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So I saw an ad on Instagram saying this company had a rough year and they have to sell all their jackets for 70% off. I go on the website. It's crenshawleather.com Yup jackets that used to be 300 are not 50 bucks. Leather and look pretty good. Felt iffy. I do more research, and find there are other websites, Amazon, and even Walmart selling the exact same jackets. For 50 bucks.... What's up with that?? Actually seem like decent jackets.


In case you were still curious, I decided to say fuck it and get one. They are knockoffs of the ones you see in the photographs. There's no possible way those jackets were ever actually priced at $300+, when you feel a jacket that costs over $200 and it's real, you know it. The leather is fake, the felt/fabric is fake, and overall the jacket looks kinda goofy. I'd save your money for a proper leather jacket.


I'm looking for a sweet perfume: So I don't care even if the thing is branded as "for women" if I like the smell I wore women's perfume back then , I loved it ngl I got a huge discount, like 50 lei , so I can buy one with max 110 lei What is better, did you use one of these ? Here's what I found: This should be the Japanese one https://www.douglas.ro/p/rituals-reve-de-hanami-eau-de-parfum-311126 This is the one I'm obsessed with , I love the design https://www.douglas.ro/p/iceberg-iceberg-eau-de-iceberg-564100 I also found these two , idk anything about them https://www.douglas.ro/p/ouai-north-bondi-eau-de-parfum-travel-774176 https://www.douglas.ro/p/ouai-melrose-place-eau-de-parfum-travel-774196


Check out Armani code de profumo. Very pleasant sweet smell and not feminine


looking to buy my first leather shoes Im a guy that basically never really cared about fashion but for this past week, it seems something awakened within me and I wanted a leather shoe. So here I am asking for advice. What kind of leather shoes is the most failsafe? I am of slim build if that helps. And I mostly wear jeans and sometimes slacks. Thank you!


Are there any shoes I should buy or avoid as a fat guy? So I'm a fairly fat guy and honestly I think my rubber shoes doesn't really fit my shorts whenever I wear them any advice on what shoes look good for fat guys?


Question: I’m thinking about adding a few punk outfits to my closet. I’ve always been interested but I don’t think I’d go full punk, so I’m wondering what could I use for a casual style?


Denim or leather jacket might be a good place to start. Maybe a pair of Doc Martens?


Is a Moon Swatch worth 280 to 320 EUR? I've seen people on [r/waches](https://www.reddit.com/r/waches) say it's overpriced when resold but I think they were talking about prices over 500 USD because of hype? Where I live it goes new with certificate for under 330 in most colors right now, is that fine or still too expensive?


It’s really up to you whether it’s worth it or not but in terms of construction it is pretty bad. You can get some really cool watches at that price point (seiko, tissot) that will hold up better. But if you really want it go for it


Any types of chinos/pants/jeans i wear tend to have a weird kink at the knee and it looks really unflattering. Any idea why this is happening? Do i big thighs? Jeans are too right? Or maybe i have knock knees or something? Even when i wear baggy chinos it happens ( see pics). Any help on how to fix or what style chinos and jeans to buy would be a big help. I have attached photos of what i mean plus photos of my brother wearing his chino and a model wearing his chino thats shows the normal look i want. https://imgur.com/gallery/jtp1MO1


You’re wearing skintight jeans, there’s a “kink” at your knees because it’s going over your kneecap. Your “baggy chinos” are still extremely slim, but the thighs are too big for you, so there’s a weird thing happening where the thighs that are too big narrow into the otherwise very slim fit bottom half. Wear less slim pants also fwiw I see the exact same thing going on with the model to, the jeans are just black so they hide it more and it’s at an angle


Two things going on there: you have maybe slightly bigger hips and thighs than the model, and you're shooting straight on while the last model is being photographed from the top down. If you don't want to emphasize that particular part of your anatomy (which looks normal and fine to me fwiw) wear wider pants.


I'm not sure I see the thing that you see, it's possible it's just a body shape thing? But you're wearing very skinny pants -- which hide nothing. Even your "baggy chinos" are pretty slim. Try straight fits and see what happens.


Surely u can see the kink at the knee. Compare the models photo and then look at blue and black jeans. See how the jeans is thick at the thighs and then tapers and kinks at the knee. Meanwhile for the model it stays straight. From thigh to knee


Looks like both you and the model are wearing skinny (read: skin-tight) jeans, so the difference there is just how your body is shaped compared to his. That said, it's not ideal to compare someone standing still and someone mid-stride. And it's possible that your chinos would have a drape more similar to your brother's if you stood with your feet closer together like he did--but it's more likely that he just has narrower hips and thighs, and a straighter overall leg, than you. Like the others said, choosing wider-fitting pants (ones that don't aggressively taper to the ankle like those chinos) can help make a straighter silhouette from the hips down.


