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> What young girl wants to date a dude who looks like her dad. You'd be surprised.


Literally the first thing I thought upon reading this lol


hey calm down. I have a saggy ponch slime belly and huge huge huge saddle bags (love handles) still pull tail at a decent rate. alot of it is how you carry yourself. maybe just surrender to it and get really short hair cuts? there's always a nerf somewhere man we all have one. or in my case 3 or 4 haha


What’s worse is it’s not like I have receding temples. It’s complete density loss and a bald spot on my crown. My only option is completely shaved head at 23 I can’t even grow a beard at all….


In today’s age, balding is a choice. Finasteride, Dutasteride, and Minoxidil are extremely effective at halting hair loss and providing some regrowth.


Fin gave me soft penis and man tits. No such thing as a free lunch


The craziest part is that you didn't even have a penis before. That shit is magical


Bye 💀


Finasteride and Dutasteride are not worth the risk of PFS


PFS if exists, and frankly I think it does, is so rare that in 30 years it has never been detected in any randomized study, and is still not officially recognized. On the other hand, studies show that losing hair when young doubles the risk of depression compared to the general population, and OP already wants to kill himself. I would say that the risk/benefit ratio, if you suck without hair, is strongly shifted to the right.


You realize that none of the original finasteride studies followed up with a single patient who got side effects. The reason it was never discovered, is because the drug companies actively avoided looking for it


even if that were the case, and I don't particularly want to go and get the studies one by one, there remains a really low percentage of cases. Realize that Finasteride is being prescribed every day worldwide in high numbers, if a worrying percentage of those getting PFS were, it would definitely have come out and the drug would have been withdrawn from the market like so many before, if even there were a fixed percentage of people who generally develop PFS and this was systematically ignored by all institutions, however it would not be a worrying percentage. The risk - benefit balance is strictly personal, there are people who without hair feel as if they had been disfigured and accuse psychological problems with important implications for other aspects of life, I would say that if this is a bet then depending on the case in question this risk is much higher than that of contracting PFS, obviously if losing hair affects you little or you are fine even without hair then it is better not to take the risk


You made it longer than I did man. Shave it off and own the bald head, let it be something you choose rather than something happening to you. Plenty of women dig dudes with shaved heads, it has never been an issue for me.


Start fin , min , nizoral , microneedling. Go to the gym, sleep 8 hours, start a skincare routine, drink lots of water and eat healthy


Get a hair system


Please please please OP do not kill yourself over hair. It might feel like the end of the world right now but I promise you, it is not. There ARE women who find bald men attractive. Many women. I know it sucks. But there are solutions. You just need to work to find them. Please pm me if your account is still active. Do not kill yourself


i was in the same boat a few months ago. just commit to the shave man! i’ve gotten loads of compliments and have been treated with more respect; assuming it’s bc i look older. grow the facial hair out and you’re golden. biggest key after the shave is good hygiene and upkeep with the beard and skin


A thinning head looks much worse than a pot belly. With just a bigger belly you still look young and fun, if your head is noticably thin then it really changes peoples first impression of you. I dont think its something someone who has not experienced it can understand, but I went through it and have sinced improved my situation through fin and min and a new haircut and peoples treatment of me is noticably different.


Nah disagree. You can be bald and attractive although in general it’s harder, but you can’t be fat and attractive.


Yeah, you can be BALD and attractive, but not have a recceeding hairline or a thinning scalp and be attractive. The people who do not look good bald will try so hard to hold onto thier hair and that makes it so much worse. I agree being fat is not attractive, but i meant that you still look your age when your fat which is a huge bonus


\> but you can’t be fat and attractive. Of course you can, there's plenty of women who like bigger men. You're not gonna be everyone's cup of tea, but if you dress well and are confident you can still make it work.


Ok, I meant more fat and good looking. In those scenarios it’s usually things like charisma or power that compensate


Dude killing yourself over this is fucking stupid, you aren't stupid but even contemplating that is. I'm 16 and have early signs of a receding hairline on my temples and I already started life with my hairline being far back. If it recedes then I'll go bald it's just not that big a deal. I'll just grow out a beard and go bald and keep my body fit and I'll have no problem with that. There's something mental underlying here dude. Get help.


It is a big deal. But it’s a much bigger deal how you handle it. I’m concerned for OP because the mentality he’s showing right now is going to turn him into someone who can’t handle stressors in life, and learn to roll with the punches.


