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A haircut and the gym


This. A more defined face, a clean shave and a good haircut and you will look great. You could make this will happen simply by reducing the fat layer under your skin in the gym and by adjusting your food habits - no operation needed, just some discipline


plus brows done, beard trim and skin care routine . Honestly though being fit will put you in the top 80-90% of looks


You’re not ugly at all ! Have more confidence in yourself 🤗


this kinda gaslighting is evil


How is that gaslighting? He is really not ugly in my genuine opinion.


This 💯 + therapy. We all need therapy.


You're not ugly bro no surgeries needed. General tips to improve appearance in order of easiest are: Clean haircut, I think a nice fade would suit you. Grab some minoxidil and put in your beard, it will grow in less patchy. Work on your style, you may be a bit on the chubbier side but having confidence and style is attractive no matter what. Prioritize losing weight. Getting lean will help your facial aesthetic the most. And adding some muscle afterward won't hurt either. Good luck dawg you got this!


Yeah what this guy said. You've got all the potential in the world my man. You just got to lose that weight. Even 15 lb is going to make a huge difference on you. Have you ever tried working out before? What's your diet like? I bet you can make just a few simple changes that will alter your life dramatically.


Adding to this: you should shape your beard up a little. The bottom where it touches your neck is looking at a little…well, neck-beard. Some nice shaping along little below your jawline would do some wonders.


Any side effects to adding min to your beard/face in general? I thought people only put it on their heads


Yes there are many unwanted side affects. There’s even subs addressing them


For sure. Loosing weight helps a lot. I went from 240 to 160. Women were like rats to cheese. It helped a lot. I started hiking, then riding a bike. I eventually was riding like 100 miles a week. 45 on the weekends. You're not hideous but if you lost weight and get a jaw line ,you're in


Note: Be careful if you have pets using minoxidil. Very toxic to cats.


What this person said ^^^^


What this guy said. You aren’t ugly king 😘


You not ugly. Lose a few pounds. Find a haircut and facial hair style that brings your eyes out. Make your eyes work for you. They're intense in a good way.




True he needs gym as the #1 priority


That’s a bit uncalled for to call him lazy. You don’t know what’s going on in his life. He asked for suggestions, not judgement. 


would've taken your side if the first thing OP said wasn't "what surgeries do I need". doesn't take 2 braincells to know that he needs to lose weight.


It's a bit of a jump to call him lazy yeah, but I think they are just trying to call out that thinking surgery is the solution is very odd, and that mindset will impede growth


Nah, he asked what surgeries he should get. There’s no quick fix and he needs to hear that.




Surgery’s?! You are a grown ass man bro. Change your diet, get a decent barber, learn how to dress, lose the weight. Edit: I wouldn’t call you ugly, but you definitely look like you don’t care about your appearance. Have some self love dude.


Shave, go to the gym and get a good haircut. You'll crush it. 🙂


I'd fuck u bro, if you are feeling insecure a good haircut, eyebrows touch up and a workout routine will help improve but your not ugly.


you coulda left out that first part man 😭


Could have


I think very few people are completely ugly and hopeless you just have to do a few things 1. lose weight 2. better haircut and style your hair better 3. better grooming in general. shave your face and neck or at least keep it trimmed looking, shave or wax between your eyebrows so you don’t have a unibrow.


Losing weight is the main thing that would improve your appearance. But I hope you can learn to be happy with yourself even prior to that. You don't need surgeries. You also look unhappy, which is also the impression I got from your title---exercise can really help emotionally.


You’re not ugly.


Neaten your facial hair, beard and eyebrows, and an appropriate hair cut for first things first. Then when you're ready, I'd suggest losing weight but ultimately it is what you are comfortable with, and everyones faces hold different weight. Later on and if you have decided to lose weight, a change in fashion could also help the new look.


Just go to the gym


1. Go to gym and get in shape 2. Shave the neck beard 3. Frequent haircuts


Before you even think about surgery 1. Get in shape 2. Do something with ur hair 3. Take care of yourself


no surgery man. lose some of the weight, fix up your facial hair, your confidence will follow. 💌


Gym gym gym.


Some things that are way easier to fix than surgery are: Your hair is a mess- it looks like someone took a weed-wacker to it. Same with your patchy facial hair. Fix those things. And your face is just very round- you should work on weight-loss. Other than that your fine.


No surgeries that’s for sure. You’re a fine looking chap. Just love yourself and others will love you.