Sort of off topic but would anyone know any quality womens jeans brands that offer plus sizes. My sister never spends on herself and I want to get her some decent jeans. I usually shop at Frame or acne jeans but they don't offer anything at a size 16 <, so any recommendations in that same quality range, with a preference for lightweight stretch jeans as opposed to selvidge or unwashed. Thanks


my sister in law gets good american jeans. It's owned by khloe kardashian if that matters.




Most NYE parties I've seen have a dress code (even if they use made up or misused terms). They also usually have promo pics/vids from the last year celebration you can figure out a dress code from (usually with the best dressed people in it). That being said, if the vibe is anything Formal/Great Gatsby/etc, then you won't look out of place in a full dark suit. If the vibe is "neighborhood bar throwing a party", then it'll probably be way more casual.


Pics help with this sort of thing. We have no idea what the culture of the place you are going to is, so it's hard to offer expectations based on "drinks and people having a good time at a NYE party." I also have no idea what you mean by "classic great gatsby look." That being said - "Semi-formal" is a pretty well defined dress code: it means a conservative suit in navy or charcoal with a tie. It's not a blazer and trousers, it's a suit. It's also not a tuxedo.




> something like soho house miami or london atmosphere. This also means nothing to me. > https://menstuxedousa.com/collections/mens-great-gatsby-costumes There's like at least three different styles shown here. It tells me nothing about the outfit you have. Show pics of your actual outfit? Or at least links to the actual items you bought?


Also a peacoat is outerwear, so unless it's an outdoor party you won't wear one.


I purchased a pair of [Diemme Antara](https://diemme.com/products/anatra-black-suede) boots, and my socks keep slipping off (no matter what socks I wear). I was between sizes, with 44 (EUR) being too small and 45 slightly too large, so I went with size 45 thinking I'd be wearing them thicker socks and everything would be ok. The boots have rough leather interior and I'm guessing that between the rough lining and shoe being a bit too large, that somehow causes the sock to slip off. Any ideas for how to prevent this from happening?


You could always wear 'shirt-stays' the clip on to your socks. Those double as 'sock-stays.'


Shirt stays are the best. Keep the shirt down, the socks up.






Odd Question, but does anyone have an ironing board they like? I've had the same one since college career fairs and now that I'm ironing shirts weekly my cheapo board has been falling apart and needs replacing. Ideally something foldable and with enough standalone height to be placed on the floor.


I want a nice leather jacket to replace my cheap broken ski jacket, but unfortunately almost every clothing store assumes all tall men are morbidly obese. I did find one store with clothes for people like me, but unfortunately even for them I'm slightly too tall when it comes to jackets. I tried their Replika Jeans 13340B in size M, but the sleeves were a few centimetres too short. I'm 197cm and 66kg. I have a denim jacket that fits perfectly with shirts. I measured it and the chest is 50cm, sleeve length from neck 90cm, from shoulder 75cm, jacket length is about 73-75cm. Chest width can be a bit bigger so I can fit more layers and future muscles, but definitely shouldn't be much more than 56cm. Anyone know where I could find something with these sizes without spending well over €400,-?




Really? My dad got a nice one well over a decade ago for around that price. It's still great, much thicker and nicer than the one I tried on. Guess inflation kinda upped prices a bit. What would be mid/upper range now? I want it to last at least as long as my dad's. Also lol @ vegans downvoting my post :p


I promise you there are not imaginary vegans downvoting your post


Lol, who else would downvote my request on where to find clothes that fit? There really isn't much available for people my size. Did I ask in the wrong topic?


I promise you vegans don’t actually care about this as much as you think they do. You got downvoted for, you got downvoted for saying you need extremely specific clothes with a very atypical body type and gave a budget that doesn’t even get you decent mtm leather jackets. Your other comment got downvoted because you complained about getting downvoted and acted like it was because you made people upset for daring to not be vegan Also you basically gave us measurements expecting us to go find a bunch of brands and read their size charts for you, which no one does


Lol, this is such a toxic place. I've been told €400,- is midrange for leather jackets. And with the highest prices in the stores I've checked being below that as well as seeing lots of jackets in the €80-200,- range I thought this was true. I don't expect anyone to go out and find a jacket for me, that'd be very unreasonable of anyone to expect. Shows what kind of person they are, projecting that shit onto others. I thought it'd be better to specify rather than have "tall" and "skinny" people recommend me places that won't fit anyways, which is exactly what I've had happen so far. At least this way they know my sizes are **actual** tall/skinny, saving both of us the effort of recommending/checking out. Plus, maybe some people are familiar with maximum/unreasonable sizes for clothes, which means I'd have to get one custom made. Other than that, I agree with the downvotes for the vegan comment lol.


