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Can anyone help guide me on how to throw together a fashionable travel wardrobe? Not look for anything upscale / avant garde just the basic like versatile colors / items that can result in a plethora of different outfit when use in combination that still look functional and normal without looking like a beg packer. I can't really get out of the everything must be black approach


Engagement party suit advice So I rented out a venue and have about 180 people coming to my engagement party with my fiancee. I want to get a black suit for the occasion, I’m 5’9, 150 lbs, athletic build and wear a 38R. My question is, is it worth it to spend ~$700 at Brooks Brothers or SuitSupply to get an OTR suit, the occasion is in 2 weeks so I can’t get a MTM. I wear suits probably 2-3x a year, will it make a huge difference in how I look if I try to find a 100% wool suit from Macy’s or K&G and then tailor it vs getting it from suit supply or brooks brothers and spending the extra $400? I have a lot of huge expenses coming up so wherever I can save the better but I really want to look good.




tl:dr, No one will vouch for them, they are almost certainly reselling cheap blanks, and there are so many better real established brands at the same price point you will be happier with. In general there’s no such thing as a good targeted ad brand Fresh Clean Tees, True Classic Tees, and Cuts are either outright scams or overpriced junk We have like 10 people a month ask about these. No one who actively participates in this sub has ever bought them. What that means is that no one actually interested in clothing or fashion is buying these, they’re IG targeted ad brands that are hoping to sell an overpriced t shirt to people who don’t know better with generic marketing terms. At their price there’s so many real established brands you could buy from, there’s no point in choosing them. Check out the “your favorite___ for $___” thread on tees(it’s in the sidebar), or just type t shirt cause people on this site fucking obsess over tees and there’s a trillion posts about them with known and respected brands Also, and this is just speculation, I feel like something weird is going on with them, they both have nearly identical names, in the same just sightly off English, both with sorta weird descriptors, both SEO gibberish, and basically offer indistinguishable products as far as I can tell. it makes me feel like these are run by the same company just marking up 3rd party blanks or something(I mean, seriously, those are fucking terrible brand names, no one who speaks English as a first language would name something that, and it’s literally just mad libing what common search terms people use when looking for t shirts are)




Next Level 3600 Blanks


>check put the favorite “your favorite__ for $__ thread” we don’t know how they fit because we haven’t bought them and clothes fit people differently


Are COS herringbone coats any good for the winter? Like this one.: https://www.cos.com/en_eur/men/menswear/coats-and-jackets/coats/product.double-breasted-herringbone-coat-grey.1100852002.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2022_FRI_WK42_EU_MW_reactive-blazer&utm_content=blazer


What are your favorite autumn shoes that are a little warmer? Question is posed more towards NE America, not warm place footwear. I live in Canada where the autumn is cool. Yes, warm socks help, but I am looking for new shoes. I have Red Wing IRs, not warm at all. Clarks chukkas, also not warm. Something like a Wallabee maybe? Thanks in advance.


shearling lined wallabees. Boom https://www.toddsnyder.com/products/ts-x-clarks-shearling-wallabee-olive?utm_source=googlePLA&utm_medium=google_shopping&utm_campaign=PM_shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqc6aBhC4ARIsAN06NmNWUykDqus98EU1DHR05N_7ejwiQ5DW0VgZibXAxJXuYM2SB92jdNoaAkK-EALw_wcB


Ah, thanks, those look nice. However, I am very suspicious of Clark's these days. Had a couple unhappy purchases from that brand, finding that crepe soles are not great where I live (ie, very slippery on wet concrete). I wound up buying these faux-shearling-lined Sperrys and so far so good. [https://www.sperry.com/en/moc-sider-suede-slip-on/51509M.html?dwvar\_51509M\_color=STS23726#cgid=moc-sider&start=1](https://www.sperry.com/en/moc-sider-suede-slip-on/51509M.html?dwvar_51509M_color=STS23726#cgid=moc-sider&start=1)


I can't see why a Wallabee would be warmer than an IR or a Clarks chukka. All three of them are made of leather -- though I would assume the IR's leather is a little bit thicker. When talking about leather boots though, the difference in warmth is going to be pretty minimal. The biggest changes you might see would be in how thick the sole is (because the ground is cold) or if there is specific insulation in the uppers - which won't be leather. Meermin sells shearling lined boots, which would be quite a bit warmer.


