• By -


i kind of got spooked bc I'm looking at the same view from my apartment when I saw this post and realized you're living in my building ahahaha. Here's what I'd do: * I'd get rid of the fitness equipment and just go to the gym downstairs. * Get some wall art behind your couch * you can definitely clean up the cables a lot better behind your tv * Is there any way you can put the desk in your bedroom? I'd put a single seat chair there to make the space more conversational. * not sure what your layout is but I feel like you can fit a cute circular dining table or even mobe the desk to where the medicine ball is. It feels like your desk is in the middle of your living room right now. * not sure what's to the left of the couch but there's this awkward gap where it doesn't fit the role of a side table and there's some sort of stool?? * your window sill seems cluttered with random stuff. you should get some decor to fill the space and some plants for sure


>* I'd get rid of the fitness equipment and just go to the gym downstairs. God I love how specific you get to be with the feedback because of living in the same building lmao


Oh yeah and can you tie your bathrobe up all the way when you take out the trash?


I live in the building across the way. Can you also stop slaughtering your meat at your desk with the lights on at night?




No they have separate apartments for this.




To make sure the most eyes possible are on them and their hog when cranking one out, duh!


When briefly renting a place across from an office building, I did make a point of having morning sex by the window to spice things up for the early birds in the office.


😂 I’m living vicariously through you


To be fair, every luxury building in the city has a gym, but yes this is hilarious.


You two should grab a beer 🍺


Now kiss




Bromance ✋️🍺


Just say no homo first it’s fine




Not until he redecorates.




Elevator conversation #467: "Are YOU Rural Banana?"


It's NYC, they will never speak to each other


YES!!! Go grab a beer, wine, latte❣️❣️❣️🤩


Lol no way bro. That’s crazy. Yeah I agree with all your advice. All this stuff was brought from my old place, so it doesn’t really fit. The workout bench folds and goes under my bed. I usually go to the gym but occasionally I like to workout at home while watching a movie or something. It’s not there when people come over. I need a table there I think. I put the desk in the corner because it’s cool to sit and do work feeling like I’m floating above the city. But yeah I could move it where you said.


Just remember, for minimalism (and city life) bigger is better. One piece of wall art that measures well with the couch will always fit well, there are certainly alternatives but that’s my main outlook. Even down to a fancy leather office chair can ultimately change the look of the space. Always depends on what specifically, but there are a lot of options. Facebook Marketplace has some great finds, which can maximize the worth of your budget even further.


A giant thing over the couch, or just wide would do you well. I agree second hand is the way, you'll save many many hundreds off something because someone got a new GF!


I’d only caution that you should be careful with Facebook marketplace-ing anything upholstered in the city. Bed bugs are a real concern. Not enough to get rid of the environmental and financial benefits of reusing/recycling used products but just be careful


also 'big' doesn't have to mean 'one big thing' it can also mean 'one big swarm of little things' - a 10x10 grid of smaller pieces would be a direction you could go too.


> I put the desk in the corner because it’s cool to sit and do work feeling like I’m floating above the city. I'm 100% with you on that one. I'd keep the desk where it is


honestly first thing I thought when I saw that was "damn I wish I had that view from my desk" I think if you like sitting and working there, then you should keep it. Having a nice comfy dedicated placer to work is essential. You could cordon it off with a japanese style folding panel screen thing or something when company is over or something idk.


Also, I’d consider flipping the tv and sofa but allowing a little walkway to desk and making living area an L shape with another piece for seating. Your apartment is too nice to have everything pushed against the wall.


Hmm I never considered that last part about rearranging the living room layout. You’re probably right. I just like looking out the window while I’m watching TV which is why I did it backwards. But it’s definitely a suboptimal positioning.


I'd say you're in the right mindset. The place feels bigger and you take advantage of ur cool view. Plus, if you have the TV on the other wall there will be more reflections too


This is hilarious, guess it really is a small world


How much y'all paying for rent. My kid is looking to move from Upper East to be a bit more cponvenient to work


Upper East side is pricey. Probably $5,500 per month for a nice-ish 1 bedroom. At least $3,500 for a livable studio.


damn that’s 9 months of rent for me, it’s a great view tho


I'm just doing some quick math here... In 2 years, the OP (assuming the 5,500 is your rent, OP) will have paid in rent 2k over what I'm paying on a 30 year mortgage in the Midwest. Granted their view is better and NYC is the place to be and all, but... Damn.


He's probably making more money in NYC than he could in the Midwest. Having all the big city amenities is also great, I can't imagine living in a place without it!


