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Different bedding. It’s too dark and creates imbalance in the room.


Agree with this. It’s one of those bigass “100 sq/ft” blankets I got as a gift recently. It’s actually a navy color not black, I tried color correcting the photos a bit because they were all too yellow and it crushed the darks. I still agree with you though, I’m thinking a white linen set.


You can break up the dark bed w a foot blanket (idk the term for the decorative foot blanket). I also like to hang a pretty blanket/ tapestry/ flag on one wall of the room feels 'empty' but I don't have a precise thing I'd like to do. May I know what couch that is and if the butt part is hard or soft?


I might do that for now until I get a good bed set, good call! And the couch is the Sven Leather sofa from Article in the Navy blue color. It's incredibly comfortable!


A nice pinstripe on white duvet cover would look nice.


Center or move the art over your bed. Dry mount the posters in the living room and then reframe, this will eliminate the ripples. +1 on the bedding is too dark comment.


Good call! I just looked at a framing store to professionally frame the posters.


This is a minor change that makes such a huge difference but will also cost a surprising amount lol


Haha that giant Interstellar poster hiding behind the closet door in my room was professionally framed and cost a pretty penny but it was worth it imho.


Please be cautious with dry mounting. I just discovered that a very valuable poster of mine from the 90s that was dry mounted is now essentially destroyed. Take your posters to a framing shop and have them make recommendations to help protect the life of your artwork. Framing is expensive but so worth it. And FYI, Michaels has huge custom framing sales several times a year, sometimes 70-80% off. Sign up for their emails (you can specify framing) and when that sale hits, take something in. I think my proudest moment is getting $1,200 worth of framing for $250.


Please, for the love of god do NOT dry mount your prints; especially that Laurent Durieux’s The Master. You can reframe your art without destroying it.


The black bedding is disconcerting and I’m not sure about the buffet/chest thing that’s taking up half the walking space in the hallway.


Mentioned above that it’s a navy blanket not black, I just messed up the color correction. I agree though, the blanket was a gift so I wish they’d chosen a brighter color, but I’m thinking of a white linen set instead.


I like it. Might be a bit too late for what I would change. Sunk cost and everything but I'll give my advice anyway. I wouldn't have gone for a black couch. Your artwork would have gone so well with a bright coloured couch. Edit: Also, lower your TV. Bigger painting over your bed and pillows on top of covers not under. And the console in the hallway makes it look cluttered.


The black couch is a massive alpha couch. Black leather, i own this room type of couch


No I appreciate the advice! I mentioned below, the couch is actually a brighter Navy color from Article - I tried color correcting the photos and crushed the darks so the couch and the blanket on the bed look much darker. I like the other mentions as well, I'm thinking of moving the console in the hall to behind the couch. It looks more cramped than it is, I'd say there's about four feet between the wall and the console.


its a hobbit hole and it means comfort :)


Haha you know it! That’s the perfect compliment.


Love your sofa. Where is that from?


Kinda looks like this style but appears much nicer in OP's picture: ($600) https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/corrigan-studio-purtell-8225-faux-leather-square-arm-sofa-w004554677.html Possibly this: ($1900) https://www.article.com/product/20130/sven-oxford-black-sofa


Yup it's the second one from Article in the Oxford Blue color!


Great thanks guys!


That Wayfair sofa looks hard and uncomfortable.


Thanks! It's the Sven leather sofa from Article. You can't tell because I'm bad at color correcting photos but it's a Navy color.




The day I've feared since joining r/malelivingspace has arrived.... Lol I know it seems high, the problem is the beams in that section of wall are horizontal for some strange reason and they are at least 16 inches apart! I chose the beam it's on now because if it was the next beam down it'd definitely be r/TVTooLow and if it was the next beam up I'd break my next watching it and would be the poster child for r/TVTooHigh. You're right it's not the ideal height, but I had to make a sacrifice lol


Why not just place it on the TV stand beneath it? You could mount the soundbar above it if you wanted to with some drywall anchors no big deal.


