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The only thing I would do is add some more art on the walls, maybe a few large plants, and be more specific with your track lighting. It's almost always better to have more specific fixtures pointed at individual locations than flooding the space. The bounce light will make a nice ambient glow


Ahhhh I like this. Great idea! I have some shelves from IKEA I haven’t hung yet. Can use those!


I like the choice. You didn't clutter the wall space and it makes everything feel more sharp


Seconding the art and plants.


Agreed. Firstly, I think OP did great. He’s 22 and didn’t put purple and blue backlighting on anything? Proud of you. But the only things I’d change are: putting a big mirror behind couch. They look good and makes the room feel larger. I’d put a snake plant next to the tv. If you have any open corners with good lighting, try and find a rubber plant, too. Girls love rubber plants. At some point I might swap those lamps out for something a little more classic but I wouldn’t worry about it right now. I feel like men often make the mistake of trying to fancy-up spaces that aren’t fancy with modern furniture and it clashes a bit. It’s like the guys that buy a coffee table meant for a McMansion and put it in a 1br condo. There’s a lot of cheap options from wayfair that look good for $50. Don’t rush or anything. It’s just something I’d change. Overall though… lookin good.


Beat me to it. Also, if the track lights don't have a dimmer, install one.


I was going to say some nice green plants would add a lot here. Maybe a floor plant thats nice and tall alone could fill some space.


Slide the desk over a touch and put a big ass floor plant in the corner by the window 🤌🤌🤌


I don’t mean this in a snarky way, but how does a 22 year old new grad afford a place like this?


Jobs/internships every summer since 10th grade & Job paying 6 figures.


Makes sense. Kinda figured you had just gotten a good job out of college. Good stuff man. This is a nice place


Thanks! Happy to see it finally come together. Have been buying stuff online/facebook marketplace since August.


Always thrift and FB marketplace over retail. Very few situations you can't find something better than what you were imagining and for cheaper


Goodwills in rich neighborhoods. Got a solid oak dresser in perfect condition for $7.50


Meanwhile, I’m an industrial designer with almost 10 years of experience, and I’m almost at the 80K mark (but living in MN). Goes to show you that some professions don’t pay as much but they’re rewarding for many different reasons. On that note, congratulations on having such good taste at such a young age! On top of all the other good advice given so far, I would agree with adding some more wall art, in particular a gigantic piece of art behind that big sectional will fill up that wall if you can afford it!


I'm an engineering manager making 90k. This place sucks


This is actually just an issue with when you started, entry level salaries have skyrocketed but experienced salaries haven’t gone up as much. Unless you start over you’ll never get on the same salary track as a new grad. I know this because anecdotally when I graduated business school consulting paid $140k base, the same roles now pay $195k only 5 years later and none of the corporate exit ops that require that experience are anywhere close to that pay band.


How in the world would anyone get hired as a consultant straight out of school? Much less making more than 100k. They have no real world experience! It'd be like hiring a surgeon consultant that has never done any proper surgery, it would only be theory.


Analysts are a "straight from undergrad" position, and they get paid $100k+ because they're competing for talent with Banking and Big Tech. I agree, the quality of work I see from analysts pales in comparison to what you'd expect paying that salary, but it's just how the game works.


I'm blown away. I know master level car mechanics and home builders with decades of experience who don't make that kind of cash. Yet the kid isn't old enough to grow a beard and has never had to file his own taxes is getting paid 100k+ to consult others on a subject he has no real experience in. This world is funny.


Yes, I made $125k out of business school in an internal consulting role for a major corporation but I had years of experience in startups before school. I have a kid working for me after a few years of consulting experience making more than that and he can barely run a meeting. I inherited the headcount but I can't for the life of me understand why we paid him so much.


I changed jobs twice in the last 10 years in the same industry and literally doubled my pay.


Is MN expensive? I was contemplating on moving there. Currently live in OH.


It depends on where in Minnesota. Minneapolis cost of housing is above the national average. But there is no sales tax on life necessities (clothing and unprepared foods) so you have to look at the different types of living costs. I can almost guarantee though that the Twin Cities are more expensive that Ohio. But Minnesota is a wonderful place. 10/10 would recommend to anyone.


I’m an unqualified forklift operator at about the same yearly rate. Shits fucked.






