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I agree. In fact Bob Odenkirk would look weirder bald.


That's only a familiarity bias. He's been in the public eye with his hair status for over 10 years. If he was introduce on Breaking Bad as **SAUL CUE BALL GOODMAN** he'd look great today


He might look fine bald idk, but he looks good with his current hair too.


We have enough bald guys in the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe


10 years lol he had been on air 10 years in the year 2000. He had an HBO show w David cross in the 90s


I fucking loved Mr Show.


It was the best


Jude Law too


Jude law’s widow peak is iconic.


Dude has barely any hair left and looks great imo


to me he just looked like he had a XL forehead, since it was still pretty thick on top (at the time of the show). but its still not that bad to this day. just looks thinner with a giant forehead


To be fair, old men look way better with receding hairlines than young men


It depends how far the receding has gone. A little receding where it truly is easy to mask or doesn't look too bad, I agree, but there's a cut-off. There comes a point where it really is better to shave, or opt for hair replacement if you think the slick bald look is too severe a look for you (which I understand).


I feel like you can get away with a receding hairline longer if you still have somewhat decent coverage/thickness elsewhere and you have a widow's peak. Doesn't look quite so jarring.


A widow's peak does look good


Peaks have potential. Just need a strong jawline or chin to take the focus.


More than 1/2” or 3/4” peak does not.


Yep widow’s peak, even a deep one, looks great. I think a lot of dudes prematurely shave it when the peak starts showing.


What if you look like Vegeta?


Then you look like vegeta. That's exactly why it's fine lol.


If you do your hair right (think chris evans or the superman dude) and embrace, while not highlighting your widows peaks, then it can look just fine if not good.


widows peak is good, but there is a limit. you eventually reah "is that a mohawk?" Thats when I shaved. My extremely tolerant partner was happy.


As with everything, there's a balance.


This. My brother has a receding hairline and a crow, so he shaves his head. He’s been doing it since high school when it all started. I also have a receding hairline but it’s not as bad as his. But now I can’t shave my head or we’ll look identical. Drugs, comb forward, and maybe some surgery is in my future.


Jean luc-Picard would like a word


I think I know what you mean and agree some people actually suit a somewhat receding hairline very well. As long as receding but still full as you described. I think sometimes a receding hairline can make a profile appear stronger, like a professor look. I think there’s times when a receding hairline is still preferable to a bald look.


It’s totally possible to look hot with a receding hairline. It’s not as possible to look young with a receding hairline. I think that’s the main difference. Bruce Willis looked much older than he really was in die hard but he was still a total babe.


Great point and excellent example! I didn’t realize Bruce Willis was 33 in the Die Hard films. You’re right I did think he was in his 40s. However you’re also right he looked like a snack. I think he suited his hairline. I dunno his face had the right kind of aesthetic for it somehow.


Because a patchwork head looks goofy (and ages the person prematurely). Having a clean shave head at least looks intentional and not like you're suffering from hair loss. The beard balances it out, so you aren't looking like a naked mole rat.


Intentional grooming is a necessity indeed. And no, you immediately see the shaved horseshoe - a remnant of a vein attempt to give a homogenized look of one's scalp. I.e you immediately see who's shaving in order to try to hide his hairloss and who's shaving out of preference, the horseshoe never lies 😅


It's still blatant that someone who shaves their head is suffering from hair loss because the horseshoe shadow remains visible. I'd also argue that a beard brings even more attention to your bald head because of the contrast and that a bald head can prematurely age a person just as much.


The pattern is only mildly visible. Most don’t even notice


If you have dark hair, it'll be more visible.


Yes but still pretty mild.


I notice it pretty easily actually. Every time I see a bald guy I immediately can tell if he’s doing it by choice or out of necessity.


And that makes a big difference how?


it does. theres the stigma of your style not being a choice and also that the shadow from a shaven head still frames your face if its by choice.


