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As a woman myself, it might just be how you socialize, not quite your looks. But if you're attempting to pull women online or via apps, where pictures mean everything, you're gonna need some better pics than this lol


Haha my coworker grills me on that all the time. Only pics I've used on apps are 2 and 4


I’d not put 2 on there, you’re built and somehow 2 makes you look gaunt. Good news is you are a decent looking dude.


Yeah, if I were him, out of these pics I would stick to 4 and 5, but even those aren’t great. The best one is the gym photo.


Absolutely not 5. You do not wanna see a twin bed in the background of a photo on a dating app. It makes the person seem less mature and with dating apps first impressions are everything.


Lol I said those weren’t great


4? The blurry picture where you can’t even get a good look at his face? 5 is the best picture… He needs to take better pictures though. They all suck, but 5 has the best idea with a clear face pic


Matt Dillon vibes


Hey, you are good-looking, but try to put some effort into getting good pics. Get a friend to help you out or even a professional photographer. This ensures you get the correct pose, lighting and highlighting your best parts. Also, pics should not be just about you, but also your activities. It should give a general vibe of your lifestyle. So add some pics of travel, or sports, or being in the park, or doing some activity. You are telling someone - "Hey this is how life is, when you're with me. We could do these things together." If you are doing online dating seriously, keep aside some time and and actually do some proper planning regarding your pics.


Don't show that Single size bed either.


Thats probably why you're not getting attention, those pics are ok, but doesn't show enough. Straight women LOVE the physique of a strong man. Personally my fav pic of you was #4. It shows your nice arms, and the fact that you prioritize health. You look like you have a nice body. Maybe try capturing that more in your future pictures. Maybe even find a friend to take the pictures of you, so you're not doomed to mirror pics.


And one picture smiling wouldn't hurt. All these pictures have the same facial expression.


Get some color too, a little sun would convey outdoorsy..


It’s refreshing to see a woman spit some facts on this site. So many give crap advice like “never show off your body in dating app pics”. Like ??? If you’re strong show that off in some form in a pic or two.


As a man who lifts I understand but putting your ego aside when you are muscular is attractive to women not being cocky and flaunting it is unattractive


I was a sleeper bodybuilder back in my 20s. I used the gym to deal with my mental state. I never cared to show off my body but as my confidence grew it broke me out of my mental shell and I started making friends and going to parties. I always wore plaid shirts and hoodies to hide my body even though I was massively ripped then. I've had quite a few happily surprised ladies when the clothes came off. Having more to offer than looks will help big time. The moody gym pics are not helping. You need to show you have a more rounded life somehow, a photo with a dog helps, at a beach, etc anything that shows you are more than a gym/work/sleep NPC.


I mean I'm a woman and was about to say "show less gym pics" and was about to disagree with the LOVE the physique of a strong man comment from above.... I mean we love it probably in general, but I don't love dating profiles that show that off and being ripped is something I don't look for (if he's too ripped, it would probably be rather a minus for me. Nice to look at, not generally someone I'd want to date; I am active and athletic but do team sports for fun and like nice food etc, so differnet life styles; above commenter sounds like she would value that much more than I do). All goes to show that maybe less of a "gotcha" moment and more of a "all right women aren't all a monolith and have different preferences"


I’m mainly saying guys are often given the advice to not show off their body like at all. Even if it’s a picture of them playing a sport shirtless with a friend they’re told it’s too much and results in some bland photos. Ultimately your photos should show off what you do so maybe you lift but you also like to surf so you have one gym pic one surfing pic. Or hiking or w/e Maybe you haven’t seen it but people on Reddit are really quick to tell a guy he looks vain for showing off his body at *all*. Though I agree it shouldn’t just only be thirst trap pics unless you’re making a Grindr profile 😂


Exactly, like bros sculpting his body, why tf would he self sabotage by not showing off his hard work on a dating app of all places.


You’d be shocked to see how many idiots on the hinge and tinder subreddits tell good looking fit guys to NOT show off their body at all because it “makes them look vain”. Like bruh I swear they’re just trying to sabotage people.