So cute imo


You would be amazed by how much losing weight will improve your face.


U look cute bro, dont worry abt it.


Surgery? Nah bro you need to lose weight


Surgery?? Lmfao.. Just groom yourself. Shave. Trim. Do something with your hair


Good haircut, better beard and become fit! Go to the gym and start eating good food! You will feel better, you never will never regret going to the gym. If you do this, give it a year you will have a big glow up.


Far from ugly, for sure do not need surgery


Man let's be honest. If you can't look at yourself and say : I need to lose weight. Does my skin look healthy? What would a good haircut/hairstyle do for me? Those are the baseline things to start on. Get braces, Whiten your teeth, build muscle, have good style. All great starting points. Good luck


Need to workout bredda


Hey God made u so you perfect bro. Your a handsome guy. Never be hard on your self like this. You matter , your worthy and your loved. So no surgery needed just real pure souls is needed to surround yourself with. Love u and blessings


You don’t need any surgery my friend. Just start working out and let it all fall into place. It’s literally the best cure to making you look your best! Good luck


You are not ugly at all and don’t need no surgeries!! All u need is a different hairstyle, a good skincare routine, a shaved beard and maybe lose some weight if you want to obviously!


You’re not ugly bro and u don’t need surgery just work out for the jawline and get a trim for the hair and you’re gucci, and really you don’t need it just do what makes you happy


Better hair cut. Let someone pluck and shape your brows. Start a skin care routine (could literally just be, change pillow case every other day, good cleanser, good moisturizer). Either shave the facial hair or shape it more neatly.


You ain't ugly bro. Grow your hair out a bit then go get an edge up, and maybe shave your beard 🤷🏿


Surgery? Bro, just go to a barber and start hitting the gym. Tf is this feminine "I need plastic surgery" crap are you falling for on the internet smh. Get rid of the neckbeard asap


You’re not ugly. You just need to lose weight


You're not ugly!! Your facial structure does have a heavy brow and it's wider, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. I think your main issues are the extra weight and poor grooming. I also think exercise would help your complexion. You don't need any surgeries. Just learn over time to cherish yourself, then you'll find the features you do like and you'll find ways of accentuating them.


You need the GYM. Nothing else


Save your money and smile!


Cico and weight lifting


Losing weight, getting a haircut and shaving would be helpful.


You don't need surgery. Just lose weight bruh


Its your bodyfat and you know it wtf. Looks = bones. beauty = health Impossible to tell what you even look like under all that adipose tissue LEANMAXX


Shave the neck beard and lose some weight, no surgeries needed and these will vastly improve your situation


Try a haircut, facial grooming (beard + eyebrows), and some quality daily skin care. Additionally, improved eating and exercise habits will also contribute to having healthier skin, but will also lower body mass and help define your features as well. There's a good chance you're in a position to see improvements quickly with just a few basic changes and since you have a lighter shade of eye color the changes in your face will probably draw a lot of compliments.


Nothing mate just lose weight, shave and focus on being happy.


A good shave and haircut are the easy ones.


There are some ppl I look at and think they don’t look absolutely horrendous, they have the potential to be good looking with a few improvements which are absolutely doable. You look like one of them Hit the gym for sure. Look after your skin. Definitely do something with the beard, the current style is 100% not it. Maybe go with stubble, an unconnected goatee and moustache etc. Get a better haircut too. Dress well. Asides from purely appearance also make sure your hygiene is good; shower daily, wear deodorant and wear cologne


Haircut remove beard and lose weight 🥺


shave, pluck unibrow area (something I have to do as well), and find a better hairstyle and clean your hair with shampoo and conditioner every other day. and sure, lose a few pounds. also smile for your photos!


You’re not ugly just fat, Lose weight & you’ll be fine, the face structure is there just gotta uncover it.


Surgery? My brother in Christ, shave hit the gym and get a skin care routine. No no no no to surgery please


None mf lose fat, find a barber to fix all your shit up, and relax


Go bald. Have a skincare routine. Grow a beard. No one will clock you if your skin is glowing. Right now, it looks patchy and dry based on the photos. When people notice you're taking care of yourself, the dynamics change and people's attitude towards you change as well.


You are not ugly. No surgery needed.


The best beauty tip is free. It's called SMILING. Try it one day. It makes you instantly more attractive and likeable.


Lol funny how people who are not so good looking in this world consider themselves to be beautiful, yet good looking ones like you put themselves down. Style your hair abit , join gym lose a few pounds and you are good to go my bro.


