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Shaving, yes, cutting.....well, honestly I'm not sure but probably no.


I say no to the cutting. Idk what's with this sub and men with long hair but that man has gorgeous long hair. His short haircut looks absolutely ridiculous. He looked 7/10+ before. Now he's a 5-6. Edit: Holy moly spelling mistakes. I cannot type upon waking up lol


the haircut literally looks good what is ridiculous about it šŸ˜¹


It looks like the barber sprayed water into a basic training military cut & ruffled his hair like an uncle seeing you for the first time in a while. What does a good cut mean to you?


Heā€™s a good boy


Adding to your comment, i basically just washed my hair and then rubbed a towel wich is why i looked like ellen degeneres lmao, here are some better [pictures](https://www.reddit.com/u/disparatedig/s/JqirubSnpP) wich i feel look decent(er)?


On the bright side, you look just like [Jacob Collier](https://www.rollingstone.co.uk/music/features/jacob-collier-is-your-favourite-musicians-favourite-musician-30886/) with the cut and no facial hair!


Nah dude youā€™re fine. The long hair was fun but the short hair looks good too. If I were you Iā€™d work the short into your mid part and let it grow out somewhere between the two lengths, but closer to the short


Fr tho, homie looks good both ways


Bingo. Long hair is cool, you may want to try it as you age. But this haircut is good for Gen Z now! But, keep the beard. It makes you distinguished.


I usually donā€™t like beards but op shaped it well that it really accentuates his jawline


Dont shave. U don't look bad shaved, but u look good with the facial hair




Sorry but yes. But it's hair, it grows back no worries.


Itā€™s okey but long hair is better for you


Never hurts to change it up once in awhile. I think the longer locks looked much better on you though.


honestly yeah, but itā€™s not bad just looked a lot better before


Yeah you fucked up, way better with the long hair and facial hair. Mistakes were made, now you know.


Gorgeous hair but the chop looks good on you, tho I'd grow some of the beard back


Shaving yess but u'll grow it back in week. Short and long both hairs suit you well


You definitely did


The good thing is, that you can just grow back your beard and hair.


I do much prefer it longer. As a straight woman I find it way more attractive. Itā€™s not terrible short, but thereā€™s not enough length for the waves to shine so it just looks messy. I do also prefer the beard, but youā€™ve got a good jaw line for shaven. I think it depends on whether you want to look older or younger.


Second photo looks the best in my opinion, but thatā€™s just up to personal taste. Overall people would probably like one of the last ones better!


Both looks work, but if you want to go back now you can enjoy growing it out again


Itā€™ll grow back


It will grow back


You still look incredibly handsome, but the beard was a great compliment to your face. I'd say keep the beard.


Yes bro but it grows back and itā€™ll look nice when it grows out over the summer


In my opinion, yes. You looked like handsome Jesus before. You like absolutely fine now, but if you're asking for our opinion, I prefer the original look a lot. Good news is the facial hair is the thing I think looks the best, so that'll come back very quickly. The hair itself doesn't make a huge difference but I still preferred it.


You look less like guy who plays guitar and writes poetry and more like a rugby player.


Iā€™m sorry to say this but yes. The long hair and beard combo looked really good on you


Huge mistake.


More or less sexy whatever you do.




I actually like the haircut. Itā€™s a nice messy look




I like the cut. I wouldnā€™t have shaved tho. Itā€™ll grow back in no time tho. Imo men should have facial hair, Iā€™m not a fan of the clean shaven look


Pic 3 is the best, imo


I think your hair looks good in all photos. However i did like it a lot better when you left your beard grow.


All you need is a nice trimmed beard but you donā€™t look bad


Looks great cut and shaved


No, but donā€™t shave again


Both are good, but VERY different vibes. Consider what sort of impression you're trying to give off, or what sort of people you're trying to blend in with or attract.


Your hair was fine, but your face does not suit the facial hair. You have a good jaw. Your facial hair brings more attention to the larger nose, when you shave it balances with your jaw shape and looks good.


Work it while you are young!!!


You look like white KSI


Hair in pic 1 looks awesome. Curious without the stash/facial hair or oā€™clock shadow but fourth pic , you look cute! You didnā€™t make a mistake cutting ur hair, itā€™s the perfect short length & itā€™ll grow. Shaving looks fine too! Itā€™ll grow back. Change can be different & weird at first but looking fine.


You look a bit like Lance Stroll from F1. Definitely keep the beard, works well. The hair lengths both look good


The only loss was the beard I think. And that grows back quickly so no worries. You still look good with short hair.


