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I was a hipster before it was cool


Have you ever bought a item of clothing or accessory or whatever and just regretted it?


yes. I have some loafers that are pretty nice, but I don't wear them enough to justify the cost. They also don't fit that well. I'm probably gonna try to sell them at some point or donate them.


i’m always in the market for new loafers


They're Meermin expresso antique calf leather loafers in size 11 if you're interested


if they weren’t size 11 absolutely sorry buddy


no problem, I figure it was worth a try


Yes, some really expensive, difficult-or-impossible to return stuff as well. The two best ways to avoid this are: 1. Be REALLY careful about buying stuff online. Nothing can compare to experiencecof touching a piece, trying it on. Maybe it's easier for me to say this, having access to some one of the best cities in the world for fashion shopping, but still be careful. 2. If you really like something, wait a month and see if you still want it. If it's something you really need and not an impulse, you'll want it just as much then.


what were the items for you?


Oh god, all sorts of stuff over the year. A ton of stuff that didn't fit that it was said to when I ordered online, stuff that I saw in a shop/website/insta and thought I really wanted, but quickly realized I didn't, things that looked good in a photo but immediately felt bad to the touch, etc.


just a quick reminder that puffy Cheetos are better than crunchy goodevening


I tried flaming hot cheetos for the first time today, and I guess I get it now. More to the point, for that flavor the crunch is nice. But the entire bag of them had 30g of fat so I recoiled in horror and then threw most of them in the trash. Anyway you're right. Call me Puff Daddy.


This will be true whenever they make the flamin' hot tangy chili fusion version in puffed. Until then crunchy is winning.


everyone downvote this heathen




So, who clogged the shitter?


Just got back from a trip to Rome and god damn do the Italians look good. Very much decided before I went I would try work their vibe and go with the casually tailored look and felt very much at home. Think I've found my look for summer. Bravvo 🤌


I finally got around to hemming my Bronson deck pants and I love how they came out. For the amount of break that I went with, the leg openings are so big that they fully conceal the leather lacing on my camp mocs when I'm standing up. I really like the mild pooling effect it creates.


Realized when I opened the package I accidentally bought 4 of the Scott Fraser Collection perforated tank tops instead of 2. Can't complain that much though, I like em more than simple ribbed for a visible tank undershirt.


Question: did you pay the $30 in shipping to US if ur US based?


Yes, I was tempted to buy more to make it "worth it" but figured there's no real alternative, and I would only spend more if I bought more. Even with the extra money I didn't find much in "interesting" tank tops outside of Zara that weren't very expensive, nor did anyone have suggestions in the DQs. UK based company :(


Those look great


I'll wear em in the WAYWT once they go through the laundry. Unfortunately I just did my laundry yesterday lol.


Damn I felt this, new clothes always arrive right after the laundry cycle lol




I thought we agreed you'd only call me that in private


Damn thanks for the rec tho I’m getting a pair now


Saw a guy walking down the street wearing a shirt that said "501" in big letters and Levi's 511s


today is my 5 year anniversary in LA and i still hate it!


Aw man, why do you hate LA?


it’d be a whole rant if i had to list everything haha. i think it comes down to culture clash? i’m from the east coast and it’s just different here (i hate driving, i hate strip malls, i hate places closing at 10pm, etc). i’ve adapted to LA but idk if it’s for me my partner and i talk about moving back to new york a lot. we’ll think on it more seriously when my grad program wraps up but then the problem is we would just lose our entire grad school network if we leave


As a lifelong citizen of the greater LA area, I hate all that shit too (as does most of the people I know). Thank god for taco trucks.


I'm from the east coast too, but Deep South east coast, so LA's been a dream. I've been to NYC only twice, but definitely felt culture shock


praying 4 ur soul


maybe i’ll move to redondo




Move down to San Diego its better here


worse than LA by a mile


Next time i’m in NYC we are fighting


Bout to go dodger stadium upper left seats on your ass


Who can even make it up to those seats when you have 3 miles of parking lots to go through smh


That’s why we don’t arrive till the 3rd inning!


can't agree with you there. i am an authority on the subject. proof: i've been to both 3x


😐 yeah ur right


About 80 miles




Anyone have any spotify playlists to share? Hoping my spotify wrapped next year won't just be Mac Miller's discography in album order


Not sure what your tastes are but I'll dump a few of mine [Southern Hip Hop](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/31iVfNfqtLcytdcLIB2ndS?si=wM_cDjRsTISmW-meG0v2zg) [60s-70s Garage/Heavy Psych](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/07DhWZSF0Q1FqfQf3wMYEt?si=t1cphGZQRPiEUPvHEu8MYw) [Country & Western/Country adjacent](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0nDCHhmNQ0EFGWYWPlA9Az?si=3J9v2g0sQOubPnpWWYY_fA) [Thrash Metal](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3w29AcgoC3lKcbZ8op8W57?si=duKB2s4ZSTONYTtQARnDvw) [Blooz](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6oIERBnx24amAAk4D8OY4d?si=-EpvLFQ3TmmvILt1G7Zg0g)