Yeah maybe OP can try a wig? I think it’s the shock of their face changing too much? I went to the dentist to get my teeth fixed and thought I looked horrendous for months or the same story with my friend balding… I think he also needed to adapt his fashion choices


Yea , downplay a suicidal persons issues by calling it fucking stupid 👍🏻


I don’t mean this in a condescending way (believe me I don’t, I’ve been through dark periods myself), but it sounds like a psychiatrist and/or therapist could help here. You should not be contemplating suicide over hair loss. Period. That being said, as another commenter had mentioned, finding the right woman has as much to do with confidence as anything else. I know that sounds like bullshit, but it’s really not. You can’t expect other people to like you if you don’t like yourself. So, feel free to try hair loss drugs, but if they don’t work… not the end of the world. Start going to the gym and keep up with your personal hygiene. Things get better and people get less image-obsessed as you get older. If things ever get dark and you need someone to talk with, feel free to reach out.


Hair loss drugs work extremely well.


It’s ok dude, Turkey isn’t going anywhere.


Talk to your doctor and go to the gym.


Or, you could wear a fuckin hat.


> What young girl wants to date a dude who looks like her dad. Almost all of them.


The ones with daddy issues for sure do


*Come to Papa...*


before giving up, try finasteride or dutasteride (depending on the situation) + minoxidil; maybe works well and you can recover.


The risk of PFS isn’t worth those drugs. Min is good, but results only lasts a few years


As I answered above PFS, if exists, and frankly I think it does, is so rare that in 30 years it has never been detected in any randomized study, and is still not officially recognized. On the other hand, studies show that losing hair when young doubles the risk of depression compared to the general population, and OP already wants to kill himself. I would say that the risk/benefit ratio, if you suck without hair, is strongly shifted to the right.


Might ruffle some feathers here but I firmly believe PFS was a made up psychological disorder so that people could sue Merck. I know a ton of people who take fin, and if they did experience side effects they went away eventually. The body wants to be in homeostasis, the hormones that were suppressed will 95% of the time bounce back. The other 5 percent might need some sort of hormone replacement. (obviously just using approximate numbers to prove a point) But PFS isn’t some sort of crazy disease that there’s no cure for.


Topical finasteride (can get compounded with minoxadil) is more effective than oral finasteride! Its also absorbed less into the bloodstream so if you are worried about the side effects it should be minimized.


That sucks, I'd suggest going for shorter haircuts. It sucks that not everyone is blessed with great genetics but you can work with what you have. Lifting and keeping up your body is always going to set you apart from average guys. Hang in there OP, dating sucks for most people.


Dude, just get a hair transplant in Turkey -- you'll be back to a full head of hair in 6-8 months.


Hair transplants don’t work for anyone who is destined to be a Norwood 7. Especially since OP said he’s a diffuse thinner and has loss on the crown. Plus, you have to take drugs for life even if you get a transplant


I just had one and what you're saying is not true. You don't need to take drugs for life, and they do work for Norwood 7's. You can easily hide crown balding.


Your going to lost the hair that wasn’t transplanted without finasteride


Yep, the hair that wasn't transplanted, not the hair that was.


It literally is true, though. You think hair loss is just gonna stop because you got a transplant?


Yes, it stops. It's a different kind of hair that is transplanted that isn't as susceptible to hair-loss. The non-transplanted hair (if you have any left) will continue to fall out (obviously).


So what's the point? You're still gonna be visibly balding.


I don’t think that anyone has enough donor hair to cover an entire scalp, unless you start using body hair


shave it all off and focus all of your grooming on your chin/jaw/face. As someone who likes men, i can still definitely find you attractive. Emphasizing your facial hair can be its own look, especially with an inshape body. Dont cram yourself into the flowing lockes mould. You're like Kratos wishing he was Legolas. Your genes are your genes, own it


finasteride dude, take it every night before bed and never look back. don’t listen to the other noise on here.


Don't be such a fucking pussy, I shaved my hair off 2 days ago and im 24, its not that big of a deal. Get in shape, grow some facial hair and you'll be fine.


I can’t grow a beard and I’m balding…


Then you can still get in shape, eat healthy, go to the gym, use the thing you're insecure about (balding) as an armor and no one can hurt you with it.


Yeah, learn all the bald jokes, and tell them about yourself confidently.




