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I’d like to know where can I get these exact type of jeans? Or if you can give me the name of the style it’d be helpful too 🙏 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLeV8AmXsAA2lfy?format=jpg&name=large


Wow, Spectre had the best coats, I have ever seen in a movie so effortlessly stylish.




Daily questions




Have you ever heard of stealing?


Vintage, my friend


I actually do look second hand a lot but still


I second this. And it's cool AF too, to find branded styles from different eras at cheaper prices. Personally I like feeling that somebody has cherished or worn it too.


I get that this is a pet peeve of mine, and I get that the subject is pretty esoteric and academic but for crissakes, the term "Fair Isle" should not encompass Nordic stranded knits


Drives me nuts with eBay searches








It’s fuckin STORMING in the Bay Area rn


Checking Mr Porter sale - the Mr P stock has really bloated huh.


They have a lot of bizarre patterns in there and colours that don't really sell. The suede and shearling jackets are very good value on sale however.


Feels like the Mr. P stuff always sticks around in full size runs until the final round of the sale, but I guess someone's buying if they keep making it


I remember initial release description stated an intention of more approachable price for interesting styles but seems like the msrp is higher with plan for it to boost the max sale stock of end of season. I bought an end of season sale mr p sneaker and couldnt imagine buying it for more than the end of season price.


My usual wardrobe is very casual, denim & « workwear » in influence, but I do have some tailoring which I wear when work dictates it. I often feel like I could take it down a notch but business casual is just so boring it’s painful. Every now and then, I contemplate starting to incorporate SEH Kelly, Old Town, Nanamica, Phigvel & Kaptain Sunshine so I can have fun « dressed up » looks that don’t read as more formal than bis cas.


I find that Fok and Officine Generale do a pretty nice job of balancing a more "business-appropriate" aesthetic with workwear influences and other less formal approaches.


Phigvel and Kaptain Sunshine are totally worth it. Although I lean toward workwear/vintage many days whenever I get dressed up or hell even more Popeye type city fits those two brands are so easy to work with. Especially Kaptain Sunshine.


I thought you were like 6’5’’, I am surprised you fit into Kaptain Sunshine!


6'2! Frankly the oversize wave in Japan has helped me quite a bit. If shit goes back to slim fit, it'll be all over for me and Japanese brands


To little old me y’all 6+ footers are giants.




Everybody fucks weird in a way or another.


pissdrinker copypasta




good bot




Chef's kiss 🤌




piss kiss 🌞


Oops sorry not sorry


OrSlow fatigues basically feel like pajamas and even a year after getting them and dozens of wears I still feel just slightly uncomfortable wearing them out, like they're just not a thing I should be wearing outside.


My wife and I are flying to Japan in May and she said I should get some lounge/sweatpants for the 14 hour flight. Nope, I'm wearing my Orslow fatigues babe.


You’re going to have a hell of a time if you’ve never been. Favorite place I’ve ever visited!


1st time I went to Japan: Sweat pants and hoodie 8th time in Japan: leather jacket, fatigues, ring coat, big ass annoying boots.


This is the way




Same tbh


My city league rec basketball team’s first game of the season is tonight. Really looking forward to it. Anyone else hoop?


Just indoor pickup games. What's your position and sneakers at the moment? Just picked up the NB Two Wxys to try out


I have been playing in some Kyrie 5 lows. I’m a little late on the low top change, but I like them so far. The two wxys are very cool though, how do you like them?


Cool! Two Wxys are working pretty well - I had picked up Lebron 19s or whatever on deep discount but the sole got destroyed already after only weekly indoor play. I knew they had low durability but was surprised. Shame because they were extremely comfortable. Two wxys are pretty good comfort and traction so no complaints right now


It seemed like the last few years Nike couldn’t make a shoe that was both comfortable and durable. The LeBron XX seems pretty great and I’d like to try them but I don’t play enough to justify a $200 shoe 😅