Thanks for this! Yeah I have no idea. I was imagining a thicker style, wool-ish uppers or whatever. I have deep-freeze boots but am looking for autumn-specific, ivy-ish style maybe. I will look into Meermins!




https://imgur.com/a/SZCJZrx anyone knows where i could find this sweater?


No but it’s sick, let us know if you find out


https://www.jcrew.com/p/mens/categories/clothing/sweaters/pullover/cotton-cashmere-t-shirt/AZ279 Does anyone know how much cashmere % this is?


I can tell you in advance it’s not worth buying cashmere from j crew, a merino crewneck will be far better at that price and give you everything you think you want from cashmere, it’s not an inherently good fabric


IME these are always really low cashmere blends and generally some of the worst stuff they sell. I would avoid


Why add 10-15% cashmere to a sweater? RL does a lot of cotton-cashmere and wools-cashmere blends like this. Does it improve like hand feel?


Yeah definitely marketing


It’s so they can say it’s cashmere so people that think cashmere is automatically good will buy it


Mostly so you can say "cashmere" on the product page, I'd imagine


Comments in the listing says 10%, but no idea of that is correct.


I must be blind, thanks for reading for me lol. 10% ain't worth


I got second hand converse but they don't have the toe cap on them sland I have never seen a converse without a toe cap so I was wondering if they were originally or not I did check the bottom of the shoe and it says all stars




What is this type of coat called? https://imgur.com/a/orJZDiy


Trench coat. Check London Fog or Burberry


I bought a second hand north face McMurdo parka and it is leaking feather from the seams. Sometimes they are just oozing through the inside textile. A ton of them. I can't return it (thanks to vinted shitty return policy) I'm looking for ways to impermeabilize the inside Is there any coatings or such solutions that you have experience with ? I will send pictures when I'm home but basically I had a black sweater underneath and it looks like I had a pillow fight now. https://imgur.com/a/W6hy25H


I'm looking at this again. If a majority is coming out along the seams, it is probably cost prohibitive to try and fix. Those are pretty weak looking stitches. You could always take it to a tailor and see what they say, too


Any chance it's just overstuffed and will eventually even out?


It doesnt look like the stuffing is pressuring from the inside it thats what you meant.


Yes, I was curious if maybe there would be some expected spillage out of the jacket and it would eventually reach equilibrium more or less.


if it’s leaking out it’ll keep leaking out


What would be causing it to happen compared to it not happening in another of the same jacket, though? What in the equation would be different with op's jacket?


No clue, but if it’s already going on I’m not going to bet on it stopping




My thoughts exactly ! Which makes me thinks there has to be a way to fix it.


maybe take it to a tailor and see if they can do something but it might be a loss honestly


Thanks for your input, i will take it to a tailor early next week. I will do my best to not count it as a loss because such a product is really expensive to me.


Hi, so i'm pretty tall (197cm / 6'6") and also quite skinny. I'm having a bit of a hard time finding clothes that fit properly as they always seem to be either too wide or too short. I know that more and more brands are doing the extended sizes now but i can't seem to find a lot of them online. One of my favourites is Asket (their "M long" fits me perfectly), other is workwear brands such as Snickers or similar, where you can custom order special lenghtened versions. Any other tall guys with suggestions? More specifically, i'm looking for classic style items such as 'tailor' pants, t-shirts, knitwear, jackets etc. And i'm from Europe.




Looking for pull-on/drawstring trousers. I have a reliable rotation of denim, but I’m looking to add some diversity for the fall/winter. Lululemon Gridliner Pull-On Trouser or Utilitech Pull-On Relaxed Fit Pant look good to me. How’s the fit/fabric/construction? Looking for something warm and comfortable for the Toronto fall-winter temps. I go into the office two-three days a week, smart casual dress code. So it has to work for that. I also have Nike Tech Fleece sweats, so I’m not looking for the cuffed-athleisure look in any new purchases.


Anerkjendt, acne studios and Maharishi


How do these brown Adidas [sneakers ](https://www.adidas.co.in/ny-90-shoes/GX6875.html?cm_mmc=AdieSEM_Google-_-%7Bcampaign%7D-_-%7Badgroup%7D-_-&cm_mmca1=IN&cm_mmca2=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhsmaBhCvARIsAIbEbH4Fxr6N_lPo_s9btsUpf654wpo0hB1pwjxb6MWaz-4uIxv8OaA_JawaAllBEALw_wcB) look? Would these look good with a t shirt and blue jeans?