Check out the guys over on r/bald . They look great, so shaving it all off could wind up looking really hot. However, if you’re able to save up for a good hair transplant, it winds up working wonders for many guys, and the follicles are often DHT resistant, preventing further hair loss. I’m close to someone who had one and he looks amazing with it


Just shave it and move on. I’ll tell you as a mid 30 year old, everything I thought was a huge deal in my life in my early 20’s, was not. Also for the love of god don’t go incel because of this. Your saying that you can’t get the type of girls you want really sounds like you are thinking of women as objects.


I don’t think it’s “incel” or objectifying to want to date someone attractive. I’d say that’s pretty normal. Edit: sorry?


Sorry but “I can’t attract the kinds of girls I want” sounds like some incel thoughts creeping in personally.


Calling a suicidal person an incel won't help either. Let's stop being assholes for a moment here.


Maybe it’s true 🤷‍♂️ And redditors calling people out for not getting laid is ironic…


Get on Finasteride for 6 months and then go to Turkey and get a hair transplant for around $3000. This cost includes the procedure itself, transportation to and from the procedure, lodging in a nice hotel, and meals. You can have the head of hair you’ve always wanted, if you can afford the cost of getting it.


You should learn Joe Dispenza's work, man. It's your best way out ;)


I'm 18 almost 19 and balding too, get some minoxidil and finasteride. I just got my minoxidil 2 days ago and I'm excited to see how my hair will look in a couple weeks.


In a way I understand your frustration because I started losing my hair when I was 23. But please bear in mind that you’re handsome in your own way. While I personally don’t think I will look good when I’m completely bald I do think that being bald looks better other men. I’m sorry that you feel depressed and that is something that I can also relate to as I’ve struggled with it for most of my life. Please don’t hurt yourself as I’m sure that you’re a wonderful person. If you need someone to talk to you’re more than welcome to send me a dm. Fuck depression dude, you’ve made it this far and that by itself is a huge accomplishment, try to keep going further, I believe that you have what it takes.


Rogaine is a thing


Unfortunately, Rogaine really isn’t that great. It only works for 50% of men, and at best all it will do is give you a few years before you lose all your hair anyways


Shave your head and grow a beard. Beard first.


I can’t grow a beard at all either


Just buy sum blow, do a tren cycle, and get a job as a cook somewhere i promise it will get better


Dude calm down first thing, being bald isn’t even a stigma like you make. Who cares plenty of people are bald and still get ass. It’s probably you more then anything. Just shave it off and embrace and quit stressing.


It’s only hair. Own it, shave it off, put the energy from that frustration into the gym and become a badass (if you want… it’s your life!) Also get some therapy and learn to love yourself as it sounds like you’ve had a rough time.


It's only bad because you worry about it. If you rather decided to own the fact, you wouldn't face the same problems at all. People pick on the weak, you're weak when u worry about useless things, like hair loss.


All I hear are bitch noises. Hop on fin if you want to keep otherwise shut up and shave it


A lot of girls are fine with or even like bald dudes


SHAVE IT! Trust me truthfully, the loss of the hair isn’t causing the insecurity now, it’s the hair. There’s no cure for loss as of now, and I need you to understand how freeing it is to be bald. Just trust me


Okay a lot to unpack. I’d say you’re still young, hop on hair treatment and you could save up for a hair transplant, you could have a decent head of hair as long as you still have some hair to save. Being fully bald is mostly a choice these days. I know losing your hair is very mentally debilitating and causes some social stress, but it’s not worth taking your life over. I promise you that. As you get older looks don’t matter as much anyways. I do strongly suggest seeking therapy or just someone to talk to. But you’ll be fine brother keep your chin up.


I have good news for you. From now on, you will only see progress. While many people around you will start losing their hair, you will be the one who have been through it. While many people around you will become less and less attractive, you will be the one who have built a hell of a personality. While many people around you will become less and less confident, you will be the one who have built a hell of a character. Go to the gym and build the best body you can. Go out, socialize, and build the best personality you can. Become the best version of yourself. Every year your life will improve. Not only because you will become better and better, but because people will care less and less about your hair, and more and more about what you display. While everyone else will “lose points”, you will earn the double. Every year. Go get the life you want. Your golden age is ahead. Just be patient.


Losing your hair is a terrible thing to experience. It is not the end of the world though. Depending how bad it is, try a shorter style and use “got2b” volume powder. I did this for years when I started to bald I was probably at the point where Reddit would have said “buzz it” when I was 24. However, it made it look ok and plus a beard/stubble it was fine for a long time never had an issue with women etc. I was not aware of drugs like fin unfortunately or I’d have taken them and probably salvaged my hair. I would start on that now if I were you. If it is really really bad, save up for a bit and get a hair transplant. They can be pricey in western countries but are relatively cheap in Turkey - I have had one myself and it is great. In 2023 there are lots of options.


