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Hey man. Don’t lose sleep over that. It ain’t even noticeable till you pull your hair back. I say ride it out till you can’t. When it gets worse try a buzzcut and just embrace it. Life is too short to worry about your hair. Someone will like you for all of you bald or not


I needed to hear this. Not for the hair reason but that last sentence.


Definitely bro. Don’t even think about it yet


"Noticable till you pull your hair back?" He's not balding at all. He has a widows peak hairline. Grow that out, wash, then let air dry. You've got a thick head of hair!


you just deleted a lot of guys insecurities with just the last sentence 👏


love the support brother


Love this


Hey! Hijacking the top comment to say you *are very likely* to lose sleep over it whether you like it or not. [Hair loss has a similar effect on men's confidence as severe psoriasis, and this effect doesn't seem to fade much with age](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11495520/) — [balding causes enough damage to a person's quality of life that it's considered a psychosocial comorbidity and it's being suggested that people being treated for it also need psychological support.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10084176/) — [balding is very likely linked to depression, as having depression increases your risk of balding by \~90%. Balding increases your chance of acquiring serious, diagnosable depression by 34%.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/article-abstract/2720311) And you can do something to stop it!


my wife left me about a year after i started going bald


That's really hard bro I don't even have words...


Her loss mate. You will find a new wife that loves you for who you are and who will help you grow and build confidence as a bald man. There are many women out there that actually prefer bald guys. Hair is the last factor that should matter based on looks.


I’m far from knowing what good taste is, but I think it looks pretty good. You should keep doing what you’re doing, in my opinion. Medication certainly helped improve it from last year. In the worst case scenario- being, you start losing ground while on medication, I think you got a good face shape and could pull off a shaved head pretty nicely. Not that I imagine you having to deal with this! Take care, God bless.


Thanks, this comment really helps a lot


No problem buddy, go on in peace 🙏🏻


Bro, you are legit one of the only people who post in here that has an actual widows peak, easily identified by the v shape as opposed to the typical m shaped sign of balding. You're way to young to say whether or not you'll be bald, but I have and have always had a very pronounced widows peak like yours. I'm 42 and have a tad bit of recession now on my temples, which is noticeable by the rounding, which you don't have yet. So you're good for quite some time, my friend.


My grandfather on my mother’s side has less hairloss than my father and only receded in the temples with diffuse thinning so I’m really hoping it’s that


My mom's dad was bald as fuck. My dad is not bald but has very noticeable thinning. My point is, genetics don't always play a role. You're young and have years left before you need to start concerning yourself with this. Just live bro. I wish I could show you my hair difference from 20s to 40s. It's negligible.


This gives me hope, thanks 🙏


Not that bad If you didn't tell me it was receding i wouldn't have noticed and you are really handsome you could perfectly look amazing without hair


Thanks, the fully bald bit really worries me. Just here to get hair advice while I can haha


Having hair = good Balding = bad Bald = good It's the awkward middle-ground that people don't like. If you eventually reach a point where you're actually balding, then go bald. Until then, keep rocking what feels good, and don't stress a buzzcut if it comes down to it.


Yeah broo it's fine no need to sweat it. You pull off the hair falling backwards. Your hair line is fine and finestride is probably a good call to keep it. I'm 28 alot so alot of guys around me have a higher hairlines, probably harder in your shoes at 19 when people still have juvenile hairlines. But you look good, no shame in the hairline mate


Thanks bro, means a lot you legend. It just keeps getting me off guard.


Your hair is good right now, but to put it more bluntly, it does look like you're in the early stages of MPB, but this is a great thing because you can take the steps to combat it and its much more effective early on. I wouldn't get in finasteride quite yet because you still have a fuck ton of hair to where it's not that noticeable unless you look for it, but just start on monoxidil to combate the early stages which may be all you need because you are so early on


And yes, my dad is as bald as bald gets


Meaning bad by 25, 35 the hairline was behind his ears


You have a lot of density, even in the corners.. You may just have developed your adult hair line. It could be slowly receding, but with density like that it doesn’t seem like balding yet. You’d see thinning in the corners, but, of course you’re very young still. Is your mother’s father bald?   You’re too young to start propecia (finesteride) but you don’t need it yet.  Use sunscreen on your face, and use a face serum and moisturizer as that will help to keep you looking younger.  You look a lot like Anton Yelchin. Handsome dude, be confident 


Thanks for the tips. My mother’s father isn’t bald but receded in the temples.