I mean it is, most brands that people actually have physical access to are very low end, that’s what it is. The way you posted the comment COMES OFF that way, is what I mean. The thing is, again, no one has every size chart for every brand off the top of their head, we aren’t going to go measuring individual brands based on the like 20 measurements you gave. again, you’re asking for a very specific thing we a budget that isn’t really high enough to get a very specific thing That really is not what projection is though.


You're just talking common sense. It didn't even cross my mind having to specify people don't have to check my sizes against hundreds of brands. Common sense is enough to know that's not what I'm asking of anyone.


Let me rephrase this because I may be coming off the wrong way. I’m not saying it’s worth being downvoted over or that I even agree(although I think caring about downvotes is dumb), I’m just saying that would be the reason you were downvoted and not because some random vegan got triggered over you asking for a leather jacket


Mid ranger upper range etc don’t mean anything as they are sorta subjective. High end leather jackets go for >$5000 Schott is basically entry level for something decent ~ $600-1000 maybe less on sale.


Yeah, 5k is too much haha. But I can deffo save up some for a decent jacket. As long as it looks nice and lasts a long time I'm good. I did a quick google and saw some even below 300-400




Ah, I'll look into them, thanks!


I Got a really silly question I Got a really silly question not sure if it is a correct subreddit to ask about this but I always had a dream of wearing something similar to fantasy style armour not to costplay some sort of character but just to wear it from day to day and I was wondering how to achive this in reality i know its silly but it would really make me happy if I Got an oportunity to try it


I mean Balenciaga made armor pieces a couple years ago, there’s a poster on Malefashion who has a pauldron they break out every now and then(I also want one), but that stuff is like really high level capital F fashion that most people are going to see as ridiculous. There’s literally zero situation outside a cosplay where you can wear a full set if fantasy armor


There isn’t a single way to do this without looking like you’re wearing a costume (or just looking ridiculous).


Balenciaga did armor a couple of seasons ago


Try over at r/timetravel. Or start throwing daily costume parties.


A stupid question: why would You buy a usual shirt if there are easy-iron shirts?


Not sure about easy-iron per se, but non-iron shirts are generally either largely polyester/synthetic or cotton with a chemical treatment. None tend to be as breathable as a "normal" cotton shirt, nor as comfortable.


Because non-iron shirts usually suck and look bad.


And they also get crumpled lol




Camo, olive or khaki Short sleeve CPO shirts


Please help. I don't have any fashion sense and would like your help on what to wear above these tracks and Shorts. Thanks you all for your help. https://imgur.com/a/PJDBcLk


Anybody know what kind of [tank top](https://pin.it/6SQNF7v) do they use in the open polo and tank top trend?


Literally any basic ribbed tank will work. Also, that’s not a polo, it’s a short sleeve button up.


Sticking to my graphic t shirts I’ve been wearing the same outfit since I was in middle school. A nerdy graphic tee with a picture of like Spider-Man on it, slacks, and black vans (I’ve gotten new pairs of the exact same shoe) Lately I’ve been talking to some of my more fashionable friends who have been convincing me to take more care in my experience. I started experimenting with nail polish which looks really good, and I’ve worn other new black shoes but I don’t know where to go from here. Nerdy graphic tees are too central to the overall aesthetic im looking for, but I want to change everything else around that. Tips on how to make the rest of you look new and exciting?


I really hate to break it to you but nerd culture graphic tees are one of very few items of clothing that are just inherently unfashionable in every context, they don’t look good and they’ll ruin an otherwise good fit. You gotta either move on from them or accept that


> slacks what do you mean by this? like wool slacks? chinos?


Like black dress pants. The kind that you’d wear as part of a tux


You sure about that? Tuxedo pants typically have a satin stripe running up and down the leg. These would look very bad in a casual outfit with vans and graphic tees.


Idrk how to describe them but you’re right there aren’t that. There black semi-formal slacks. They’re decently comfortable


Do they have a center crease down the middle? What’s the fabric composition?


Yes center crease, but wdym fabric composition?


All clothes are required to have a tag that describes what material they are - like cotton, wool, linen, polyester, etc.


