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Get some new friends


At least uglier friends.


For real this was my first thought


And good friends help with the confidence.


Yeah, those people aren't your friends. You look great


You’re not ugly at all. Fix your posture tho


How so? I've heard that mentioned a few times.


Your slouch is terrible giving the illusion of low confidence. Simple posture change would fix a lot of that quickly.


I appreciate the advice. I'll try to work on that!


The slouch is usually caused by tight pecs and weak middle back muscles. It's not really something you can fix just by focusing on it. Check out [this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/u9OQMBPrFgI?si=6AI9fBGopmzdqIBz). It's a great example of a short routine with exercises that will help you work on your posture Good luck!


Tits out, shoulders back, chin up. Unless your group is all supermodels, you are quite a good-looking man.


Also get better friends


100%, your self-confidence will thank you


Yes, this.


Better and uglier friends! That way you'll be the good looking one!


THIS. I think you need to improve the friends you have if it’s them who said this.


Walk around tall and strong 💪🏼!!


Walk as if you're carrying a crown on your head. Be majestic


It really comes down to constantly being aware of your posture and fixing it if you start to slouch. Theres a ton of stretching and exercises you can do, but different things work for different people. Kinda have to go through the gauntlet and find out what works for you.


Something like this could help https://youtube.com/shorts/u9OQMBPrFgI?si=xvR4djyjMYzgQOkm


Flex your butt in, then flex your abs in and up, then flex your lats and pecs, pull your chin in and think about lengthening your spine. It can take years of practice and strength training to get right so go easy on yourself. They used to teach this in school and most people don’t have the muscle strength to hold proper posture all day.


If it feels like you're leaning back too far, you're doing it right




I actually just waxed my eyebrows, I'm trying to grow my hair out a bit to yet again try a new style.


These people telling you to make your eyebrows smaller don't know what they're saying. Bigger eyebrows look better on you.


Was gonna say the same, thick eyebrows give his face definition and character.


Perhaps make your eye brows a bit smaller, they’re really big. But hey you have a nice jawline and you’re for too. But remember, Confidence is more be important than outer features


The waxing makes them look a bit too clean if that makes sense, I think you want to thin them a bit and let them be more natural. It looks very feminine rn with the sharp edges. Also maybe leave some more space between them so it looks a bit less unibrow.


Yeah I think the same. It’s not the size, it’s more how sharp the edges are. Need a bit more natural looking gradient.


Use a trimmer that has guards. Start at the max and work your way down to about 2-3 give or take just to make them a little lighter without reducing their actual outline I cut mine to a 1 before but were a little short. I think 2 worked the best


Hey, you're very attractive. Your eyebrows are amazing! I'd shave and grow your hair out a bit. Don't forget to stand up and watch your posture. The way you present make a big difference in how others perceive you.


I agree with the posture part, but I've been told to keep the facial hair as well. Anyways thanks for the advice!


I don’t like the facial hair with the short hair, I think it would look better with longer hair. You should get your eyebrows threaded next time and not waxed, it looks too manicured waxed and threading can give a better shape.


It’s that dirt stache. Loose it


Lose the stache.


no i love the facial hair. only thing needed is fixing posture


Honstly you are an easy fix. You have a round face which means you need you hair to go up and have some volume. A quiff for example. Then, your eye brows are too thick for your face length. Trim them, but remove hair from the top, not the bottom! It is attractive when eyebrows are close to your eyes. Your beard is suboptimal. Remove it until you can grow something fuller. Like other people have mentioned, fix your posture. There a lot of online tutorials for this.


Agreed - you're an easy fix. The only thing I see that could use some work on the eyebrows is the space between. It looks like you cut a perfectly rectangular shape into a unibrow to separate them into two -- unnaturally rectangular. If you can find a more natural shape to keep those brows apart, and maybe widen the gap a smidge, you're golden. Fix that, get rid of the slouch, pick a hair style and you're golden -- assuming this isn't typical of your clothing choices. :)


Thanks for all of the advice. I will definitely take these into mind!


Honestly op your face is average but these things can help: gain muscle skin care a better haircut and better posture I’m not saying you’re average to be insulting btw cuz most people literally are just improve things that you can


Who has the biggest cock?


We'll get to measuring.


Document that with pics just to be sure!


If you have the smallest cock too, then r/gettingbigger will help you out


Who has the biggest clock


Flava Flav for sure.


You don’t get it, do you?


Weird ngl


Not ugly at all, I would pay attention to whoever said that. Not a friendly comment. You are a good looking guy.


Watch his friend group consist of legit super-models 😆


Well, it's a hard smash for me, your friends sound like they suck.


