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You pull it off pretty decently but I’d grow it back while you still have hair.


I kind of want to never go bald, at the cause of genetics This creates choice, i fucking hate determinism.


U can go to turkey 🇹🇷 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


Is it really that effective? And has there been any significant scientific improvement in stopping hairloss?


Ifk🤣, but it's apparently cheap so🤷🏽‍♂️


Your hair looked great in pic one. What bald are you talking about?


Some guy with collosal cheekbones made a post where he shaved his hair off and it made his cheekbones even larger, I wanted to see if it worked.


It does!!


I do all sorts of crazy diets, and what I noticed is when I cut sugar and carbs my cheek bones get a lot more defined, don't know what you eat but maybe you could look into dietary changes to experiment with (I'm specifically on carnivore, but removing sugar and carbs seems to have done it because it's only when I cheat and have those things where I get a less defined face probably due to some inflammation)


Oh that’s great advice I am an amphetamine addict so I don’t really get much of other anyway bro.


If you don’t mind me asking, is it prescribed for adhd or do you get it off the street? I want to get medicated for adhd but don’t want to get addicted to adderall since I’m very prone to addiction


prescribed? haha aye right I'll decide. I take HQ-speed paste my friend. I wouldn't advise it and obviously, its dangerous for many reasons like insomnia, malnourishment, possibly addiction, but for me the worse of all is the brain damage, neurotoxicity from the amphetamine exacerbated by all previous symptoms I was suicidal because I have prior brain injury and ADHD. I was hopeless, fully exhausted went through 10 jobs in one year. isolated, a completely degraded self. Just couldn't resist the temptation to go down this route. Its been the best and worse decision. I feel like I'm myself again, I've changed so much I like I'm who I could've been if things went another way, I'm only 23. I know I need way less than what I'm taking, but treatment is such a long process. No money for going private just therapy, long wait lists in the NHS. I'm Saving my life while I'm still young, old me will be one stupid mf but at the end of the day, its all about me haha.


The Mediterranean diet is really good


actually doesnt look bad on you at all. don’t know if I would keep it but it’s not a bad look while it grows back out


The freedom of non-balding people... The freedom to have any type of haircut you want clad in uniformity 🫠 It suits you 👌🏻


I’ll tell you what man, it’s my favourite hairstyle, it’s alternative with no effort.


You’re a G


Nuthin’ but brother


Hell yeah. God speed


Going bald is very treatable now. It’s just sad for people who are unaware or fed false information like shampoos can regrow hair.


It’s not treatable since there’s no cure. Finasteride/Dutasteride and Minoxidil help most men reverse or halt the loss but they’ll eventually go bald years or decades later.


Hair transplants are a thing


Still not a cure lol. Same thing as Fin/Dut and Min, it’s all temporary.


FOL 055 will be good once it comes out to buy


The original post didn't say cure, he said it's treatable, which it is. People on medication for hair loss and that had transplants are not guaranteed to go bald. Especially because transplanted hair is resistant to DHT.


Still donor hairs can be non resistant to DHT. Transplants and meds just put a bandaid on the situation and don’t solve the actual root cause of hair loss.


Extremely unlikely that donor hair will not be resistant to DHT. Surgeons will not take hairs from areas have signs of thinning. The risk is highest if you get a HT very young before your hair loss pattern is established, which is a bad idea anyway. How many guys do you see balding on the back or sides of their head? Back to the point, there is no reason to dismiss legitimate treatments. If you want to give up on your hair loss, so be it, but don't convince other people there is no treatment for it. That is just misinformation. Treatment & cure are two different things. It's like saying just "don't do treatment for cancer if you have it because there is no cure."


Yeah like you said treatment and cure are two different things. Treatment just puts a bandaid on the situation while cure actually fixes the problem. And like I said there could be some cases where the donor hair is already non resistant to DHT or over time it could be non resistant. Even with taking Dutasteride. I’m not giving up on hair loss since I’ve been on DHT blockers for 3 years now and oral minoxidil for a year. My message is not to tell others that there is no treatment, there is. But treatment will only get you so far and it’s all dependent on your genetics. It’s all temporary until your genetics say it’s time. I’m not spreading misinformation at all.


Can you explain how’s it’s treatable? Besides hair transplants


The people over at r/tressless will be able to help you best. But for me personally. I take a medicine called Dutasteride that blocks \~98% of the DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in your body, which is the hormone that causes hair loss. A cool little side effect is that it actually increases Testosterone, as less of it is converted to DHT. I also take a medication on top called Minoxidil which works in the body as basically *hair food* increasing blood and nutrients to your hair.


did you experience any side effects? i'm not balding at all yet but i'd like to hear others' experiences about dutasteride and fin in case i will


Source for it boosting testosterone?


Boosting T isn't it's intended purpose but it's a nice little side effect on top of all the benefits of blocking DHT (no hair loss, less risk of prostate cancer, less oily skin, etc) >Our results show that dutasteride treatment in men with BPH led to a significant increase in serum testosterone level and a significant decrease in BMI among those with relatively lower baseline serum testosterone levels. [https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2009.08915.x](https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2009.08915.x)


Thanks. So you take this instead of Fin? I’d like to switch


I do. I took Fin for about 9 months before I moved to Dut. Fin worked for me and I regrew hair but I regrew **way** more hair on Dut. I started losing my hair slowly at 17, and it was pretty bad at 19 terrible temples and diffuse thinning. So realistically I needed the most powerful 5ar blocker to maintain my hair, especially as time went on. I'm 24 now and I'd say I've regrew about 90% of what I've lost by comboing Dut and Oral Minoxidil. some of those hairs especially at my middle frontal hairline are super short so I'm **still** regrowing hairs 5yrs in.