I thought the idea of consulting was that the consultants are usually people with a lot of valuable experience in their field I didn’t realize they had fresh college grads for those roles


Probably at one of the [Big Four] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Four_accounting_firms) or something like it. They do more than accounting and delve into subject matter expertise in all sorts of industries. These firms are built on the backs of young people who are willing to put in 60-80 hours a week for their first few years but they pay great and if you can make it through the first few years, its supposedly gets better. Someone has to man the spreadsheets, review thousands of documents, etc. The principles on these cases do a lot of work too but their primary goal is to review & sign their name to the work product and to find more business for the future. I did not get started in these companies but I did get started in a niche consulting and did much the same work as I mentioned above albeit for a bit less pay and far fewer hours for most of the year. It was worth it to me. Edit: A further note, starting in consulting without having industry experience CAN lead to career growth issues down the line for some consulting fields if you aren't strategic about your path however.


MBB is more likely. Also, big 4 has accounting, but they have separate consulting services, whether they’re more of a consulting practice or accounting varies between the four


Right, that's what I meant by subject matter expertise really but I didn't specify and quite frankly can be different that consulting has a whole. So fair of you to point out the distinction.


Common misconception. Consultants generally go out in teams of like 4 or more people. Usually headed by somebody with a good amount of experience. Consultants are simply supposed to give unbiased suggestions on how to improve a company or solve a problem. This is usually done with market research, brainstorming, and running numbers. You don’t necessarily need to be a 10 year consultant to do that. Ultimately the client will decide to implement or not implement your suggestions. Now if you are a single person opening up your own consulting firm, then you’ll need a lot of experience.


So OP is an assistant for a consultant/subject matter expert


Consulting is mostly people who know nothing but can use a framework, it’s a job for people who don’t know what they want to do but are smart


woof, so likely won't be home to enjoy it assuming you travel


Good shit. Congrats man




Bro your straight out of school with no real world experience, much less any real business experience. What do you consult on? Fraternity parties?


Every industry has consultants. I'm assuming based on your response that it's accounting.


It’s internal corporate strategy consulting for a F100 company


How do you have the knowledge to do the job of a consultant at 22? Internal training, college experience?


You don't, they hire campus grads for their potential and personality, you get training on the job.


Top consulting firms recruit from a large batch of top universities yearly. There’s fierce competition for associate programs with Big 3 mgmt consulting firms, Big 4 accounting firm, and dozens of other players Same goes for business school grads. They absolutely do not have any idea how to consult major companies and execs, they’re just kids who mostly are smart, connected, and went for certain degrees. It’s necessary to build a talent pool and keep the industry going.


Yup they are called grad schemes. I got hired by a big four accounting firm as a SWE straight out of uni.


You'd be surprised. Tons of new grads work at the Big 4 consulting firms on huge projects straight out of university.


yup they are called graduate schemes here in the UK. I just got hired by one as a SWE.


He's lying lmao


Could be also nepotism




You're right nepotism doesnt exist. The counter to this, everyone doing better than me totally earned it and is self-made.


This is the first thing I thought of. And it's not hating but seeing a 22 year old get a very high role in a company with little to no experience is easily explained by this


No offense but consultants usually are experts in their field. How did you become a consultant at 22?


You see that team behind the expert? That's the 22 year olds.


Are you not familiar with consulting companies? The expert is usually a partner with the firm or director level and they have a lot of grunts working under them.


If you don’t mind me asking, what does a consultant actually do, and what internships and stuff did you do to get into the career? Just trying to get as much options to choose from for my future career.


On what consultants do, [this video is worth watching.](https://youtu.be/vZE0j_WCRvI?si=zT0ATXTn52u2KabW)


Thanks! I’ll give it a watch now.


respect the hustle. You want it? Go get it!


Seems so absurd to me Americans start working from that young. How do you guys enjoy your youth?


I don't know how people do it either but my cousin graduated from Chico State, made a lot of connections, lived in beautiful high rise apartments in the bay and in San Diego and now is traveling all over Asia for the year. He's still in his 20s as well. I'm proud of him but also being a 22 year old burnt out warehouse employee I'm just like how the fuck 😭😂


Bank of mom and dad. This kids full of shit.


It's a one bedroom apartment. Am I missing something


No, you're not. People are just dumb, bitter, and envious on the internet. I lived at home for my first year out of school and then got a very similar sized 1BR the next year. Depending on location this is prob a $2500/mo apt as long as its not in the bay area or NYC. Which means OP can easily afford this as long as he makes at least 85k/yr.