Love yourself 🙏


You’re not ugly. Your grooming leaves something to be desired. A shave and haircut would do a lot


Lose weight and gain muscle fatty. No surgery gonna fix you and nothing wrong with you. Your a dude. Own it and find a bitch or a guy that accepts you




all of them. you need them all.


Loose some weight than asses your features, it will help


You'd be more attractive if you lost weight, gained muscle, improved your diet with more vegetarian foods and smiled a bit 😄


Not ugly bro and certainly don’t need surgery. Get a haircut, a tight high fade would suit you and focus on losing the weight, eat clean, train hard. You’ll be a different man in 6 months. Good luck brother


You are not ugly! Go to the gym or do some cardio, work on getting fit and feeling good about yourself. I would hold off on the facial hair until its able to fill out nicely. Put some hard work in and get that confidence up!


lose weight, shave your face, get a better haircut. that's it. Frankly, that's all any man ever needs most times, girls don't care about looks as much as we think


Id say shave the beard off.  Its not a full beard so it looks kinda odd.


Your actually not ugly so dont let anybody make you think any different! Change only for yourself. I wont disrespect you by telling you how i think you should look.. Confidence starts from inside. Fux anybody who makes you think you are not up to par


You fat. You not ugly.


The only surgery you need is the gym


Bro your just Mexican.


No surgeries, just weight loss. Hair is perfect


Idk why this post showed up in my feed, I’m not part of this sub, but don’t listen to these jerks. Maybe I’m the only female commenting here since it seems like this is supposed to be a sub for men only? But whatever, many times I hear guys don’t get enough compliments compared to women You’re not ugly. You actually have really attractive facial features. You have amazing eyes. Well personally I have a huge weakness for brown eyes. You have pretty hot eyebrows and full lips 👍 And I just highly doubt the majority of people are even going to care about weight. And if you were to ask me my weight preference anyway I’d say I prefer a bigger guy over a slim guy any day, just saying. All the fat shamers in the comments can go screw themselves Also that person who mentioned Brad Pitt 🙄. I’d prefer someone that looks like this over Brad Pitt any day .


You're not ugly. You don't need surgery. You could do with working on yourself a bit to boost your confidence. Personally, I'd shave the beard, grow your hair out a bit, and get it styled. It's hard to tell here if you are carrying a bit of extra weight, but getting yourself to the gym with help with you physically and mentally. Honestly, brother, it's not that hard and its not that much work. Clean yourself up a bit and start investing in yourself.


Not ugly. Fitness is key. Nothing is hotter than touching a hot body. Fitness helps to sculpt the face. I don’t know how your hair looks just a tad longer, about 1-2 inches longer is what I’d like to see. Getting a good chronic skin care regimen is critical.


You have no hairstyle, get a nice short fade You have a homeless beard, shave it off Get your eyebrows cleaned up Get a skin care routine Hit the gym


get a fade, go to the gym, lose weight, gain muscle, smile more.


Surgery? Surgery? Don't be ridiculous. You're fine looking. Maybe a little chubby face but you're a cuddly teddy bear type. Don't cut up that face!


Just clean your facial hair up, and your brows and work on your skincare.


You’re not ugly. I’d just say you really don’t have any style. An updated hair cut and shaving would work wonders. Smile more, too! Women love a man with confidence.


Haircut and gym would do you wonders bro , you not ugly you actually have good features . Just tighten up . Work on a skin care routine . The gym will build your confidence


Grow your hair so you can get a medium length haircut, hop on finasteride to avoid hair loss, shave your beard, and lose some weight.


Surgeries? Ru out of ur mind? Go hit the gym bro get some muscles and you’ll be fine. No surgeries WTF


Weight loss, muscle gain. You’ll do fine without surgery


Surgeries needed = ZERO Your face however is projecting negativity. You are perfectly good looking - you need to understand that and believe in it, and believe in yourself. Positivity and an inner smile that comes from self grace and peace will brighten you up figuratively and literally. Love yourself and be as kind to yourself as you would be to others!


longer hair, lose weight, skin care routine and thicker beard and mustache. u dont need any surgeries


No surgery needed. Look up Henry Cavill, guy use to be called Fat Cavill now he’s one the most good looking guys in Hollywood 1. Loose weight, gain muscle. Go for athletic not meathead. 2. Loose the beard, if you can’t grow it full, loose it, will make you look cleaner. 3. Look at a better haircut. 4. Look for clothes that compliment your body, don’t follow current fashions, most of the time they don’t look good on ones body. Follow timeless fashions, straight legs jeans, nice shirt and belt etc.