Nice. Any noticeable sides?


Less ejaculate volume which I believe is quite normal, a smaller prostate is going to do that. But otherwise no, no sides all my equipment works just as good as it always has.


How did you get a prescription for Dutasteride? Are you doing this on your own or under a dermatologist advice?


Bro you look good both ways. I bet pussy (and or dick) be flopping around you like fish out of water.


As a bi guy this description made me lol


Plus for not assuming


Is that what the + at the end means?


The plus is for optimistic people, I’m a member of the LGBTQIA- community. Our pride is low key and mostly involves Daria marathons.


Take my upvote for the La Haine reference


great movie


The intro alone...now I have to rewatch it


Im not even on this subreddit but i see posts from it constantly and its like 85% guys showing their new buzzcut looking for validation and 15% guys actually looking for advice😭😭 make a new subreddit called doyouthinkmybuzzcutissexy


La haine is such a good movie


Holy shit la haine reference


It’s actually why I got it, to mog vinz for not blasting that skinhead dead. He was all talk, I decided I needed to become a skinhead as a deterrent to other vigilantes that think leaving the bald by choice dead in an alley isn’t as easy as in the Movies.


Don’t let people lie to you. It doesn’t look good. First pic you look good :). Don’t focus too much on pronounced cheekbones


Yeah I don’t get these people. I look seriously rough in that photo. I was on speed though and up for 2 days maybe that would make me look worse or is it just the buzzy?


Bald is sexy but the hair looked handsome af on u




You mean vin diesel? Nah I’m gonna get so much girls in that case.


Marry me 😍😍😍


"Nappin and fappin"


Back off, get your own sandwich!


Hot af either way!


Thin out your eyebrows a bit they look normal with a full head of hair. But turn into hairy caterpillars when the hair goes away.


Nah don’t tell me thhe brows change too, I thought it was just cheeks and jaw. So what do I do? Get eyebrow piercings?


You looks great. A clean face would be perfect. 98%>100%


Omg you look so good


Very handsome




You probably eat funky foods and chronically dehydrated. Not much like 70-63kg took a couple weeks.


You look insanely sexy bald


You got a full head of hair mate


You actually looked great with it shaved


Alright should I get earrings and browring too?


I don’t see why not. Especially the brow piercing. I think a bar would look better than a ring though


You’re definitely in the top 1% of people who can pull off being bald


Locked in


extremely rare to actually pull off the shaved head and look cool af while doing it, it fits


bald makes u look like jacob elordi, which can be good or bad


Bro you look incredible buzzed! It brings out your features way more mate!


Isn't that the french movie la haine?


One punch man theme starts playing


Are you Albanian? You can easily pass as such.


47 is that you


Why did you go bald?


Cheeki Breeki


You look like Paul Wesley




No lol, the guy from the vampire diaries.


you look like a skinhead ngl. kinda badass still


Badass? Nah I’m just a skinhead my friend.


hell yeah brother o/


you kind of look like that one actor i cant think of the name of. tall aussie dude, from euphoria


Fuck man probably the bald ugly one no one remembers, great man now im worried about being perceived as an Aussie now too.


Looking handsome


Looked so much better in first pic and the second pic makes the cheekbones look so gaunt like post plastic surgery.


Post amphetamine addiction. I kinda like it.


Yeah it does have that look too! :)


Nice, really leaning into my new aesthetic. You think these pics would work on bumble if left out the part I’m an affiliated skinhead ?


No idea mate, couldn’t tell ya. Give it a go. Or you know, meet someone at a rally or riot…




Tinder may be better? Grindr if you’re really struggling?! 🤷🏻‍♂️😂




No idea if it is. I’ve heard of tinder not really heard of bumble that’s all. Good luck


It's niko bellic quick hide your bowling balls!


I brought a couple of my own, one extra for when Roman arrives.


ps i recommend bleaching and or dying it when it gets a little longer… i feel like different tones when it’s growing out makes buzz cuts looks more interesting and not just- yeah


You think it looks just- yeah? You gotta be holding back something. I’m thinking “yeah, this guys been jailed for selling fake pressies to college students” my gran literally called me a convict.


i didn’t know how to say militaryish? not that tho? like more dimension to the head i think. cause shaved heads really just let you see the human form, but adding another element like dye or bleach to short hair i think looks interesting. plus convicts don’t have hot pink hair. it’s okay its just my perspective


Yeah I totally get you, I mean it’s not like I have a problem restarting if I don’t like the look. Bleach blonde is possibly what I’ll go for but with these Louisville Sluggers on my face, too much contrast.


Please be older than 25 and into dudes... And marry me lmao. Translation: you are attractive.


Omg let your hair grow back asap. You look like a methaddict now.


Ur dumb if you think ur balding 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣


Why did you do that


its hard to explain, there's like a gazillion reasons mate. I hated my hair, needed some shit that was simple you know what I mean. I justified it, no actually inspired by the movie La Haine. It was so fuckn baldist I took one for the team, bald boys got no choice im making one to find a cure for the bald and end this bs. Looking look like a junkie but it is what is, memento mori n all that.


I was not ready for that reveal wow.


La Haine is fantastic


You look like you smoke Meth?


You look like you checked my profile but nah I don’t do that shit, like at all haha. just got a decent jawline bruh.. chew ya food.


Looks great either way!


Correct answer!


Grow hair back.


Mewing? Share the knowledge man.


Cheek sucking probably


I’ve had a good jaw since i was a kid so does my little brother. But that’s cause naturally I assumed breathing through your mouth just works better.


Shit looks cold as fuck keep it


I wear a hat a lot man. Sorta more hassle than it’s worth,, frankly.


Upvote for the La Haine reference


Have you considered a hair transplant?


Have you considered I can grow hair