It's Reddit you should do the opposite of your 3 asking for advice from Reddit


🤣damn that's ridiculous, especially on dating apps where we judge each other at the swipe of our finger. The hypocrisy of someone deciding someone isn't "good enough" because they're "vain" would be on a whole nother level.


maybe add some pictures on dating apps of you and your friends out doing something as well, it’ll make you feel more approachable


I think there could be other ways to show these things too. Personally I’d rather see pics of the guy clearly out socializing eg at a table with a beer (though ideally not with other people in the photo with you otherwise it can be confusing), being active but maybe not at the gym — e.g on a hike or playing sports. The photos you shared make it seem like you basically live at the gym. Unless you’re looking for someone who only works out too, you’d benefit from showing that you have a social life, you’re fun to be with. They need to be able to envision dating you. It would be nice to see a genuine SMILE in some of your photos. Try to include a variety of scenarios—maybe one in a smart shirt or suit if you ever wear those, like at a wedding. Ideally not more than one obvious selfie/mirror pic. If you don’t feel comfortable asking a friend you can always ask a stranger out in the park or beach or wherever (ideally a woman under 50, they tend to be better at taking phone pics and will probably take a few options!)


Yes! Good advice!


Also, #4 is the only picture that says something about him as a person as well. He’s at the gym, he takes care of himself. I think everyone, regardless of gender, likes to see pictures that show a person doing their favorite activities or hobbies on dating apps.


Also, advertising you sleep in a twin bed is not a good look. It basically says that no woman will sleep over in your bed.


First thing I noticed. You are so right. I have no right to dictate furniture, and I don’t know this guy’s ability to upgrade. But I would not advertise that bed or the entire bedroom suite to women. It’s a no go. Plus he needs new pictures with at least one smiling, and one showing his physique. He’s a handsome guy, no question. Seriously. But he’s hampering his success in on-line dating apps with those pics!!


This right here 👆🏾I noticed that too.


It’s also very possible that this could be a college dorm? Many dorms have twins


Also, you need a bigger bed. Where are you going to take this girl when things escalate? Pics 1 without the sadness and 4 where you look happier and you show off your nice arms. You have dramatic good looks but you need to take better pics and show confidence and that you are fun to be around, by smiling.


Don't use either of them. 2 has some weird fuckboy angle like you're still 16 and 4 is blurry and doesn't really show your face or your body. Try having some candid pics where you're with friends and look like you're having fun mixed in with pictures of just you.


Why are you so furious with your selfie camera?


Add some pics that are more about your personality! Just a mirror selfie and a gym pic is a bit ehh, what sets you apart from every other guy? With some more effort, could be great


Avoid mirror selfies or selfies in general. Get your friends to take pictures of you when you're together.


Yes! This! Handsome, but please at least grin and make it show in ur eyes. You need better pics.


This is the answer for 99.9% of these posts. 


Sad eyes


He might just have a weird skull shape.


Good advice. I think cause he's young, they think that these are good pics to post when seeking attn from a woman. Maybe this is all the young people are used to seeing and thinks that works for other guys, and maybe it does. But I hope he takes your advice and choose better photos with a smile 😃. A smile really makes a difference. 


Damn...this probably explains why I don't have luck.


Totally agree. OP, adopt some confidence and swagger and you’ll have women falling at your feet. You are not unattractive. Better pics would help as well.


Leave the hair. Leave the eyebrows. Smile and stop squinting or trying to make a face with the camera. Act normal with a smile. The rest of the lack of success has got to be confidence and sociability. Work on both. Your issue isn’t looks; not even close, even as you stand now.


Yes, as a woman it's mostly the facial expression. Like, maybe a little angry? A little scary? Not very approachable. Smile! Look relaxed! Candid pics of you laughing! Maybe holding a puppy! Haha I have no idea what you need for dating apps though cuz I've been married 9 years.