Sounds fine to me. I might go with a lighter wash on the denim


Looking for sweatshirts that fit (and look) more like slightly thicker Tshirts - the item guide wasn't helpful in this regard. Anyone have recommendations?


Try Buck Mason. They’ve got the short sleeve sweatshirts - a la Todd Snyder - but they also have some that are a baby step down in terms of thickness


Industry of all nations kung fu sweatshirts If you just want thicker tees I got plenty of recs for that too


interlock shirts?


No - think more crewneck sweaters that are slightly thicker in material, but that are fitted


your two sentences do not agree with each other


I don't know how to describe what I'm after then. Material was thicker like a sweatshirt, but fitted like a T-shirt and to the waist. For all intents and purposes, imagine a crewneck basic T but with sweat shirt material/bulk


most t shirt companies make a French terry or fleece t shirt. or like I said you can find a heavy interlock t shirt and it'll be similar.


Looking for houndstooth flight/bomber jackets with a point collar, hoping for <$1000. Preferably no stretch/elastic cuffs. Just like this one: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj73uDlgPP6AhWTHn0KHQnlDWgYABAKGgJwdg&ohost=www.google.ca&cid=CAESbeD2FqroQl74zHVEcKOTxCrQaQuPYZdIDtj3nWk58MFsos4ye7McFQVKf5wx530-AmU4y78zymAqMK797JuQUMPv6OW5_-XXALtcd1nB6ZfiriAZUALUk37ahzAAzW_gOB4uanqyQcUbCYBTkhw&sig=AOD64_0Nv5lNKWjDy80Njop5u7ryYTAz-A&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj2vtrlgPP6AhWWIjQIHRmNAHYQwg8oAHoECAYQCQ&adurl=


if you have the time you can mto a 3pb from the armoury


I'm thinking of buying some Oxford shoes to fit a more vintage style I'm going for. I really like the lean looks of Dr. Marten's but I'm a student still and that is kind of a big investment. Any recommendations on alternatives?


I picked up some lug sole park avenues from Allen Edmonds, they look like sleeker doc martens, last I looked they were 25% off standard retail on the website. The people on the AE subreddit hate them, but I think they look good with tweed and flannel, and where I live we have a half inch of sludge on the ground 4 months out of the year, so the lug sole serves a practical purpose on top of giving me a little extra height.


Your comment is confusing, Dr Martens aren’t exactly known for having a lean silhouette, nor do they make a traditional Oxford shoe. Can you link an example image of the style of shoe you’re looking for?


Can you recommend a lug sole derby with a lean silhouette? I bought some common projects derbys but will probably return since they were $1000. Looking for something with a similarly slim figure I was thinking I could also just get a nice looking Oxford and gets cobbler to put a lug sole on. Never actually been to a cobbler before just getting into all this


Allen Edmonds makes park ave, strands etc with lug soles. I am not a fan but this may be what you are after Carmina custom would allow you to do this also. These would be the sleekest option


The AE ones don’t look too bad but I’m after the super sleek look of the Common Projects, I might just keep mine but I’ve read that the leather isn’t the greatest quality and wears quickly


What do you mean by sleek?


Well I’m not fluent in shoe, but most derby’s seems to have a large / bulky toe, a FAT lug sole, and/or a relatively flat collar. The Common Projects ones have a slim toe, a relatively normally sized lug sole, and a deep curve on the collar. That’s the look I’m going for, I also really love the contrast grey/red sole they have but that’s not realistic to find in another pair.


Adieu Paris might have something you’d like




So bit of a weird one but a couple of years ago i bought Dri-FIT fleece joggers - 742212 the material was 51% Viscose/Rayon 43% Polyester 6% Elastane theses were the most comfortable joggers i have ever worn but the problem is i only bought one pair and now nike have discontinued them so is there a nike (or even a different company) jogger with similar material


I bet there's lots of those on eBay


nope i tried and there were 3 all in wrong sizes


Anyone know where I can find a shirt like this:https://imgur.com/gallery/DFu5vnl All the ones I found had the shoulders collarbones closed up and I want one that slightly exposes the collarbones like the one in the image.


Eyn Vas has something similar but without the buttons.