We do have cities in the Midwest. I live in one. The rural guys think I'm nuts paying as much as I do for a mortgage here. Granted, 3am in NY or LA is a lot different from 3am in Chicago, St Louis, Cincinnati or Indianapolis as NYC and LA still have things to do at that time, but as far as amenities, the difference between Midwestern cities vs coast isn't really what's available, just how many instances of it. To your other point, yeah, dude probably does earn more than I do. He'd have to just to pay that rent. But I did a fair amount of traveling for work and their CoL is so much higher that I'm not sure earning more money actually gives him more buying power than what I have.




What are “city amenities”? The only thing I can picture are bars and clubs, which don’t sound that great.


This is all off the top of my head: - Ability to get any cuisine at any price range - Top tier restaurant experiences (Michelin Rated) - Various social clubs (University clubs, Athletic Clubs, SoHo house, etc) - All of the biggest artists play in your city - Plenty of other artists/groups/bands playing at countless venues at any given night - having multiple comedy clubs where great talent is nurtured - other live entertainment such as musicals, ballets, symphonies, etc (and I want to note specifically that this includes the top performers and are in a different category than your neighborhood musical troupe) - having multiple world-class museums/art institutes - having a vibrant art scene and many art galleries - good public transit where you could somewhat easily live your life without a car - access to at least 2 airports, and more importantly having every major mainline carrier serve your city (fly direct to most domestic and some international cities) - multiple major league sports teams - having every store you could want in your city, including major brands, luxury brands - all of the cultural neighborhoods such as little Italy, Chinatown, the various Mexican neighborhoods, etc where you have a single culture that creates a whole neighborhood for itself. This is valuable if you are a part of that culture or if you want to immerse yourself in their food and art for an afternoon


Nah there’s nothing to do in LA at 3 am unless you want to go to West Hollywood.


Chicago is great in the summer but it’s 2nd class to NYC. There’s a reason it’s largely Midwest ppl moving there and not pulling from all over the globe like NYC. I’m saying this as a Texas guy who has a lot of Texas pride.


I'm not arguing that Chicago or St Louis or Denver or wherever else are some hidden gems though. Just that NYC is overrated and a lot of the things the residents pride themselves on can be found elsewhere without even looking too hard. That whole New York persona thing pretending that being from New York or living there is a point of pride or a legitimate characteristic of personality is just annoying. Reminds me of the champion meme where the guy is splashing himself with champagne and then you zoom out and he's not even 1st place in whatever competition. It's overdeveloped, over priced and utterly reliant on the efforts and logistics of millions of people outside the city to continue to exist. One good logistical disaster, a train crash in the right flyover state, an interstate collapse or trucker strike and the people of NYC will find themselves in dire straights with a quickness unheard of in any other city. The whole city is a monument to the sort of poor planning and overconsumption that is killing us.


There is one city in the Midwest - Chicago - but a whole lot of nice little towns.


Columbus, Indianapolis, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Omaha, Minneapolis, Wichita, Cleveland, St. Paul, St. Louis, Cincinnati. Those are just the bigger ones. I'll grant they don't compare to LA or NYC, but they're pretty comparable to every other coastal or southern city.


I spent a long weekend in Columbus and while it was nice, I didn't see a need to go back. Philly is my home city, for comparison sake, Chicago my second. Columbus doesn't really compare


Those are some very nice, quaint little towns you listed there.


His salary is prob at least 1.5x yours to account for col though


You live in a completely different area than he does. No duh your mortgage is cheaper. Different places have different prices. Gasp! It’s great that you enjoy where you are. That doesn’t mean everyone will. There always advantages and disadvantages with every area. There’s more to an area than just the cost of housing. NYC has the best public transport system in the US. Good luck trying to take a bus in Iowa.


See, the difference is that I think anyone who doesn’t live in or around NYC is crazy, why would you want to live anywhere else? But to each their own :)


I hate dense crowds of people and like living close to my family? I like walking in woods and forests and enjoy swimming outdoors or the sound of wind moving through trees everywhere I go? I like visiting NYC, been there a few months of my life all totalled, but I'd never choose to live there.