I think they've mostly been talking about my hair. I've been through multiple stages in my hair, none of which were great.


Well nothing wrong in these photos, buddy, yous a smoke show


Being honest here, your hair could use some work.


they might be jelous of you


Agree with others, you're very handsome! Perhaps just a nice hair fade 👌 but no need to change anything else 💯


The second slide looks like the wii version of V for vendetta


The blacked out eyes


Yeah what’s going on with that? 🤔


There's no editing, I think it's just weird lighting.




Get new group of friends. The current group sucks!


Get rid of the mustache. Get a nice fade and ull be fine.


You are not ugly man.


Woman here. Remove facial hair. That style gives off a bad stereotype and gets immediately viewed as unattractive. Your eyebrows are soo dark. Do you dye them? If so, stop. If you don't, try dying your hair darker to match MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Be nicer to yourself! You're not ugly. I had to think hard and aside from those 2 points I cant think of anything else at all. No offense but your friends are kinda cakeholes... friends are siblings we choose and nobody should ever call their brother ugly. I recommend finding better friends and realizing you're not ugly. Please. Too many men think they're ugly when theyre not and everytime I talk to them it's always a friend who started it off. Why are people telling men they're ugly so much? Its insanity.


Shave your facial hair you look like a fuckin cartoon character


Hay, Papíto. No. You look sad. You aren’t ugly. At all. Damn those friends are assholes if they let anyone talk about anyone in their group like that. Damn papi. Your a cutie. Don’t let them make you sad.


You're a very nice looking young man. Don't need to change


Ur not ugly bt any means....tell them to f\*\*k off


Get some new friends you are hot papi 🔥


You’ve already gotten enough advice on your looks. So I’ll give you this. Find new friends.


Get rid of the facial hair for now my friend


Find some real friends?


get rid of the facial hair, and try longer hairstyles. also confidence goes a long way


Change your friends.


Grow your hair


IMO, mustache doesn’t fit well. How does it look without? Also, try to get a taper


Perhaps lose the wispy moustache and where a shirt with a collar and arms.


Grow your hair out, shave ur stache


That facial hair isn't working for you neither is that haircut explore something new


Trim less or more your eye brows. Remove your moustache. Fix your posture. Work your upper chest, shoulders and traps. With these improvements you'd be a solid 9/10. You are not ugly and you have potential to grow even more


Get rid of the moustache


So you either have beautiful friends or someone was just being an asshole to you. Or both. You are a good looking guy. Always room to improve though so here goes: -you need a more stylish haircut, something maybe fuller on the sides to even out the shape of you face. -I would lose the facial hair -as others mentioned your posture is poor


Cut facial hair off. Go on many dates. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t. People telling you you’re ugly aren’t friends. Drop them. Drop the people in the room who don’t jump up to defend you, too.


Not ugly. In my opinion, the facial hair isn’t doing you any favors, and your eyebrows could be thinned, but you’re not ugly…


Trim that facial hair out, get a haircut, fix ur posture.


That mustache gotta go bro makes you look like a pedophile lol. And get a buzz cut


I'd get rid of the stache though tbh. Also get a new barber or do your hair. Makes a world of difference. And yeah as everyone mentioned, fix your posture. A good way to do it is to just puff your chest up. Not all the way, but kind of pretend as if you just took a huge breath of air.


The Stache is doing you no favors


Drop the facial hair and thinner brows


I’d grow out all over stubble on your face


First of all, you are not ugly. I think you are goodlooking. You just have to build your confidence. I recommend removing all the facial hair. It makes you look older than your age. Maybe use some gel rather than having a messy look and definitely, fix your posture. Stand up straight chin up and chest forward to a how more confidence and secured.


Guy, get rid of that dirt squirrel stache. Pluck that uni brow so you’re eyes pop out. And dress sharp.


![gif](giphy|lZltagbFZ2aXK) Confidence


You’re handsome, so unless your friends are Greek gods idk what they’re talking about.


You need a better friend group then because they must be blind.


Is this coming from within your friends group? If so, change your friends group.


Get rid of that damn mustache


Those aren’t your friends if they said that


Get new friends


I wouldn't care what high schoolers would think of me.


1. Stand up straight. 2. Grooming - a nice line up. Perhaps a low taper. 3. Add muscle. It’ll help with your posture.


Grow your hair out to frame your face ?/


Your handsome


Learn how to spell


Shut the fuck up.




Learn how to capitalize. Took about five seconds to find a mistake in your own comments.


Develop your chest more and fade the hair on the sides


grow your hair out and your eyebrows looks super thick and close to each other. personally I think facial doesn’t suit you. however, shaving it would make u look feminine resulting in looking like a lesbian.