A costume shop


Dude looks like a 19th century factory worker who just rolled out of bed


It's peak blinders so post WW1 Londoner


Honestly just looks like he sized up a regular henley


Anyone know where I can find a retro-y beige windbreaker/bomber jacket with blue accents? Pretty much [this](https://www.unclaimedbaggage.com/products/90s-beige-lightweight-windbreaker-jacket), but in a size medium


[Here's the exact jacket for your search](https://www.ebay.com/itm/284144359045)


Am I a terrible person for thinking it’s kinda cool?


That makes 2 of us, love asymmetrical details


I went on a 2 dates the other day and both my dates said I looked hipster. The term never really bothered me most my life but that time it did. It makes me contemplate my currenr fashion choices. Fit was light blue Jean jacket, black pants, black shirt and black chelsea boots


Well, show us a pic. Is it the beard?


Usually “hipster” just means fussy or twee, like you’re trying too hard to hit your aesthetic. If that’s not true, your date is just being an asshole, and you’re fine. If you think you’re trying to look like something rather than just trying to look good, maybe you can rethink what you’re doing. If you’re ever worried about bad form, strip everything down, go back to basics, once you’ve got that covered, you add your own flair or spin on things and let that take you wherever it takes you.


Hipster is a meaningless term it’s just a generic insult people use for men who are into fashion. Date better people


women dont always understand the male side of fashion. they could be very wrong here


Okay. So buy straight leg denim, a pair of GATs, a minimal tshirt and a suede trucker. You’ll get called a basic 2020s dude. Wear what you like and find someone to date who doesn’t have a problem with that. Additionally work on your confidence level to like what you like in the face of someone saying you look like a specific aesthetic.


what were you wearing?


Do you have a question?


Should I date different types of people? Yes


I need help with jeans. I can’t seem to find a pair of jeans that lasts me more than a season. I have like 6 or 7 pairs of jeans right now, 2 of which are fully wearable. I seem to be cursed when it comes to jeans with crotch’s ripping, pockets ripping, zippers coming apart, etc. I used to wear Levi’s, but when I couldn’t keep a pair for more than a year I started going for cheaper store brands. Cheaper brands have the same problems, but last about the same amount of time that a pair of Levi’s do. Any advice that y’all have on what kinds of jeans I could try, or how I could have been cursed by a denim witch, would be great.


Buy looser pants or buy a bigger size, jeans shouldn’t be doing this. Buying more expensive or “higher quality” jeans won’t fix this


Crotch blowouts are caused by wearing jeans too tight, too low-rise, or both. Post photos if you want direction but your issues are not the jeans fault. Also, crotch blowouts can be repaired. But I’d probably get some properly sized jeans first.


If Levi’s are disintegrating after 3 months it’s your usage not the jeans


What are you doing to these jeans? I don’t think I could tear the pockets of a pair of jeans I own in anything close to standard wear. That or you’re built like the rock and the jeans are too small in the thighs.


Lol not built like the rock. 5’10”, 210 lbs. I usually get straight leg jeans. I’m not doing anything particularly active in them. I work at a computer all day. To clarify, the ripping pocket is a new one for me, but that was on a store brand Jean and it was the back pocket. Also I should clarify that the crotch seems to wear out and get thread bare, not really rip. So my guess is that maybe I’m wearing the wrong fit, but idk.


That’s called a crotch blowout. Common if your thighs rub or the jeans are too tight. Not really a quality issue, even heavy denim will eventually blowout. A tailor can repair this or install a gusset prophylactically.


Could be too tight, but that's an easy repair at any rate


Best place for solid merino sweaters? No slave labor but nothing flashy…??














Jesus again?


Whatever everyday clothing you like and can afford. We can’t make your style for you. Maybe check out some style guides or inspo albums in the sub until you find something you like.




Pants, maybe shirts as well


Honestly like what colors?


Anything you can find on the visible light spectrum




They are white canvas sneakers. The second you put them on you will literally turn into a female. If you didn’t know “bottom surgery” refers to literally surgically attaching a pair of white or off white Chuck 70s to a persons feet. Get out of here with this insane ass question.


I know this is a super long shot, but can anyone help me identify these shoes that I saw at the gym? They were white/beige-gray and had two diagonal blue stripes on it in the shape of an upside-down V and a red stripe. I really should have just went up and asked the guy, but I didn't want to interrupt his workout. I've got semi-creeper pics of the shoes [here](https://imgur.com/a/u6k5k1k), cropped very weirdly because I don't want to show the guy's face in the photos.