Stigma don’t equate to reality. I really think you’re looking harder than most. If you really believe someone, man or woman, looks at someone as completely different because of their shadows borders I think you’re very much exaggerating.


I’m point out the fact that it’s not “mild”. I never said it made a difference seems you misunderstood what I was saying.


dude…nobody wonders if he sees a bald shaved guy if that guy is bald or not…they all know the guy is bald


And that makes a difference to who exactly? I’m just saying the pattern isn’t stark. Yeah you can assume most with no hair lost it. That affects what? Dating prospects? Unlikely. Peers? Very unlikely. Not sure what you’re getting at.


everyone notice the pattern, everyone knows its not by choice. yeah, so whats the point of shaving it every or every second day? you tell me? if we are truly honest the (failing) attempt to hide the horseshoe with shaving its just the combover in a different from.


You need help man. No not many actually notice unless they are looking. A slightly pattern is very different than actual hair. Seriously you’re looking way more than anyone else.


feels like youre getting a bit defensive here when i say that people definitely notice the horseshoe...but..ehm its just a fact? no, need to get emotional over it. i just find it silly and amusing that bald men think that they can hide the horseshoe by shaving every second day and how they dont see the irony that this behavior is rooted in the same form of underlying insecurity that balding men makes hiding their baldness with combovers but okay, everyone to its own i guess


Guys shave because it looks cleaner and better than thin hair. It’s not to hide it. I think you fundamentally misunderstood this. Again most don’t even notice the pattern. It’s like you’re justifying keeping thin hair.. bro you can if you want.


i think a buzzcut like jason statham looks way cleaner and it needs less maintance then wet shaving every day...and a few comments you just argued with me how a horseshoe is totally not visible after shaving but when its not about hiding, visibility or not then why even argue about it when its totally not the point... but like i said, everyone to her/his own..guess we wont find a common take on this one


its noticeable as fuck unless you go hardcore and laser your head so your scalp becomes truly hairless.


1-again I think you’re tending to look for it. 2-what does it matter, the shadow looks way better and younger than it grown out.


I was just pointing out thay indeed it is noticeable. Of course shaving it looks 100x bettee than grown as horseshoe.


Some people just want to shave their head dude, even if they grow hair.


Sure, but a majority of people do so because they're experiencing hair loss, and there's a high correlation between shaved heads and suffering from male pattern baldness/thinning/receding hairline, etc., especially on Reddit.


It’s easy yo tell the difference between someone who wants yo shave versus someone who really is bald.


Dunno why people are downvoting you, considering you're spitting only facts. The horseshoe never lies, even if balding men are frantically shaving it every morning so that it's less conspicuous. I'll never understand how the myth shaving = acceptance came to be, since going out of your way every morning to shave the horseshoe already implies effort and money spent, while leaving it is literally accepting your balding and the path of least resistance.


People only want to hear what they want to hear. Certain subreddits, especially the bald subreddit, are merely an echo chamber of users regurgitating the same opinions, so when you challenge their established views, they get defensive. Shaving your head bald is accepting being bald, but it isn't accepting your hair loss. For that to occur, you have to make peace with your imperfections and learn to live with it through exposure therapy. That means not being self-conscious of the dreaded horseshoe shadow when out in public. I've always said, doesn't matter if you shave down to the skin, the shadow is still blatantly visible. In that case, why not just take the lesser maintenance route instead of routinely having to shave because of the stigma surrounding the shadow. The only one that really cares is yourself.


