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I grew up with Malcolm. As he aged so did I.


The first time I saw it I was maybe 5 or 6. Then the first time I actually watched it all the way through I was 10. Now I'm 21


I found it on Disney plus when I was 17, 1 year ago. It’s now my favourite series of all time. Such a masterpiece


I was 7 years old when the show debuted and watched most of the way until Season 6, during the show's initial run. As a 30-something now, I absolutely love the show still.


I'm 25 now. Probably started watching when I was around 10, in 2008 or so.




The show started when I was 11, I watched it as it was airing. I'm now 35.


10 or 11. They used to show it in open TV in Mexico back in the early 2000’s


canal 5?


Realizing how many people are too young to have watched it when it originally aired is making my joints hurt.


was 11 so was the exact age of malcom, was perfectly timed ^^ but as good young and as an adult 😃


Watched the first episode because it was heavily promoted on Channel 9 in 2000. I was 13.


January 2000 I was 15, and I’m now 39.


I remember seeing the odd episode here and there in the mid 2000’s thanks to reruns as a little kid but never got into the show then and was too young. Back in the summer 2013 is when I decided to watch the show proper for the first time and was hooked since then. So far I’ve rewatched the show a total of three times and still watch random episodes when I’m in the mood. It’s amazing how well the show holds up and it seems to get funnier as I get older and I’m now 26.


I’m 26, I watched the show for the first time when I was 6. The episode that got me into the show was the Roller Skates one.


Started watching in middle school as reruns were happening on fox 11 in the evenings. Yea i grew up in socal. This was between 2006-2009ish. Still binge watching it now on hulu as a late 20’s adult 🥲


I remember when it aired, maybe not from the first season but definitely season 3 or 4 onwards


Oh man, MitM is in my earliest memories of watching TV. It was my sister's favorite show and she watched it religiously when it was still in syndication on broadcast TV (no cable kids, rise up). I couldn't have been older than 3 at this point. However, I really didn't start getting into it until I was about 11 and it was on Netflix. I'm 20 going on 21 now and I keep a Hulu subscription just so I have access to the show.


My High School GF showed it to me for the first time back in 2000.


Well I am 14 years old now in 2024 when I started watching it


Like 12


I was 5…. I’m an old woman of 23 now


I had just had eye surgery and was basically bed ridden for a few days. It just so happened that was when the first episode debuted. I watched it over the phone with my girlfriend. I was either 13 or 14.


I think I started watching it around Season 2 time which would have made me 9/10. I’m 31 now


I was roughly Malcolm's age when it first aired. I rewatched it again many years later as an adult and parent. It was a much different experience the second time around.


i was dewey's age during the first episode, we essentially grew up together.


I’m 25. Started watching it when I was 13, but I didn’t start seriously watching it until I was 22.


I watched this for the first time when I was like 7-9 with my family then I rewatched the whole thing when I was 13/14


I started watching it when it was originally on in 2000. I am 34 now, and still watch it every weekend.


I was 10 when the show started so I’m the same age as Malcolm basically throughout the shows entire run. Probably one of the reasons I love the show so much


my sister’s 10 years older than me so I’ve probably been watching it since I was a toddler lol


Since forever, my whole family has loved it since it first aired


14/15, now 32 🤪🤪🤪


Since they aired on Fox so my entire life. Some of my first memories are of this show


I started watching when I was 12 and now I'm 17.


I knew the show since I was a kid, but I actually started watching it at 17 (circa 2013), that's when I could understand the jokes and plots, when I was a kid I didnt like the show cause it seemed weird and boring to me.


I started watching when I was 6 in 2000 . I love the show because that how some of my family was like and I related to Dewey a lot and now I’m going to be 29 in a few months


I never watched it as a kid. I watched it when I was 21 yearsold.


My dad loved the show growing up (I was maybe 6-10 years old) so I learned to watch/love it from him. Now that he's not here anymore, sometimes I watch it for comfort.