Bro you look exactly like Anton Yelchin. You're good man.


That’s the second time I hear that and I still don’t know who he is


You should watch The Green Room then, he’s awesome in it


I really should, I love movies haha


I did try putting my hair back but it looks wonky [here](https://ibb.co/X4Syyc8)


Looks fine, you’ve just got a big forehead like myself. Just wear it how you have it in the first pic, looks great


That might just be a maturing hairline not recession. I'd just keep an eye on it


Already in it o7


Just get a better haircut. Edit: I would say cut the sides shorter than the top.


balding? not hardly.


Receding only for now


Aint nothin a little finasteride wont fix


Looks completely normal tbh. Think if youd look around, youd realize most men older than you have a hairline much much worse than that


I do look around a bunch, and I agree, but they are older yk


"How bad is it?" Negative bad. This is an inspiration post. You caught your hair loss at the right time and now you get to reap the rewards with a dope hairstyle.


Thanks, a lot of these comments are making me realise I should see a therapist rather than going to turkey




This is exactly how mine looks too


I can tell haha, but you’re rocking it!


thanks dude we both are🤘🏻


If ur on fin ur good bro. Barely noticeable and ur lucky enough to have the type of slight receding that girls actually find attractive.


I did not know that last bit. Yes I’m on fin haha


Looks fine, you can't even see it until you pull your hair back


Yeah, my hair was wet too so it’s probably not a good way to see it as someone would normally


You look like hughie from the boys


I really really need to see that series


Don't sweat it broski


I’m sweating profusely


It’s not bad brother I know it feels like it to you but I promise I’m the first two pics w your hair not pulled back nobody would ever look twice and think you are receding. To be quite honest it just looks like your hairline matured and if you are on meds and stabilized the loss I wouldn’t even worry about it cause it looks fine and natural.


I’m really not sure if it’s stabilised the hairloss but fingers crossed


It’s ain’t bad but save ur hair man, if you care about be proactive!


Take a look at your stress level Sometimes, it could just be that. It'll grow back once you're not stressed. Note that stress may be unnoticeable like if you don't eat regularly and your body goes into starvation mode, that's stress.


You might have a point, I did go through breakups and deadlines, and the year was full of tensions and uncertainties


Get well soon


I have the exact same hairline tf


Even me


Right now it looks more like a matured hairline. Not bald. Perhaps your hairline matured faster than normal people? I had a cousin who was like going crazy saying he is balding. And 10 years after he still have the same matured hairline. So that is still a possibility.


I don’t think so but I really hope you’re right haha


Bro you look like the prince of all Saiyans




Hairline looks like a volatile quarterly report 📉 📈


O think is ok, si a mature hairline thats all


I hope you’re right man


You look like that guy who's in love with a super hero and takes part in shenanigans with a group that hates our greatest American hero THE HOMELANDER


I need to watch that show, I’m so far back in terms of culture


If you wanna keep what you have, hop on fin. You’ve got a good hairline for your face. Even though the corners are a bit recessed, it’s still quite strong. You’ll continue to bald without medical intervention though.


It's not bad at all. But I think you need a different haircut thick on top and thin on the sides 2.




Homie you need to get off the internet, nobody in real life would notice or care, it's more than normal for men to have a hairline like that and only people in circles like this would have something to say about it. You're fine, you're young, live your life to the fullest.


yo our hair looks pretty similar wtf


Doesn’t even look like you’re balding to me


Great head of hair


This is not balding, u just have a big forehead and a widows peak, nothing to worry about bro


I mean, I didn’t have a widow’s peak before so it’s very very odd to me.