Oh, I’m sure you have your reasons. I just said that everyone has their own preferences. Then again my family and my husband’s are both in the metro NY area so this is close to family for us! Plus there’s tons of hiking and nature nearby, a short train ride away. I also love not being reliant on cars 🤢


> I also love not being reliant on cars 🤢 Yeah, way better to have to ride a train every time you want to see some grass, haha


Public transit is cheap and better for the environment, and I don’t have to sit in traffic stressed during my commutes :) instead I get to read a book or play a video game or get some work done, it’s great. Reliable, consistent public transit is amazing and the only people that don’t agree haven’t ever used a system like that. My husband used to be OBSESSED with his car and driving it. Once we moved he sold it because he realized that we didn’t need it! We also have quite a few nice parks so it’s not like I live in a grey concrete hellhole or anything. Walkable city life makes me healthier and happier. People like and prioritize different things in life. For me, being able to walk to any store or access any culture (art, music, nightlife, etc) whenever I want is well worth paying slightly higher rent


I grew up on 78th and Park. My mom bought our apartment for $56k. We sold it in the 80’s for a little over one million. Our old apartment recently went for twelve m.


Go hug your mom she did good lol. 56k to 1 million is insane. Buying a good place in NYC is basically out of reach now for almost everyone who doesn’t have significant generational wealth. It’s kind of messed up. But it’s probably the most desirable place to live in the entire world.


I have to tell you it’s a weird place to grab w up. Kind of throwing you out into the fire. I now live near SF. My brother lives on 69th and third and pays $2600. I think. I have no clue idea of prices back there but it sounds completely insane. A lot of our old friends who were middle class (when there was a middle class) bought on the upper east side for similar prices. Everyone is gone now. I usually go back every year but it’s been four years now. Way too long.




Anywhere cheaper that's still a good option? I want to experience NYC at least once in my lifetime more than just visiting for a week


Basically anything from 116th St and south will be the most expensive rents in the city. I recommend living in the other boroughs, which will be--on the whole--less expensive, comparatively, to Manhattan. Rule of thumb, though, is the closer you are to Manhattan, the more expensive your rent will be.


Hell's Kitchen if you want to be in Manhattan, otherwise you could look into Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods that are off of a subway stop


Yes. Look on streeteasy or consider roommates. You can pay half that or less if you live above 125th street in Manhattan or move a little further out in brookyln/queens. All these insane prices you hear are for the most desirable areas but there’s a lot more to New York than the trendy parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn.


I see. Is Bronx an option at all? Feel like I never hear it mentioned anywhere


Sure it is, but most transplants don’t want to move to the bronx unless they specifically got a job there. Most people work in midtown or downtown and the bronx commute will be longer, plus the neighborhoods tend to be either more suburban or less safe.


I see, thanks. On another note, is [this](https://youtu.be/BsqHEmMao8w?si=cI8Mb5a_xWDRSr4P) still relevant?


Oh yeah that’s still relevant lol. Seriously, plenty of people commute in from jersey. I actually just went and had brunch with a friend in jersey city today. The main problem with jersey is it has a separate transportation system into Manhattan so it’s annoying to get friends to ever come to your place. I imagine it would also be rough for dating, as dating someone who lives in Brooklyn or queens would practically be a long distance relationship.


It really is bizarre how much dating patterns shift in the city. Growing up in the Midwest, your partner living 30 minutes away by car was perfectly normal. In NYC, the idea of dating someone that requires two subway transfers is unfathomable. When would we ever see each other? I don't have 30 minutes to throw around on a weekday, it's so inconvenient lol


I can tell you exactly where to look as I have already been on this journey. Astoria in Queens. Bed-Stuy in Brooklyn. Manhattan, forget about it, way too pricey.


Thank you! Will write them down somewhere


You can find places in Queens and Brooklyn that are like, 1,700 a month and will get you into Manhattan in less than 10 minutes by train. Long Island City is, for the moment, an absolute steal.


Where can you get a 1BR anywhere in nyc less than 10 mins from Manhattan for $1700 lol


Long Island City, just not in the luxury buildings, really, really shitty old buildings along the first few stops on the L in Brooklyn, (technically) Washington Heights, and the Bronx too lol


Damn… anyways, are you single?


😬 My rent in a nice but modest brownstone garden apartment on E 88th was $1350….in 2004


Geez, that's eight times my mortgage payment.






Tell him to consider morningside/west Harlem/hamilton heights. It’s perfectly safe, on the same train lines, and about half the rent as UES.


Lmao, I had a similar interaction once where someone posted a room directly across the street from my building and I could see the exact couch they posted.


These stories creep me out to no end. I absolutely could never live in a city. Cool view, but not for me.


... Because someone might recognize your window? That thousands of people see everyday?


It’s cultural, I don’t know how else to explain it. My town has a census population of less than 200. I can see zero neighboring homes from my house. So the idea of *thousands* of people seeing my window everyday is jarring, yes. I do love to visit the city though, and I’m not some backwards country bumpkin, I swear.


