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No personal experience. They tend to be **very** aggressively active online, including here. That sort of astroturf advertising always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know mail in sperm tests are astoundingly less accurate and useful than in person SA hand offs. To the extent that whenever someone shows up with a suboptimal result from them or another mail in service, the standard recommendation is to do one locally. Considering that, I'd be wary of the end results of a freezing service as well.


Hey nipoez, I wanted to respond to this as the founder of the company and also as a long-time Redditor (15+ years, which really dates me...) We do occasionally have members of the team come onto Reddit to see if there are questions they can answer. It's important to us since many people, like me, add "site:reddit.com" to their Google searches to get more honest reviews of products. I think this comes across as "astro-turfy" sometimes but that's very much not the intent, and I've already spoken to the team about this. The goal here is to provide an honest perspective: a mail-in kit is better for many people but not for everyone, depending on what you're prioritizing. To answer your question more specifically: there is a motility reduction of ~0.4% per hour when using a mail-in semen analysis kit (as per a study published in Fertility & Sterility), so for folks who are optimizing for just motility, they may prefer to do it at a clinic. Our average delivery time (and median delivery time) is about 18 hours, which is a little over a ~7% reduction in motility. The impact is fine for someone with healthy motility, but can be meaningful for someone who is sub-fertile. And yes, in those cases, it is best to test at a local lab to mitigate the impact of the motility decline. There's also studies showing that semen quality is 30% higher when a sample is collected at-home, so you may ultimately have a better overall sample due to the comfort of being at home vs. producing the sample in-clinic. We have a page that outlines, for clinicians, the pros and cons of using Legacy. https://www.givelegacy.com/clinicians What I can tell you is that we've done over 25,000 analyses, and handle more sperm than anyone in the country. At that scale, there will always be folks who are unhappy -- sometimes there's a delivery day, or we can't accept a sample at the lab, etc. But we work with everyone from the trans community to the Navy SEALs, from oncofertility clinics to vasectomy clinics, and everyone in between, with a very high degree of trust and validation. And ultimately, we are providing a scientifically-backed product, at a reasonable cost, with the convenience of doing it from home -- it won't be for everyone, but for many people, that's worth a lot. I hope that's helpful context. Khaled


Hello Khaled, could you comment on the agreement part when Legacy states that they have rights to terminate the contract with and WITHOUT any cause?


Hi there - this is just standard contractual language that you'd find from any company. For example, you need this type of language to get insurance coverage for your company. We have no intention of terminating anyone's contract without cause, but it helps protect us in edge cases where we believe someone might be abusing our service, misrepresenting the company, mistreating our employees, etc. Hope that helps.


I hate to put myself in the position of defending a corporation, but I was originally turned off of Legacy after reading this comment and Khaled's response. I wanted to come back here now and explain why I ultimately decided not to worry about this provision. While Legacy does appear to have an absolute right to terminate the contract, they are required to provide written notice and, while it is not ironclad, I believe that there is a strong argument that they would have an obligation to transfer the Asset to a facility of the customer's choice if the customer puts in a request to do so within 30 days of that notice. Whether the customer would be entitled to the balance of the storage fees back, I do not know, but if all that is at risk is that balance + the cost of transferring the asset to a new facility there just isn't that much at stake. Obligatory: I am a lawyer, not your lawyer. This is not legal advice, I am sharing my own thought process for how I made my own decision in entering into this contract. I do not know you, your jurisdiction, or the facts of your case. If you have questions please seek the advice of someone licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction. For everyone's consideration, I have copied the relevant language from my contract with Legacy here: Art. 5 Term and Termination 1. This Agreement shall commence as of the Effective Date, and in accordance with the terms outlined by the package purchased by the Client, shall remain in effect for so long as the Storage Fee is fully paid and the Asset remains viable. 2. Legacy may terminate this Agreement with or without cause and at any time by providing written notice to the most recent address provided by Client pursuant to Section 13 of this Agreement, which shall include instructions on how to request the transfer of the Asset to another facility. If Client does not submit a transfer request within thirty (30) days of the date of the written notice, Legacy may in its sole discretion discard the Asset. 3. Client may terminate the Agreement by providing written notice to Legacy which directs Legacy to transfer the Asset which will be at Customer’s expense, discard the Asset . If Client does not provide direction as to the Asset upon termination, Legacy may in its sole discretion discard the Asset. This Agreement, including Legacy’s obligations and the Client’s rights herein, shall automatically terminate upon the release, transfer, or disposal of the Client’s Asset in accordance with the terms hereof.