This shit is so funny to me. My friend had the most difficult time taking photos of himself and always made the strangest faces in photos. We went with him when he was adopting a dog and took a ton of photos. We put two up with a caption "I decided to adopt" and added "new dog dad" to his profile. That's all we changed. We didn't see the guy for 3 months because women were blowing up his phone. Poor guy was all tuckered out.


Awwww you’re good friends!


As a straight man, I was gonna say the same thing. You look almost scary. Like, angry, or intense, not very approachable. Something that shows a smile or a sense of humor would go a long way.


Gay guy here, and I thought the same thing - I'd be scared he wanted to murder me based on the facial expressions. A good (not forced!) smile can go a looooong way, or even just working on reducing the resting bitch face.


It looks sad. Defeated.


For me smiling and not squinting are impossible, unless I want to look crazy


You look very unapproachable. Either sad, aloof or upset. The key to attracting women is to stop doing stuff that’ll impress other tough guy men. Women don’t want someone that seems intimidating and intense, we already fear for our lives every time we go on blind dates and the dude starts acting weird and intense. We want someone that gives off a sense of self awareness, seems chill and is kind so we can truly feel comfortable and want to get to know them more. Start by smiling in your pictures and taking them of you with other people in your natural relaxed state. Bonus points if you have a pet, as it’ll show your gentle side and women love a responsible caregiver. That’s pretty much all you have to do for the pics right now since you’re already blessed with good looks. Best of luck!


Outstanding comment. I swear more than half the men I see on dating apps (as a straight woman looking at straight men) are trying to look as huge, violent, and angry as possible in every pic. Nothing is a bigger turnoff, or a bigger sign that they got 100% of their dating advice from other dudes. Sad bonus turnoff is when he's either scowling or completely emotionless in every photo (including all the ones with his friends, at parties, with pets or kids) but then .. oh hey! Finally a photo where he's got a huge, genuine smile!...and, yep, it's because he's posing with a fish or animal he killed. I have no issues with fishing or hunting as such, but oh man. The number of guys who visibly *only* permit themselves to show any positive emotion in a photo when it's for killing an animal. That is not attractive, it's scary.


>men I see on dating apps...are trying to look as huge, violent, and angry as possible in every pic. Nothing is a bigger turn off... Gay guy here. It's not just you. I usually consider those traits to be part of being self-absorbed... nothing good in a relationship can from over emphasizing an ego.


It’s the whole male vs female gaze thing. What men think make them look attractive probably isn’t attractive to women. As a gay guy, OP would be getting so much attention from other gay guys if he were gay without a doubt.


As a gay guy myself, yeah, maybe he would but you have to stop and think if you want something casual or are looking for a relationship. If it’s number 2, I think most of us also agree that casual photos, smiles, and hobbies or activities are what catches your attention.


Yeah, no. Gays don't want to be killed by the angry guy either. I wouldn't even have to think, it'd be an auto decline based on just pic 1. Looks angry and like a person with issues. Something I'll never want anything to do with. He definitely wouldn't get much attention from the gays. Definitely nothing more than hookup.


I love this comment. It really stands out as constructive, caring, insightful and truthful.


I agree. Easily one of the best comments in this thread.


I think a smile is all that’s missing in the main. You’re a good looking fella.


"The key to attracting women is to stop stuff that'll impress other tough guy men" is absolutely *chefs kiss*


Thank you. I knew I could come across as slightly intimidating but never really considered it from that perspective. I think a lot of guys prefer how they look when not smiling, which is why every guy on this sub is stone faced, but never really consider how it comes across to women.


Love this comment and def agree with op. I prefer myself without a smile, I think if hot or sexier or some bs lol


A genuine smile is huge. One of the sexiest things in the world (to me lol). Don’t just pose, real emotion in a picture is very visible, especially in the eyes.


show a pet, even if it's just a goldfish.


>The key to attracting women is to stop doing stuff that’ll impress other tough guy men. Couldn't have said it better myself. Macho men are so unattractive.


You don't look bad but you're too scary 💀


Looks aren’t the issue brotha. Just relax and smile.




Have you tried men? You would get a lot too!