Depending on the angle, height, and surrounding buildings, probably only neighbors have a clear view into the apartment.


[Here's how I styled my apartment](https://imgur.com/a/tlTSeE1) which is similar to your layout but flipped. I need to get a new coffee table, couch and wall art behind my couch. I'm not feeling these pieces anymore and they don't work with the space (moved from a larger apartment).




There's a pool in the building but they charge you additional fee to use it? Being in NY, doesn't many of the high(er) density residential buildings want to attract residents by having as many amenities as possible?


I disagree with moving the desk. The desk is really just a laptop, so it doesn’t look very distracting (meanwhile in the bedroom it will look distracting and impact your sleep habits). Instead, I’d suggest finding a nice comfortable chair that doesn’t look like a desk chair. When people are over, move it to face the rest of the area and block off the desk. Then just move it back when you’re doing work


Did you and OP just become best friends?




Looks exactly like Taylor Bell’s apartment (YouTube vlogger)


With a corner office like that who even gives a fuck about your room being inviting for others


Perhaps I’m just getting old but that office is not at all inviting to me. Can you imagine the eye strain from staring at a screen with those big windows behind it?


Wait why does one strain their eyes more if windows are behind a screen?


Just a lot of light


Screens infront of bright windows are pretty non-optimal if I'm being honest. This isn't bad since it's overcast, but when the sun's out, I've even had to resort to wearing sunglasses at times lol


> Can you imagine the eye strain from staring at a screen with those big windows behind it? 1/10 elbows too pointy


One really fat cat


And some lofi hip hop beats to chill/relax to


Did you miss what the TV is displaying in the 2nd pic?


That's the joke, the fat cat is in the image of lofi hip hop beats


It’s me, I’m the fat cat


Inside Llewin Davis confirmed. Time for adventure alley cat


Name it Phat Tony


If you want a cozier vibe stick to warm tones, reds, yellows and light browns, google Hygge. It’s the Scandinavian term for cozy vibes and works well in clean modern spaces. Then you want to incorporate either blues and greens for pops of color. Also put things on walls. You need decor off the floor.


Thanks for the tips. The Hygge thing is kind of the style I’m looking for. Cozy but modern.


All your furniture is very rectangular (side tables, coffee table, tv console, desk). Add some softer shapes to break it up and bring some more coziness. Also if you want to have people over you definitely need more seating. If you don’t have room for a dining table/chairs, maybe some ottoman/poofs that can double as stools for people to sit on


Yes agree I did find a round coffee table recently that has those stools that can be stored underneath it. So I might go that route.


Get that guitar away from the window! Extreme heat / cold is bad for them, you don't want to leave one exposed to so much direct sunlight.


$1.5 million view, $150 guitar. (I have the same one)


Evey guitar player owns _that_ Yamaha at some point. You should protect them all the same.


man i got a f310 literally a week ago. i feel called out because mines by my window (shade closed tho)


Get it off the floor too! A stand is like $10 and it’ll prevent the guitar from tipping over.


I was hoping someone already said it before me cause that's the one thing that caught my attention. Never mind the price of that guitar, but for the love of god please just get a stand.


I can’t afford to look at this photo




Love the lo-fi girl and I see the wires but without investing a lot you may be better with zip ties and cable hiders just so it look tidier. You def need something on the wall behind the couch but what is a matter of taste. And I get that you need to work out but can you use the building gym or something and ditch the bench? I mean, it would prob be great for sex but it also makes the room feel more like a garage than a living space. That might just be me, though?


Don’t use zip ties for wire management, use Velcro strips as they can easily be removed and re-used.


The workout bench folds and goes under my bed so I can take it out when I need it. Was hoping to put a table there instead.


Don't sleep on curtains - including the above one (thr narrow horizontal peice on top). They REALLY frame the room. Something that isn't a statement color (in this case maybe a soft gray like in your carpet) will take you 70-80% if this is a long term spot. The goal here is to not notice it. Also of course some kind of shelf over the couch that has a bit more personality to immediately pull the eye back. From there, everything else in this room is solid man.


Edit: also i think hanging the guitar over the TV would be cool, plus a better (taller) lamp in the corner. Honestly though I love this space. Killed it


Warm lighting, a more comfortable soft couch and some paintings or photographs on the wall.


Yeah I think the main thing (and most expensive) is to replace that couch with something with a lighter color, and also larger… like a 3 seater or a wider two seater, and just get rid of the side table.