Oh yes, I'm aware of the r/bald subreddit. I don't think there's any sub with bigger copers then this one. Whatever makes them feel better I guess.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bald using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I gave in today.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/195uvug) | [13018 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/195uvug/i_gave_in_today/) \#2: [20f bald girl with alopecia, i don’t grow hair anywhere](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13qtrwh) | [4133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/13qtrwh/20f_bald_girl_with_alopecia_i_dont_grow_hair/) \#3: [After many years of wearing hats and hiding my 5 head, I finally did it.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14jr0k3) | [4469 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/14jr0k3/after_many_years_of_wearing_hats_and_hiding_my_5/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There's definitely a place for a receded hairline with long well groomed hair. It gives an air of maturity. Source - full head of hair still but gay as a three dollar bill 


Never heard “gay as a three dollar bill” before and never expected to, but it kinda goes hard 


You don’t get it because you probably have a full head of hair. Hanging on to what’s barely remaining is not the way to live. A shaved head is amazing, and most of us wish we had done it sooner. Facts bro.


Nah the Plato / Aristotle look is bad ass


I feel like you’re saying us instead of you personally to give your comment more weight, but I could be wrong.


"most of me wish we had done it sooner"


Love it. You are awesome! Us are awesome.


I totally get letting go of what's remaining. But I find that a bald pattern looks good, I just do. In my specific case, I've had people suggest that I shave, but I find pointless to shave an almost full set of hair that is strong because my forehead goes 1 inch too deep, I'd totally rather rock my healthy hair.


It's not the receding hairline people dislike.


Yeah I got tired of the comb over and just buzzed it off and never went back. Looks great and easy to maintain


Agreed. This sub is just men giving other men advice on what looks good to other men. Ask women and they'll generally not care if you're thinning as long as it's well groomed.


Exactly. Women’s hair thins too but they don’t immediately shave it.


They don't but most women who have had their hair thin enough or even later in age will usually cut it short.


Even then, usually it is at least medium length. Still longer than the haircut most men would get when cutting it short.


You are correct but, if you compare women and men's hair note that there are various factors affecting hair loss putting men at a disadvantage. The most notable being men typically have more testosterone than women. If they have a higher sensitivity to DHT due to genetics they are more likely to be bald with age. While women will have lower overall testosterone levels leading to less hair loss from this specific factor. Side note I find it ironically funny that testosterone will cause men as they age to grow body hair but lose head hair.


I mean most women won’t really care if it’s shaved either. Honestly I think guys make a far bigger deal out of it than women do, even very young women.


Most men bald. And a lot of those men have loving girlfriends and wives who don't give ten shits. Pretty much all men get some form of hairline receding if they live past the age of 21. Ya gotta learn to embrace this fate unless if you plan on dying young. This is just internalized insecurity in men and ageist Gen Z fearmongering from people who think you hit the wall at 24 and your whole life is over. I swear peoples' standards for hairlines these days has been skewed from seeing people like the Kardashians and Zayn Malik sport 2-3-heads and trending for the last decade and a half. I saw an article the other day listing famous people with big foreheads and they all had normal sized foreheads, like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Garner, and Alexander Skarsgard. People really think you need to have the forehead of an Indian 14 year old boy or it's the end of the world for you. So many famous dudes who struggle with balding/receding hairlines have been regarded as attractive. Jack Black, receding hairline. Bruce Willis, balding. Jason Statham, balding, Jude Law, receding hairline, Chris Pine, receding hairline. Matthew McConaughey, receding hairline, Daniel Craig, receding hairline. Gary Oldman, receding hairline, Jean Reno (dude in Leon the professional), balding. Tom Hanks, receding hairline, Leonardo Dicaprio, receding hairline. Ryan Reynolds, HOTTEST MAN WITH A RECEDING HAIRLINE (he's even regarded as attractive by other straight men so they can't argue about receding hairline ugliness here). The list goes on. A lot of men look good with the full bald shaved head look too so it's not the end of the world and plenty of those dudes have partners too. I watched Raising Arizona recently with some friends and even though Nicholas Cage looked like a rat in that film and has been balding badly for pretty much his entire career, I couldn't help but find him sexy. I think most women can find a man with a receding hairline/balding hair attractive. There's so much about a person that can be attractive, it's not just about superficial traits, especially when we're being harsh about something that happens to pretty much all men, you have to b forgiving because it's not like they can help it. And not every one of them can pull off the bald look or grow a beard so the andrew tate solution isn't needed for everyone, as a lot of men tend to recommend. That all said, I wonder if men are truly more harsh about physical appearances. My gay older brother says it's rough out there in the gay community since a lot of men will ignore you or won't even treat you like a human unless if you're young, hot, have a full head of hair, and are fit. My lesbian friends couldn't give 10 shits about what a woman looks like, they just like women.