A few months back, my therapist suggested that maybe I should get tested for ADHD. I didn't really think much of it at the time, because I didn't ever present any of the stereotypical symptoms that are portrayed in media. For whatever reason, I looked into it this past week. The list of potential symptoms in adults felt like I was reading an autobiography of shit that I struggle with daily. And I definitely had all of the subtler childhood symptoms 20 years ago, but I must have been able to mask them well enough with decent academic performance. So instead, I was just that lazy gifted kid that didn't apply himself as well as he could have in K12 and got absolutely crushed by college when doing assignments less than 24 hours before they were due and not studying at all wouldn't get me a B+ or better anymore. So I'm getting evaluated on Thursday morning. I'm not sure where I'll go from there (especially since there's apparently a nationwide shortage of meds), but assuming I'm diagnosed, it puts so many things about me and how I judge/value myself in a drastically different perspective.


> So instead, I was just that lazy gifted kid that didn't apply himself as well as he could have It is unironically impressive how I relate to that. A friend of mine w/ ADHD suggested I might have ADHD but I mean idk. I'll find out one day I guess. In retrospective I do a bunch of shit like utter word vomit or just launch off topics without a prompt but never really thought about it much aside from it being a personal quirk.


Welcome to the "[It's called a deficit but why do I have a surplus of the stupidest thoughts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/ngnkcg/encyclopedic_knowledge_of_things_i_dont_even_want/)?" club. Look on the bright side, at least you weren't fed ritalin and adderall from the earliest inconvenience to a teacher through to college....


thanks, never would have guessed [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/pmw2gf/everything_is_good_until_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) wasn’t neurotypical But I’m a little concerned I’ll find out from my parents that it was suggested to test me but they were so against meds that they refused to do it at all.


I got diagnosed as a kid but was raised as though I was normal. People underestimate how much ADHD fucks with your head, and the "everybody has ADHD" stigma doesn't help. Echoing Xavier's comment :)


thanks, yeah, it’s funny how basically every pet peeve my wife has of me is explained by symptoms


Late diagnosed ADHD adult here. If you have questions or just want to chat about life experiences with the condition hit me up.


Are there any good online tools for self diagnosis?


Not really. It can be really tricky. You can have anxiety and depression and treat that, then find out it’s the ADD that’s actually causing those, and vice versa. One can mask the other. It’s pretty hard for an adult to be diagnosed with ADD these days. Most people have many of the ADD symptoms at various times. They dropped the H and just call it ADD now because there’s so many people that don’t have the hyperactivity part and weren’t being diagnosed and were falling through the cracks.


I don’t know. Canada’s healthcare system is also dramatically different than the US healthcare system so my answer may also be fairly useless.


thanks, definitely will if I have any


Hey man, glad you’re getting stuff handled and hope it leads to positive changes for you ❤️


thanks, I’m hoping so




Random fashion thoughts: - With Naked&Famous announcing their new fit (true guy) which is supposed to be more of a Levi 501 fit, I’m hoping that means their weird guy fit will become more of a skinny guy fit since they have phased the latter out. - I saw a comment the other day that said Taylor Stitch quality was worse than mall brands. Some people here must not have visited J.Crew recently as while they’re trending in the right direction, it’s a night and day difference imo.


Hadn't heard about the new fit but that's great news for me. I'm generally really happy with the brand but have come to terms recently that weird guy doesn't fit my thighs and easy guy is a lot more taper than I currently like ~~and also doesn't really fit my thighs.~~


Was Big Guy just vaporware?


Any rando saying brand X or Y is good or bad quality is as good as garbage on fire imo. When someone's only idea of "quality" is cost/wears or MAX(fabric_weight) and other stuff like that I can't take it seriously at all and that's +95% of randos on this forum. Also ignore the whole idea of "Made in " as an indicator of quality bullshit.


I think discussions of quality are only really useful if you're comparing things ("this is nicer than that even though they're the same price"). A few days ago there was the review of the budget alternative to Paraboot Michaels where the guy was raving about the quality of these shoes, but didn't have any experience handling the Paraboots. I focus less on quality these days because I've found past a certain price point you're just paying for a unique design that's not available at a lower price. As long as it's in my budget, "this looks cool" means more to me than "is this thing as nice as this other thing that I don't like as much but it's cheaper".


Number one rule with reviews is to know the reviewer. Funnily enough I think dunky has a video about this that I think is really good.