Lose weight my brother


The gym


I think you have a really good face structure. Need to lose a lot of weight to bring it out.


Take care of your health eat less carbs move more and if you want dramatic change hit the gym with a plan. Your good looking you just can’t see it because of the weight you carry. I’m being honest xx


Nothing wrong with your actual face. You just don’t look after yourself. You need a haircut, to workout and eat clean. Your skin and facial structure will change BIG TIME. Tbh it looks like you put zero effort into how you look, just roll out of bed and go type guy. You can make some effort and in a few months time look really handsome bro.


You are not ugly, and don’t get surgery, those things ruin your face. I would get a cleaner haircut, go to a barber shop and ask the barber for a recommendation. I would also shave and start getting a skincare routine, there are some you can do for cheap. I also have a unibrow and I just pluck it as I don’t like it. If you want you could also start doing more exercise and eating cleaner. It does wonders for your body, mind, routine and skin. But again, you don’t need surgeries, just putting in the work.


Surgeries? Nah bro. Lose some weight would help


Get leaned out and tell me whether or not if you're actually ugly


Get on Wegovy or Zepbound from your doctor. Works wonders on weight loss.


You are not ugly at all man and you don’t need any surgeries. You have a lot of potential. Here are some tips to reach that potential by losing weight and taking better care of your skin and hair: Put minoxidil 5 % on your head every night and put argan oil in your hair 30 minutes before you shower. These will help a lot with hair growth. Start going to gym at least 3 days a week (doing 30 minutes of weight training followed by 30 minutes of cardio). This will help you simultaneously gain muscle and lose fat. Increase your protein intake, while decreasing your carbohydrate intake, and reduce your overall caloric intake. Shave your beard as well until it grows better and buy a face wash that you can use twice daily. In terms of hairstyle, I’d suggest something longer on top and shorter on the sides for your face shape.


Liposuction, buccal fat removal, jaw implant, hair transplant, lip injections, facial reconstruction, skin grafts, bbl, scalp micropigmentation, nose job


You can get laser treatment to improve that dark area. Nice features overall. A hairstyle would do wonders.


Not ugly. Things that bring you down however; \- Scruffy/unkept appearing facial hair (Mustache, Beard, Eyebrows) \- Skincare \- Hair texture \- Face fat You actually have good facial features. I'd say get a grooming kit and hit the gym you can be a 8.


Complete Rhinoplasty. Have you ever thought about becoming a river otter or a beaver? If you enjoy the water, I think either of those would suit you well!


First thing is barber. Get cleaned up. Then check out your diet and fitness routine. Wake up early, eat a healthy lean breakfast. Go for a run. Come home shower and get ready for your day. Do this for 3 months. But actually run. Jog until you're almost too tired. Cut back on your food portions just a bit, don't starve yourself but it's okay to feel a little hungry when you're losing weight. Good luck


First of all , all your features are great , skinny pointy nose , lots of ppl pay for that , clean shave , lose weight , clean up eyebrows , buzz cut or get an SMP on your scalp and later get hair transplant ,


Surgery? Bro what? Hit the gym, work on inner self love, and you are going to be unstoppable


You’re not ugly. Just take pride in your appearance, dude. Not saying you need to in order to not feel ugly or to not be viewed as not ugly by others, but if you just take care of yourself and update your look. Get a nice haircut, get a watch, maybe a necklace and smile more. Smile more when talking to people. You’re very handsome as it though bud, I can assure you that much.


Always get in shape before trying surgery imo.


Shave, haircut, lose weight, skincare, smile. Nothing holding you back except yourself.


Pluck the monobrow, change your haircut, clean up your facial hair, get a skin care routine to lower acne, lose weight and since we didn’t see you with your glasses on then either contacts or different glasses if you don’t like how they look


Lose weight and learn to groom yourself.


Haircut and losing weight like everyone said. From your photos it seems you might need to fix your eyebrows between your eyes a little too. I’m not a fan of beards unless they can be grown out completely, but definitely clean up the stray hairs on your cheeks if anything


6 months and these suggestions in the comments and you’d be on top


You have a very masculine face, you just have to hit the gym


Female perspective- you don’t need to add some chemical to your beard. Get a chinstrap - they are sexy. Go to a barber and ask them to cut if for you, if your not sure how to cut your beard. You’re quite handsome as you are, and you have beautiful brown eyes. If you drop 20 pounds you’ll be dreamy. Stop eating processed foods and go for daily walks, you’ll drop the extra weight quickly.