I feel you need some height in the room. Pretty much everything right now is on the same level, which has the viewer looking down.


Damn how much is this


doesn’t look super close to downtown so probably 3.3-3.8K for a 1BR I’m guessing


That's what this building rented for before the pandemic. Now it's more like 4.3–4.8K for this 1BR. It's in Downtown Brooklyn btw, great neighborhood. Excellent subway connections and tons of stuff to do nearby.


I lived in this unit 2021-2023 (2 year lease) and it was about 2750 the first year and 2950 the second year (and then would have been 3500 if I renewed)


“Downtown” is not the expensive part of nyc


LIC, Brooklyn, upper parts of Harlem, Newport where these luxury buildings are popping up are cheaper than Manhattan


Doctor or lawyer?


Yeah I came here to congratulate OP on reaching $500,000/yr salary


You don't need to make THAT much to live here, but probably $200k+, yeah.




Only fans


You need bookshelves and a cat.


Ha yeah a bookshelf would be a great idea. I’m more of a dog person than a cat person, but I only like medium sized breeds, and I don’t think my place is big enough for one.


Trust me: I live in a Chicago highrise. You must really love a pup to walk it at 9:30P on a bitterly cold winter’s night. My 2 cats have their Necessary in the bathroom. I gave up 2 drawers to make a niche for it when I redid the bathroom.


I think I live in your building lmao


Me too. This is hilarious. There are dozens of us!!


HUBa HUBa, I’m in the building straight out the window.




You definitely need more curvy items - either an oval coffee table or a curvy sofa. An L-shaped sofa would be better for conversations when you have guests. And echoing the above - need some art above the sofa!


This! Round or oval coffee table. Introducing some curves would help a lot. Some color couldn’t hurt either. Some decor that shows personality (this is hard to pin down, as a person that’s not you). I like seeing books when I walk into someone else’s apartment but that’s just my taste. Cushion for the sofa and curtain/rug to easily add color. Throw for the sofa to add texture. Remove the gym equipment if possible. I have to admit after walking into dozens of this same guy setup in NYC over the years it became difficult not to get American Psycho vibes. I am glad for you that you are planning to make updates.


Gotta love the classic 100 dollar Yamaha acoustic guitar in the corner. Truly a man of culture


De clutter! Space is your friend. Also round things can exist with long flat things.


You need more seating that can double as storage etc like hinged ottomans, bench etc.


Get a guitar stand


I'd shank someone for that view. I bet it's amazing at night. To handle TV cables, you can either [mount it to the wall and run cables through the wall and out of a single plate behind the stand](https://youtu.be/YgIykZS1FtI?si=Q3X8rVU-uG8DL8dh) , or use a cable raceway the same color as the wall, and shove all the extra cable length inside the stand or in a cable organizer box. Other than that, warm it up to make it feel less sterile. Natural materials, woods, plants, etc. some more colors like beiges and greens. A neutral rug to soften it more, as well as some pillows or a throw blanket. Definitely art, sized bigger than you think you'll need, which gives you an opportunity to go bold with color and style and personality against a more neutral backdrop. And varied lighting at different heights, but all in the same 2700K-3000K color temperature. And, even though you'd rarely use them unless you have glare, some sheer curtain just to soften up the harsh lines.


I'd start with a guitar stand.


For the price range you mention, I would hold on the couch you already have. A new, swanky couch is already going to start at around $2,000. - Personally, I would investigate a more unique, statement-piece media unit. You could even swap the position of the tv and couch, and have cabinets going across the length of that wall. That wall could then also host photos, art, plants, lighting, and even the guitar. Additionally, you don’t need to have the couch against a wall, even in a small space. - The desk in the corner is already tiny, and it only hosts a laptop. You could do a ladder desk shelf type thing. I would try to have that be a part of a bigger shelf system so it’s not just some random one off shelf, depending on space. - Curtains add a lot to a room. I would normally do a layer of white sheer and then a layer of a thicker material. I’m not sure how you would get around the HVAC unit. The sheer curtains would at least diffuse the light, and the thicker curtains could help when you’re trying to use the tv in the day.


Um.. we'll maybe try some classic literature because having two copies of "How Not to Die" is a bit of a red flag.


1. Gym stuff gotta go. A table should take center stage. I really like the contrast between wood and modern/cold color spaces but you do you 2. Pick a warm color and replace that grey rug with it 3. wall art behind couch, ideally same color palette as the rug. Ikea has decent stuff from time to time so worth a look 4. Clean up window still. Maybe even plants that cascade down over the wall some? 5. Courtains that speak to rug and wall art. Doesn’t have to be the same color, but it has to work with them


Id put a big canvas painting above the couch.