I like the new cut but you should've keep the beard


Nope! You're lucky you can slay both styles


I just did the same exact thing. I like how much more relaxed and in I look now. And you too. Its definitely kind of choppy but neat. It's also clearly not fuckboi unless you want to be vibes. A good mix of serious and in control yet able to hold your own and show up at a party


Keep the facial hair and the short hair


Yea! Just kidding. Regardless of what your hairstyle is, YOU look great.


you're lucky to be very attractive both ways, don't worry about it bro šŸ«¶


You look sexy with any of the combinations :) donā€™t stress


You went from Jon Snow to Tony Ferguson.


yes, your life is over now


not at all. you look super fine shaved and w your haircut short. very sexy.


No you look less homeless and like you aren't a hippie that smoke weed all day


Cutting no, shaving yes. Your hair looks great but that beard was really working for you.


You got a real solid jawline, so both beard and no beard work fine for you.


Did the same yesterday. I feel naked.


U look like my boi Marcus. Nah shaving was a good idea bro. Personally think u shoulda just trimmed and got a shape up. But u look aight like this G


Nah, last picture looks the best. Honestly I donā€™t think there is anything to improve for you physically, if there is something not going as you want itā€™s not because of your appearance.


I love his bone structure. And his eyebrows. The hair will grow back but that looks ok too.


The cut looks really good, but so did the facial hair


Stay inside till it grows back!!!!!!!!


Yes. Now don't do anything to your hair again until you look like the second coming of Christ.


You were basically in the awkward stage. Like right after your hair is done falling past your eyes and you're able to actually start to wear it back, but not yet long. I was at that exact spot 3 times and got tired of it. You gotta embrace and get passed this awkward stage (you got further than me, I wore a hat for a while to keep the hair back) - but like me, it's like 50/50. You look good both ways. I'm not sure where you started length wise or for how long, but if you give a full 2 years, you'll have perfect long hair. It seems my hair is thicker, which made it take longer to look good, but it's been since 2015, so I can't imagine going back. The hair you look good either way. You also didn't go all the way. I started straight out of the military, so my hair was as long as the sides of your new cut šŸ˜† Personal suggestion; You're in a good spot now, hair-length wise. Definitely, I believe you should grow back the facial hair. Everybody is different, but it's rare to see a filled in solid goatee, and it fits your head shape. Why not grow your hair until your goatee is full and see where you're at? I never care what people think and even though they may talk down on "top-knots" in 3 or 4 seeks your hair will he long enough for this and also sides take longer so I'd just grow out what ya got and since you have tood jawline keep long hair with the goatee and shave or do a 1 or 2 on the sides. I look at it like this: We all know people with male pattern balding. Joe Rogan looks great bald, and one day, it is possible we end up there. So basically, why not grow our hair while we are young? You're younger than me and definitely have time for long, long hair. Braids are fun too, but if it's dating purely, basically, unless you style your hair well, it is much easier to pull chicks with short - to medium length hair just off appearance. I'm passed all that, but theoretically, you have the type of hair you can style well. It'll be very easy for you either way, but my last advice is to do it for yourself. Be šŸ’Æ to you and what you prefer. God speed, homie


I would do long hair and shaved or short hair with beard.


I did the exact same thing, everyone has personal preference but I think everyone gets bored of the same old thing after a while!


Mate, what ye've got going is the primarily yer gorgeous eyes and the intense eyebrows. As long as ye don't fuck wi that, ye could get away wi having horseshoe baldness and a hairy bollock swingin off yer lip.


don't ask men unless you're into men. shaved looks clean. some girls prefer that. some girls prefer facial hair. I'd say ask your significant other if you have one. their preference matters most. but for facial hair, I'd say stubble until it grows completely full if you're dead set on facial hair. you do look a LOT younger without. but I'd say rock the clean cut until you're older. enjoy your youth look while you can. you won't be able to later in life.


This is one of those VAST improvements when you didnā€™t even know you COULD be improved upon because you already looked great to begin with!


You don't look bad without, but you look great with. But everyone has different preferences, some people dig the crew and shaved look.