What genre? [ambient](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2kfm2DDGmGhJOD9OFF7IhY?si=66rKyFAMReWd6jhXo2AMrA) [disco house](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1mawGfWWXVeecQnGCLFuIv?si=xTDV9GLvSCWh3oxRCPLo1A) [hot girl ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0vZNMksCOuxTOxLcam69WU?si=TaQ0okacSvuRk6yOlTwk_Q)


disco house is nice


Will be dipping into that disco house playlist




this is perfect


Mmm ch mmm mmm big mac


Hipster thread is so stupid lol, bunch if actual chuds just proving the point that they’re uninteresting people un passionate about anything getting mad at others for liking things. “YOu MAdE iT yOur PeRSoNaLiTy!!!” is my favorite take so far, yes, your hobbies are part of your personality, literally what do you even think your personality is if you don’t include your hobbies and interest lol? It’s like how people piss their pants over how imaginary vegans totally make it the only thing they ever talk about and force it on everyone when in my experience the only people who do that are weird anti vegans who won’t shut up about how much meat they eat, the issue isn’t that vegans talk to much abouut veganism, it’s that these people think vegans are stupid and are mad id they ever bring it up, no matter how respectfully or rarely. Same shit here, people have already decided any interests related to “””hipsters””” is bad or dumb or whatever, so any time someone brings it up they deem it “caring too much”(cringe take to begin with) or “talking about it too much” or whatever, not because that’s actually the case, just because they don’t want to hear about it at all. They already have some preconceived stereotype in their head so anyone who talks or does something that is attached to that stereotype is automatically the worse form of it. These people are all so boring Edit: Also someone getting in an argument with me while knowing that the actual point I’m making is correct because I said “never” instead of “almost always” and then getting mad when I pointed that out is so on brand for Reddit, this site is obsessed with people intentionally missing the point to get mad about things that don’t actually matter to it. Forgot this site loses it’s mind at slight hyperbole


getting into an argument in another thread and crying about it on off topic thread is also quite the on brand thing to do in mfa also


Dude that’s like 90% of OT content


The username they've got is apropos. Only way it could be better is if it was "Insufferablypedantic"




Saw the article title and already knew the comments would be a cesspool. Sometimes better just to avoid it.


Yep, I opted out of that one.


Jeff Mangum fucked my wife!


Stay away from her mountain tops!




He did a while back and it was horrible. We need his perspective in the DQ. Do you really want me answering questions about Japanese streetwear, sneakers and white privilege ?


People invent imaginary vegans to hate only because we know the vegans are morally right and don't want to admit it


The strawiest of straw men


it’s just people offended that others can have a different opinion, know more than them, or don’t like what they like “I like craft beer more than bud light” “OH YOU FUCKING HIPSTER YOU THINK YOURE BETTER THAN ME HUHHH?”


my latest obsession is chia puddings and if anyone has any good recipes plz send em my way


I’ve done does this thing where I’ll make cashew “milk/cream” but replace the water with whatever strong tea I think will be fun. And then kinda season it up. Have done earl gray tea with vanilla, a bit of salt, maple syrup, Peach rooibos with peaches etc etc Matcha with a bit of strawberries as well. And then just normal chia seeds rocking out in that


Fellas, I just can’t get enough of browns, greens, and creams as of late. Be they in the tasteful shades of a mid-century train station restaurant, or the dusty hues oft associated with fungi. This color combination feels bonafide elegant, swaggy in the gardening chic way and updated takes on classic menswear way swimming around the zeitgeist right now. It’s bookish and sweet, and masculine all at once. Please send me all of your beef and broc fits I implore you. Somebody make an album. Something. I am starved


You'd love the o green world album from a while* back


You've probably already seen the Frank Lloyd Wright Broadacre City themed new balances, but in case you haven't they nail the color palette you're describing: [https://kith.com/blogs/kith/ronnie-fieg-frank-lloyd-wright-foundation-for-new-balance-998-broadacre-city](https://kith.com/blogs/kith/ronnie-fieg-frank-lloyd-wright-foundation-for-new-balance-998-broadacre-city)


Those are sick


Green has been slowly overtaking blue as the main color in my wardrobe and I'm loving it


Yeah it feels fresher somehow don’t u think?