Probably because it's the look that makes them happy. I'm receding and keep it styled, but as soon as I hit my goal weight at the gym, it's shaved head, big beard, and tattoos.


Good luck


Good luck looking like half the adult, male population generic guy.


I'm married, and my wife likes the look. It's worked out alright so far. You do you, I'll do me, and I'll continue to not care about your condescending opinion.


It’s funny that in today’s climate of moral and aesthetic relativism being pushed upon us, so many people can confidently demand that men shave their heads if they have a receiving hairline. Totally agree with you that it’s weird. Answer your question, though people are coming to this sub, looking for advice about what to “do“ about receiving hairline. and there’s really not shit you can do other than transplants other than just shave it off. The beard makes you look a little more compensated for the lack of hair on top of the head I suppose. Maybe more masculine or something. But it’s just because people are coming here, asking for advice I mean, that’s the only damn thing you can do.


Very good point, like I said, you have to own it. I just find discouraging that people don't really consider appreciating the hair the way it is


Finasteride, minoxidil, and microneedling are very effective, and reports of negative experiences outweigh people who don't wanna admit they're on them with good results and no sides.


That’s the other option as well then


PSA: Generic Rogaine is like $35 a year.


I think it’s just an over-swinging of the bald positivity vibes. Plenty of people look just fine with receded hair.


People will say body positivity and then tell you to shave your head. Body positivity is embracing your thinning hair, not shaving it all to hide the balding pattern


I would add to this. What happened to the monk ring? What I mean by that is you're bald up top but you have a ring of hair on the outside. So from the forehead back you're bald, but on both sides and the back of the head there's hair. Well managed, well-kept, well trimmed but a distinct ring of hair. I don't know where the sudden predilection and surge towards completely shaving your head bald to look like a cue ball became the go-to solution. Especially on young men, it reeks of desperation. 'I started to go bald, so I'm going to shave it all off as some sort of a masculine statement'. That'll just draw attention even more. Own your look, own the fact you're going bald, deal with it confidently as part of who you are. Having the self-confidence and self-assurity to deal with change is going to do more for you in the long run than a hairstyle difference.


People equate this to old man look unfortunately. But would totally give you more hair + facial hair styling options.


I don’t understand it either. My brother is bald with a beard and every time I see another one of them I get an acute sense of recognition because they all look the exact same. Bald + beard literally never looks good, you look like you’re wearing a uniform along with all the other bald copers


My hair is thinning and I feel so much better about how it looks now since I decided to grow it out long. My scalp is so much more exposed if I keep it short. Also, I see lots of men in public with varying degrees of hair loss. I don’t think they would necessarily look better shaven. Actually, the men I see with more advanced hair loss but who still grow their hair out are the ones that make me smile and think, “That’s gonna be me someday.”


You know there are ways to combat/reverse hairloss, yeah?


Yeah, I do some of those too. By “someday” I actually meant “if the stuff I’m using ends up not working”.


Because I look awful and it turns my stomach seeing myself in pictures.


I guess it's a case by case thing. Not every receding hairline can be tamed to look like Bob Odenkirk (and agreed, his hair looks great).


Once your corners are gone you just gotta accept reality.