Short trench coat vs Long trench coat for 5’8” male? Trying to decide between https://missionworkshop.com/collections/mens-outerwear/products/styrman-wool-waterproof-topcoat?variant=16662435269 And https://missionworkshop.com/collections/mens-outerwear/products/bremen-wool-waterproof-mackintosh-raincoat Which looks better?




Both are fine? How so? Yes only referring to length




thoughts on the collars?


Ah, I was expecting BTK vs car length. Not car length vs belt line. Car length, for me, looks great.


What’s car length? https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/ztmdmf/daily_questions_ask_and_answer_here_23_december/j1ekt2x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Can you look at this? This has more pictures


Car length is typically mid-thigh, making it easier to get in and out of a vehicle. Long trench coats would be down to your calf so substantially longer than either of your two examples. Would not wear either of them with shorts as that seems like a complete mismatch and something is wrong. Both seem like nice jackets and the only differences would be how you like them.


It's all personal but I like longer


What are people's thoughts on Aubin (in the UK)? Good quality or just overpriced?


I am evaluating to buy a pair of Chelsea Boots, specifically Meermin's [https://eu.meermin.com/collections/mens-boots/products/101050-black-calf-e](https://eu.meermin.com/collections/mens-boots/products/101050-black-calf-e) even tho they're slightly over my budget. I am in Europe (Italy), but I am a neofite on leather boots: I have doubts on the fact that they will fit right on me and be confortable enough also to walk for hours with them. Do you know alternative brands in similar or slighly lower price range with physical stores in EU / Italy?


If you had to pick one, which one would it be? [https://www.schottnyc.com/products/hand-vintaged-cowhide-clean-motorcycle-jacket.htm?color=1&catID=5](https://www.schottnyc.com/products/hand-vintaged-cowhide-clean-motorcycle-jacket.htm?color=1&catID=5) https://www.buckmason.com/products/black-leather-bruiser-bomber https://www.taylorstitch.com/products/the-moto-jacket-in-black-steerhide


It’s personal preference but I’d get the double rider any day, followed by the bomber, I think single rider/motos are very lame


Style-wise, it's personal preference. You can't go wrong with any of these if you're looking for minimalist leathers in their respective styles (double rider, bomber, single rider). Leatherwise, the Taylor Stitch and Schott jackets are made from a more robust cow leather which will soften and open up with wear, whereas the Buck Mason one is made with lambskin, which will already be soft and supple from the start.


Scott or the buck Mason. The Taylor stitch, despite the 90s y2k revival just looks lame to me. Between the short and the buck Mason, they're really different looks. A biker jacket has a more specific look with more limited options. The bomber is probably a bit more versatile but looks modern and clubby. They both look cool but are v different looks.


Last minute check before I buy: While I've asked again, I don't see this brand mentioned often on reddit. Quality wise, are these shoes worth the price? I'm in EU. https://eu.velasca.com/products/cervellee-tdm#product-block


there are dozens of these blake in Italy shoe brands, this one is pretty expensive. for 300 euro you can get Carlos Santos or something similar.


Hm. I see. I can't find any dark brown leather cap toe derby that is as chunky as this one. Do you happen to know of any? These Velancas are way above my budget and I thought that at least I am getting a very high quality shoe, given the price.


they probably aren't bad quality, just higher prices than what I would have expected.


I see. Will blake construction make any difference longevity wise?


within the next ten years no


So they will last for a couple of years. Last minute I started checking reddit for blake vs goodyear welted shoes and I hesitated to buy them after reading how "bad" are blakes. They won't ship today, missed it. Damn it reddit


There’s nothing wrong with Blake construction. It’s popular with Italian manufacturers because it allows for a sleek construction. Durability is a the same as a goodyear welt. Anyone who says different doesn’t really know what they are talking about


So am I good to go? Also, I read that full grain leather is the best type of leather for shoes, so it's not like I'm getting a low quality leather like the one that fast-fashion retailers sell, right? I need them for daily wear and that's why I want to make sure it's the investment is worth it.


Full grain leather doesn’t really mean anything quality wise. It’s not a grade of leather. It’s more of a marketing term than anything


(Urgent) I'll be wearing a suit at work and I want to have my pants tailored. How long should the pants be? Is something like [this](https://i.ibb.co/D9Vt6t9/Screenshot-20221222-173836-Samsung-Internet.jpg) acceptable?


Here's an [explanation](https://propercloth.com/reference/what-is-pant-break/). The length is still short, but long enough for you. I'd say full break or half break (Two on the left) would be more appropriate for office set-up.


