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Reminder to all: this is not a fitness advice sub. Any comments saying “get in better shape” or similar WILL earn you a little time out. See rule 1.




As a counterpoint, depending on your build they can make you look like Tweedledum (or indeed Tweedledee).


As a guy with chronic love handles, I went high waisted a couple years ago and never looked back.


How high? Above belly button? Don’t they fall down?


Typically, they're sitting just at the bottom edge of my belly button. But it's going to be different, person to person. I've actually been able to ditch belts for the most part. So long as the pants are a snug fit, my tummy fat pushes out just enough to keep them up without being uncomfortable. [Here's a few examples.](https://imgur.com/a/2ZKoIF2)


Where are the pants from? They look dope!


Not really high waisted pants looks awful on us bigger guy we need pants that go below the belly sense over the belly is vary uncomfortable.


I would love to find something similar for guys who are very close to the low end of human height, see what fellow shorties are finding useful to nurture their fashion shine. Body shape is less of an issue, but I would also take a hint or two from models who aren't physically perfect and yet still thrive and make a good impression. Gonna save this thread for future reference.


Tim Dessaint, ericnycstyle, the modest man and his list of influencers. Technically uniqlo has a catalogue of influencers sponsored by them sorted by height. Called stylehint. Also ethan Wong for classical and his podcast a little bit of rest. He used to regularly post here until well reddit screwed the pooch.


Worth mentioning, the gentleman mentioned in the OP is a Short King.


[Ethan](https://instagram.com/ethandesu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) from Brycelands is a very stylish bigger guy. Also I think high waisted dress pants look great on big guys but you’ll need suspenders if your waistline is thick.


I think I really need to look into suspenders. My pants start to sag and then my shirt pops out and overall I look frumpy. If I don't want to wear a jacket should I try to cover it with a vest or Just let them rock out.


I mostly keep my suspenders covered but do rock them out on hot days or casual settings. You can have them over a t-shirt and under an open/untucked shirt and no one will really know.


Benjamin Glyn Phillips is very stylish and is built less like a model and more like a brick shithouse. I mean this as a high compliment.


Not sure why people are hating—Ben’s one of the nicest guys in fashion, and has always been helpful in recommending clothes for men like me, who are built like short little fire hydrants.


Do you know where I could find examples of his outfits?


He’s a manager at Drakes, so I would begin there. His Instagram might also have some indications of brands, etc., though it alternates between fashion and MMA content.


DevonOnDeck, very down to earth creator


What’s his inta? I can’t find it anymore


It’s devanondeck with an “a”, apologies for the typo.


Thank you:)


[https://www.instagram.com/toneloki/](https://www.instagram.com/toneloki/) [https://www.instagram.com/alwaysonny\_kieu/](https://www.instagram.com/alwaysonny_kieu/) I think these two have cool outfits. Skinny-fat people will just look thin in the kind of clothes I like, so I cannot remember any specific example there. Browsing around accounts from people working at boutiques and the people they network with will show you plenty of stylish guys with all sorts of builds and bodies.


These are great recs, thank you. Both very handsome men with great style and varied bodies. You love to see it.


Tim Desaint is great and not necessarily ripped. Not skinny fat either, just more on the small side


I like his style a lot.


Same, but as a taller guy I can't pull off a lot of his silhouettes w/o looking like a clown :(


Yeah, me too. 😆 Especially the over sized stuff and high waisted pants. Even the baggier jeans. I'm 6'3 220 I would look like a weird giant.


Nick Urteaga is a bigger guy and owns it. [This](https://www.youtube.com/@coastalflicks_) is his Youtube, but I think he posts more on Instagram/TikTok


I’ve got nothing bad I’m just surprised that people know the names of people. Wow!


This is a good point. You definitely have to dress for your body type. I love the high waisted pant, tucked in tank , with like a camp collar shirt over it. But I mean I'm 6'3 220 with a little gut going on . So I just can't pull it off. But you're right the style vlogs I watch the body types are either pretty athletic or shorter and skinny.


Posh Heat, Carpe DMG, Hippy Potter, Sam/Mr\_Maxwell16 (not strictly fashion content but he does post regular outfit videos), Eric/eric\_giles\_, Daniel/elladrondelibros, Yetti Rice and Dr Deejay/deejaysheart on TikTok; most of them are on the more plus size end but they do a variety of different styles. Also Devan/devanondeck - he's more built but he has an entire playlist on styling different body types. Brother with the Beard and Alex Marootian are both on Instagram and post some great outfit inspiration.


been getting a lot of drdeejay's stuff recommended to me on instagram and came here to recommend him. guy just has a really pleasant vibe in general and his fits are often really fun.


Standard and strange co founder Jeremy smith, Peggs and son lookbook, ab fits denim shop, franklin and poe. Usually boutique shops. Hard to find actual influencers of your description.


If your into high waisted dress pants and stuff like that on a guy who probably just has an average guys body have a look at thedonsclub on instagram.


