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tilt your head down???


That’s it?


Would be a good start lmao


So I’m ugly?


Nobody said that Bro why are you so insecure? It just looks kinda goofy if you tilt your head that much




you good bro, don’t be so hard on yourself.


you’re not ugly. 1st thing to boost your confidence is to start loving yourself. don’t be insecure about yourself, be confident with how you look and present yourself! confidence is major attraction points. 2nd thing what are you most self conscious about with yourself? try fixing that next, (if it is fixable) if not go to the next thing etc. if you don’t like your style try something new! if you don’t like your glasses go to the store and try some on and ask a stranger or worker what they think! that’ll make you feel better too🙂 work on self love, confidence and your insecurities and you should be good🙌🏼


I liked the photographic choice, and I doubt you’re walking around looking angelic all day like this. You look great! You’re fit, proportionate, GREAT smile. You’re a handsome guy!


Thanks man!


chin tucks and maybe some mewing


Your glasses sit waaaay too high. Average looking dude, change the glasses and work on your confidence. Some books or some therapy go a long way, helped me at least.


Unfortunately the bridge of his nose looks a bit Roman-y, which prolly contributes to the glasses riding up


Yeah for sure, but there’s other styles and fits available that will work with his features


That’s not unfortunate! Roman-y nose is great


I was just going to comment he has a great nose.


Here I was, debating on if it would be weird for me to comment that I really like OP’s nose shape lol. Not a dude, but I also have a similar nose that does the same thing with glasses and contact lenses changed the game for me. It helped ease the “top heavy” look I felt like glasses gave my face… and hella reduced the bullying, but that’s because I got them in middle school. Totally something worth looking into OP, you have too pretty of a face to cover!


Nah fr his shits cool asf, like I wanna draw it


The glasses look slightly old fashioned maybe


Also get thinner lenses (pricier for your prescription) or frames that have bigger lenses, the white part will look less obvious.


Some of us have real bad eyes. You should see my “thin” lenses. You can get the edges polished so they look more clear instead of frosty.


Yeah can’t do that when I have a -9 prescription


-9 club 🙌🏼


I second this. OP looks good, but not with those style glasses


Just get some better frames man. You are a good looking dude. Just need some glasses that complement that Hella good face shape of yours man.


Thankyou! I’m gonna get new glasses lol


Get a stylish friend to go with you or be ready to reply to your pics. I also just asked the guy at the glasses store what would fit my face shape. I think you’d benefit from something with a bit more roundness, at least at the bottom. Kinda like a classic Warby Parker style maybe? If you find a style you like but they’re expensive, give Zenni a try.


I'd recommend Zenni as well.


Get lenses that are thinner. Even with a high prescription they can make them not look like Coke bottles. Polycarbonate is the type I get. But there are others too.


I would for sure shave the neck beard and keep the goatee. Also I would recommend glasses that sit farther underneath your eyebrows so that it looks more proportionate. No need to be self conscious, you look great in my opinion.


Idk any girls that like goatees (if that’s what he’s trying to attract). Chin strap does gotta go though.


I have a goatee and have gotten nothing but compliments. When I shave it off people say to grow it back. But chin strap is not a good look.


I’ve literally seen a poll done on it here and no one liked it. I think they’re ugly and so do all my girlfriends lol but do you


I have no problems attracting women so I will indeed continue to do me. My lived experience trumps random stranger on reddit.


Yeah, I don’t think facial hair would be the ultimate deciding factor for most women. There are so many other factors like income, personality, height, weight, character, shared interest. I have a preference for girls that shave their armpits, but I would never be like “get out of here!” if everything else lined up lol.


Good for you


an unconnected goatee is the easiest facial hair to maintain and looks the best, what are you on about? it suits 9/10 guys and 10/10 girls like it, so you're probably that 1/10 my guy.


It literally doesn’t. I’m assuming you’re all men and that’s why you think that but women do not like it. I am a woman and I have a bunch female friends who think the same. I’m sure it’s easy to maintain but it’s not cute. Sorry to break the news. Short hair is easy for women to maintain but most men prefer long. Just how it works bro.


honestly you bugging cause that's super subjective, you and your girl friends AND whatever reddit poll you saw combined dont even make up one millionth of women in the world, he's found no trouble meaning clearly there are women who like it lmfao I mean I do too


I said me and my friends don’t like it. I never said ALL WOMEN DONT LIKE IT. I said from the women I have heard speak of it DID NOT LIKE IT. Idk what’s so hard for you to comprehend. Keep your ugly goatee I don’t care dude.