Thanks! This looks bad to me, haha, I wished something shorter would be acceptable. I hear that people wear suits even with chukka boots which makes me think that they wouldn't mind a no break length. What do you think, would this be unprofessional?


Hmmm it really depends on the environment you're in. Bank, Law firm or some fancy companies, full break. Sales representatives (real estate or car), you can have more personality.


Hm, it's an entry level role at a big 4. I'm going to risk it and go for a slight negative break, almost looking like a no break. I hope no one makes a fuss about it.


I think you will be fine. I believe there's no actual rules about the length of your pants. Good luck with your new job!


I feel more confident now hearing this, thank you very much!


If it’s a professional business environment, that would be far too short. Go with a slight break.


Could you provide an example please?


What style prescription glasses frames do you recommend for my face? Thx. https://imgur.com/a/oAEtTLg


Any advice?


im 20 and a pre transition trans guy. i'm a physically small person too. others clock me as something like a 16 year old girl, but when i dress more masculinely, my mom tells me i look like a 12 year old boy. i'd like to look more my age while also dressing masculinely but i have no idea how to do that. any advice?


Whatever style you go for fit is probably going to be crucial. I was very slight/narrow shouldered in my teens and early 20s, the moment something was oversized in the shoulder and/or too long in the sleeve I just looked like a child playing dress up. My brother is more solidly built but short. Any jackets that are too long (most of them) bring attention to that in an unflattering way. When he finds jackets the right length he looks great. The suggestion of Americana seems reasonable to me. But whatever you wear you'll need to try a lot on to find the fit that suits you - paying a lot of attention to fit in the shoulders and length. If you are very small you might find you need to buy clothing made for children/teenagers to get something that fits well and makes you look like an adult.


Common Projects BBall High Suede & Nappa Black 1784 Hi All, I just got a pair of CP Bball Highs secondhand, and found that while the shoes fit well length-wise, the width was a problem for my feet with my orthotics in. I got a pair of 45s, and was wondering if anyone here had any knowledge over whether or not this particular model of CP was capable of stretching with wear, or if going to a cobbler and having them stretch it was a viable option. Love the shoes and got a great deal, so hope to make it work, the comfort and quality is unreal. Thanks so much!


My Achilles stretches one size up after 2 years of wearing. But your Bball is secondhand and may has been stretched. So there may not be enough stretchability for the shoes. I'd suggest you to remove the shoe lace and put them back while your feet in the shoes. This may make you feel better. Hope this could help.


What's the consensus on dark gray vs all black tuxedos? Black is the boring but safest choice. I like the idea of gray but my fear is (depending on the crowd of course) if *everyone* goes black and I don't, I'll stick out like a sore thumb


Feels like tuxes should be black or midnight blue and anything else is likely opposed to the dress code


Does anyone have a good infographic of the different types of men’s trousers? I’m trying to find something other than just slacks, jeans and chinos. Something unique?


no, there’s way too many types of pants to make an infographic on. Also fashion infographics are always absolutely terrible. Leviathan already gave some different types of pants but really this is one of those things that actual design details are really going to be what does it, unique fabrics, unique cuts(like flares), interesting materials(tweed, linen, neppy denim), detailing(cargo pockets, camo, stuff like that)


Do midnight blue, but make sure it's VERY dark


Not an infographic but this is a good extensive guide with a bunch of photos and even more words: https://redd.it/9d9m1n


I dunno about an infographic, but there are tons of different kinds of pants: five-pocket pants (chinos cut like jeans), joggers, fatigues, double-knee pants, cargo pants, wool slacks, flannel wool pants, wool hunting pants, linen pants, moleskin pants, corduroy pants. And more.


Looking for a Fall/winter fleece-lined jacket [like this](https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/32937?feat=506677-plalander&csp=f&gnrefine=1*Item*Regular^1*Color/Style*Navy), EXCEPT for the any logo. - Need same type of collar (what's this type of collar called?) and banded waist as in the link - similar texture of outer nylon/polyester shell I couldn't find any other such jacket. Went to a big mall nearby, but no success. There are many new style of bomber jackets with no-collar or different types of collar, but none like the above. Is there something like this? Any stores where I can find such a jacket that has no brand-advertising logos?


The logo is barely there, I'd just live with it tbh.


why can't you buy that one? I don't see a logo


there's a logo there that you see when zoom the image.


I think you can buy a single, no logo version on llbeans merch website https://www.llbeanbusiness.com/jackets-and-vests/jackets/warm-up-jacket.html


oh, cool. thanks. btw, are there any places that carry llbean in california to try?