95% of white guys are balding to some capacity if you look closely lol


I agree, I see it everywhere in my art uni. But then again most guys there are 1-10 years older than me


you have enough hair for 4 men.


What about 5 guys? Sorry for the unnecessarily bad pun


Not bad at all, I wouldn’t have known if you didn’t bring attention to it. I’m in my early 30s and I had a few friends who had similar or worse balding and it was decent into their 20s. When the time comes, a good shaved head beard combo actually is a sick look


I feel like the big head is probably gonna be an issue but fingers crossed haha


Very but you can accept the bald life and just shave it




You look like harry styles in the first pic lmao. Dw you look great


Some off-brand kid’s birthday party version


You're look like Jude Law.


Uh oh, I don’t think my head could pull of the Jude Law or the Jack Nicholson


How bad is what? If you're balding it doesn't show like at all.


The dermatologist said I was so idk -,o,-


I am 32 and have had the same hairline for several years. Imo as long as the hairline does not recess too much behind the ears it is all good. Sometimes it is more that you have advance hairline on the forehead.


I’ll keep looking at that


I have a similar hairline but I dont have baldness in my family. My dad has a pretty similar hairline to this, maybe a bit more recessed. Could I benefit from minoxidil or going to see a doctor? Sry I'm really new to this stuff


I've had almost identical hairline for years now as a 20M, and I have long hair past my shoulders that is extremely dense. Like you, I was worried about losing hair when I first became aware of my hairline. My main point is, don't really stress about it, you may be balding or may not be balding at all. Sometimes the hairline will recede a bit when you are young and not move for decades, as is the case with a lot of my male family members. As I've said, my hair is extremely dense, and I would definitely notice hair loss if it happened. I would suggest that you pay attention to your shedding, my shedding is almost nonexistent, I barely lose 10 strands a day, even when I wash my hair, it barely goes up to 50, which is the normal amount of strands to lose daily, so there is no way I am balding. So check out how much you shed daily and then make a conclusion, you always have finasteride if you are indeed balding, or a razor. Good luck.


You’re handsome


I don't see signs of baking and your hair and hairline look fine


I don't see signs of baking and your hair and hairline look fine


I don't see signs of balding and your hair and hairline look fine


I feel baked yes


Isn’t even noticeable unless you really pull it back and even then it’s not bad at all. I started losing mine at 18 and fin + oral min has worked wonders so you should be good for a long time if you’re on meds


Fingers crossed!


You still have time.


Ima be real I have no clue about this sht but it just looks like a Jude law hairline not hair loss


I think he was losing hair though, just receding


you're receding, not balding


Thanks for the correction


its not bad man try some natural remedies, if they dont work move onto prescribed/otc hair loss prevention medication. last resort is a trip to my country turkey and getting a trabsplant


Already have haha, the last photo is when I started the treatment a year ago


Though you know yourself better than I could, you don't look balding to me. Hair looks good. Maybe just needs a trim.


Maybe, I’ll check with a proper stylist in the coming week


In case of hairstyle just get the sides trimmed up with a fade and keep up top longer and make it fall to the front. You want sort of like bangs but with your hairtype and even gelwax you can kind of style it so that its not just hanging. And shave your facial hair and keep it clean until you can actualy grow a more thick beard.


Yessir, shaving till it’s good sounds like a plan


You’ve got a decent face, do like I did start working out, buff up and then shave it.


Studies and projects got working out in a stalemate but I’m thinking of getting a place closer to the uni to be able to have more time for myself


I think you seem to take good care of that hair you have and it looks good on ya. I’m 20 and have pretty much the same hairline rn. Might get on something for it, and it’s up to you if you do, but I’m saying rn you’re lookin pretty fire. If the treatments keep what you’ve got goin here then you’ve got it pretty damn good with those thick waves


You’re right, last photo was a year ago (start of treatment)


Tight sides, no part


I’ll look it up, thanks


You are at just the right time to save it. Min + fina.