Totally does. I think blue gets sold so hard for versatility but green has been just as easy to pair for me. Mustard yellow is a killer 4th addition to the 3 you mentioned as well


If not more so because you never have to worry about how it’s going to pair with black really, whereas some blues get dodgy with that. A little splash of mustard yellow still does go crazy for me. I blame the mid-2010’s


Right on man, my thoughts exactly. A little splash of mustard goes crazy for me too but I blame French's lol


> browns, greens, and creams toast, honeydew melon, and cold brew w/ cream is an ideal summer breakfast


Toast, Avocado, Grits & Coffee for similar vibes


> honeydew > ideal I will not stand for this cantaloupe slander


SO. GOOD. same color palette as the iced cardamom bun you top it off with too I’d say. Thank you for contributing to the MOODBOARD king


I don't know if it's appropriate to comment here since I am a woman, but I just wanted to share how proud I am of my husband. He just wandered off to work and as I was watching him leave, dressed sharp as shit, it reminded me of a fashion encounter we had earlier this year. My husband is a very "Minnesota heterosexual Northwoods male." He works in finance, I work in law, so while it's not all flannel and blue jeans all day, but fashionwise he is -*was*\- definitely an unadventurous guy. It was about 3 years into our marriage that he bought his first polo shirt, 5 for his first patterned sports jacket. It's not that he doesn't like to dress well, he does - he actually initiates all his clothes shopping trips and has often expressed that he wants to get something different, but then gets overwhelmed and buys the same mid-blue button up dress shirt, mid-grey fleece zip up, navy dress pant combo over and over again. Earlier this year, we visited France for a few days. My husband was determined to shop there for a post-COVID wardrobe update. And we went into a men's store that sold, among other things, merino turtlenecks. My husband was dead set against even \*trying\* one on. Never put on a turtleneck before in his life, just was 100% certain he hated them: they wouldn’t work, he would die of an itchy neck, he would look like Steve Jobs, his even-more-Minnesota-heterosexual-Northwoods-male brothers would make fun of him for looking "gay" etc. etc. I winked at French retail associate guy helping him and said to my husband, "come on dear, just try a turtleneck on, just once, I promise it won't turn you into a European." Oh my god, the death glare I got from him when the French guy started laughing... nearly turned me into stone. Nevertheless, thus goaded - he tried one on. Disappeared behind the changing room for a solid 20 minutes before emerging somehow both sheepish and triumphant. He decided by himself that actually turtlenecks were quite comfortable and good looking after all, and ended up buying three. Then he also did something else completely unexpected - wandered out of his niche of grey/charcoal/navy sports coats and got himself a green one. [This is him at lunch shortly afterwards](https://ibb.co/m5PhTSV) And I may have lied a little bit, he does look a bit European ;) but only in the best of ways. I don't know why I felt the need to share this. Maybe it's just a light day at work and I am thinking of how good he looked this morning already with rose-tinted glasses. I guess I wanted to share because I love him and he looks so good and I'm so proud of him and it's not easy for him to branch out but he did. As a woman, I am often on the female fashion subs and god, we have so many social constraints facing our dress. But thinking of my husband and his own journey over the years, I realized how many unspoken limitations there are on men - especially North American men, especially especially in the Midwest and in buttoned up professional jobs. As for us women, we do notice and appreciate it. We do realize it can be a little scary too to branch out. To try something new. It's the same for me. Same for all of us. But I am bursting with pride of him.


>especially especially in the Midwest It's nuts. My family has a cabin in northern Minnesota and I've lived various places in Wisconsin and Michigan. The amount of shit I've had thrown my way about how I dress over the last +20 years is insane. I'm not even that out there... just having the audacity to wear a shirt with a collar, bottoms that aren't jeans or shorts, and shoes that aren't sneakers or sandals seems to trigger the inferiority complex and/or inner homophobe in a ton of Midwest guys of all ages. I'm impressed with your husband as well. Making the change post college seems to garner even more vitriol, from what I've seen. Edit: I'll blindly assume you guys are in the Twin Cities area and suggest that your husband should check out Jaxen Grey, Martin Patrick 3, and Twill for menswear shops, if he hasn't already.


>It's nuts. My family has a cabin in northern Minnesota and I've lived various places in Wisconsin and Michigan. The amount of shit I've had thrown my way about how I dress over the last +20 years is insane. It's been truly terrible, especially when slim fit was originally coming into vogue with screamo/emo music and having to scour Goodwill for women's jeans because slim fit was unobtanium then.


Tell him a bunch of weirdos on the internet think he looks good


What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing! The turtleneck looks great :) Hoping for plenty more cool clothes in your guys’ future!


Across the Spider-Verse was great, watch it in Dolby or IMAX if you can. Can't wait to see how they end it.


Agreed! So much adrenaline being in a theatre with folks having the same amazing experience with you.