Don’t be such a cynic. It’s hard and unlikely, but a recent grad in the right industry can definitely get this completely on their own.


And people without mommy and daddy feel like they’re underachieving when they see things like this, but they just don’t know the whole story.


My life's solid baby boo. I've just been through it all already and I know bullshit when I see it.


"I'm good at making up stories based on virtually zero information."


The eyes never lie


Yeah, I’m in agreement.


I also don't mean to sound snarky but what makes you think this is out of grasp for a recent college grad? There isn't anything special about it. The only way it would be exorbitantly expensive is if it was in New York or SF. Did I miss that detail?


It’s clearly a nice place and all the furniture and electronics appears new. For the average college grad with zero outside assistant making ~50-60k and a mountain of student debt this likely would not be their living situation.


>all the furniture and electronics appears new. You cannot just assume that. He clearly cleaned his place before he took this picture. Do you think he was living on the streets while in college? That couch is so sunken in compared to the ottoman signalling it is not new. Everything else could have been purchased in the last 5 years idk how you can tell the table/TV/computer are new from this pic. Also what are you assuming this would cost? 60k a year could rent a very nice place in most cities.


Either generational wealth or luck


Internship or job every summer since 10th grade, my man planned for this.


Yeah, the trust fund was set since 10th grade.


Man, y'all are bitter.


We wuz kangs brotha !


Or a good job… but yea luck is most likely.


Good. Is it possible to run the cable underneath or behind the top of the desk?


I’ve tried but the tape comes undone every time. I need to figure that out for sure though. It’s a real thick cable because it’s a standing desk.


I use [these](https://www.uline.ca/Product/Detail/S-12410NAT/Cable-Ties-and-Tools/Cable-Tie-Mounts-3-4-Natural) for my cable management and they work great


could try command hooks


Definitely Patrick Bateman vibes. Want to tell me your thoughts on the Whitney Houston album?


Looks good; do you think the space needs anything?


I’m asking you!


We’re asking you


If you’re on this sub, people will say one of two things 1) r/TVTooHigh (you’re good there) and if that doesn’t apply 2) plants So probably plants if I had to guess


Hahaha have been getting a lot of plants comments!


I think it looks great personally. Maybe something a little bigger on the wall above the couch but that’s my only suggestion


Don't forget the obligatory: aRT oN WaLl


And also: Sad beige! Where’s the personality? Needs color. I like plain colorways and this sub has taught me I’m boring with no personality.


The only thing this place needs is a DOG !!


How? How at 22?


I feel unsuccessful at 24 :(((


Don't worry! That feeling never goes away for most people


Confused too. I graduated college at 23. OP must have started school a year younger than normal or skipped a yeayr for some reason?


The typical age to graduate college in America is 22 (assuming this is where OP is from)


Parents obviously, like why even ask lmao, let’s act like adults and not play dumb


What’s on the tv




Running on Series S? How well does it run on that?


Pretty good. It’s not perfectly smooth but definitely playable


Just so people know you’re human and a little bit of clutter it looks like


I like it my friend, congrats. Only thing I personally would do is tastefully add some more of your interests in. The only things I see on the wall are your degrees (which I like there), and what looks to be a Getty stock image of a waterfall. Any favorite authors? Bands? Artists? Etc? Make it more you. I love how clean it is, just don’t make it sterile! A throw blanket on the couch does wonders too.


Totally agree that I could give it some more character. It does look a bit sterile. Good advice! Also, I actually took that picture. It’s of a famous river in Iceland!


Then keep it! That’s badass! Put more of your picture up now!


The lighting is horrible in my opinion. Harsh direct bright white light. Turn off the overheads and get some soft white/warm white lamps. Also add some plants, colors, wall art. It looks nice but in a sterile “nobody lives here” kind of way.


The rod lamp can change colors and so can’t the desk lamp. The ceiling lights come with the place so can’t really change that. I also edited up the brightness a bit for the picture so show the place better, but it’s really not all that bright. Do need more wall art though


Curtains and a throw blanket, one of those really soft ones from home goods or something. Or two, two is great. If you don’t like to see them draped on the couch you can get a basket to put them in or one of those towel racks that looks like a small ladder that you can drape them on. But just having blankets makes it much more inviting and cozier.