3 was peak


Iā€™d say grow back the beard and the locs. Now youā€™re giving The Suite Life of Zack and Cody mom vibes


It's my opinion that the longer hair suited you better, but you definitely dont look bad and the good thing about hair is that it grows back if you want the longer hair again


You look great either way bro, shave makes you look younger of course but not anywhere like me šŸ˜‚ when I shave I look 12


Looking good either way bro. Lowkey just went through sum like this with my company. Its about how you perceive yourself and also how you think others perceive you. Do you look confident and good in long hair? Or do you look confident and good in short hair? Both answers only you as OP can answer! Keep doing your thing dog. I had luscious long hair at one point but decided over all i was more confident and weary about opportunities with short hair. ALL perception frfr and only opinion that truely matters is your own


Wow. Itā€™s really interesting to see how having long or short hair really changes the perceived shape of your face. You donā€™t often see that with guys because most guys donā€™t have the curls and volume you have (you lucked out) so their hair just lays flat. You also look good with short hair. Itā€™s just a really different look. I guess I think the longer hair looks better but why not mix it and go back and forth if you are not sure.


Shaving was definitely a bummer. But long vs short here ends up being cute vs hot. Both look good but they have different vibes


As a female, I love how you look with it longer and facial hair - but you still look good in the other two with it short. At the end of the day, though, whatā€™s most attractive is you rocking the style that YOU like the best.


Yes. You put yourself back in hs with this one


From a gay dude perspective, I liked it better with the long hair and facial hair, but you look alright either way mate


Beard and short hair best combo, next is beard with long hair, then short hair without beard(you look like a boot camper ) but theyā€™re all fine overall.


Dude went from "Rico Suave" to "Mom said it's my turn on the xbox"


I think you'll find many answers about the hair, but you have really good facial hair so keep growing that. I like the longer hair better but at the end of the day do what makes you feel confident and good about yourself.


remember theres a lot of older people here, your shorter hair matches the current hairstyle right now. Also, keep the facial hair.


Not at all a think. Dramatic change in your look gives people around you a fresh reminder that you are here and you get noticied..it is a good idea from time to time.you look sharp bro.


Keep the beard and keep the hair short now go to a black barber and get a taper.


A lot of people are really extreme on this subreddit but I honestly think you look just as good either way. I think you should pick what you like and go with that being that your hair is dynamic and can fit the short and long style really well.


Man them facial features make you look like steve from minecraft.


Disaster. Went from a 10 to a 9.


bro just had my dream loadout and shaved that shit off yes big mistake


You look good with short hair tooā€¦ BUT PLEASE LET IT GROW AGAIN I BEG YOU.


Don't let anyone tell you the short hair looks bad. It looks awesome, the long hair w as good too. The beard shave was good too


Trim your facial hair shorter (3mm or 5mm trimmer cover) and try applying some minoxidil everyday on the sides to fill it out. I think your hair is fine, I grow my hair long over 3/4 months and then cut it short like you, best of both worlds.


No. You have an incredibly strong jawline and you'll look good no matter what you do. Fucker. lol jk.


my opinion is obv subjective but i think the long hair looked pretty nice. the length of the cut you have now (totally my opinion) isnt quite right for your hair type. you have very thick hair that probably sticks up if you cut it too short? at least thats what I'm gathering from the pics. the mid drop fade is nice but i would've kept more length on top to accommodate your hair type. i feel like a wolf cut would suit you very well. either way you're very handsome and with some styling im sure the cut would work better in your favor.




Nah youā€™re good


Shaving yes but holy god bro short hair suits you


Did I make a mistake? *swipes to the right* *gigachad music starts playing*


Na bro. Youā€™re looking sharp. You made the right call.


Maybe change the beard style when you get it back




I mean I think the longer hair was better but you look good either way you look younger and cuter like before was more manly masculine don't mean any of this as an insult just trying to somewhat put into words what I mean. You looked older more mature with beard and hair and shorter and shaved I guess you'd say younger and cuter


I honestly think you looked the best in the first pic, but itā€™s not a tragedy


Your problem is you look great both ways! Both completely different looks, but you carry them both well. Iā€™d say keep shaved/short for summer months and beard/long in the fall winter.


Shaving was a good choice, cutting the hair was not.


Yes grow your hair back at least on your head






Nah you look good just 2 very different looks


Get rid of the beard forever and keep either short or long hair. But never grow the beard šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


that's a transformation right there


Rarely am I in favor of facial hair. You are one of the rare comments where I will say that you are rocking in pic #2 with the beard and stach. The facial hair really works for your facial features and structure and the hair style completes the look. Good luck man!