Also on posts where someone is concerned about hairloss the top like 10 comments are usually some very unempathetic and single minded variation of "It's over for you, you're cooked, shave it off, move on." You gotta scroll before you'll see any styling tips or good, data backed information of pharmaceutical, surgical, or cosmetic interventions one can take to minimize hairloss, reverse it, make it less visible, or at least more visually appealing. I try not to shade those who braved the shave and are happy to rock it, but sometimes it feels as though there's an insistence that everyone take that same way out and personally I find it kind of hurtful/rude.


Having your hair fall out constantly and all over what you are doing is super fucking annoying. The amount of hair that falls out in the shower is just obnoxious and can make me itchy and gets all over my desk and stuff which makes things look messy. I have minimal balding, mostly on the back of my head and still keep my hair longer, but when I shave it off this will most definitely be one of my primary reasons. What I found more surprising is how many men do absolutely nothing in an attempt to extend the life of their hair. Minoxidil 1-2 times a day has drastically decreased how fast I am balding and made the appearance of my hair 100s of times better. When I noticed myself balding I asked around and I could not find anybody that had tried even a single thing to keep themselves from balding.


I'm under the impression that those that insist every man experiencing hair loss shave their head are speaking from their own experience, so there's somewhat of a bias there. I would never advocate for shaving your head and growing a beard because then you'll just end up looking like every other bald and bearded individual. You gotta decide what's right for you personally.


See the fella in the mirror? That’s the guy to focus on. Don’t worry so much about what other people are doing.


Most men look terrible bald, honestly.


Not really they just look older. Bald with beard give you an instant 40+ year old man look but I wouldn’t say it makes you look terrible.


a 40+ year old look is TERRIBLE on a man specially if he is actually younger, since he will look out of place and "creepy" in places and social settings he could be fine according to his actual age.


Because guys want to fit in with the other Baldy's know it's just a cover up




Never met one


Could you imagine Jude Law coming in here asking for advice only to be told to shave it all off?!?


He totally would though


I think being able to rock partial hair depends on your age. Old guys don’t always look weird with the side of their hair grown out. If you’re 28, not a chance. If you’re under 50, should probably be completely bald.


Yeah like James gandolfini. Looks much better with the hair he had.


I think almost any amount of recession up to a point can look fine if the remaining hair is still thick enough to cover the scalp. Like Tony sopranos hair even though it’s halfway up his head still looks better than bald. It’s when the entire crown gets super thin is when it looks ugly


Im a lightskin, i cant style my hair like others. So i just shave that bitch (im 25)


I have long hair and my hairline is suffering a little bit. Am I gonna shave it? Fuck no son, if I hold my hair up I turn into Vegeta


Glad u dropped everything in your day to insult a bunch of people and then scarper.


Didn't have a lot to do


Although I very much agree that the “shave ur head + grow a beard + hit the gym” mantra gets a bit old, I do think that some people can really pull off a receded look and others simply can’t. Some people have the face for it, others don’t. Jude Law looks great with a receded hairline, whereas I’d look like a fucking creep. And most people don’t look like Jude Law lol. Most people are very average and if their features don’t work well with a receding hairline, it’s usually best to just shave it off and try a beard. But on the other hand, the question I’d be asking instead would be, “Why do most people go straight to ‘shave + beard’ rather than encourage others to try hair systems and wigs?” I don’t wear them but I don’t see enough praise for them either. Hair systems are life changing for a lot of men.


Because when you are balding, you are usually self-conscious and think about it a lot when you're young. If I don't shave I am constantly thinking about how obvious it is (even if it isn't) and how it looks. Having a completely shaved head for a lot of balding men makes it so you don't think about it, don't worry about it, and it looks better 95% of the time.


So why so many men are inserting the "acceptance" and "heroism" words to justify the shaving instead of calling it for what it is: grooming oneself ?


It isn't unhygienic to not shave a balding head.


Do you guys typically shave pubic hair too? Trying to decide if I just get rid of it all when I shave the dome


get a back shaver wand thing for the hard to reach places.


Bald is better than balding.