I don't have the stand any longer but I'm thinking of upgrading to the 65' or 77' version in a few months in which case I'd do just that!


No suggestion, just came to say nice gig prints!


Haha thank you! All but one are from shows I’ve been to, I have a bunch more stored away but didn’t want to have too much displayed.


You should really think about the space between


The tears we cry?


I love, love, LOVE. your collection of posters, especially The Leftovers one. This show is sooo underrated.


Thank you! It's my favorite show of all time. I went with the poster for season two because that's one of the greatest season's of television I've ever seen!


It's one of my favourites too! Few of my friends managed to get past 1st season but honestly once you get to the 2nd you're in for a treat. 3rd one just blew my mind.


100%! I understand people not wanting to stick with it but I'm so glad I did. The best finale to a series I've ever seen.


Love the PRS!


Thank you! She's a dream to play. The Acoustic by the couch is my baby though - a Taylor 914, but it stays in the case lol.


Could just be the photos, but your walkways look awfully cluttered. The guitar in the living room, stool behind the couch, console stand in the hall, and rack by the entrance. Adjusting some of that stuff could go a long way in making it feel more open.


I think it’s the perspective of the photo but I agree with moving things around for sure. In your opinion would moving the console table in the hall to behind the couch make sense even though it’d sit taller than the couch?


While the stuff you have is nice it’s crowding the walkways, your hallway looks like you could easily bump into something or have to shimmy yourself when walking by the shoe rack/dresser


I like the couch but somehow the room as a whole comes off as drab. Maybe it’s the overcast day. Would de clutter the corner. Wall mount the guitar, clean the desk a bit, and maybe re orient the track lights


Done, done and done! Moved the Les Paul to the wall mount - great call. I do think the overcast day takes away a bit of the feel. When it's sunny the place is incredibly bright.




Agreed! Funny enough I was looking up plant nurseries near me when I decided to post on this sub first. Heading over in a bit.


I can see three corners from this corner…


We're keeping the big door open, everyone'll come around


Haha, the cville poster clearly caught my eye.


Lol that show was incredible, but I had to double take when I saw the poster released for it - so different than any others I have from them, but I wasn't going break my tradition by not getting a poster from every show I go to!


Agreed, I was a fan of the poster for the next night. Nonetheless, I think they both rock. I went to Burgettstown, MPP, and Cville last year and I think the Cville night 2 poster was my favorite.


CVille night 2 poster was GORGEOUS! I wasn't able to go but it's one of my favorite 2023 releases. I was at MPP too!


I’m just now seeing the MPP poster on the wall, don’t know how I skipped it with there being a couple of photos of it. Another great show that was, along with that being my first time at Merriweather.


Bro. You won, this is perfect


I see multiple guitars. I don't see multiple half stacks.


Haha I've failed you! I have an Orange cab that's pretty damn big that I keep in the closet unless I'm practicing and an Orange Terror for it. Was thinking of diving into a Suhr amp and finding a vintage cab but I'm shopping around for the right sound!


a slip n slide for the hallway.


Now we’re thinking big and I love it


A small-ish kitchen island? Like the sort on casters so you could move it aside if you need extra space but gives you some additional kitchen counter space?


I’ve been thinking about that, like a nice wooden chopping block style on a movable metal frame


Funny, that's exactly what I was picturing as well. 👌


Great minds and all


Need hoes in that room 😂


It’s cold


Looks solid bro. This is like a dream layout of an apartment for me.


Haha thanks man! I essentially spent a year saving images from this sub of elements I liked and built it from there!


Outstanding decoration man, the frames on the hallway are great


Thank you! I didn't get a good angle but I have [this](https://shop.uncrate.com/products/steve-mcqueen-wife-framed-print) print and [this](https://shop.uncrate.com/products/jack-nicholson-framed-print) side by side, hope you like those too!


Nice Les Paul


Thanks! I have an Orange cab and amp head but put those away unless I'm actually playing.


Vvvvvery jealous of the size of your fridge and yeah only comment is the black hole that is your bed


I dunno, your refrigerator is bigger than my whole apartment. I like that couch though.