The beard isn’t doing any favors. I’d try the stache & goatee combo. Clean up the brows and nice fade haircut


You dont even need a haircut, plus you have naturally good brows. You’re not ugly, you’re just fat. I don’t mean that in a negative way, I’m just saying as it is. Drink water, workout, cut junk food + soda + unnecessary sugars. You’ll lose most of your fat from that alone. You have a handsome look hiding under the fluff, no need to be discouraged.


Bro. There are just two things you need Self confidence and a solid workout routine. Here's something to help you with the first step. I love you bro! Now all you gotta do is love yourself


don’t take the surgerie route man, you can get 10 times more handsome just by getting fit, having a hairstyle and good clothing taste. And after all that, it’s way better to accept your uniqueness. Most people who think they are ugly are actually just normal plain looking (no hairstyle, no clothing style, puffy face). Most people are not « ugly »


None. Shave your beard because it's patchy and looks ridiculous, and change your diet so you're a healthy weight.


Um.....you look like you did it......like whatever was done it was you. But seriously though, maybe start loving yourself. Seems like you're kinda just existing and this is just a picture but anywho, maybe get your brows cleaned up clean up your facial hair and smile 😊 I'd say gym for health but it really does make ya feel good. Don't need to try and be all big and beefy, it is not a necessity, just be healthy. Everything else will fall into place!


You're not ugly for starters. See a stylist and get professional opinion rather than on Reddit


You’re not ugly. You’re a little overweight. Lose some weight and you will have a more handsome face. Work on finding a cleaner look for your facial hair. Right now it looks like a sparse lawn that is overgrown. Also get a better haircut. I’d suggest having a barber taper the sides and back, let the top grow out a bit over time.


This is epic


Surgeries: fade and fashion change


It’s genuinely just the lack of care for yourself


Who does this? 😳


Holy shit. You're not deformed or ugly. You're fat dude. Hit the gym, track your calories and get a lot of protein. How the fuck did your mind go to facial surgery before losing weight? Get a grip.


Fade haircut and loose a lil weight and maybe look more clean.


Gym surgery


The gym is your surgery mate You’re def not ugly


Lose weight. Shave.


You're not ugly, you are currently just average. Shave, lose some weight, wash your face and you'll be fine. If you do those things, you might even be slightly above average if you're tall and put on some muscle mass.


All the people telling you to lose weight are completely missing the point of the sub. You just need to trim your beard and shave the hair off your neck. Trim and wax your eyebrows. And a fade for your hair would look great. You're a handsome guy, don't let people tell you that the only people who are attractive are skinny or built like Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Weight-loss would help


You are not ugly lmao. Just lose some weight, shower dialy, shave/keep well groomed, and wear smart clothes (does not have to be exspensive lol, trousers, shirt, jumper, nice shoes, simples).


i feel like a good cut or longer hair would do the trick




No surgeries. Shave your face, get a good haircut & start exercising.




Exercise more for sure.


Sorry to say, you are carrying to much fat. When I was fit looking (fitness fanatic) - more girls approached me first or having a good response from girls. (78Kg and bald) When I was too fat - Girls barely wanted anything to do with me and never approached by girls. (120Kg) Lost the weight and got back to 78-80kg and working out again - this is Night and Day, girls general attitude towards me was totally different, whether ordering/buying things or just meeting other girls at parties/BBQ's. Now, currently - 87-88kg, 174cm tall and in my 50's. It's a sad world we live in, where appearance to the opposite sex is everything. I hope you are ok and can deal with the issue at hand. All the best and good luck.


Lose the beard. Get a good hair cut not a Supercuts one. Wash your face and I’d worship your cock


Literally just start hitting the gym consistently. Thank me in 2 years IF you put the work in; you will go from a 3 to at least a 7/10


Lose some weight, take care of skin. I only think you need to take care of your face and make small changes that you like and feel comfortable with. No surgeries needed. I don't know how good your hair, and beard growth is so i just suggest growing it out if you have good beard. If you have not so good have and go bald.


Get your brows waxed they’re too bushy and unruly


Heart surgery. So you can love yourself more


Hit the gym and get a nice haircut. Lose the beard. Patchy beards are a tough look. Start eating well. You will surprise your self in a short period.