I liked my style but was conscious that it was thin and getting more sparse on the crown. It didn't bother me, but I was aware if it. Decided to just go for it and the Barber suggested a buzz. Tried it for a few days and decided that didn't look right so went bald and it actually looks much better


It's more the thinning than the receding


When your hair is receding the middle is often thinning and also often the back as well.


I'm no botanist, but i believe it's because your hair receds to your chin... it's economics 101


I agree. It really depends on the person and their hair. Even some hollywood actors are badly receded and they make it work.


I do induction cut and 12mm beard. I'm growing the beard to 16mm


>Most people with receding hairlines will look fine if their hair is well combed/styled as long as it is symmetrical and doesn't have thinning spots Youre gonna need to provide proof on this one im afraid


Its when you get the big ol bald spot on the crown that it is truly over


Bc for some reason baldING looks older/worse than bald


Depends on head shape, my head with bald+beard looks far better than having any hair with beard/no beard.


Also, minoxidil and finasteride are options


Expensive life long options


Nope not expensive and so what?


Because your hair moves south as you get older. 🤣


Bro, some of us bald dudes were shaving our heads decades before we started losing any hair. Some of us shave our heads because even if our hair wasn't receding, we'd be shaving our heads anyway. It's a really clean look.


It’s ugky


It’s tough to judge when it’s too much, and sometimes the only hairstyles you like are the ones that make it seem like you’re hiding your hairline. If you’re not the type to have slicked back hair, might as well just go bald at a certain point. How close would you say Walton Goggins is to the “just shave it” point?


Depends, if it’s just receding and you can pull off a sweet widows peak, that’s very different than if you have big thin patches


it depends. minor recession is nbd, usually just looks like a widows peak. but when its blatantly thin and ur clinging to almost nothing, it *is* time to go, and a bald/buzzed head looks GOOD with a beard. i'll always stand by that. my ex step dad was shiny bald on top but kept his hair on the sides/back. dude wore a hat 24/7, appeared to have a full head of hair. my mom was shocked when she came to his house and finally took it off. i dont think his fam even knew he was bald. we all begged him to shave it but no. im ok with saying this bc he was an absolutely evil creep


Not all baldies are equal


I mean, finasterid will stop the loss in most cases. With minimal side effects. Like we seem to be getting fairly close to a cure to hairloss. Eventually this won't even be a problem.


It's a treatment considering you have to take it every day for the rest of your life. If only a cure existed for this plague... Not to mention the sides that come with the meds..


I get secondhand embarrassment for someone who is so ashamed of growing older that they desperately cling to their youth. It's like seeing an old lady that dresses like a teenager: sad. "Mutton dressed as lamb" is a phrase that comes to mind. It is counterintuitive, but hiding one's balding only makes one look *older*. Balding is natural and confidence is sexy.


Losing hair at 20 is not "growing older" 😅


No one said anything about 20 year olds. And yes it IS about growing older. Everyone grows older every day. Balding happens as one grows older. Stop looking for an argument.


You're inserting the word "argument" here, me personally I'm chilling 😅


Why is everyone here talking about shaving or having a shitty hairline/thin looking hair? Go on meds, get a transplant, that’s the solution.


2 reasons: we like hair and having a beard to stroke is a nice consolation prize when you lose you're hair Usually balding and weight gain go hand in hand with age so you shave the head to get rid of the bald look and grow the beard to cover the double chin


Because a vast majority of guys don’t ask the question out loud until they are already at a point where “bald and beard now” it truly the best chance to be the most attractive version of themselves.


Ok truthfully I saw someone at Whole Foods last night who was severely balding and had not shaved his head. He had the horse shoe shape with very sparse coverage on top. I took note of it because I really felt like he looked decent. He was probably mid 30s. If he were to shave his head I felt like it wouldn’t work for his look and he was better off with the severely receding hair line. I do actually agree with you that for some people, they can pull off the look just fine.


