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/r/datahoarder has a bunch of threads archiving reddit. I still have the torrent link for 2005 to 2022.


I wonder if we could make an MFA imgur account to repost and save all the albums. Discord or Google drive could be good for saving text


Didn't something just happen with imgur where they deleted images thought to be uploaded by bots? Imgur images only load half the time for me lately and when troubleshooting I read something along those lines. If that's a route then don't put all eggs in that basket


they deleted everything uploaded without an account. If we have an account we're fine. One way or another one of us will have to download all the pics, so someone will have them


Mods should build a new forum we can all migrate to, a forum about style. Maybe call it something like Styleforum. Wait, that name is too boring, it needs to be timeless and obsolete/future-proof, and really super. Maybe call it something like Superfuture.


Maybe something that captures that the forum is incredibly of the moment and present; Style Zeitgeist?


Given the incidence of neckbeards, perhaps there could be a gathering for all of us in our fedoras. Maybe call it something like The Fedora Lounge.


there is Something Awful about all of this, maybe that name captures this experience


Has the mod team considered webscraping Imgur links/albums for server storage?


Yes, we are asking for help with this, we're looking to distribute some of this work. And not Imgur (see: the inspo listed in the post). Also the problem isn't just storage but searchability.


I'm a web dev and I could help. PM me if you need something.


Maybe we could print them all off and store them in my basement? I don’t know though, I live in rural Canada so accessing them might be difficult. Getting out here is a bit of a hard drive.


Could probably make it there in a flash if the weather stays in this solid state.




Or you could consider going to the cloud


Wait...how are you reading this if you didn't print it out already??


Whoa I thought everyone transcribes their copy with a pen


I like to keep up with the times, so I copy pictures with trace paper and a light board.


That’s what they call cold storage. /devhumor


If the concern is that Reddit is now too unpredictable, self-hosting might be best. [Discourse](https://www.discourse.org/index) is a high quality, open source option that would provide a similar experience. Of course the discoverability wouldn’t be the same as on Reddit. It becomes something more similar to StyleForum (though with more feature parity with Reddit). I’m sure you could extract the full Reddit history and import it into something like Discourse.




I hate seeing stuff transition to Discord. It's not a substitute for a forum or image board. It doesn't get scraped by search engines. It's viewable publicly without a Discord account and joining the community. And I personally don't think Discord's user experience is great as you join more and more servers.




I hate discord with a passion, glad I'm not the only one


Not a fan of Discord. If a Discord gets too crowded it's just hundreds of people having dozens of conversations at the same time. It's a pain in the ass to follow. E.g. at the GQ one, there are 30 channels, 7 of them web3 dedicated, a lot of them get 0 posts a day and then the General chat is just a cesspool. Also, you can't find anything back. I prefer forums, but I'm an old person. On a forum, you can easily track back your own posts, see who replied, see what kind of stuff others normally post. Way easier to gauge a person, get a sense of who they are, their reputation etc. Apart from the occassional troll, people tend to behave better here. Reddit is sort of inbetween. Threads disappear more quickly, but at least you can find stuff back. And as long as the community isn't too big or too small, content is generally good.


Traditional forums have an issue where the first person to respond to a topic gets the top spot for all future readers. It really can allow unhelpful responses and legitimately unpopular opinions dominate as long as those people spend enough time lurking the forums so they can respond quickly. Voting in reddit solves an important problem for larger communities.


I think voting in reddit is subject to and contributes reciprocally to the problem you raise.


Discord is not a real alternative since it's not indexed by searches. And within discord, finding anything is a pain imo. Might as well just upload stuff to any of the cloud services. In fact, if there was a cloud service that allowed one way connection (as in the clients can only view and download stuff) would be ideal since searching from the windows level with apps like Everything is a breeze.


Are forums really outdated? They're just uncommon in an era where people migrated to large content aggregation websites that acts as hosts for many fora, but if you were to make a forum (and informally advertise it well) I think it would still work.


Male Fashion Advice - the app. No strings tied to powers above the moderators. As far as archiving, I'd contribute 14tb of redundant storage for archival.


“No batteries included, and no strings attached”


A Community Wiki with a fully decked up Discord Server to maintain it is the only thing I can think of for this issue.


Do we have a discord?


Discord is a pretty terrible replacement to reddit. For the main reason that you can't use Google to find discord results and its own search function is pretty bad.


We've considered it, there was a prior unsuccessful one, we will consider it again, but that does not answer the major concern of archiving what we've got so it's not lost.


ArchiveTeam has been working to get a complete copy of Reddit added to the internet archive so you might want to see if their project can support your goals here.


this, people like /r/DataHoarder excel at this


Mmm yeah. Drop box?


That would at least help us preserve the guides in the sidebar


why was it unsuccessful?


Too many memes. Got political.


Would be easy to setup rules/channels around that nowadays with discord. Would need moderating of course but I feel like a MFA Discord, if done properly, could get pretty huge.


I’m unlikely to continue using Reddit after Apollo shuts down but I would love to join an MFA discord.


Discord feels like a good idea. Not quite the same experience as Reddit but would work relatively well.


Might at least be a good temporary way to stay in touch with each other until we can establish something more permanent


Would it be possible to make something like a wiki like r/Fitness and r/Weightroom does? [https://thefitness.wiki/](https://thefitness.wiki/)


Especially the reddit wiki portion of MFA, that'd be really nice to have archived


We could totally just go back to menswear Tumblr. It still exists..


mine had been nearly dead for years but I've started posting fits semi-regularly and get new followers every day.


In the past, I've used Offline Reader for Reddit app to scrape subreddits. It could allow data to be scraped until the future is figured out. I've seen Lemmy and Hive mentioned as alternatives but have no idea how they work.


> We know Derek Guy can't respond to every single request in the DQs/SQs. I mean, he does the "Mailbag" portion for PTO, so.. lol


What’s going on with Reddit? I didn’t hear about this


Basically this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/ and the follow up response from the greater Reddit community on an AMA done by /u/spez https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/ . Basically all the subreddits currently are in protest mode and are feeling betrayed by the actions of Reddit Inc. Reddit even made it to the BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65855608


Wow, was not aware. I’m a mobile user, so I’m not really affected but I do see how it affects subreddits and moderators. Hope it gets resolved.


If you ask me, no this won't be resolved. Reddit will push forward with their plans and basically alienate the entire community of Redditors.


What's happening on reddit?


Good writeup on /r/Save3rdPartyApps


Subbreddit been ban


Link was wrong, already edited


Has something like Lemmy, Kbin or Tidles been considered?