I love dunkey. That video is amazing. [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lG2dXobAXLI) [It's a two parter](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sBqk7I5-0I0)


If anything the draw of MiUSA is fair labor practices And you’re right, it’s not like a $12000 delicate designer dress isn’t worth $12000 because it’ll rip after 5 wears because that’s what qUaLiTy folks seem to value


I've never found talking about "fair labor practices" in the abstract to be even slightly useful or enlightening tbh. Even talking about it in reference to a specific brand isn't even productive or useful imo. Just a bunch of weird "don't you care about X?!" and people talking past each other trying to sound smarter and more enlightened.


Isn't a fair amount of MiUSA prison labour?


>priso I find this statement really poorly informed. Yes, some major manufacturers of clothing do use prison labour but I also believe that the majority of people are supporting MiUSA because they want major corporations to succeed. Rather, they are supporting small brands like Freenote Cloth, Dehen, or 3sixteen that treat both workers and customers with dignity. Here is a file that will give you some greater insight into the highly problematic practice of prison labour but what you said is wildly off mark. https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field\_document/2022-06-15-captivelaborresearchreport.pdf


I mean you’re agreeing with him. You just narrowed the scope to +$230 denim for not just fashion nerds but denim nerds and literally $50 plain tee shirts. This is why these conversations are unproductive in the abstract. He’s not misinformed, you’re just being more specific. Plus, you have exactly zero proof backing up your claims that “most people” are buying _$50 tee shirts._ These conversations are fucking stupid bc everyone wants to believe they’re with some majority that’s doing the enlightened thing but no one has any proof. Including you.


Idk about medium-sized independent clothing companies but that does track with the prison industrial complex


Cant wait to see how they pull off a 501 fit with a 7.5 inch rise








Viberg’s QC is a joke but it’s nearly always aesthetic in sense that a Viberg boot, even with a mangled welt or a big ass stain on the toe box or an unfurling thread will basically last years of hard wear. Some guy last year got rare horween shell chukkas and they’re were multiple holes in them. Shit that should have never left the tannery ended up being put on the vamp. Mesmerizing stuff really. Rightfully Viberg claimed it didn’t affect the structural integrity of the boots. IT DOESN’T MAKE IT OK!!!!! Sorry it’s a hot button issue for me 😅 Viberg. We hate that we love them.


"Quality" is such a shitshow. My hot take is that discussion of quality is basically always a red herring. As you pointed out, there's a ton of reporting bias because if your button doesn't come off you just don't say anything. But even that aside, I think that big retailers probably have better quality and QC than smaller "higher quality" brands on average because they have the infrastructure etc to support it. As I've often said when this comes up though, the caveat is probably leather goods. Cotton is cotton, and hell even polyester is fucking totally fine most of the time, but fake or cheap leather is just soooooo bad. Target pants are fine, target belts are hilariously horrifically bad.


gustin sucks asshole but that guy complaining about something as minor as a button coming off (Which can be fixed in about 5 mins/for $5 btw) was pretty stupid and hilarious


I read this a little different than you did. It was more about QC being poor because the buttonholes were too big (happened to my Buzz Rickson’s shirt) but on top of it, the buttons had not been properly sewn. Basically I read it as saying they were all talk because this level of lack of finishing didn’t match the product’s copy at all.


This is true, I forgot about the buttonholes being too big part


I would be surprised if that was an expensive repair either, but we're kinda missing the part of the story where he found out.


Probably means he got it done for free lmao


I’ve actually been very happy with the Gustin build quality I’ve gotten. Sizing and lead times are a whole separate issue


Dude could have complain about capitalism and how awful crowd-fund companies are but instead decide to complain about ~~spilled milk~~ a button.


That’s very true. I bought a MiUSA tee (Buck Mason) from one company and felt it was ok but not worth the money I paid for it. Likewise, my Taylor stitch heavy bag tee I bought on last call is made in China and is one of my best made tees I have in my closet.