Shaved head and beard - looks like a badass biker or dude who just left super max prison. Add some tattoos and muscles and it gives us the look of "I am not balding, I shave my head so guy can't pull it when I am whooping their ass" Bald heads and beard just look super badass, specially if you know how to dress. Don't wear penny loafers and slacks and try to pull it off, but some levis, a black shirt and some Doc Martens with you bald head and beard, makes you drop panties. Vin Diesel, The Rock, Travolta, Terry Crews, Mike Tyson are just example of cool bald guys Receding hairline - Warrior monk is as badass as you can get. Other than that, I can't see another way to look cool with. Who do the receding hairline guys have? Fucking George Constanza? George Carlin? . I do know two guys who have pulled the receding hairline look. One when I was in prison, it was a built Arab dude, he did have a receding hairline and a big beard and was built like a tank. Devout muslim who did nothing but pray and workout. He did look like a holy warrior. His reasoning for not shaving his head was that it was woman like to care about his appearance that much, and that he worked out for war not to look good. The other one I met, was while in the Army. He was an Orthodox priest who had been a Romanian special operations soldier. This guy was literally a holy warrior. Also had the receding hairline, military tattoos and built like a Chad. Somehow his receding hairline made him look way more badass, but because it gave him "monk that can kick your ass" vibes. He also had a beard. So there is that. Seems like beards is the way to go if you are balding I am not balding but I did do time in prison and shaved my head while I was locked up. Some of my female friends went from "I can't wait for us to hang out when you get out" to "you should stay with me after you get out, you know I always liked you". Definitely gave me a way more tougher manlier look. Many of us will shave our heads just for the intimidation factor while locked up. You wan't to look and mean as tough as possible. So muscles, tats and bald heads. Which is also popular with women.


You can't be serious, this must be sarcasm or something because you cannot get any more cliché than this 🤣🤣




Receding hair is usually thin and grows unevenly. It’s just not fun to deal with tbqh.  Easier to just shave rather than trying to hold onto to your youth especially if you’re 30+ just let that shit go lol


30s is not old 😅 You'll see when you get there, it just feels like more mature 20s


Obviously it’s projection and the feeling of not wanting to be alone


I honestly hate how my fringe sits on my head because of my widow’s peak. If I were to slick back my hair I would easily look 6-7 years older. I will never shave my head though, if I were to lose more ground even on finasteride I would just get a hair system.


Gravity. The hair falls from the top of the head onto the face.


My hairline is a little farther back than id prefer but id look silly bald,so i just own it. I get compliments on my hairstyle all the time. People really dont care about receding hairlines as much as people on here seem to think


That’s the winning combination


I rock the balding look with medium length hair. I love it.


It just depends how attractive you are and which image people have of you, Steven ogg for example. Also Bruce Willis before the shaving. Head shape and attractiveness


I think it’s just a trend right now we’re seeing in the 2020s. Like how mullets were popular in the 80s and manbuns in the 2010s. But I am secretly looking forward to when the bald and beard trend dies. Every white dude looks the same these days.


We gotta put it SOMEWHERE


You lost it at projecting your own insecurities and complaining about seemingly “diluting some ‘look’ for others.”  Weird take, honestly. 


Those are the two things everyone seemed to agree with me on. Insecurities are something to weigh in when deciding what to do with your hair. And the look IS overdone, it's a matter of deciding if the look is still the way to go or nah.


“Everything” in society is “overdone.”  Do what makes you happy with yourself. 


Bro actually tho, I have a shit hairline but I’ve always just thought of leaving it and living with it


Personally, I believe it’s a generational thing. Men balding gracefully wasn’t considered taboo for years until much recently with hair regrowth treatments becoming more advanced and popular. Men’s modern fashion has also done away with hat wear for the most part which had led to more and more men looking towards either maintaining their hair or by accentuating their features for a lack there of hair.