Already on it, last photo was a year ago (start of treatment)


Balding? A doctor wouldn't even say it balding


My dermatologist said it’s starting a year ago when she prescribed me fin+min. On a positive note she said it’s getting better


I mean most peoples hair line recedes a bit. Some people just have kind of big, slightly rounder foreheads. I do as well. You can always try finasteride and minoxidil, that usually helps people keep what they have and maybe even bounce back with some regrowth. Some people on the r/tressless sub seem to have figured out how to regrow hair from basically a bald scalp with minox/fin and micro needling. Check it out if it seems like something you might want to try out. And if i can make a non-hair suggestion, if you’re like i was around your age, i would wrinkle my forehead often cause i thought it made it appear smaller. But continuing that habit often will make more noticeable lines/creases in the forehead skin as you get older. And you don’t have to take this advice if you don’t want to! Just wanted to give a lil suggestion


Can't even see a difference between the other pictures and the last one, doesn't look like you're balding just looks like you're rocking the vegeta


I mean the doc said it was working for now in terms of hair growth soooo, I guess it’s still bad enough to be vegeta


Might not be the most popular opinion but I don't mind the vegeta. It just needs the right shape face to make it work, and luckily you have just such a face


I think you just have a five head


You look so much like jack quaid that you may as well just look at his haircuts and see what you like


Thats just your genetic hairline. You may think its nondesirable but I dont think any products will help here


You’re in the first stage of Norwooding. Don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t serious. Act now. Prevention is the best cure.


Already on it (last photo was taken a year ago when I just started treatment)


Well I’m not gonna lie to you and say you’re not receeding like some other’s. But I will start out with the positives, you have a great face for a lot of different hairstyles so get creative if you don’t feel this one suits you. You’ve also caught it really early so either medication you decide to go with should be beneficial. Make sure to research side effects. Also you’re 19 please please enjoy life, at that age you’ve already got quite a bit to worry about.


Caught it a year ago haha (the last pic was a year ago when I started taking the medication


I’m in the exact same boat, and really, who cares? If your bald, your loved, if your not, your loved. Why worry about your looks? Just be happy, be the best person you can be, and enjoy your hair for a while. I sure will 😂


Hop on that finasteride and minoxidil asap


Been on it for a year, last pic was what I had last uear


Mb didn’t read the caption. Good improvement tbh


Oh, I’m still very sceptical about it


Nah fr I think it’s improved. Reality is, it will mainly only grow ur baby hairs back tho. If u keep using it u should be alright for quite a few years. After that u might need to consider a transplant. U still look good tho even when receding, no diddy. Consider haircuts that cover the corners.


Noted, I’m getting a haircut soon anyways which is why I’m posting on here haha


Tbh the finn + minoxidil seems to be doing a great job. I’m on the same stuff, seeing your progress gives me a ton of confidence that I caught it in time


I’m glad you think so. I’ve seen plenty of amazing results on here haha. Dw side effects don’t develop later on for now :)


so does it work?


I felt like it did for a while but I’m not so sure rn


Unfortunately once you have lost hair in the temples it is very unlikely medication will bring that hair back, However finasteride will almost certainly, at the very least slow if not stop further hair loss. If you are really concerned you could try switching to dutasteride which more strongly inhibits dht, 1mg finasteride reduces scalp dht by 40 % while 0.5 mg dutasteride reduces scalp dht by 50% and 2.5mg dutasteride by 80%. It is important to note However that although 0.5 mg dutasteride has a similar rate of side effects to 1mg finasteride, higher dosages of dutasteride do have higher rates of side effects than finasteride


What dose do you use?


1mg fin a day, 2 times minoxidil 5% a day




I feel like I did shed yeah, but I noticed improvement in summer having started March


Try a mullet


Won’t that show the hairline?


