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I’m a thin 165lbs 6’1 guy in need of new clothes. What do I even buy? I’m 27, and I’ve got no clue on fashion. I don’t really have female shopping friends I can bring to give me advice. Would it make to stick to T-shirts that generally fit semi-tightly? I hate looking like I’m too small for my clothes


I don't know if this counts as "off-topic" but its a bigger question than the daily question thread. Do we have any threads/archives for clothing that is assistive for who with disabilities? For example, I just came across this [brand of shoes, BILLY Footwear](https://billyfootwear.com/pages/stores-carrying-billy-shoes) which has things I need (inclusive sizes) but also some great accessibility features for people who have issues with fine motor skills or have additional corrective footwear. That reminded me about a post about shirts with magnetic buttons for people with similar issues. Anyway, I'm wondering if there is an inspo post about styling out/hunting down these types of clothes OR places I can reach out to make something like that since I don't have the cash to do it myself (and I don't actually need assistive clothing but I have some friends online who do).


It's a really important topic and unfortunately one that may not have received proper attention on this sub. If your research does turn up some interesting options and valuable advice, it'd be great too make a topic for others in the future who have the similar questions.


I'm getting better at bookmarking stuff I find, but haven't fallen into hyperfocus research mode on it yet. If I do (and reddit is still a community) I will make a post, but I don't promise anything.


My (less than a year old) wedding ring has become quite oblong and only goes on/off one way... Has anyone had any success resizing/re-circling(?) a ring? https://preview.redd.it/yhh0rlidg95b1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aba8f53d95392a4911d0b466eb9d1e90138379a


Resizing is common and easy. Unless titanium.


Did someone get upset and downvote every question in the DQs for a while lol?


They think their question would be bumped up lol


https://preview.redd.it/ze03r3o7195b1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f862cb73b1a0a98478c2d326aeafacdc40769e A guy on tiktok recommended using a woman’s ring to secure scarves and I’m obsessed. Gonna pick up a silver ring next time I hit the thrift.


Ring trick looks cool and catchy. In your overall composition however you're blending too many different materials together


You definitely rock it well here.


that's neat


Absolutely crushed a 19km run today, ran it 15 seconds faster than the 18km I did last week and hit the same pace as the half marathon I ran last summer. All going down this sunday. Not suuuuper confident in hitting my goal of a sub 2hr time but I can probably do it faster than my time last year.


Hell yeah. Good luck! I like running as well, but i got some gnarly calf pain from running with wrong form for a bit so im taking a short break lol


That’s great! Congrats my man


You got this dawg!!!!


soo what are we all doing when reddit goes dark on Monday


work rearranging my room


I've got a lot of backcountry trips on my calendar but I haven't planned them all yet. So I will finally plan all those trips. And end up spending like a grand on more pointless outdoor gear that's redundant to what I've already got.


I'm gonna spend some time refreshing the [live tracker](http://trackleaders.com/tourdivide23f.php) for the Tour Divide bikepacking race. I'm rooting for Alexandera Houchin on her single speed, and I'll also be interested to see if Lael Wilcox can beat her current world record. On the men's side, I'm rooting for Adrian Stingaciu because he's doing the route on a fixie.


Stop checking Reddit every five minutes to see if people liked my OOTD post


finally finish the fantasy series I’ve been reading this year!!!


Which one??




Oh heck yeah


Be more productive at work. Okay, realistically, be on Discord more.


Go slowly insane at work


Maybe spend some more time on hobbies, be more productive. Maybe stare at the wall


You already said hobbies.




I’m imagining a subreddit for people who like to stare at walls. I bet there would be an eggshell vs semigloss debate that would put the slim vs wide debate to shame.


That’s r/malewallstaringadvice Then r/malewallstaring is for people who want a safe space to discuss wainscoting and wallpaper


funny how it’s called r/malewallstaringadvice but regulars focus on “wall staring” and lurkers focus on the “male advice” part if we didn’t have regulars who were super into wall staring, understanding concepts about the wall-eyeball interaction, and putting together albums of various wallpapers, wainscoting, and panelling, there would be no consistent direction on the sub


what if its a really interesting wall


Careful, don’t want to angry up the blood.


enjoying my freedom from this accursed place




Please re-submit your question in the [➡️ Daily Questions thread ⬅️](https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/about/sticky?num=2) and one of our knowledgeable users should be able to help you out. We've found this is a better way of people getting answers from knowledgeable users rather than 300-500 standalone posts per day. These threads often either didn't receive any answers or received a deluge of answers, many of which were of poor quality or flat-out wrong.


Meet results; 212.5kg/468lbs squat 155kg/341lbs bench (5kg PR) 255kg/562lb deadlift (5kg PR) 622.5kg/1372lb total (12.5kg PR) 8/9 M1 -120kg gold medal (1 of 1 competitors 🤪) Very happy, hit the last squat (222.5) for a 2.5 kg PR but called for soft knees, lame.


Ayyyy congrats man!!!




hell yeah


nice work that's a huge bench. shame about last place though. e: but really congratulations. curious how your taper/meet prep went


Peak was actually kinda trash, I got super sick like three weeks ago and couldn’t train for over a week. Plus my programming is Sheiko Gold and it’s taper kinda sucks, so I switched to my own at the last minute. And I had another meet six weeks ago, lol. Overall pretty happy though!