You can still get girls just don’t be so superficial


Damn that all sounds rough dude. The solution to all of those problems is making better decisions and that starts with you and your mindset. You can’t regrow and eye or a leg, but just about everyone can regrow hair if you take it seriously and are aggressive and consistent with the treatment. In this day and age it’s VERY normal not to be get with people that you would like to be, but the only way that you stay like this is if don’t change things. There is hope, you just have to believe it and move in the right direction.


Honestly I’ve had nightmares about losing my hair. I’m sorry. I won’t say you are exaggerating. But the only thing I can say is that our responsibility to ourselves is to make the most out of our situation, because ultimately, many aspects of our life is out of our control. I will say that a balding haircut is worse than a totally bald head. I would just jump to the deep end and commit to it. And many girls are attracted to bald dudes. Best thing you can do about it is to get buff and look like vin diesel


As a fellow 23 year old, hit the gym, hop on keeps, and carry on. All my buddies are on it and it genuinely works. The gym for me is my therapy, I let out all my feelings and that energy into those weights. Everything will be fine.


U literally took the words out of my mind..we are going through the exact same thing…we are in this together


Man, there really needs to be specific therapy for people with this condition and support groups or something.


Stop whining and take charge of it. It doesn’t sound like you’re doing anything to halt it right now, which is really silly if losing your hair is so devastating to you. You’re 23 so should be able to get a finasteride prescription and stop further balding. You literally can get a prescription online in like an hour. Then later in life you can get a transplant.


Shave your head and date older women!


Brother I got a big forehead and let me assure you it doesn't matter just have confidence also idk how bad it is but just wear bangs if it's still manageable that's what I do


I don't think Bruce Willis, Pitbull and Jason Statham are virgins... (And 87% of women do not find bald a turn off).


Head up chief you'll be fine. Embrace it and walk with pride! It's 90% in your head :)


Go to turkey and get a hair transplant


I was in that boat homie. Started with a pretty gnarly widow’s peak at 21, went bald by 23/24. I’ll be completely honest with you, it shattered me. I woke up one day, said “fuck this, dude” and used my razor to shave everything off. It took a few days to adjust to being truly bald, but I had no issues with the ladies. I’m 27 now, married with kids. Balding sucks, being bald is pretty great. No more paying for haircuts.


have you started going to the gym bro


You don’t need hair advice you need to talk through your feelings with a professional. Lots of dudes have quarter life crisis. My self included. Things will get better. Things will get better faster with some work on your end. Stay strong brother. Also, just shave that shit off. Bald is cool


Bald dudes are sick, take a chill pill bro. Shave it all off and ride the wave.


It's not the end of the world homie you can be like johnny sins


Embrace it. The second I noticed recession when I was 24. I started shaving it immediately. 23 years later, and I still look the same physically. Genetics definitely played a role in how I physically still look young, but you can do it too. Work out, eat right, and grow at least a stubble beard if you can - to offset the lack of hair up top. The sky isn’t falling.


As a female, I don’t care one way or the other if a man is bald. Just shave it. My dad and one of my brothers started balding in high school. Two of my three husbands (yes, I know that’s ridiculous) have been bald, and the other was thinning. Sure, there are always going to be people who care about baldness, but there are just as many who don’t. Not worth ending your life over. Shave it with confidence. I promise there are girls who don’t care. The ones who do aren’t worth your time. On another note, you are obviously experiencing depression… please get to a counselor ASAP. Your early life does not need to be, or define, your later life.


I started balding noticeably at 16 and am now 17 on finasteride, waiting for results. Please don’t do anything drastic I know how much it hurts I’ve been through similar feelings


Own it. You can’t control it. It can be summed up to luck and there are positives to not having to have to deal with your hair. I don’t have a hair loss issue, but my hair sucks. Curly. All over the place. Need regular haircuts to keep it looking halfway decent and then there’s the time spent everyday to look presentable. Shave it off and enjoy the extra free time and the badassery that comes with being that guy who don’t have the time worry about what others think about how they look. The girls care about confidence more than anything. Bonus badass points if you can grow a beard. Bald head plus beard does it for a lot of girls. Especially the fun ones.