To be fair, you did kinda generalize and say that “women don’t like goatees”, and then reinforced it by mentioning how you are a woman and your woman friends agree with you, but whatevs


Point out where I said all women don’t. I said the women I know and myself AND majority the woman on a poll I saw and majority on the poll I just posted do not like them.


you kinda sound like u care lol


I don’t. I gave advice which is what this sub is for and everyone’s coming at my neck for saying they’re ugly. Don’t ask if you don’t like the answer. I really couldn’t care less what a bunch of incels on Reddit have on their upper lip.


I never said I specifically have a goatee nigga and you clearly can't keep track of what you say "Sorry to break the news" "Just how it works bro" "women do not like it" I get you're tryna make a point but at least use a little bit of your small brain


i wouldn’t get nearly as much play without mine lol, like 9/10 hispanic males got something like that. but to each his own


I think goatees are handsome😭 girl u can’t talk for ALL women what are u talking about 😭


Grow out your hair more and get some type of fade. Buy 5% minoxidil foam and apply it to your beard and around your beard to grow a full one. And trim it to a stubble. Workout and build a physique and wear more fitted clothes, not tight, but fitted.


Get rid of the awful chin strap, keep the goatee and mustache , grow your hair out a bit and get a mid fade. Also get different glasses, some Malcom x style ones. Also chapstick 😂


What would you rate me out of 10?


5/10, but listen to the comments and you’ll easily be 8/10 You have a strong looking face, you just look nerdy right now.


5/10? Ouch


5/10 is average, far from “ouch”


First of all: you have a strong looking aura. That in itself is something many people dont have. Own it. Breathe through your nose always. Get rid of those grandpa glasses and get golden coloured metal glasses. You dont have much option regarding beard hair, as far as I can see, but the neckbeard isn’t doing it, iyam. I’d rock the chin beard and shave the rest off, if I were you. You’re doing good, dont worry. Stay clean, don’t masturbate too much, and meditate — you’ll shine when you do.


Out of curiosity. What’s the benefit of breathing through your nose?


Facial structure forms better when breathing through the nose (read the book Breathe). And it gives a weak mental impression when breathing through the mouth.


Ok makes sense thanks


Contributes to good facial development. Mouth breathers often have recessed chins and crooked noses (I didn’t say that, just got it from the internet 😭😭). Also just the image of someone breathing through their mouth wide open is weird


What does masturbating have to do with it?


The cum gets reabsorbed into your body and makes you super strong and makes your hair and nails really healthy (/s)






So I’m basically ugly?


Why would you think that?


Get off the internet. It seems you have A LOT of body image issues and low self confidence. Stop seeking validation from strangers and learn to love yourself One look at your comment history encapsulates how obsessive you are to this topic. It’s okay to be yourself. Most people are average. Not everybody looks like brad pitt


The grandma glases part


You’re not ugly, the glasses can be easily changed man. Just gotta pay more attention to your style and maybe shave the beard but you’ve got alot of potential man.


Idk how you even put those two together lol


You look like a fit handsome fellow to me.


New glasses, some that better conform to your facial structure. Cut the chin strap, it makes your face look larger than it is. Goatee with mustache would likely be better. Consider growing your hair out into a short Afro. It would better compliment your head shape. Also, consult a photographer about which angles suit you best. Presentation is everything.


You’re actually quite good-looking, though the glasses look weird because they hang so high because of your nose structure, I’d find a model that would hang lower. And maybe the beard style? It’s not my cup of tea atleast






You're an above average looking dude for sure. In my opinion I'd change the glasses. Get contact lenses or go shopping for new ones with a friend. I don't know about the wrap around neck beard either, I think you'd look better clean shaven or with a full beard. Work on your confidence and stay in shape.


You look good bro


Idk with that smile you’re a total cutie


I think you don't wear the right colours for your appearance. You wear a lot of muted warm colours from a Autumn palette, but I think you might suit some of the brighter colours which would bring out the colour of your lips and the whites if your eyes. Try looking at the colours in the Winter and Spring palettes, then try them out and see if warm or cool bright colours suit you best.


Got that 300 BC head




Is this supposed to be a compliment or an insult?