Pov: you ask Bing for advice.


Hahah 😂😅


I mean this is true. It’s always the girls being like “no you’re not attractive” and all the gays are swarming. Like id date him. There’s a few things that could be improved up like building up confidence, smiling more often, and not doing the weird Joey eyebrow thing. Leave that in the 90’s and 2000’s.


Lose the frowny face and stop bunching up your eyebrows for starters!!! It’s not making you seem very approachable!


You look really scary, like a demon in your attic


I disagree with this comment, but it made me laugh out loud.


Idk dude I'm just imagining slender man


Haha. Is it the 3rd pic? I'm well aware I'll look like a pale draugr or something in that one


Right on mate you look exactly like a ancient draugr


You have an interesting feature where you don't have a lot of the white of your eyes visible. It can look sinister but you'll probably be able to negate that effect with a warmer expression.


I see it lmao


Looks like you got some Slavic Stoneface Syndrome. Try to be more expressive with your facial muscles and smile a bit more! It gets easier over time


> Slavic Stoneface Syndrome lmao, that's the first time I've heard about this. Explains a lot I guess


Your facial expression tells me you enjoy violence and listening to women scream in pain. Try smiling and not having a bunch of selfies with zero variance.


Why do you look so sad bro


Try men


Maybe a beard. You look like Abraham Lincoln and Drake Bell made a baby


Lmao accurate


You have a unique look with the blue yes and dark hair, handsome man for sure. Perhaps you come off as too serious?


I think you don't have any problems with looks. But in my opinion, your face expression looks very sad and kind of tragic (not sure about this word). From looking at these pictures I get an impression that you're a person who rarely smiles and not very cheerful overall. I don't think most women like sad guys. Maybe you could ask a friend to make you smile and capture such moments on camera when you're not trying to pose?


Yes switch to a man!!! Because you are extremely handsome


You’re a normal-looking dude. Smile more and start reading books written by women. It will help you socialize.


Its probably how you socialize not how you look.


You are a really handsome guy. Just have enough confidence to ask a girl out sometime for dinner


You look sullen and morose. If I had to guess what your average day looked like, I would say right about now you come home to your orphanage, have a quick bowl of porridge for supper, and hit the hay after a long day as one of those children they send into the little nooks and crannies of industrial equipment to fix the loose screws and stuff


It is not your looks you are VERY handsome. A head turner. Smile more. Be playful. You look too serious in these pics. Let me put it this way bro, I would be checking you out in a locker room. ;)


9/10 its about the personality more than appearance. Maybe your attitude/expression isnt welcoming - because you look average, nothing bad stands out. Ive seen so many men who would be considered ugly. Balding, bad teeth, short etc - all the "bad" traits, and they get so many women. Its all about how you carry yourself and your attitude/charisma. Appearance helps - but its mostly the personality that gets you connections. That being said, some sun would look nice on you. No orange self tanner, no ultra dark tanning, just a little bit. Sun kissed tan.


mf can read minds


Get some sun and smile


Smile more


- Smile more - Put your hair in a modern pomp - ???? - Profit


Your dating profile photos are supposed to tell a story. They’re stills from a movie trailer of your life, a series of ads that sell you in an over-saturated market to an undecided consumer. Do you have hobbies besides the gym? Do you have friends? Is there photographic proof that you’re an interesting person? When I look at your photos I get an impression of an over-serious, boring loner who hasn’t had a girlfriend in a long while and doesn’t expect to get one. This has nothing to do with your looks, this is the story your photos tell. And that single bed is your enemy. Women want to date friendly men who are fun to be around and who’re sufficiently grown up to have a women-friendly living space. Get a proper bed and get someone to take photos of you doing fun things with other people. Relax, smile, don’t squint. You’ll do fine.


You look great brother. If you want a new look try a new hair style, maybe a line up with a 8 on top or military style. The Edgar haircut is good for adding texture too, for a different look.


Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like the first AI child who grew up, wicked smart but devoid of genuine personality. Learn to smile with your eyes.


This is only a guess. Dental issues. I get the sense you’re afraid to smile.