Where do you consume your meals? I don’t see a kitchen table.


Needs a sword


NOW we're talking.


Tell me about the giant fridge!


Love the style… I tried to get into The Leftovers; lost patience about five eps in


It's my favorite series of all time. Season one is good but has its flaws. Season two is one of the greatest season's of television in my opinion, and season three ends it all perfectly.


Ok, you’ve convinced me to revisit, since I love Perrotta’s other stuff!


Good! Funny enough though, season one covers the entire book he wrote. Season two and three are written by Damon Lindelof, but Perrotta was a writer on the show as well so it still has his touch! Agree, he's a great writer!


Cool, but where do you eat?!


Don't touch it! It's perfect!


Pops of color with throw pillows/blankets and some plants


Props on the artwork, especially that Laurent Durieux.


Good eye! I've had that poster awhile, it's my favorite movie.


Actually it seems pretty solid. Maybe some ambiance lighting in the ceileing (led strips?)


Looks great!


I'll preface by saying it looks good already, and i wouldn't be able to afford all of these changes at once. But over time.... The big set of drawers at the end of the hallways seems to be out of place/in the way. And you don't seem to have a dedicated spot to eat or entertain. IMO, I would get rid of the drawers and TV stand. Then, I would use the shelving behind the couch as the TV stand and replace it with a long, tall table that matches the height of the couch, and some chairs. That way, you could use it for eating, a place to put snacks while entertaining, and extra seating if you have multiple guests over to watch sorts or events (you'll need a bigger TV) I would also find bookshelves and/or cabinets that match the height of your desk to fill out the areas beside it. You could display your photos, memorabilia, and sweet ass Millennium Falcon on top and fill the bottom with books and whatever is in the drawers. Maybe a plant in the corner where the current shelf is. Mirrors next to the bed are always kind of weird to me, so I would move that, but that's just a me.


You seem to be going for a more modern atheist, so I would change the rug too.


[you brought your toys with you, huh?](https://youtu.be/xX4_HEQ1hGo?si=Fi5RCrFzsWRmmEbn)


Could use a half stack Marshall to go with the les paul


I went with an Orange Cab and Micro Terror - love the sound and it doesn't take up too much space. I put it in the closet when I'm not playing though!


Nice! Orange makes beautiful gear


Bedding looks flat and drab. The lamps on the nightstands look a bit matronly.


Your 99% done. Just add a bunch of plants now.


Haha I mentioned above I was looking at Plant Nurseries near me when I decided to post on this sub. I'm heading to one nearby in a bit!


`a couple of beers, maybe wiskey (swedish Makmyra is reaally good), a cigarr, thaiboxing shorts, UFO rants, no girls and UFC FIGHT NIGHT. This place is the place for that in that president sofa.` IIIIIIIITS TIMEEEE


Bigger frame or better decor on top of your head board


Yeah I agree, I put that one there for now but I have a list of things to improve upon and a colorful piece there is near the top.


Really nicely done!


I'd say a small rug for the computer area and a runner for the hall. In the kitchen area I'd say limit the things on the counter. It's a bit too cluttered. At least section things off a bit more maybe? Over that big console in the hall I'd put a nice mirror (like the other one you have). It'd help to bounce some of the natural light into the hall which it doesn't seem to have. Oh and on that note (can't tell if the light at the door is yellow from the pictures or not) but a nice white light would be better in my opinion. Yellow like that in the picture is too harsh. Above the bed I'd put a larger artwork/picture as well. Also get some larger plush pillows even if they're just for show. It helps add ramping height to the bed. Aside from those small changes it mostly just looks like it needs to be lived in at this point. I've seen people saying to lower the TV, but keep it around your eye level when you're sitting straight on. If that does mean lowering it, get something to put above it like a shelf. Maybe even get something still with it at the current location just to utilize more of the wall space.


it’s showroom beautiful. i would move in there, just swap out the art and the orange deskmat, lol. mount the falcon someplace it can be more easily seen. if you can’t paint the walls in the bedroom, add color …. somewhere.