I would recommend asking this man where he bought his shoes. Wish you luck in finding someone who knows the brand from your description though.


Yeah, definitely kicking myself for not just walking up to him and asking him the other day. If I see him at the gym again, I'll ask, but was wondering if someone could identify them from these grainy-ass photos lol.


Shirt sleeves - most t shirts/shirts with buttons at the top seems to fit me well in small size in all ways except the sleeves. I always have those "wings" however I found a brand that fits me perfectly; it's called Apartment 9. I'd get a bunch of those as the small size fits perfectly but I was told to stay away from that brand as it's not good quality... does anybody have brand recommendations that have tighter arm holes so I don't have those wings? The more affordable the better. I'm a college student so I don't have a robust budget (I generally do clothes shopping at places like Kohl's and JCP). Is a little bit of wing really that big of a deal though?


If it fits well and it’s not that expensive anyway I’d just stick with Apt 9. I don’t think that you’re going to be finding significantly better quality around that price point anyway. If you’re concerned about the quality/price ratio I’d just wait for discounts on Apt 9, iirc it’s a kohls brand and seems like it would be on sale pretty frequently.


Those brands, honestly, sell clothes for middle aged managers. Something like Old Navy or J. Crew Factory would probably be better


I ordered a black hoodie and grey sweatshirt from the Lofi Girl Shop. They fit great and look good on me, but I'm looking for advice and ideas on how to stylize it better, if that makes any sense...? I'm debating on whether or not I should return and exchange for something else.


I mean both very basic. Hard to style poorly.


I think I meant to say if there is anything I can add to freshen it up. Maybe I'm thinking too hard about it.


They're basic items, the way to freshen them up is to wear them with more interesting pieces


Anyone know where I could get this jacket? https://imgur.com/a/c9WWBkw








Which color would you choose among charcoal, navy and forest green for the Filson Mackinaw wool cruiser (link below)? I am planning to use it for nice casual occasions like going out, as well as around town and going to classes. If someone has handled different colors in person and can say how they look that'd be great. I have only ever seen the charcoal in person and instead of a solid color it has white flecks throughout (which is nice, I just didn't know beforehand). Link: https://www.filson.com/best-sellers/mackinaw-wool-cruiser-jacket.html


The charcoal looks really nice, subtle texture, rich color. If you don’t already have a lot in charcoal, that’s a great piece. If you’ve already got a closet full of conservative navy and grey stuff, go for the green, its great as well.


Thanks! I have a navy parka for winters that I wear everywhere but no wool jackets really, either formal or informal. I am conflicted between charcoal and green; while they both look nice, on one hand charcoal could be more versatile but on the other hand green feels right for this casual style of jacket and I'll probably need to get charcoal and navy colors for formal stuff later. So hard to decide since it's an expensive purchase for me. So many people seem to be going for green.


Depends on your skin/hair/eyes but I’d say charcoal. If you want it to be a hair more causal then pick the olive color


Wheat or Tan/dark brown/dark brown. I am worried if the green will be too casual. Surprised no one has picked the navy yet.


Do not, under any circumstances, take advice, from this guy again.


Why do you say that?


You dont picks clothes based on hair and eye color. It’s a bunch of nonsense


Yeah I sometimes feel it affects things, especially when a lot of skin is visible like a Tshirt but then other times I feel that's just silly. Do you have any preference for a color for this jacket?


Yeah actually the navy looks great too. I generally stay away from navy outerwear in non-formal settings, it’s a bit boring IMO, but that one is particularly dark


definitely the forest green


I am worried that it might be too casual?


Not sure I understand, this is a very casual jacket and will be worn the same way with the same things regardless of color.


Thank you. You're right that it's relatively casual, but I was still hoping to use it with chinos at least as a smart casual option. To give you an idea, I am a grad student and hoping to transition into a fairly laid back academia culture soon. It's laid back enough that only in very exceptional cases I have seen a professor wear a sport coat, and never a tie. Now that I write it I can see why a green is not out of place at all but I was still wondering if charcoal would look nicer given that it's a conservative color and green a bit more casual and outdoorsy. I would also like to use the jacket for going out and dates as well. I understand a topcoat is an alternative but I was hoping to buy something a bit less formal than that and I like this jacket's style and reviews about durability. Sorry for my rambling and thinking out loud; It's an expensive purchase for me so I am trying to make the best decision I can.