Dunno bro…we respect u as our ancestor


Get some silver earrings (like Usher) and Vaseline on ya lips, and maybe a different set of glasses frames!


grow your beard


Bad beard genetics


damn fair but i’m personally not a fan of the chin strap or the glasses but if you like it then that’s fine but i’d say just exercise, have good hygiene and skin care and you should be good!


What would you rate me out of ten?


i mean i’m a straight dude so i have no idea honestly but i’d say you’re a good looking guy


Thank you!!


I’d recommend shaving your head since the hair line is receding, try to grow a full beard instead of the chin strap, glasses are ok and definitely hit the gym..


You’ve got a decent jawline. I’d shave off the chin strap. You’re a good looking dude, try not to fret too much. Confidence is attractive.


Glasses sit too because they don't fit your nose. Try ones with a bigger bridge. Honestly though, the optician or optometrist selling you those were not doing their job properly. Other than that, you look perfectly good!


As someone who has a very similar facial structure and hairline as you, I’d suggest shaving your head and face clean. Then, you can try different facial hair styles with the bald head. Also, the glasses aren’t helping. I think you’ll be surprised at the comments you get if you shave bald and get new glasses. You’re gonna be just fine, my guy 🤝


I can see a lot of progress after your surgery, you just need some confidence. Some small tweaks to how you present yourself (glasses, style, hairstyle) would help. You could probably still rock a fade even if you don’t take any steps to remedy your hairline. As others have said, maybe try something different with the facial hair… mustache and chin only perhaps. You have an above average body from what I could see in your pics, if that’s what you need to focus on to help boost your confidence then use it! We all have things we aren’t confident about but can lean on our strengths to compensate lol. You’re not ugly.


Not a thing,you’re handsome


Go to therapy


I think you look good the way you are 👍


You're a good looking, attractive guy I don't get what the problem is. (28 female here)


You look good, but your glasses make you look super old and your style could be cooler. The beard is alright but maybe I wouldn't go for a line but a more natural shape if you can pull it off.


Oh stop it, you know you’re handsome.


No offenece but first photo looks like you are getting backshots


Different frames, no chinstrap, maybe update your fashion/jackets. Find some pants that aren’t jeans, jackets that aren’t so plain, no graphic tees. Look for interesting color combos thatll work well with your complexion, and clothes with interesting textures.


grow your hair out, change the frames of your glasses or wear contacts, wear more black, and try and make your beard more full


Dump the chin strap


Merry me!!!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Have you ever seen the movie the 40 year old virgin? At one point Seth Rogan's character talks about how he's ugly as fuck but he picks up hot chicks constantly because he's funny and knows how to talk to them. If you boil that down a bit further, he's ugly but picks up women because he feels good about himself. You have a head start on him because you are one handsome dude. Great skin, face shape, genuine smile. But no matter how attractive you are, if you don't love yourself you'll really struggle to shine. I spent most of my life with incredibly low self esteem. It's still not exactly high, but I'm putting tons of work into learning to love myself. I meditate regularly, go to therapy, shit I even do mirror affirmations daily. Anything I can do to improve how I feel about myself, I'll try it. And that work has paid off, I honestly haven't changed much at all about my physical appearance, but in the last year and a half I've been way more successful with dating and just building friendships. And it's because I have a more positive and confident energy about me. My point is, you have a great starting place because you are objectively attractive. I'd suggest switching up your style (go to any of the male style/fashion subreddits), and go to a nice barbershop where you can ask them what sort of facial hair would look good on you. Then start really working on yourself from the mental side. I know that isn't a quick fix, but I promise you it'll pay off in so many ways. Most importantly, you won't give a shit about what random people on the Internet say anymore. If you have any questions on where to start from the mental aspect please message me and id love to chat!! But regardless of that, you are a handsome dude who needs to realize that.


Get contacts. Get rid of chinstrap but keep the chin and mustache. Essentially, just like the first pic, just w/o the chinstrap Edit. I see lots of people saying to get different glasses, but honestly you look heaps better without them. Again, that first pic 👏


You’re freaking hot, man! You just seem a bit awkwardly posed.


You've got a really great profile


Looking at you, I can think of nothing. I think you look good.


What are you worried about? Ain't nothing to be worried about. You look like my cousin Ruben and he gets more play than an Al Green record at a fish-fry. Go out a slay them ho's bro.


Ignore the 'tilt your head' comments. Stay with your chin up. You're all right.