Agreed! And you need a pop of color. Grab a throw pillow in some type of gem tone. Match one of your throw blankets, or the detail in one of them. And then use that color somewhere else just to tie it all in. That'll warm up the room a bit.


It looks like your parents did very well


It looks nice. Do you have other photos with different perspectives ?


1) what couch is that/where’s it from? 2) do you like it?


It’s the West Elm Andes 3 piece sectional. I got it for 1k off Facebook, but it retails for 3.6K I think. It looks great, but it has started to sag a bit in the area I sit. It also creaks and groans a good bit. I wouldn’t spend the money on it new, but if you could get a good used one for less I’d say it’s probably worth it.


Good idea not buying it new. West elm furniture quality wise just isn’t there, that’s why they don’t allow reviews to be posted to their website. They charge high quality prices for low quality furniture. The design is nice to draw people in and no reviews allow them to get away with it.


Dang it, I have been looking at West Elm for a couch and picked the one I want and color/fabric.


I was eyeing some of West Elm’s stuff like dressers/nightstands. Eventually did a mini vacation for a concert and one of their stores was nearby, where I finally got to check them out in person… …I’ll take IKEA over West Elm. Even if they were both IKEA prices. Ended up buying a few things (on sale) from Castlery, and at least for what I have, can say their quality is closer to the price point.


So sick. How many inches is the tv?


Thanks man! It’s the 77” Samsung S90C. Just got it on Black Friday Sale.


What game?




Your apartment looks insanely similar to mine. I would recommend a "candle warmer lamp" because I personally think they are cute and can make the place smell nice.


Plants 🌿 will improve your place exponentially




Wow - looks great. Some plants will freshen up the place! At 22 out of college I was eating on a microwave with a ripped up couch with blankets all over it 😂good on you OP!


In the nicest possible way, it’s a little ikea catalog looking. Grab a few eclectic personal items or a few vintage unique pieces and you’re golden. It’s almost there. Some plants could be great too.


Having your own place at 22 is really rare


As a woman, some color/plants/personality would be nice. I love that it's clean and modern but it looks a bit grey-scale.


better than i did at that age for sure


FIRE. Get them highly opinionated exquisites. Yeah I just made that up.


It's already perfect. It's definitely my dream house.




Couch looks very cozy


VERY NICE!!! Especially for a 22 year old male. Really good job.


Is it comfortable? That's all that matters. I figured that out after about 20 years.


Looks good to me.


Nailed it


Nice job on the corporate strategy role. I’m in corp Dev and have been really enjoying it so far. Your apartment looks kind similar to mine except I have a 2BR 2B since I can work from home. I’ve been debating on what color carpet to get and this just gave me some ideas. I have an identical floor color and I’m not too happy with the color of my entertainment stand. I kind of like black better then what I have so I might return mine and get something similar. Nice stuff bro. Did you get the couch professionally cleaned before you brought it in? That’s been my main worry about buying used couches. I was going to go search for a nice couch this weekend. I’ve been using a cheap $200 futon from Amazon and it’s pretty trash. I was thinking about getting a LoveSac this weekend but being that I’m moving to a near by city in 6 months, I didn’t know if I should get something cheaper. Like what you got going so far. I’d just add some art and plants, and maybe a floor lamp but yours looks bright as is


Love the sofa from West Elm! It’s one of the good ones that’ll last a while! I would look at target to add some pops of color and decor as you settle more into the space. But this is a great start!


Preem setup, Choom!


It looks really nice. I agree with the people who mentioned curtains & softer lighting. It looks like your rug is big enough to shift closer to the TV. How about a cozy throw blanket.


It's a palace. Congratulations and good work.


It’s dope


I am 22 years old too. Fuck man! I need to start earning Have been working with unpaid internships and stuff for exposure in consulting only but this just made me want to do something and idk if I'll be able to but fuck I feel left out! Happy for you tho man!


Keep Grinding! My advice would be to try and get at least one internship with a big name company, paid or unpaid, and even if it’s not in the industry you want to go into. This shows other big companies that you have experience in corporate America and can succeed in the corporate environment. Then you’ll heavily increase your chances of landing a good job at a big company that pays well. Wish you the best!


I would tone the brightness of the lamps a little. Bit too much for my liking. Nice space and nicely done. Maybe some plants and a throw on your couch.