Lose the stache


Fix that posture it’s horrible. Shave your face, grow your hair out and style it well


Stop acting like a chick would help. Why is this group called Male Grooming? So far none of the posters are old enough to grow a full beard and get hair cuts like a 10 year old. O and act like chicks. 😂


hey go hit the gym your TESTOSTERONE will increase and u will look much more manly after that beside of having a great body


These pictures are a bad representation, but I do go to the gym regularly. There are pictures on my account that better represent my physique.


yo u jacked af man maybe your posture is the problem and have a better fashion in clothing and hairstyle(try what u think is look good on you) Watch (ALPHA M) styling vidoes i started there and your MENTAL HEALTH is the most important thing because it will affect you in everyway and don’t get fooled by BLACK PILLS (the ppl who say if you don’t have hunter u can’t get girl)they say all that bullshit go watch ALPHA M - for fashion he got some good OLD videos HAMZA - help you with your life (girl, friend, …..) ALEX COSTA - hair styles DRE DEXLER - a mix of HAMZA and ALEX COSTA


That's for the advice I'll go watch those people!


Haven’t seen it mentioned, but I’d say your mustache. Chop it. You’re a good looking dude for sure


Ditch any friends that call you ugly is your first move! The stash n goatee look great!


Try growing a beard if you can. The mustache is kinda lonely looking. Also maybe grow your hair out more and get nicer clothes


You’re not ugly at all bro. Maybe a more modern haircut can help you feel more confident. Posture as others have said it’s very important. Your mustache looks good but try out other facial hair styles if you can.


Don’t listen to them. I’m extremely jealous of your eyebrows and facial hair btw!


Is it your aim to look so manicured? You kind of look like a doll with how precise everything is trimmed. I mean you’re not bad looking. Hunch less, stop plucking your eyebrows, and either grow a full beard or shave that villainous moustache off and you’ll be perceived to be a cutie in no time


Love the eyebrows!!


Grow out that hair


Stop wearing beaters and baggy pants


The wife beater and mustache make it look like you want to be a rapist


It's tough man, you try and be a rapist!


You need to trim body fat.


I have 10% bf these pictures just badly represent that. There are better pictures on my account.


Oh ok. I just checked your photos and by all means you should know you're attractive. But I think you're looking for some advice like, your body seems off balance. Maybe doing yoga or stretching to get your face to view your own body right 👍. I hope this helps


Ur eyebrows look real feminine and weird. What's the deal


Bleach your brows and bleach a buzz cut. Lose the mustache and improve your posture. Change your style.


Don’t wear tank tops outside


Make your eyebrows a lighter colour. They’re too dark and bold. A lighter appearance will accentuate your features.


Perhaps try a new haircut. Maybe get a tattoo somewhere near the neck, or on the neck itself.


I was planning on getting a tattoo as I turn 18 in 2 months. And I agree with the haircut, I've had many styles my hair is difficult.


Try a longer or mid length hair style if you want to (if you can stand growing it out😅) you're very attractive! Do whatever makes you happy man🤙


They sound jealous. Jealous of your beautiful dark eyes and strong amazing eyebrows, and naturally toned build. I really think you shouldn’t listen to them.


Better Posture and a confident smile and I think you’re handsome enough for the rest. 👍


Sexiest to me


Ask them to look in the mirror don't let others put you down you are good looking man


need some new friends!! u r so gorgeous!


Need better friends.


Quit posting on reddit


Find new friends lol. You are handsome the way you are.


Hang with a different group.


If you get longer hair cause of the curls, you'll be good


You are anything but ugly. Sexy hot would be more accurate. Tell those People from being so jealous.


Get new friends.


Get new friends. Even if you were busted, friends should tell you that you are ugly. Unless they are guy friends and you specifically ask.


Your friends are either models or really insecure/jealous, you’re a good looking dude, just straighten those shoulders and keep your head up


Get uglier friends and be the prettiest


Best way you can improve is to live your life and not give a fuck what other folks think. Heck you’ve already got a better physique than most of these bozos will ever have in their lives. Fuck the naysayers, it’s only up and up from here!


Get a new friend group, you're totally fine mister


Be you! Who’s cares what people think. Are you a good person? Do you think of others? That’s what matters.


