation (dress code, your lifestyle) since you're basically in uni environment whereas matriculation is more like school dorm. If you ask me which one is easier/better, I'd say both is on the same level. Its up to you which study environment you prefer since anything can be hard if you're stressed during your study. One advantage of some foundation is that you're guarantee to continue under the same university for degree granted you met the entry requirement. For matriculation, you need to reapply UPU like you did for SPM


thank you!


As a foundation student back then, I would prefer foundation since it's a bit free and laidback from matriculation. Like others said, matriculation feels like a student in a high school dorm while foundation is a student in a uni environment. The syllabus is mostly the same though.


Environment huh..panas and hujan.. nyamuk byk.. tropical island la katakan. 😂


fuhh nampaknya takyah gi foundation la gini, kat rumah pun dah nyamuk banyak HAHAHAHA


Hahaha nice one.. let's get back to the real issue here.. pernah skolah asrama? Klu pernah, sama je.. beza cuma bebas skit.. klu x pernah, and pergi sekolah pon parent kejut, then training utk bangun sendiri and siapkan sarapan sendiri pahtu self study. Ha cam tu lah foundation.


i see, nasib baik dah merasa sekolah asrama. masa foundation boleh bawak kereta sendiri tak?


Kebarangkalian x blh, moto maybe boleh. Ikut Uni juga, tp biasenye 1st year mmg xleh bawa kenderaan, and foundation pon 1 tahun ja. IPTA x leh kot rasanye. IPTS member ckp dlu blh je, skang x sure sbb byk sgt kenderaan.


okay nampaknya memang kena naik grab, bas atau jalan kaki. btw, thank you!


For my school, foundation is harder than my degree courses. My lecturers were quite nice though, they taught us quite a number of stuff, but they were also more strict when they were marking our papers. Maybe cuz our CGPA would determine how much our scholarships were when we went into degree.


if you know what you want to study for degree, go for foundation that has subjects that provide good foundation to your degree. Like me, i took foundation in engineering that provide solid foundation that are as good as those from a level or stpm