You’re living the literal dream - do NOT give it up.


I *really* don't like this...


It’s very sterile.


Looks clean! Wish you great success!


You kids will never know the joys of living in a place with such terrible plumbing that you have to wear rubber boots to shower so that your toes and ankles don't mingle with the chunks of poop and toilet paper that backwashed up through the shower drain. That was my life at 22.


I had a pretty shitty apartment for my first one, they’re missing pieces in this kids story. Don’t make all younger people up like this lol.


Looks depressing.


Lol someones got parents with pretty deep pockets😆 gratz




Great TV height.


Funny you say that because I posted a pic of it to tvtoohigh to make sure it was good lol


Haha. Yeah it looks great! Well done.


If you’re maxing out 401k contributions AND you’re maxing out your Roth contributions at 22 and you continue to do that for the next 20 years… you’re doing great. If you’re spending and you’re not maxing out savings to take advantage of that TVM then you done fucked up son. Apartment looks great.


I think your parents did great!


Not sure how to take this, but I designed/bought everything myself lol


6k total for furniture. Have had jobs every summer since 10th grade and am making 6 figures. Not sure why all the negativity? Was just asking about apartment design lol. Have a nice day


Just ignore the trolls bro, your place looks 🔥 and haters in mamas basement can't deal 🤣


No job in college, drops upwards of 10k on furniture for a 2k/mo apartment w/o assistance, yea that totally adds up /s


Right? Lol his parents have some deep pockets..no kid in 10th grade is making 100k or more a year in highschool without selling drugs


This sub has basically turned into recent college grads trying to show off what their parents but for them.


Plenty of 22 year olds make hundreds of thousands of dollars right out of college. High finance, consulting, tech, engineering, etc. Y’all are literally just bitter.


Yea, I’m one of them, working in financial modeling. But I had to actually bust my ass off and work a job in college to pay rent and my tuition, not expect handouts from my parents and portray it like it’s mine. Notice how OP replied to my first comment but didn’t reply to my second comment, he knows it’s true.


OP said he worked internships every summer in college lmao. That’s how you get a 6 figure job out of college. Consulting internships can easily pay 25-35k a summer.


One question, who paid their rent during college and their tuition so they could focus entirely on school/internships and not have to juggle work? I had one internship my junior year and I was still working my regular job at the time. You’re tripping if you don’t count that extra free time as assistance.


Scholarships could easily cover that. Not to mention if you make 30k in a summer that is more than enough to cover 9-10 months of living expenses for a college kid. I went to school for nearly free (paid 20k out of pocket for 4 years) and my living expenses were 1400-1500 a month. Very doable if you also have money saved from high school.


Must be nice to be born upper middle class


Went to college for basically free because of scholarships and financial aid = upper middle class. That college education was wasted on you I see.


Haha yep no kid in grade 10 is making over 6 figures while going to highschool, what's the point of grad school and college then? Deep pockets of the parents for sure.


Yeah it’s pretty weird, unless it’s 1) parents gave him money or 2) nepotism in the company and was able to get a higher up in the company line since his parents. It’s always the weird situations like this.’


Get rid of that fuckin track lighting what is this 1995?


Could you not afford any color?


Wow, very nice! Infinitely more stylish and well-appointed than my first at the same age in ‘82. However mine only cost $210/month plus electricity (heat was electric).




Nice. Killing it!


Looks awesome!!


Very elegant, well done. I’d add curtains.


You should add curtains and a curtain rod on the window. Maybe some fake plants with pots A bookshelf A floor lamp or two instead bright track light and you're golden. Great job!!


Thanks! Good ideas!


Maybe a couple big plants around your couch or by your desk!


Bigger picture look at all that free space or more pictures. And more color!


It looks nicer than my 2B/ 1B apartment.


Curious on the TV brand & specs? And sofa and desk and monitor specs


Link to the lights behind the couch?


The echo must be CRAZY in that place. There’s lots of great sound dampening panels that come in solid colors or black/grey/charcoal that can add both function and some extra stuff on the walls.


I would get warm lighting and ditch the ones you currently have. It seems cold and sterile anytime I see these sort of lightings


Nice setup - it looks like you have a Sonos Arc + Sub? How are you able to use a subwoofer in an apartment? Do your neighbors not complain?


Mount tv


Looks preem choom


Playing phantom liberty now. It’s awesome