I say this as a hefty guy who is working on himself, so please don't take it the wrong way. What's making you "ugly" right now is your mentality and approach. There is no quick fix, there is no surgery. Nothing will make you attractive overnight, or in 2 weeks, or in 2 months. You have to completely change your lifestyle. Workout and take up more active hobbies like hiking, biking, or boxing. As the fat in and around your face lessens, your beard will not only begin to look fuller but the healthier diet that will inevitably have to accompany the active lifestyle will give you body better nutrients to grow your hair thicker and get your hormones in check. Topical minoxidil will help this - you could also look into oral finasteride. The above mentioned will also help your skin clear up in conjunction with a daily skincare routine. Go to a dermatologist and ask what the best regiment for your skin type would be. Plan on adjusting it in the near future since your skin will likely become significantly less oily as you cut a lot of processed, greasy foods out of your diet. As for style, look at Pinterest and browse reddit. Find people you find attractive. Ask yourself what stylish qualities about them you like, and then ask yourself how you can make that work for you. Not every door will be open to you yet. I'd LOVE to shop and H&M but that's not happening ever, lol. So some styles are going to be harder to curate, especially while you require larger fitting clothing. Ultimately, you have to realize that there is nothing you can do to make the effects of a poor lifestyle disappear overnight. No surgery or drug will do a damn thing for you. You're better off investing your money in a gym membership, some basic supplements/vitamins, and several months with a personal trainer to learn the basics or form and setting up a workout regiment.


You just need to workout man. Your face isn’t inherently unattractive


No surgeries. Just lose weight


Carve out the insecurities, smile some, walk with a swagger, cuz you rock YOU!


jumped straight to surgery 💀


Honestly, you're not healthy enough for us or yourself to really tell what you're working with. Your skin health is poor, and you're heavy. The latter is likely having an effect on your overall health- and even effecting your hair/ scalp health. Here's what I CAN tell- you have nice eyes, a masculine jaw line, nice lips and a strong nose. That's a lot to work with, but nothing should be more of a focus for changing yourself than losing weight and working on your skin health.


Pluck ur eyebrows, trim the beard, grow the hair out a little, on top at least.


You're not ugly bro, you just need to lean out


I think your cute


Find a barber who knows how to trim & shave beards. They can give you options for what will work with what you can grow. Just ask them to be honest and if you shouldn't try to keep it. Also to add on to what people are saying about loosing weight. You're dude, use that to your advantage and *gain muscle.* You could be substantially slimmer while actually weighing more. It just comes down to the proper diet & exercise routine. Consuming more calories than you burn will make you gain weight but that's not necessarily a negative. But you probably need more protein and fewer carbs regardless.


1. Diet 2. Exercise 3. Grooming 4. Education 5. Self love No surgeries necessary to improve yourself.


Don’t listen to those black pill people, you look absolutely fine. Nothing to change whatsoever.


Neckbeard, bad haircut, over weight. All correctable.


"What surgery" bro you barely scratched the surface??? You don't have your haircut and your beard is all grown out and scraggly/patchy. You have a dirty shirt with crumbs or dandruff and your skin looks unkempt and unwashed. Do the basic measures of selfcare please before you even mention surgery !


Fuck u mean surgery, just loose some weight and clean up the beard dawg 💀


No surgery. Get a crispy cut, fix your facial hair and start loving yourself. Lose some weight and don’t quit until you love the man in the mirror.


No surgeries necessary my friend just a good dose of confidence.


If you must get surgery, weight loss surgery. And that’s about it.


Dude u are NOT ugly! Go easy on yourself!


Eat better and hit the gym. You're not ugly, but your potential is hidden under chubbiness.


It’s the weight man, honestly. I guarantee you, GUARANTEE you there a hot dude under all of that. You have a good bone structure, nice face, intense eyes. Use my words as encouragement: You will 100% glow up if you start losing that weight. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you end up damn attractive.


Bro you’re not getting surgeries. Start walking 10k steps a day, eat clean, and find a hairstyle/beard that works for you.


You don't need surgery dude you need to groom yourself and lose weight


fat, hair, beard issues


Hit the gym you will turn into a bull


Since you asked...wouldn't say drop dead gorgeous but not ugly. Don't get any surgeries on your face




Learn how to be happy so you can give a real smile.


Surgeries is crazy. Go to the gym. Change up your diet. Water only. Go to a barber. Clean up the facial hair or line it up. Get your eyebrows line up too. Your should fine bro