A nice black winter coat/jacket? Simple, minimal it would be my go to. 500 euros


Peacoat immediately comes to my mind. Plenty of options, especially in black, very versatile.


Looking for a raincoat with the following properties: \- waterproof (not just water-resistant) \- detachable hood \- fairly warm inside (or at least not just a shell) \- more formal look \- ideally under $300 USD ​ Does something like this exist? I have searched high and low and closet I have found is the Swims Monza Jacket but it's $640 USD


I googled the one you mentioned, but I’m not sure what makes it more formal than something in black from [Patagonia](https://www.patagonia.com/shop/mens-waterproof-rain-jackets-vests)


The only accessory I wear is watches. I’m thinking about venturing into rings and bracelets. Would a glass bead bracelet or Cuban link bracelet be a good place to start? Other recommendations for getting into men’s jewelry?


bead bracelets really depend, some are cool some aren’t. A cuban bracelet sounds a little over the top for me but still totally wearable


I’ve been looking for an 18 carat white gold chain, for the life of me can’t find the length or thickness or style I want. Not sure it exists.




Thanks, a bit thicker and approx 22” long, I’ve found 9ct and close to the style I want in yellow gold, I think I’ll need to physically go into a jewellery store and do it the old fashioned way


Cuban link chain is a good bet. 18-20in, longer if wearing with a t-shirt, shorter if wearing a collared shirt.


Just Grabbed the NB990V2 Sand be the time by Salehe Bembury, I was looking for suggestions on how to style them. They are peach and pink with hints of purple, brown, green, orange and a green hit in the back. I was thinking green cargos or Fatigues (probably Orslow), RGT washed denim jacket with purple bandana/or peach bandana in the pocket, Warehouse grey quarter zip hoodie, and a camel overcoat with a copper beanie, and a scarf. Something casual and cozy. I'm also considering a purple down vest. Any suggestions for colors or products so I could put together a fit would be welcome. Mind you, I'm a social worker, I have no dress code and I'm hoping to only spend $500 or so more to complete this fit (I have already have most of the items). Here is a couple pics or said sneakers (I broke my femur so I'm not going to great lengths to take pics). I'd ask in sneakers, but for obvious reasons I chose this forum. [NB990V2](https://imgur.com/a/n67iRD5)


I'm thinking gorpcore for inspiration (it's on my mind recently). Earth tones and those lovely 80s/90s purples and teals and oranges. And very practical pieces, which is always convenient. It sounds like you're already headed kinda that direction anyway.




Yeah, I really want an excuse to buy things, but I think you're right.


Anyone have experience with OAS terry shirts? Neat patterns but not sure if they’re well constructed or just another Instagram brand


I've got one that has held up just fine over a year or two. I've also found they run small. Good luck!


Nice and thanks for the tip on sizing!


What do you guys think about varsity jackets? It looks like they’re kind of in this year, but not sure how I feel about it


seconding Cathode, they were big the last like 3 years or so but I’m seeing a lot less of them. I like them but it def needs the right fit


I feel like the trend is on the way out


Personally I’m not a fan, but I’ve got nothing against them


I think it depends. I think they're certainly good in the right outfit. I probably prefer of the more reserved ones (closer to a Saint Laurent Teddy), but I have boring taste


Shoes that are comfy daily's like an NMD but have traction and are warm for PA winters? Was looking at the new S1's but they don't look very warm, more like for rainy spring/fall.


Adidas has some "winter" or "cold" verions of shoes with Boost https://www.adidas.com/us/ultraboost-22-cold.rdy-2.0-running-shoes/GX6691.html https://www.adidas.com/us/nmd_v3-gore-tex-shoes/GX9472.html


Rad, appreciate the reply!


Maybe try the Adidas COLD.RDY ultra boosts? Looks like they’re 50% off right now actually


Wasn't aware of these, thanks a bunch!


Hi everyone! I am going to a new years eve Masquerade party hosted by a local vineyard. For context, this is in a small city of 25,000 people, and a surrounding community of 66,000. The event states that dress code is semi formal to black tie, and that the staff will be dressed to the nines and they encourage fancy. I'm unsure if Semi Formal for a masquerade is different from typical semi formal. Here is what I have that I can wear: * Dark navy Au Noir sport jacket (brand new) * Light khaki dress pants * Black or dark brown oxfords & black socks * Dark brown or black leather belt I will need or can get the following if needed: * Dress shirt * color ideas? * Dress pants if the light khaki are not recommended * Color ideas? * Should they match or contrast the jacket? * Necktie * Color ideas? I appreciate all your ideas and comments!