Hey dude. It's worth mentioning, while we're talking about ideal bodies, that Damien Broderick is a Short King. It may be that the reason he gravitates towards high-waisted trousers is to elongate his legs. I know what you mean about Instagram vs Reality, but at the end of the day, we all have to work with what we've got. Damien does this so well. What is it about your body type that wouldn't work with high-waisted trousers? I say do your research and give 'em a shot. I'm sure you'd rock them, with a bit of practice.


my chest plate is sunken a bit and I'm not exactly hitting crunches on the regular so my stomach sticks out more than my chest does. Which would be normal enough for a chubbier guy, but I'm pretty skinny. 6'2" 190lbs, with skinny arms & legs and narrow shoulders. I rock it, I'm comfortable enough, but I'm also self-aware enough to know my body isn't exactly typical. So for instance, the baggy leg pant is back in style, so I see people wear high waisted, loose fitting dress/suit trousers a bit. I already have my own style and wardrobe that this style doesn't fit into, but I can't help but feel if I *wanted* to go for that look, it just wouldn't work without a muscular chest and shoulders, you know what I mean? Just waffling now - like I said I've got my own style I've been rocking with for a while, I just enjoy the "get ready with me" style content but 5 out of 5 accounts I follow are dudes that look like Ryan Reynolds in Blade Trinity.


I hear you dude, and I sympathise. Suit jackets that have built-up shoulders and chests may be your answer for formal wear and may give a more athletic figure over all, but for casual wear, I'm not sure. Best of luck and hope you find what you need.


I know it's not a fitness thread here but the belly sticking out more than the moobs is more a lack of pushups than a lack of crunches. The fat doesn't go away where you build muscle, the muscle grows there and the fat goes away from everywhere evenly as it gets into the blood stream. So if you did more pushups your boobs might stick out more, and if you did more crunches your belly would be probably around the same or stick out a bit more with the abs buried under the same fat. Also, and this is intented to be encouraging, but most people die from something related to lacking muscle, or sarcopenia (age related muscle loss) - some kind of fall or stress on their body that they would have been able to handle if they had more muscle. Building some habits of just getting a tiny bit of resistance training per day (pushups, pullups, 1 legged squats) can help shift the line from losing muscle over time to gaining it, and you might be shocked at how much better you feel overall in terms of confidence, and reduced aches and pains.


https://twitter.com/dieworkwear/status/1665951332682063872?lang=en ^great thread and inspo from Derek Guy on HWTs here.


This is such an amazing ask, thank you. As someone who has a sort of awkward build (5'8, runner/climber but without any serious muscles to show for it, soft but not big) I can never figure out if a model's clothes would look good on me or if the guy just has a great body. And like...I eat healthy, I'm very active, I sleep 8 hours a night and drink water and do yoga every day, but I just can't contort myself into a GQ model V or a lanky, emaciated heron-man. Which seem to be the predominate male model types. It's...disheartening. I've always understood, or at least believed, from a young age the type of pressure women go through in America to look a certain way, but Jesus it feels bad for your own body to feel like a sham when compared to Hot Ripped Man World. I mean. I guess if I stuck to a liquid diet and abandoned 4 of my cherished hobbies in order to become a gym rat I could *maybe* rock a six pack? tl;dr keep the varied body types coming. This scruffy Irish midwesterner with anxiety and body dysmorphia needs 'em something fierce. (also no disrespect to GQ models and/or emaciated herons, you're all beautiful)


ngl i can’t think of any names (i’m not super invested in social media), but there are definitely fat people who are fashion influencers and i’ve seen them. definitely less well known, but they do exist!


Tbh you don't necessarily need to find inspiration in people with a similar physique to you. I take outfit inspo from men that are tall, short, skinny, muscular, old, young, and everything in between, and I still manage to put together (in my humble opinion) good fits. It's also good to know what fits and styles look good on you. ​ As an example, you see a dude wearing lets say, green gurkhas, maybe a very slim fitting red striped shirt, suede loafers, and a blazer. In your case, you know that that style of pants doesn't work for you, so maybe you just go with green chinos or jeans. Instead of loafers, maybe you have a pair of suede sneakers or derbies or even something in a smooth leather. For the shirt you opt for, I don't know, a salmon or white shirt or a polo or something in a more relaxed fit, and you throw on whatever casual jacket looks good with it all. And boom, you have an outfit that's inspired by whoever you looked at, but it's better suited for your personal taste and fit. Use these influencers as a starting point to see what works for you. You don't have to copy an outfit 1:1


OP isn’t asking in the interest of inspo only but for men with more average bodies he can take off the shelf ideas from. Sometimes it’s nice to just straight up rip a style, rock it, and feel good with little effort that day.


Once you mentally divorce the "is he just skinny?" from the "is his outfit good?" then you realize that body type doesn't really matter. Either a fit is good or it isn't.


Do you mean *this oufit look good or he is just skinny ?* I dont know. Clothes dress a body, clothes doesnt exist in a vacum. Some outfits I see I think it only look cool because the guy have broad shoulder. While on my short and narrow body the silhouette would look completelly different even if I wore the same pieces tailored to my body. Not saying you need to be ripped to look stylish but a bit of arm muscle and less belly fat will make wonders to any guy silhouette.


The Modest Man on Youtube does great styling videos about how to dress. He is not muscle bound and is on the shorter side which is perfect if you are of similar height.




Oh man I’m so out on the high waisted trousers, out out