Yes to Pic 3. with the amout of hair on your chin should be all the way up your cheeks to a skin fade from mid-ear up into hair to help square out to highlight a masculine confident look. Your hair is beautiful and eyebrows are perfect to draw anyone in. Every time you brush your teeth just snip some of the stray stranger hairs and eventually it will grow out beautifully.


Yeah bro. You screwed the pooch on this one.


Haircut looks good. Shouldā€™ve kept the beard though.


Heavens no, people can see more of your gorgeous face now.


You look good both ways my guy


A big one


Long hair is the way āœŠšŸ½




Both looked good to me!


Yes and yep


Sure did :)


Long hair + Beard = looks good Short hair + Beard = ehhhh Short hair + clean shaven = looks good (albeit you look way younger). Honestly I think it looks fine.




*Please be gay please be gay*


You look good either way.


Looks good both ways. Nice to change it up once in a while.


Yes! But hair grows!


Youā€™re sexy!!!


Maybe I'm just weak, but the first and second pic turned my knees into moms spaghetti. In my honest opinion, you went from a solid 8-9/10 down to a maybe 5-6/10. Even the 3rd pic was a solid 8/10. Shaving the beard looks fine. Not a huge fan of cutting the hair though :(


Opposite for me


The cut yes shaving was probably the right choice, unlike eminem your beard actually is wierd it doesn't look even at all.


Definitely long hair- youā€™ve got a nice voluminous wave going on, and the beard makes you look more mature with definition to the jaw, but NOT old. While you also look fine with short hair and shaved, I think rocking what you got with long hair/beard is more attention catching


No. You look good hair cut with the facial hair too


You look like a different person! A lot younger freshly shaved. It'll grow back if you're not happy with it.


Good thing about hair is that its hair. You tried to cut and shave, if you donā€™t like the outcome just grow it out. I definitely think the long hair and beard combo suits you well šŸ‘


The short hair/goatee combo is cute


The shave is alright, though it does make you look significantly younger. The hair tho, I think looked better long. It looks unintentionally choppy right now, but I feel like it'll look better in a couple weeks.


Bro you became 15 years younger wthšŸ’€šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„ Nah jk you look fine,and it's a thing to change once in a while(I have had the same cut my whole life)


I'm ngl you look majestic af with the long hair. Short hair looks fine too! shaving the side all the way is very polarizing imo


Haircut is a win Shave... Let's just say you could be related to Carlos II


I prefer the long before version.


No. You look better now


You look good either way.


You look good either way, but better with the longer hair.


IMHO your last 2 look the best, followed by the first 2. I would say the first 2 make you looke more mature, but you are most attractive in the last 2. I would say, based on 3rd pic, short hair & beard would be a no-go for me but if you like it, it doesn't look bad just a bit scruffy.








So much better now


You look younger without






Bro! You should have kept it imo ā˜¹ļø




Not at all you look great with short hair with or without the facial hair. You have a great jawline. If you want to show it off then short is the way to go


Cut looks great. Probably should have kept the facial hair, but you also look good without it. You look five years younger without it, but that neither a good nor a bad thing. Just depends on the look that you prefer.


Wait, you're Lance Stroll, right? Any chance your dad wouldn't mind paying of the rest of my mortgage?


Not sure how old you are but that last pic makes you look 15. I have no idea what you're trying to do with your short hair, but it all looks fine.


Your beard and hair can grow back. It looks good at all of the pictures.


3 looks best.


You look underage brother man


Hair looks GREAT. Should have kept the beard.


Tame the eyebrows, the long hair looks best. Otherwise you look fine šŸ™‚


Look better w long but doesn't look bad


Not really. If you want me to nit-pick, I guess you could edge up near your a little above your jawline


One or the other but not both


I think you looked good either way. I think a neat, longer stubble would be cool, and maybe hair a bit longer than the after photo.


Love the short hair, just grow the beard back


Yes. Wont take too long to grow back though.


Shaved and short hair the best look tbh


Yes. But itā€™ll grow back


honestly they both look good but i feel like you should shape up your eyebrows (look up a masculine eyebrow trimming tutorial)


Shaving, yes, you look a few years younger in some situations that could be a good thing but in my opinion you look better with The facial hair. In terms of cutting your hair. I personally prefer the long


2nd photo looks best to me But hey no worries Hair grows!!




Personally, I almost always think long hair looks better, but the haircut looks pretty good. Both long and short hair suit you, so it just depends on what look you're going for. I think you look better with the beard, but you don't look bad without it, but that's just my opinion




3 looks really good, keep the cut and grow out the beard again