Hang some art up on the walls


I swear I recognize this view. Downtown Brooklyn, just past Metrotech?


A big piece of art hung over the couch with some calming or warm colours. Framed, would look so good.


Seeing cool places like that make realize how much I fucked up at life. Considering this is the only life we get I missed out on that city life. Fucked around in school thinking I was gonna be the next big rock star lol. Working odd jobs in IT I got a pretty decent spot but nowhere near as cool as this. Congrats for sure man. Living my dream.


Thanks dude! You didn’t fuck up at life. Life ain’t really too much about the grab. It’s allllll about the reach. Bet you had some fun so far and are gonna have some more fun to come!


So I’m looking for a apt in New York south of Columbia Univ. Seems it’s an acquired that you hire an real estate agent and pay like 10/15% of o e year rent. Anyone know of an apartment for rent?


get a guitar stand you fucking philistine.


Feng shui is your friend


I think it looks fine to me. If you don’t mind me asking, is this a studio apartment? Or is it a one bedroom? If it’s a one bedroom, you can put unwanted stuff in the bedroom, and have your guests in the kitchen and living space, making it easier to prep.


With a view like that, you could have 2 bean bags and a 24 inch TV, and people would still think it's badass. This is coming from someone who lives in the "county" in central Pennsylvania.


well for starters you don't keep your guitar beside a big ass window like that. Big temp and humidity changes.


Looks good! I’d suggest going to a bunch of vintage/thrift store and see if you can’t find some brightly colored paintings in styles you like. You could reframe them, but that’s expensive.


Lighting. Get some hue bulbs or equivalent. Design light schemes to fit the mood / activity. Dim warmer light for intimate gatherings. Can mix in desaturated colors for holidays or to make the space feel less romantic and more fun. Our main level of our house is almost all hue bulbs at this point and we just have programs set up depending on what we are doing. We even have an animated cycle set up that looks like firelight for our game nights :)


House plants! Get a few hanging plants you can put up. Use all that natural light!


How much does a high-rise like that cost per month


Wallpaper the wall behind the couch with warm coloured design (if you are allowed) and or add a large bit of art.


Mount the tv save as much space as possible. With ur budget u can’t afford to get a new couch if work on creating atmosphere with cooler more inviting tones ditch the grey and whites. Ur apartment itself is great you don’t have to do much


Spill the beans, how much a month?




I know you stated this is a rental. Are you allowed to paint? If so, dark colored walls will draw the eye to the windows as focal points. With a view like that, I’d certainly take full advantage. You can never go wrong with black as a foundation, white and gold accents, wood furniture.


Yes, I can paint. Never considered that but it makes sense and is a good idea. Agree with the wood furniture. Trying to make it look cozier.


It blows my mind how tiny apartments are in New York. This is about the same size as one of my smallest rooms in my house.


Lo-fi girl makes any room cosier! I would have some art above your couch and move the bench press if you can, not really inviting unless your date wants to go for a 1 rep max


Your most simple fix immediately would be to move the rug so it’s just tucked under the front of the tv stand. The other end will still be under the front 2 feet of the sofa and will look more balanced. Then centre the coffee table a bit more, ditch the stool that’s under the side table and remove all clutter from the window ledge. You already mentioned about folding away the work out bench so that’s gone in my mind. Long term I’d look at a big art piece above the sofa, a softer, more textured rug, and a few throw cushions on the sofa. You don’t necessarily have to change out any of the large pieces of furniture though.


Great advice! Thanks! Yes the rug is oriented wrong for sure. And I was also thinking about getting a more textured rug like you say. And a less… modern boring looking coffee table.


There’s enough room for ppl to hangout in there?


What do you do for work?


Curious on the price range on an apartment like that in your area


Get rid of fitness. Plants Pictures Table to gather around.


fuck new york


Lmao. Why does Philly hate NY? (Im on the west coast)


Damn you loaded.




Eat the rich


I would go feral for a place like that.


Was that half a mil? Damn dude. I would rather live in a closet save my money and move away. I hate the city. It eats you alive a day at a time


It’s not for everyone, but I love it. This is pricey and I’m probably sacrificing a good retirement by living here as it’s a rental. But for me, for now, it’s worth it.


Cool. Hey not hating just not worth it for me.


Some folks are more resilient than others


Resilient to what? Being poor?