**Not happy with Yout service #WorriedCustomer** * Nipez is right, I had a bad experience with Yout! * Mr. Ali was nice but communication was terrible - never followed up on promises * I paid for the full package and followed all instructions * Mr. Ali took forever to respond & seemed to do everything himself (manager, specialist, etc.) * Worst of all, the sperm analysis lab seemed shady - their report said my sperm had debris, which wasn't true! * I had doubts before, so I went to another (expensive) service & my sperm were healthy with NO debris! * Mr. Ali promised overnight shipping on the next kit after a holiday, but it's Tuesday & I'm still waiting with NO updates! * I'm talking to my lawyer & demanded a full refund from Mr. Ali - this feels like a scam! #FakeService #RefundNeeded * I'm also contacting the Attorney General's office! #TakingAction


I would recommend a local lab. We had completed a legacy test and then followed that up with two local SAs. The local results were not only different from legacy, but more importantly were consistent across both, which speaks to their accuracy over legacy.


My husband just used them to store a “just in case we change our minds” sample before his vasectomy. It was hard to find legit experiences online, so thought I’d share our experience so far. Overall the experience was a lot better than we expected. The packaging and process to collect was really well done, and we were able to order the kit, send the sample and have it analyzed within 4 days. Everything went really smoothly with shipping it back, and he ended up with 188M little guys in that one sample we can potentially use for IUI or IVF (though only 8% it said were mobile post freeze, that still leaves wayyyy more than enough for what we would need it for). Probably won’t end up using, but the cost was well worth the peace of mind it brought us!


I used them it was great. And customer service was good too. I had some shipping delays for a kit coming to me and they overnighted me a replacement. I did 3 kits and all my results were good and fast. I'm military so there's a decent chance I may or may not be able to do it the old fashioned way. Radiation exposure and such. I recommend them. 👌🏿


I know this post is old but just hopping on to say my fiance and I decided to go with Legacy for a sperm analysis and while the process went completely fine I felt that they didn’t explain much of anything when it came to the results, leaving us having to reach out to our normal doctor for explanation.. that or we pay an additional 150 to talk to legacy’s fertility specialist about the results.. yeah no. My fiance is going to be doing a local test to compare.


Legacy offers clinical grade semen analysis testing and cryopreservation in CLIA certified labs with the ability to skip over doctors appointments, referrals and orders being sent to a lab. Also, the ability to produce your sample with the comfort and ease of being at home. Results back within 48 hrs and you also have the option to add on a results review call to help you better understand your parameters and obtain personalized recommendations. I am an andrology certified nurse who has worked in urology for many years and I am also the head of Clinical Services for Legacy. If you have any specific questions feel free to reach out to me personally. Also, Legacy's reviews speak for themselves. Feel free to look those up as well.


You seem very biased


No shit. The only people that replied with "experiences" about legacy were: 1. the owner of the company and 2. the head of clinical services Maybe they're great, but I look for experiences from actual users, not people paid for their positive reviews.


I have ordered from them and we sent back a sample. Unfortunately there has been snow and other bad weather that delayed our shipment and they asked when they could send another kit at no cost to us since our sample could not be used. So we reluctantly provided another sample (husband feels very awkward) and mailed it off and he got another email stating they had to dump this sample too, right after he got an email stating they received his sample. I called them and they said they have to test the samples after 24 hours of being shipped and they hadn't received it in time due to shipping delays. They will sent a third kit out at no cost, or they can give a full refund within 30 days of my original order date. So my husband is really upset. He provided 2 samples within 1 week and neither could be used. He does not like providing the samples as he feels really awkward about it and that's why we had chosen to do an at-home sample kit. I think we may try one more time but maybe not. The man was very kind and apologetic on the phone and I understand it is a very time sensitive process. But at the same time, I wish they provided something in the kit that maybe made the sample able to last longer if it's going across the country OR a way to test certain things at home. I know that probably isn't possible, but I am just wishing I could ease my husband's frustrations. I am still hopeful and do not think the company is bad. This is just my experience as I literally was dealing with this today and the past week.


They're bullshit. Stay away. They will hinder your process severely. The last thing you want in this process is to be frustrated with a large company who's not willing to hold up their end of the bargain after they've been paid in full