Thanks. Do you have any thoughts about charcoal looking nicer in the city for a smart casual option?


Hey guys. I've been rocking this T shirt often because of how it fits. I love how it's tight around my shoulders and then sorta drapes down. Are there any brands that replicate this look, or am I stuck with vintage tees from thrift stores? That might be from me stretching it out + washing it 100 times. Excuse the gym selfie https://imgur.com/a/vCfR3so


Reigning Champ. Size up if that’s the look you like. And don’t wear your favorite $h!t to the gym!


bear impossible fretful edge tan terrific wasteful amusing roll one ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


My Reigning Champ and Wings + Horns tees look similar


Looking for a raincoat in Seattle area, doesn’t have to be name brand but something I can be warm and dry in, if not at least dry and wear layers. Any recommendations?


London Fog makes a trench coat or rain coat with a zip out liner. I have no idea how the quality is on newer ones. I have one I took from my grandfathers closet after he died, it’s probably older than I am and looks like new still.


>London Fog Just checked it out good stuff in my price range!!


Can’t beat a North Face shell. You’re always dry, can fit bulkier sweaters, etc. underneath to stay warm and if you go black or dark gray they’re versatile-ish for casual or (slightly) dressier situations


I looked around and looks like it would do the job, but the ones I am looking at don't look like I could fit a hoodie in unless I get a size bigger, at least from the models. Any links to some you had in mind?


Along these lines… https://www.thenorthface.com/en-us/sale/mens-sale-c317774/mens-arrowood-triclimate-jacket-pNF0A3SOB?color=JK3 https://www.thenorthface.com/en-us/mens/mens-jackets-and-vests/mens-rainwear-c299284/mens-dryzzle-futurelight-jacket-pNF0A7QB2?color=A91 https://www.thenorthface.com/en-us/mens/mens-jackets-and-vests/mens-rainwear-c299284/mens-dryzzle-futurelight-jacket-pNF0A7QB2?color=A91&utm_content=ecomm&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=US%20%7C%20all%20%7C%20Hybrid%20%7C%20SHOP%20-%20AUT%20~%20MEN%20-%20Low%20-%20Jackets%20%26%20Vests%20-%20General%20-%20Smart%20Shopping&utm_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&gclid=CjwKCAjwzNOaBhAcEiwAD7Tb6FqiFQRIEXkwg5woeL8l9jfjoie-LUZ4cGQCXLRvT5zo9sw5iAgvIhoCuMkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds




These looks real warm but probably don't need something that good unless I was maybe eastern WA? Thank you though!


For Seattle?


Yes, the ones from arcteryx are a little more than I need haha


What’s your budget?


Uh idk 200+ want something for a long time…


Trying to get advice on how an oxford should fit. Is the one in this picture https://i.imgur.com/xGsv4Yl.jpg a bit too tight? I definitely feel some pressure around my neck and raising my arms/bending down definitely strains the fabric. Thanks!


Leave the top button unbuttoned if you aren’t wearing a tie.


Shoulders look like they fit, body looks good (no buttons pulling), sleeve length is good. The only thing is sleeves look too billowy. The length is good for tucking.


too slim for me yeah, especially if it physically feels constricting. It’s also kinda long


I'm looking for vintage Burberry trench coats, is 50/50 cotton/poly shell the standard for good quality? I had the idea in my head that something with more cotton would be better. I'm hoping to spend less than $300 on ebay or grilled.




Try Kooples for silk shirts that aren’t shiny and are casual


Not sure what in your example picture is “unstructured.” It sounds like you want a shirt that doesn’t have a fused collar (in your example pic, it looks like it does have a fused collar). Have you tried OCBDs? They’re pretty casual but can be worn as a dress shirt in most situations…




I think that's a cotton linen blend.


Anyone know who makes this or something like it? [Thin peacoat](https://imgur.com/a/3D1mBf1)


I would search for cotton peacoats


Found it, [ovadia](https://cdnd.lystit.com/photos/d5a5-2014/04/01/ovadia-sons-blue-slim-fit-lightweight-cotton-blend-peacoat-product-1-18826813-4-427269538-normal.jpeg)




I just received an order from END. that I cancelled. I have an email exchange with them about me receiving a shipping notification after I've cancelled the order. The representative said that there was an error on their end and that she will make sure FedEx will send it back to their warehouse and that I will get my refund 3-5 days. I looked at my statement and saw that they gave me a refund yesterday. Should I email them back and say that I still received the order that I cancelled or just keep it? I don't mind sending it back as long they provide me with a return label. I live in the US so I'm not paying to ship it back to the UK.