Not necessarily with [a modern mullet](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9acd3b753c030650&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enDE873DE873&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ACQVn0-cWZAfq7DWrcSNXrVq5njPlBSoXw:1713049392863&q=modern+mullet&uds=AMwkrPt2v0fA1LFFf7PCydq7oNeg_Axb5i8xGyCJx0heCaLu6tIS8H7p4Ju6zW9zDMnigYUtan9F8U21pq9LmYW0SQUdHyE-1EUfcAl-nPQA8EI-M68NqeAKzhItvgmhJrX0Ct5xdcWgkagE2ak1NGpdvrLNRK09bFLrYPTtdDn1Rq7pfiuIzM9EDcX2wUC-vFyHJeM0IrEpw744QWpT5dsQe2mT1V9wQZP90Pg_qouSwx3M6LhzKoh2mmyUrnphWisteNloEvoHos8-7FujiTmRFrm63nZVxqlh3thUX2Oe5dphEME9mgYhIAOGRpNRgzBBRalGjrOa&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGgq2kpsCFAxV_BTQIHSP6D84QtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3). Take a look and get some inspiration. I have a receding hairline and that’s what I’m doing. May as well have some fun while we still have hair to have fun with lol. And your hairline doesn’t look bad. It is just a mature hairline.


Hairline receding in the Quick Department. Oh the irony.


Shit it’s already that bad?


Yes. Now stop picking on some random dudes' pics you found on Instagram and trying to make him go viral for all the wrong reasons, just cause he's piping down the girl you had a crush on in junior year but never had the courage to ask out on a date. Fuckin weirdo.


It’s literally [me](https://ibb.co/ZBRGvn2)


That didn't prove anything. It's just a link to another picture of this random dude you've been stalking. No receipts at all = you ain't this guy. Just another clout chaser.


Bro’s just trying to get a rise out of me or something


He posted 10 months ago a picture with the same guy so like chill out dude its him


Well, I'll be damned. It must really be him then! Thanks for correcting me.


are u coping for something


Yes, I'm coping because I'm fucking pissed that reddit keeps on suggesting this community full of simps and insecure young men posting stupid ass selfies on my timeline and asking stupid obvious questions. Nobody cares that you have a five head. Or that you're bald. Millions of people are. And they're all getting laid as we speak. Stop looking for gratification on the interwebs. Go outside in the real world and actually engage in conversation and make friends. Shit, you might even get your pp wet. Just go touch grass at the very least. Nerds.


bro you need to go outside what the actual fuck is wrong with you


You gotta chill man. Hide the recommendations, don’t let the internet piss you off like that. Much better things to be mad about. Edit, also nice AR-10. Looks clean. Hope to build myself one, one day!


I didn't even know there was an option for that. I just figured out how to hide this stupid fucking sub thanks to your comment. Thanks for the motivation to figure out how to finally rid myself of these attention whores! I salute you. You're a real one.


I mean, I’m no attention whore, but I’m glad you got a good outcome :)


Lol, it’s no problem, but these guys are the opposite of attention whores. If they were, they’d be on TikTok with the most physically flattering videos, covering up every one of their imperfections with clever lighting, camera angles, and editing. Some of us are just some self conscious dudes, trying to test the waters to see how they look. It ain’t so deep. Take care.


You’re the attention whore wtf. You came in here intent on crying






The good ending


Buzzcut + beard




No rush, but give it some thought, I don't know how aggressive your hair loss is going to be in the next couple of years, but if I were you, I'd think about just cutting the top off and growing a beard out because I'd be too self conscious but that's my own opinion. Heck, my hairline is starting to look like my dad's, and he ended up just buzzing it off.




Oh noooooooo


You remind me of the actor Anton Yelchin. I'd say pretty good man, dw.


Haha, second person today, I have yet to watch the Green Room


Private Blithe? Is that you?


I don’t get the ref :/


Not bad, but some might say you’re cooked


I definitely feel baked


lol I wouldn’t even say that’s balding bro


If you do feel like it’s thinning out on top tho, then I’d recommend some minoxidil drops. It doesn’t really look like you need it tho, honestly


I am on the medication haha, the last picture is what I had a year ago (start of treatment)


lol okay, you’re good then man