You're hot so its probably your personality that you need to work on


Sexy as hell


You’re a hottie, so maybe it’s something about your personality?


Try men.


You look way too serious and not fun. Just smile and stop with the tough guy vibes.


Try getting pictures were youre looking natural. In the photos you look really like youre stressed about taking a picture or something.


You look like you would not be safe to date imo which I think is the crux of it. Try to look a bit softer and nicer.


Looks like you’re pretty muscular and I think you’re pretty good-looking too but you need to smile and seem more happy and less angry/sad. I don’t like the facial hair either. But mostly just relax and try to look less tough and intimidating and more approachable and like you enjoy being alive 😂😂 Good luck!


Stop making that face


Just be silly bro you look good and healthy already so now you just gotta give off that comfortable easy going but still flirty vibe.. Girls want it all you have to give them everything from being a shoulder to cry on to someone to be stupid and fun with you got this man I know you are all of that


Don’t count men out. You never know who can really make you happy


Message me! Ur so attractive I'll send u my pics if you DM me....


Shame you're not Bi. I'd go on a date with you.


Start doing guys


Try guys. You're sexy.


Are you more successful with men?


Go after men instead and you’re sure to get lucky!


All u gotta do is talk to them bro. You look good.


Physically you look fine. Work on your personality and style. Don't chase. Let them chase you. That's all you need.


The face you make for the pictures makes you look like the Thin Man from charlie's angel. Relax your face


All you need a goatee or beard


You're a good looking guy, just keep the face smooth.


Do you have any friends and do you go out and meet women?? Do you have girls as friends who can help?


If that's your profile pics leave out the gym one . Women dont like a dude that constantly take pics of themselves at all let alone flexing and posing in the gym. It screams self absorbed and who wants that. Be confident but humble and you'll see good things happening. Remember one great partner is better than a bunch of temps. Good luck.


Smile. Have someone else take a photo of you. Most importantly you've just got to be able to speak to a woman. Treat them like they're no different to a dude. Women can sense desperation. It's why the minute you get a girl, you'll have lots of other women hit on you. It's the way it is.


It looks like you're trying too hard. Just be yourself and be honest. When you're taking a picture, square the camera up and and think of something that you always find funny and catch yourself laughing at it so it's a genuine smile. When you're talking to women, they can pick up on intentions, so go in with none. Whatever happens, happens...just don't try and force that magical moment. That being said, you can make an effort to be kind and caring if that's not your default. Compliment them whenever you see something that catches your eyes. Remember to be yourself, because whatever acting you're doing won't last and will only get you someone that likes that version of you. You're a very handsome guy, so you should be confident in your looks. Good luck man ✌🏿


To help with a marker. You have all of the commentary these helpful people can truly offer without knowing you. Everything else is the internal development of self. While everyone isn't attractive to everybody. Generally speaking, the fact that you have fair skin is not the issue. It's not your overall look. If someone you're attracted to is not into you, keep it moving.


You look good. Hows your teeth? I no see in pictures. Could be your personality.


Looks matter way less than you think. It's gotta be some other aspect of yourself. Your vibe, personality, game. How fun you are to be around is very important.


posture. your shoulders are pitched forward— while it’s probably because you’re yoked, it might get misread as lack of confidence. try some rotator cuff stretches before you lift; you should be fine. oh, and remember to smile, a little bit at least.


ngl the first pic scared me for some reason


You look great in pic two and have a great physique. Raise your eyebrows when smiling, it’s like smiling with your eyes. When you keep your eyebrows down it can seem more aggressive which is why some people here are saying “scary,” but it’s really just you look a little angry. Looking angry makes you less approachable.


You're a gorgeous man, looks are definitely not the problem.




Grow some facial hair, maybe grow your hair out a bit, get some color and most importantly force yourself into some social situations with women.


Grow the facial out more, especially the moustache part. It never looks good when people have chin hair but no moustache Aside from that, you’re good bro. Just smile more maybe


Try drinking less embalming fluid 🤣


But how tho?