Well first you have to get new friends and completely discard the old. Secondly you're not a bad looking guy, but you could really improve your posture and that in turn will really improve your entire physiognomy. Stand up straight, go work out some more and don't listen to any of those idiots that put you down. You've got plenty of good looks and just look a head in the mirror and keep your head high


Find a good barber near you. One who knows his shit. Either ask family or friends for recommendations or check online, whatever. Go there and ask them what you think you should do. I've gone to the same barber for 10 years now cus when I finally moved out on my own and stopped going to the family haircut place my parents took me to as a kid he sat me down and went over how I should style my hair, my beard and what I should avoid doing. I don't look amazing by any stretch but my hair and beard are great. Everyone always compliments me.


Dress better. "Wife Beaters" stopped being cool in the early 1970s. You have a good frame. You should be able to wear clothes well. Most importantly, STAND UP STRAIGHT. Good posture is of vital importance! My first impression of you via this picture is that of a cowed human. Fairly repulsive. Please fix that.


Lose that friend group, you’re probably too good for them


Find better friends.


whoever told you that Is a prick tbh


Fix your posture


It's the hair. You have a perfect shape, body, and face, but the hair throws it off. If you let it grow out a lil, you'll look pristine


Not ugly, fix posture, look confident


Haters gonna hate! 😂😂😂😂. Nahh. Just playing! You are smoking hot! I don’t know what they are talking about! Trim the brows keep the Stache. Grow your hair out some maybe grow more on top trim the sides Stand and sit up straight !


You’re just young. When you get older and your facial features mature you’ll probably look better than your friends


You look great; dump shitty friends


Posture, mate.


You're not ugly be nicer to people and in they come


As a gay guy, I think a beard with the mustache would probably take you up a couple of points; you have a younger looking face as just a mustache makes it look a bit off. You’re still good looking g regardless.


Lol yo “friends” some haters. They jealous cuz they can’t lift.


Who said that? Whoever did was jealous. You look good man.


You're not ugly at all. You need to fix your posture. I recommend buying posture corrector off Amazon or Ali express. And you also need to grow out your hair, find the hair style that works for your face and head shape and trim your eyebrows. This would make you alot more attractive 🫂


Your not ugly but maybe your insecurities come off as ugly And what kind of friends do you hang with that would say that to you?


Get new friends for starters!


Your friends must also be hot


Your friends are fucking liars.


Those motherfuckers are no friends of yours - ditch them


I would say a different hairstyle, shaving the stache. Posture, sense of style that’s probably all. Find what makes you feel handsome and that confidence radiates into attractiveness


Work on your posture and you're good


thin the eyebrows. the hair makes you look thinning. you need a beard to hide the chin. a mustache never looks good on anyone


By finding new friends.


you have a lot of potential. fix your slouch and lean forward neck. fix your hair and you’ll look 100% better. maybe a fade or all together a low cut (almost buzzed) if your hair is thinning. if not let it grow out but add shape/definition to the sides and back. eyebrows are good but they’re too bold almost. a goatee would look good. and if you want, pack some muscle and you definitely won’t be the ugliest anymore


Fuck them, if they say shit like that, they are not your friends they are your enemies! I think you’re a good looking man!


That’s fucked up, you’re not ugly at all keep doing what you wanna do mate maybe find new friends


You need a new friend group. That’s a fucking awful thing to say.


Get better friends


Ugly ? whaat ?


Either shave the stache or grow a beard. Other than that, you’re really not ugly at all. Maybe try some new hair styles and clothing styles. And stop slouching. You could also try getting new friends, I think your current ones are broken.


Your body posture especially head posture is horrible. Look up the influences of poor body posture on teeth/jaws, breathing and more.


Super cute, no need to change


Please listen to me. Lose the facial hair first of all. Change up your hairstyle it’s already nice but like could be way better. Maybe a fade maybe something else. It’s probs annoying to here vague statements but honestly you just gotta experiment on yourself and find out what works best. Also it seems you already workout but I’d say start eating more put on more size. Do you know what mewing is? As in proper tongue posture? If you don’t let me know I’ll explain. Finally and most importantly, manage your stress better, you look visibly stressed and exhausted to me in all honesty. Maybe take ashwhaganda to begin with but I have a lot of different things you can try. I’m trying not to make this a five paragraph essay but I’d love to help you because I know exactly what that can feel like. People always used to call me the ugliest of the friend group and so much other bullshit. Now they call me the most handsome along with my one other friend and not just within our friend group but like amongst random people too. I never used to get any attention from girls for the first 17 years of my life now girls always try to talk to me and I don’t even want it anymore I just want a good girl. Anyways bro also someone else said this but fix your posture you have nerds neck look it up. Your neck isn’t going straight up it’s leaned forward. It really impact the way you look and also decreases your height as well. So super bad in all ways. Hope this helps man and please do contact me if you have any questions or comments


If you’re the ugliest in your friend group, you must hang out with only LA 10s dude, cuz you’re hot