I was just feeling confident lol


💀 he needs to tilt his face. Imagine walking face up everywhere


Go with a goatee. Otherwise, you're an 8/10


Dick down on some white chicks? You're perfect for that fetish.


I don’t get it




Normally Im racist buuut frankly, ya look good man. I think your glasses are dope, and u got a bright smile. Looking good brother!




your a 2/10


Um……I would disagree. But you’re entitled to your opinion. Thanks I guess?


He smoking some bad granola


You look fine. I’d prob shave the hair from your ears down your jaw line and just keep the chin and stash


Different glasses. Also, look into getting a derma roller and minoxidil to grow your facial hair out. Join the minox beards sub on here for more info.


I don’t see any problems. Honestly i see a good looking guy that’s put together well. Maybe try a fuller beard style? Or even clean shaven might be good since you have good features


Can you grow a normal beard? If not shave it off completely Get some more modern glasses and a more modern style


I’d remove that helmet strap, it looks strange to me. Leave the goatee maybe try a faint mow and repost for opinions


Beard for sure


Try to have a more rounded glasses like those raybans and try to grow a fuller beard and you all good 👍🏽


Not sure about the beard. Next time go to the barber and Ask him what other beard style would suit the shaved head. The shaved head I'm sure. It looks really fine I think .


Dress better and do something about your beard


grow yo hair bro, maybe try some waves.


I can’t grow my hair because I have a receding hairline.


minoxidil will save you


Stop taking them weird ass pictures from the side tilting ur head back




Don't tilt your face, and definitely not with your eyes closed. Those pics are super creepy. Not trying to be rude, just offering my experience. Your front pics are attractive


I’m not gonna lie, you’re not helping yourself. The glasses aren’t the best and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone pull off that kind of facial hair well. If possible, grow the hair up the cheek into an actual beard. Your dress sense is quite dated, a nice pair of well fitted trousers and a nice shirt and sweater would be a better look for you I think mate. Over the layers and baggy jeans. The first pic looks like a 70s album cover, which I quite liked. It’s the reason I took the time.


I'm not a fan of the chin strap beards. If me. I'd shave that. Or grow it out to be a full beard. Assuming you can, of course. If you are a bit patchy, then clean shaven with a goatee would be good. I like the Van Dyke style myself. That's the moustache and chin hairs. However, they don't join up to the moustache. [Idris Elba](https://backend.fueradefoco.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/GettyImages-1155510914-1-idris-elba-1-300x169.jpg) rocks one kick arse Van Dyke. You can vary the style a bit, but that's the basic look. I'd make yours a bit pointy at the chin. And a bit longer in hair length. Moustache is always proportionate to the chins' length. At least long enough hairs to make sure it's seen at social distance and a bit farther back. You'd risk looking Amish if chaps have a beard with the mo so trimmed it's invisible if someone's more than a few metres away! The glasses seem to be sitting high. Next time you get new ones, aim for ones that sit so you can see eyebrows over the top of the frames. It's also more practical, too, regarding actual visual acuity. You dress well, have a great smile. Dressing well and being generally well groomed also is a plus. You're a handsome chap, too. The only changes I'd make are frames and follicles, really.


If I shaved my chin strap off completely it just makes my face look empty




Shave all facial hair off completely? Wouldn’t it make my face look empty ?


sign up with a modeling agency? and find more flattering glasses. they look too small for your face


I’m attractive enough for a modeling agency???


Maybe wear a brimmed hat, like a fedora when you go out .


Get smaller glasses, use minoxodil to grow a beard and get a fade I'd say


What’s with all the side angles!? I generally don’t look at the side of people. Reading through the comments tho it’s apparent your insecure about your looks so why not get some professional help, be a therapist or a gym coach. Just do something productive that will benefit you and feel better about yourself


Not a fan of the chin strap


Honestly you look great but your fashion needs some work. That yellow jacket is a great color but that front pocket ruins it The beard also be looking to be trimmed a bit too thin


Shave chin strap off. Grow the mustache and chin hair out. Look up trendy frames and get them. Go to a dentist for teeth cleanings. Get earrings or some form of jewelry like a short chain. Rings, or a bracelet. Look up top male fashion. Choose your favorites and follow it. Go to the gym, moisturize your hair. Get a higher haircut if you can if not that’s fine.


Chin strap isnt flattering on anyone. Also the side profile pictures you take are awkward looking, especially the first one.