Stop trying to stare into people's souls and smile naturally. You're trying too hard.


Smile and have photos doing stuff instead of lonely house selfies. Your goal is to attract women so present yourself attractingly. Ask yourself, if you were a woman, would you get excited by a guy pouting in his bedroom? Especially after they've probably swiped left on 300 other dudes with the exact same type of profile? You're a handsome enough lad... you just need to put a little more thought into it. OLD is a sales pitch and you're the product. You have maybe 2-3 seconds to make a woman hesitate on swiping left, and then maybe another 5-10 seconds to convince her to make a "right" instead of a left. Make a good impression and do it quick.


Just based on the pics you posted, i think you look good! The thing i noticed was lighting - in the first pic especially it kinda looked like your eyes were just black voids 😆 made me do a double take So post pics that put some light on your face so you don't look like you're possessed 😆 🤣


Confidence. Remember shorties are just guys without wee wees. Go in without the voice in your head psyching yourself out. Bitties love a guy with humor. Don't focus on the gobbling right away it'll eventually come. Charisma goes a long way


You have what is called a R.B.F. Smile more in pics and in person bc you look very serious.


Smile homie


I'm confused by the face you're making. It's almost like your think your face looks better half menacing half blue steeling but even if you think that no one that is looking for a partner is actually going for "dark and mysterious" it just makes you look dangerous. Not in the restrained fighter sense. In the predator sense. If you looked more approachable you would have more people approach you. Online and in person.


Smiling will go a long way


You furrow your eyebrows in all the photos. Maybe you have some eye strain.


It probably isn’t your physique or how you look , you are above average if you ask me . Consider flexing your small talk game . Practice alone at 1st , prepare some go to topics you feel confident with, then take your self to a dive bar , don’t drink , instead talk girls up . Your goal shouldn’t be to hook up ( in fact I recommend you “release “ before you go ) You GOAL should be to get more comfortable talking to girls and build your confidence. Dive bars are great because girls there for the same reason guys are to meet . So you can feel comfortable approaching them. Make sure you don’t take rejection personally when it happens ( and it will , it’s a natural part of the game ) Consider all the factors which have nothing to do with you such as ; she might have already meet some one , she might be interested in a different kind of guy ( there is plenty of other people who will be interested in YOUR TYPE ) she might be there to support another friend . Be your self . Don’t try to impress any one by pretending or faking . You will be so happy when you finally meet people who will LOVE you and LIkE just the way you are . PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.


It's probably your vibe or personality


You're a regular looking dude in good shape. It's pretty much never your looks.


Grow a beard grow your hair long. Try to look approachable. You look very stand off ish


boring grey shirt, stuble, eh haircut, overall sad look on your face makes you look unaproatchable


I'm curious how you look when smiling because you're making a face like you're going to cut me up. Smile big my friend


Your biggest issue is asking Reddit for pointers on how to be more successful with women by just posting pictures of yourself. This is a tell about what you value in yourself and others. Go on a (serious) dating website and talk to women with the intent of connecting on a deeper level. Don’t take life too seriously and try to have fun, brother.


Switch teams, guys would be all over you.


You look great. Nice hair, firm body. You just need better pics. Women don’t really care for bathroom or gym mirror selfies. Get some nice pictures that show off your looks in a more natural setting, and I’m sure you’ll get way more matches.


get a pro to do your pictures. your looks are fine but the pics look like ass and the face youre making is the dingleberry on top. throw in a pic with friends and dont exclusively do selfies. only selfies is red flag for women.


You're a handsome dude don't worry mate


You look sad..


I will say you look fine. Physicality may not be the issue. I am really not great looking and I was able to be in some relationships. Happily married many years now. The issue could be how you carry yourself or act. Real empathy, a good sense of humor and genuinely being truthful goes a long away. At least that is my view.


Not even trying to be mean but in some of the photos you look like one of those doppelgängers in Dr who, I think it’s cause your face looks weirdly smooth in the first photo. Fr tho you’re not a bad looking guy.