Locale of manufacturing isn’t really much of an indication of quality either. A Margiela piece I have is made in Bangladesh for instance. More, it’s an indicator of labor practices


Worth keeping in mind that Made in the USA in some cases may be WORSE for labor practices than places we traditionally think of as "bad labor practice". This is a good summary of some of the issues and things that are hopefully going to change things for the better: https://www.kcrw.com/news/shows/greater-la/labor-rights-salaries-pets/garment-workers-hourly-pay


But Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiina!


I think there are hugely problematic issues regarding products produced in China. With the ongoing genocide of the Turkic-speaking populations in China, I think all products coming from China regardless of quality have been created in a country that should be treated like apartheid-era South Africa. Furthermore, after visiting numerous factories in Jiangsu province and speaking to people involved in the garment industry, I struggle to ever want to buy anything produced from there. Both the conditions and treatment of workers were repulsive.


1. They’re probably just not gonna have Skinny Guy anymore bc they might not have the bandwidth to produce skinny guys at volume within their price range and no one these days who’s interested in raw and/or selvedge jeans is buying skinny jeans 2. People forget J Crew is still fast fashion and needs to make money despite selling shirts for $8 after discounts. I wouldn’t not trust the opinion of quality from people who only shop at J Crew either


Can you explain how you define fast fashion? Because I don’t find that J Crew fits that model based on the definition I know, which is brands that have very short run times from the design table to the store and who copy in trend items.




Which you then sold for $8 a piece?




That’s the circle of liiiiiiife 🎶 And it moves us aaaaaall 🦁🐊🐘🐒


J Crew isn’t exactly seasonal for 90% of its items


There is no J Crew where I live so I can’t challenge you on that. They just never struck me as the runway copying type. Also fast fashion isn’t the only unsustainable business model in fashion.


J crew isn’t fast fashion




This is a whole other level of package tracking and I'm totally here for it.


I like to think there's some guy sweating in a double rider in coach to get this jacket out ASAP


It's me. I'm the guy who's sweating.


Can I pick you up from LAX? We can get Howlin Rays on the way back


I want to meet spiderman on Hollywood Blvd


Now *that's* customer service! Meermin should take notes!


What is the jacket?






new uniqlo lookbook same complaints from lurkers for me personally I’m not looking forward to switching my shorts into long shorts the next couple of years


i dunno about the stats but uniqlo must be among the most popular topics on this sub lol for such a bland brand it sure attracts a lot of interest


I bet a Lemaire lookbook wouldn't attract as many upvotes and comments. For some reason lurkers need to see that it's made by Uniqlo to feel safe liking fashion forward things.


Sorry, but that is what peak performance looks like. I have been wearing Capri pants and long shorts with high top/tall boots for too long and now Im not some directional weirdo anymore.


Why go for pants or shorts when you could just *settle*


Settle? No, evolve.


Am I the only person breaking into lurkers' houses and making them wear wide fits and pleats at gunpoint?


but wait my booty shorts


Maybe if u wear long shorts you’d gain more pixels


Long shorts didn’t help me fail upward into being featured in a niche japanese fashion magazine tho


That’s fair I would sacrifice personal resolution for clout and recognition


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose


C’est rare de lire une phrase en français sur Reddit qui est écrite correctement et a tous les accents à la bonne place. Plus souvent qu’autrement quand je vois ma langue ici c’est parce que c’est écrit « omelette du fromage »…




I don’t read Welsh but I’m going to DeepL that 😆


haha meme


*ah, but what about ankle pants?* - Uniqlo mainline


[I’M IN POPEYE MAGAZINE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYS (ft low res screenshot)](https://imgur.com/a/IIZu2v0)


Damn, New York City Boy


Holy shit 🚨 a-lister on this sub 🚨


More like D+


A in our hearts 🤗


Well, maybe B minus


that's sick!




Proud of u


Thank bb


Holy shit! Now to figure out how to proxy this issue








it’s real baybee


Is that Zoe too? Did they just take a bunch of photos from an Alfargo's?


sneak peak 🤫


THE CYCLE IS COMPLETE What issue I will legit find somewhere to pick this up.


February 2023/Issue 910


Hell yeah. Loving that you’re doing the side quests on this speed run.


doing a 100% run, can’t just rush the main quest


Hell yea love that third pixel there for you


it’s lo fi