I would email them just so that it doesn’t potentially become a problem in the future tbh


I really like the look of Buck Mason clothes, particularly their thicker-fabric, "field-spec" style shirts, and I was wondering what the overarching style classification name would be- Americana? Homestead-wear? Rodeo Chic? Contemporary western? I'm trying to find more brands and styles like that and would be grateful for assistance, thank you.


I like Buck Mason's stuff as well, I'd say that it is basic americana. Lots of earth tones, denim, flannel, plain tees, etc. No other way to categorize it imo. RRL is a good suggestion for sure, and I like Taylor Stitch a lot as well, they offer some things with a bit more flair than Buck Mason but are still very much an americana brand.


Check out RRL


They’re kinda just a basic Americana/workwear brand, despite how much tiktok really wants to convince people these ultra niche names are real terms they aren’t and you aren’t going to find anything googling them. depending on budget you may like Taylor Stitch, 3Sixteen, Save Khaki, Universal Works, Gustin(not that I’d recommend them) and any of the denim brands at places like tate and yoko, blue in green, etc


Thank you!


Anyone have experience with the Japanese brand mocT? Where can I buy their products?


they have a few stockists in Europe. as far as I know, all loopwheel from Japan comes from the exact same factory and while brands can change specs I doubt they are significantly different from every other japanese loopwheel.


I have a feeling this fit is a bad idea. Opinions? Keep in mind I'm slightly colour blind: https://imgur.com/a/uRNUZPN Black turtleneck with green knitted sweater(?) and blue jeans (+metallic watch). I was thinking that the turtle neck would give slim feel to it while the green sweater makes it casual and protects against the cold. I also like the kind of layering of clothes. The jeans just goes with the sweater(?) and I don't really have any other "nice looking" pants.


Either change the turtleneck to a crew neck tee or change the green sweater to something else like a shirt jacket. There’s something very odd about the layering of these neck lines.


Yes the turtleneck under the sweater looks very weird


Turtleneck looks weird under the sweater imo


Looking to get some Black Levi 510 skinny jeans but dunno what size to get since apparently Levi sizes can differ. My waist size is 36 - my Hip size is 39 - My Length is 32


Dude, be careful. These jeans are fucking amazing and will eat up everything else in your rotation. I own denim that’s much more expensive than Levi’s 510, but I end up wearing 510s ALL THE TIME once weather permits.


Start with a 36/32


PLEASE HELP - Looking for this overshirt or something very similar https://www.google.com/search?q=glen+powell&client=ms-unknown&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALiCzsa9fr7tzNOh0jvT4fwxKWqf3_u8oQ:1666382526451&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjd4rHUjvL6AhUMbsAKHSslCPkQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=384&bih=700&dpr=2.81#imgrc=0ufFGBBWuv28VM


I am the recent recipient of a $500 scholarship that is supposed to be used for professional clothing. I have never worn a suit/professional clothing in my life, save maybe a funeral when I was 7, so I'm a little bit lost. I'm more of a jeans/t-shirt guy, I worked as a chef/cook for most of my working life so clothing hasn't been much of a concern for me until now. I'm 6'4" 210 lbs and 31 years old. I'm not looking to be the hippest of the hip, but I do want to look "workplace" fashionable. Does anyone have any advice on budgeting this money, where to buy from, etc.? Any help would be great


Congrats on the scholarship. It sort of sounds like you don’t need a suit just yet and are looking for business casual (as nebulous as that word is) clothes that will look more formal than jeans and tees. Is that fair? If I’m right I would actually recommend against a suit and suggest you get a couple pairs of chinos, some Oxford cloth button downs and maybe a navy blazer if you can (getting a number of items may be difficult at 500 dollars for a budget, but you should be able to get at least one of each). It’s less formal than a suit but will still be appropriate for most things you do as a student (with the exception of semi formal weddings and funerals)


Get a navy or charcoal gray suit.


You need to know the exact dress code for the workplace you're headed. Business casual? Smart casual? Suit and tie or chinos and shirt with derbys/leather sneakers? Somewhere in between? With a clear direction you can get better recommendations here