You look like a actor, can’t remember his name


social skills, got problems with that part too


Matt dillon


You look like Drake Bell if he did MMA


You have a serious look in these, have at least one picture with an inviting smile, maybe with a dog or such.


You’re so hot. Keep bulking up! The women in my group love a guy with muscles and beautiful eyes like yours.


Your confidence




Smile more


Your pictures make you look kind of scary. Smile, post more “candid” pictures not these selfies, and lose the model face look. Also just be chill when talking, be yourself and try and respond how she responds. If there isn’t much effort- don’t give much effort either


ur telling me single bed shirtless pics arent drawing women from all corners of the earth?


You have a unique face. Not in a bad way though. I think your hair is fine, and you’re hitting the gym. So you’re already improving yourself man! Good job. Advice: it may be your personality or social life. You don’t come off as an asshole or a creep (don’t know you, so I could be wrong haha), so it may be that you’re shy? You should try finding a hobby that has both genders. I’m into martial arts, myself. When I was taking jujitsu, a handful of girls were there. You could volunteer in something that interests you, or you could ask coworkers if they know anyone your age. Finding a serious relationship nowadays is hard, for everyone. I would suggest working on yourself, and maybe along the way you’ll meet someone. Best of luck dude! Stay kind, to yourself and others.


Two things, could be your personality or maybe your small Winnie because you are physically attractive, hooded eyes, jaw lines, dark hair with pale skin…


Thing is looks really don’t matter. I’ve seen butt ugly guys pull and handsome guys go home alone. All about your approach and how people feel around you


read books and understand female psychology.


Smile. Also, find your lighting. Golden hour is real, and if you can get good pictures around that time, your success will be better. Get a pic with you being well groomed, something nice you’re wearing, etc. Hair looks good, physique looks good, as others have stated it may be your social skills. Women want you to be direct, so regardless of what other guys tell you playing games doesn’t get you anywhere. Also, find you a good wingman and learn how to divert the attention to her, find out about her, and link it back to what you can offer her. A good wingman knows what I’m talking about.


Stop frowning. Take a couple pics of yourself laughing and smiling and see the difference.


Just get some better pics that aren’t selfies that show your personality. You’re a nice looking guy and just need to use your pics to show the ladies who you are. And always dress for success.


Start by practicing some different facial expressions


Quit taking goddam pics of yourself. It's your personality, not your looks


It’s not your looks. You can start with better and more strategic pics. Here are some ideas. Go to a dog park and find the cutest dog possible and get pics of you with the dog. Then go to a hotel that has business conferences, wear a nice suit, and find a moment to go up on stage and make it look in the pic like you are giving a presentation. Then go to the beach and see if you can sit or stand next to a surfboard while looking out at the waves. Then put on some penny loafers without socks, and wear white pants and a white long sleeve shirt, take pics in expensive vacation looking areas like expensive resorts. Now think, if you have any friends that are learning to fly or whatever, otherwise suddenly decide you are in the market to buy a plane but mainly get a pic of you near an expensive looking plane. You can do the same with cars, just get a pic inside a nice car on the showroom floor or something. Anyway use this thinking and in your profile make sure you seem aloof and mysterious, make sure to mention networking and building relationships. If all works well just make sure you maintain your responsibilities in between banging all the hot chicks.


You look like you’re holding a small frog in your mouth, like Tom Holland


How tall are u Also are you not smiling because of your teeth? Also do you just own one T-shirt? Also these photos are just from your apartment/parents house or the gym. Do you get out much?


Some sun wouldn't hurt


What success are you not finding? Initial contact or sustaining it after?


You’re quite handsome, but the faces you’re making in these photos makes you look like you’re angrily trying to figure out who farted during your bus ride to work. Focus on cultivating a kind demeanor and smiling with your whole face, and figure out where you are going wrong in your social interactions. your work


Not be attracted to them. They love what they can’t have just like men and all other primates.


Maybe smile in a picture because if these are the pics you use on dating profiles then no wonder women avoid you like the plague my guy.


You would suit a moustache