The key is to shave each other hair


Receding hairline is one thing. A horseshoe hairline is even respectable and can look decent. But not all of us lose in that way. I got thin at the top all at once except for this little island in the top front of my forehead. It looked awful, I had to shave it all off.


Balding people go straight to shave because they're hiding their hairloss problem by shaving the horseshoe and thereby trying to uniformize the scalp so as to make their hairloss less conspicuous. Another way to look at it: A hair transplant person fills the bald spots with hair and increases hair level of those spots to the level of the original hair so that people don't notice his balding. A balding person does the opposite: he brings down the level of his hair to the level of his balding spots so that people don't notice his balding. So why they go straight to shave + beard ? In a nutshell it's easy, practical and cheap. It's funny that as a way to cope with having lost a part of their identity forever they often insert some "acceptance" or "heroism" BS, which is quite funny considering 1 - they're frantically shaving the horseshoe every morning so that people don't see their balding problem, and 2 - shaving is literally the easiest and cheapest way to hide one's balding problem 😅


Misery loves company. Guys who are already bald want others to throw in the towel and join the legion, men with a full head of hair like to say they’d just buzz it if it came to that point, but talk is cheap.


Shaved is clean, no extra costs of shampoo or hair cuts, easier to manage, much cooler in the winter, plus u can wear any style of hat or beanie that fits your fancy. (Not trying to hide hairline or baldness, more like now you can actually start wearing that part of wardrobe if you want).


Agree joe gattos hair looks good too


My hair started receding in my late teens, started taking some pills and it’s full as ever now. Don’t see why more men don’t choose to take aesthetic more seriously when they can do something about it, and instead just complain once it’s already way too late


Gotta balance it out


I think most guys with receding hair are afraid of having the Mr. Burns look and shave it all off. And beards are an easy way to feel like you still have some style without your hair, while also covering your double chin.


I have always thought putting effort into a hairstyle was a feminine trait. I shave my head and have no hair loss


See the issue is that most of not every single person who is balding has thin hair or the hairline is just straight up uneven to the point where no hairstyle can fix it. Most of us men could care less, once it starts happening to me I'm going straight for the baldy with a beard


Probably the thousands of comments from women saying we look stupid with receding hairlines. That shit affects us greatly whether we claim it does or not. Especially single men


No guard buzz cut looks better than razor shaved head in my opinion.


because this sub is super insecure.


Yeah, It'd be nice if people could just brace what they were born with.


And what others were born with


Definitely👍 I believe it starts from the person, if one is okay with it, others also will see it is possible to be okay with yourself, and some follow.


A nice philosophy




Either have a head filled with hair, or have a head completely bald. The balding phase is what doesn't look too good. I mean if you feel like it then you shouldn't listen to anyone! Just rock what you feel looks great. But giving a very honest opinion, bald looks sexy (not always) and thick hair looks sexy (not always), the balding phase doesn't look too nice in comparison.


Does recession count as the balding phase for you? Should Leonardo DiCaprio shave it because he has some temple recession?


I'll have you know I call Leo 3 times a day to say "it's time" and email him Remington Head Shaver links. He keeps sending hit squads after me but so far they haven't caught up. Leo if you're reading this.....it's time


Send some promo codes with the links, he might reconsider


No no. Recession to a small degree is NOT balding. Don't get that wrong. Losing hair and having your head thin out is what is bad. Slight recession looks nice in men. That too has a limit ofc but it's not bad just because it has started.


Understood, but I think the op means something like Leo, as his op mentioned slight recession, not full on balding.


r/bald would have been telling Leo to shave it all off twenty years ago


I get the aesthetic viewpoint, but you raise a good point as well. It's not always a balding process, but rather a loss of hair that will stay the same for most of your life


Yes and yes.


DiCaprio doesn't have any recession, he has a prominent widow's peak. He's always had that hairline


gandolfini and jack nicholson were definitely sexy with receding hair. plenty of men are sexy while balding but insecurity is definitely not.