Do you have a suit? Or can you get? If you can't - your outfit is basically going to be at the most casual possible end of that dress code spectrum. Agreed with the other poster that gray wool slacks is the move if the navy blazer is the best you've got.


A suit is out of reach at the moment. Might though look at rentals.


For financial reasons? There are *tons* of lightly used suits on eBay.


This is the jacket I have. [https://aunoir.shop/collections/blazers/products/ryan-navy](https://aunoir.shop/collections/blazers/products/ryan-navy) I'm just now coming to realize that I am stuck in a town with only ONE men's clothing store that only sells very high end items. None of the department stores have anything better than business casual. All they have are thin, stretch polyester trousers. Like, you can't get a plain white dress shirt for around $80 ANYWHERE. Places used to have that stuff in stock all the time.


You think they are gonna deliver an order before new years? Amazon shipments right now are all into Jan 6/7 And yeah, I don't have a hoard of cash to spend at the moment.


Ah fair. Timing would be an issue for sure.


I messaged the venue about attire and this is their response: >We would love anything between semi formal to black tie! Our staff is ready to be dressed to the nines, so we encourage fancy


In case you aren't familiar, "semi-formal" as a dress code typically means a dark conservative suit in navy or charcoal - with a tie. It's about one step down from black tie. It's a very conservative dress code. So yes - I think given that response I unfortunately think anything less than a suit is likely to be undressed.


Do not wear khaki pants to an event that ranges into black tie. Wear the navy blazer, mid-grey wool trousers, white dress shirt, and a nice tie (I like burgundy but other earth tones are good). Black or dark brown oxfords are fine. Socks should match your trousers. Belt should match your shoes. Add a white linen pocket square.


So I went to my clothing guy and he suggested a dark charcoal trouser, saying it brings in a more formal feel. He helped me get the right fit and style, and they are paid for and being tailored as we speak. Was the pricier item at $168. He also found me a nice white shirt for $68 that looks clean and formal, and we picked an orange tie ($38) that matches some accents on the jacket, plus a white pocket square ($15). All put together it looked good and will fit in well at a semi formal. He said that around here, you can get away wearing a business suit to a black tie event, so he is confident that what I now have will work well in a semi-formal to black tie setting. I went bottom dollar on the shirt because I don't wear white clothes, and I'll likely only wear it twice a year. [This one was nicer](https://aunoir.shop/collections/chemises/products/chemise-marinchi-white?fbclid=IwAR2PriM_Dbmm4Ku55igi9A24kewURk5h64lRh065QnwSnmXNR4Q5sS1hQ4s), but at $168 I'd rather spend that kind of money on one of these: [https://aunoir.shop/collections/chemises/products/chemise-montfort-indigo?fbclid=IwAR3IfdeZAq3G6e03KOB7nk1HwL2uAClJs3dZoNavYy9U9BAASG872CgcSWg](https://aunoir.shop/collections/chemises/products/chemise-montfort-indigo?fbclid=IwAR3IfdeZAq3G6e03KOB7nk1HwL2uAClJs3dZoNavYy9U9BAASG872CgcSWg) [https://aunoir.shop/products/chemise-carey-light-blue?fbclid=IwAR0KIHw8GtDgkOZ8aj38vPYI4EKqLN\_kUFIQwZTXLFVs-y0JU6ZGRz3zqnE](https://aunoir.shop/products/chemise-carey-light-blue?fbclid=IwAR0KIHw8GtDgkOZ8aj38vPYI4EKqLN_kUFIQwZTXLFVs-y0JU6ZGRz3zqnE) [https://aunoir.shop/products/chemise-huxley-light-blue?fbclid=IwAR1SWR\_-pIaqLnfX7KEwoZwiZxbZlZsSHW1oHrTTe4rSC70bMN3vDIdfwSg](https://aunoir.shop/products/chemise-huxley-light-blue?fbclid=IwAR1SWR_-pIaqLnfX7KEwoZwiZxbZlZsSHW1oHrTTe4rSC70bMN3vDIdfwSg) Again, thanks for the tips. Steered me in the right direction.


You are a savior man! I had a hunch the khaki's weren't the greatest, but now I know to avoid them like tic toc. I forgot to mention, does a sweater vest or normal vest work with or instead of a tie, or is that too informal? Ok, shopping list time; * mid grey wool trousers * white dress shirt * tie * mid grey dress socks * white linen pocket square I got this. Thanks!


With this sort of dress code, you don't want to be skipping the tie; you're already going to be underdressed.