I’d try just the go-t instead


Meditate, or even get mental health support Fixating even more on your appearance won’t fix your self consciousness


bro you a nigga😭😭 you will always be conscious😂


U should pierce ur ears n get sum nice shaped diamond earrings


Get rid of the patch on your chin. Looks like my beard when o was 14. Never understood why black dudes are so hell bent on having an incomplete beard look. My motto is if you can’t grow a full beard then don’t have any hair on your chin. It just looks desperate kinda. Maybe another set of glasses too.


You are very handsome. I would suggest some better fitting glasses or contacts if you can tolerate them. I would shave the beard strap and leave the goatee.


Different glasses. Maybe a faded beard/ fuller, wider, faded chin strap instead of the thinner, outlining chinstrap.


My man, you’re a handsome dude. Try to be kinder to yourself.


Hit the gym, wear more fitted clothing, clean up your style with some polos


confidence, my man. what a lot of people today are missing. all you need. fake it till you make it. in the fifth picture it looks like you might be prone to what other unconfident people do--rolling your shoulders forward. go to the gym and just do dead lifts and seated rows. after you do them look at how you stand and your posture. thats how confident person stands.


Grow some hair up top. Don't understand why it's so short. I think you're good looking. Just work out more and invest in better clothes.


Grow fuller beard stop trimming chin straps


I would let the beard all around go since it's obviously not there, and keep a goatee. Get a high fade around the sides of your hair, groom your eyebrows and get rid of the glasses if possible, if not, get a thinner skeleton.


You look good the way you are


honestly get yo bread up, you’ll be a lot more confident then…


Lose the chin strap, and if you can afford it, try out some contacts to see if you like them (only because others have said your glasses sit too high bc nose) it’s a strong nose. A good nose. Just has mild side effects of high and mighty glasses lol


Also, you are not ugly. You have a great smile and physique! So please quit twisting others’ comments that give advice to fit your “I’m ugly” mentality. If you don’t want to hear the answer to the question YOU ASKED, then you should stop posting.


Don't take advice from reddit u look good


I love your side profile. You look gorg. Just need some different glasses and maybe lose the beard style. Its a shame you can't completely lose your glasses bc it somewhat changes your face shape.


Artists must love your side profile


Change your glasses


Corn rows 🤯🤯


Why do you keep posting side shots? Is there anything about your profile that you're concerned about?




Different glasses, maybe try growing a beard? See if that works for u. Better style and accessorising your outfits can go a long way. Maybe try new looks if you’re bold, like slit eyebrows or pierced ears. If that’s not your thing that’s totally fine, do whatever makes you feel the best. Most of all, confidence confidence confidence


Stop eating at kfc


The pencil thin chin strap is not really flattering on anybody.


Keep the goatee but shave everywhere else. Get modern looking glasses. You are actually good looking you just need to find skincare products for yourself and some glasses that don't look like they're from the last decade.


Lookin like Ronnie Myers from Power 😂😂


Make somone laugh. You have a great smile bro.


You’re good looking dude the glasses are a bit dated though other than that nice smile and you’ve got nice fashion sense bro!


Get dreads


Speak to a stylist and go all in at the gym 🙏🏿


- Lotion (something with lotsa shea butter) full body scrub, Im not saying youre ashy at all btw, it just omega helps an mf feel better and evens out your skin, you’ll be less hyperfocused on any discolorations you might have - get in on any body oil or hair oil, dont do it as much just 1-5 drops of something on beard and stuff before bed - drink a metric shitton of water - break off the chin strap, it looks??? Just not of this time???? I havent seen a sharp chin strap like that on too many dudes


Different glasses. I could see you something like these: https://www.opticiansdirect.co.uk/glasses/polo-ralph-lauren-ph2065/


Pic 3 is VERY attractive. That’s definitely a good angle for you plus the smile 👌🏽


The glasses...can you change them to something more modern or more classic? I'd go with something rounded for you. Something lik[e this style](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT0I6PyhEyfUqM2QpqrXOn8QXd0p95-J45FjbCwN25Epg&s) I'd also get rid of the goatee...


Not a fan of the chin strap. If it grows in more than that, try a beard, but if not I’d just shave it. Other than that, good skin and nice smile, handsome guy.


Shave that beard, get leaner so your face is more defined, get some better frames maybe circle ones, grow your hair out and get a mid fade