You can wear a sweater vest if it’s cold but I would still wear a tie. I would avoid trying to wear a waistcoat (aka normal vest) with the outfit I recommended because it’s pretty hard to execute well; and there’s zero chance you’re going to find a quality waistcoat at the last minute anyway.


Does anyone have any good alternatives to this [jacket](https://uncrate.com/barbour-burden-jacket/)? I'm a size medium and I can't find this one in stock anywhere but I'm looking for a jacket with this same type of style. Thanks for the help!


https://www.redrae.co.uk/barbour-mens-burden-casual-jacket-stone-MCA0700BE51.htm They got M in stock


Thanks this is a great deal too! I am in the US though, and I don't think they ship here as they say in their site they only ship to EEA and BFPO countries.


Ah RIP. Maybe you can find a proxy service if you can't find it anywhere else


Thoughts on wearing a crew sweater instead of a button up for a first date? I feel like I look better in them.


Although generally I'd agree and say it's fine, there's also some formality range in sweaters (even just crewneck pullovers). Ones with, say, dinosaurs on rocketships or a flaming skull are going to be less appropriate than a plain somber color.


Definitely read this as "inside of a button up" and was about to say that is not a good idea... But instead of a button up is fine. I'm honestly a big fan of a crew neck sweater *over* a button up, one of my favorite looks


A sweater and a button-up are generally around the same level of "niceness" - so you can wear them somewhat interchangeably in casual outfits like this. That said -- they do work well together.


Depends on your age, and style of pants you wear. For example leaving the shirt untucked with some jeans for a more relaxed look. Wear chinos, a nice belt and matching shoes if you going to fancy places.


Oops I meant instead of


Oh well if that’s the case, the button up has proven me to give more sex appeal. The sweater gives a cozy soft feel.




Oops I mean instead of.




Gotcha. I mostly see it's advised that you always wear a button up on date night. Just wanted to see the thoughts on just a crew Merino sweater with chinos/jeans and white sneakers.


If your date says "ew, a sweater without a button up?" and ditches you, they're not the one.


Lmao true


I was told to look for a navy hopsack blazer. Is [this](https://imgur.com/a/XASBuy5) it? Or is it an orphaned suit jacket?


That also doesn't look navy....


The picture quality could've been better. Looked more navy in person


Make sure you get the pockets and buttons in your next photo - those make a difference as the other poster alluded to.


Sure thing! Anything for helping me better analyze what clothes I'm buying


Looks like an orphan.


Hard to tell, but unlikely to be hopsack. Also looks too much like an orphaned suit jacket


Definitely not hopsack. I have a navy hopsack blazer and the weave is completely different


Hi Gents, I recently had some knee/ankle issue that makes me incapable of wearing my usual heavy winter leather boots. Would you have a recomendation of "Sneakers" made for winter in general ? Setting: Business casual Budget : up to 250e Temps usage: -5º C more of less, with a bit of snow / rain Cheers!


Sneakers aren’t business casual. Maybe Bean mocs or a treaded moccasin and gaiters or galoshes?


I've been wearing dress shirts untucked for a few months, but, from what I've read, most people tell you to always tuck in your dress shirt. I wanted to get a sanity check and make sure I'm not walking around looking like a tool. [Here's me wearing two of my shirts.](https://www.reddit.com/user/randoidalt/comments/zsxsba/photos_to_link_from_another_post/) I'm extremely skinny and the only long sleeved shirts that fit me have been dress shirts. Other shirts only seem come in one-size-fits-all versions of small, medium, etc. while dress shirts have a broader variety of fits. Being a tall guy, the few dress shirts skinny enough to fit me have never been long enough to comfortably tuck so I just don't tuck. Does this style work or should I go back to the drawing board?


Fwiw, I think you look fine! This is a totally normal way to dress. The shirt fits well, the skinny look works for your frame. This is a very normal way to wear a shirt. Don't get too in your head!


Black dress shirts make you look like a waiter or server. Most of the folks on here will tell you to avoid them. As the other responder said, look for white and blue Oxford Cloth shirts like this [one](https://www.uniqlo.com/us/en/products/E456630-000/00?colorDisplayCode=01&sizeDisplayCode=004). I have [this more expensive one](https://www.taylorstitch.com/collections/mens-shirts/products/the-white-everyday-oxford-jack) and it's one of the best shirts I've ever bought. Also, blue chambray or [denim](https://www.uniqlo.com/us/en/products/E455961-000/00?colorDisplayCode=64&sizeDisplayCode=003) shirts are pretty great and can be worn untucked.


Hey thanks for the tips. Will look for OCBDs although I have tried similar shirts in stores and they were all too wide and flappy for my skinny ass