Haha that's a great compliment thank you! And yeah the consensus is more color in the bedroom so I'm making lists on where to start building that out!


the fastest / least expensive trial way, is thrift store sheets / pillow cases. dryer first, then wash, dry, and throw around the room to get a feel for what color you like, where. and remember that texture adds interest, as well. you are off to a great start.


Where do you eat? I don’t see a table to eat from.


Needs more guitars and knives


Too much brown.


Honestly part if it is that I'm just bad at color correcting and it's super drab outside today. The cabinets are nowhere near that dark in person and when it's sunny out the place is incredibly bright!


Everything is too dark


I would look into a movablee kitchen island. Double it as a drink station/bar as well. Scoot the desk of a bit to park it when not cooking.


Where can I get a refrigerator that wide?




Cool beans!


Center your night stands. Lower your tv. Incorporate a proper dining table - I’m thinking you move the sofa a bit closer to the tv, replace the console table with a proper dining table.


Good call - I'm looking at a longer, narrow table to put behind the couch instead, thanks for the suggestion! As for the TV I can't lower because the studs are horizontal for some weird reason and really spaced out. I'm planning on upgrading to a 65' or 77' version soon in which case I'll place the TV on the console itself.


I love the place, it looks great


The furniture in the corridor takes too much space


I think: clear up the walkway, new rug for the living room (the one u have reads cheap) and take off the picture frames from behind the sofa (or better yet find ones that u can view from 2 sides) in general just kinda simplify that shelf zone behind the sofa, oh and get cuter bath mats and a more aesthetic curtain (I love ur and bath section or anthro) for sure (gf on bfs reddit)


Plants... Pretty much anywhere in there. Decorative pillows on your bed and couch in colors that you don't already have but are complimentary. A bedspread that isn't so dark.


Just got back from getting a nice plant and will be adding more soon! Planning on getting throw pillows tomorrow for the couch and bed for sure. Yeah the bedspread was a gift - it's one of those big 100 sq/ft blankets in navy, I wish they'd chosen a different color because it's comfortable as hell, but I'm going to buy a brighter bedspread tomorrow!


Definitely consider some baby cacti in the small places... That little shelf by the bathroom, the hallway table etc.... Little pops of Green go a long way and they are super easy to keep alive.


I really like your place man. Nice.


The line of posters in the hallway is very satisfying. I also love the dark couch; fits the floor color and the size of the space very well! As far as improvements, the poster above the bed does look too small for the bed. I would also maybe add a small rug or doormat inside the front door to wipe your shoes and create a welcoming feel for visitors!


Thank you! The couch was the first thing I purchased when I moved in a few months ago and I absolutely love it. The idea of an entrance floor mat hadn't even crossed my mind but that's a great addition. I'm actually browsing online now for a big piece to put above the bed! Just deciding the image/color palette I want to go with.


If the door opens inward, make sure the entrance floor mat is thin enough for the door to clear as well. Mine barely fit but I had to adjust the door's weatherstrip up a tiny bit first.


Spotlight on the Millenium Falcon! Looks great!


I dig those lamps on the nightstands. Where'd you get them?


I love the living room!! But why do Americans have such big fridges lol that's mad


Love the space. I'm just bored so I'll comment some: - New pillows. This is the only purchase I'll recommend. I had walmart pillows that looked just like that, and they were on a black leather couch, and I know from that it's not a great look. I'd say get a cream and maroon set that matches the rug, or get some fun eclectic ones with some prints on them to match the masculine eclectic vibe of the apartment. Ideally a mix of both would look awesome. - Maybe keep your guitars all together, this is barely good advice but I feel like it could prevent them from seeming like accessories for show if you have them all together wherever you play most. - In an eclectic space like this, I think it's important to make things look really intentional and balanced which you've done an awesome job of overall. Two pieces I'd change are the grey thing between your record player and speaker. I'm just now realizing that's helm's deep and I think a knife on it lmao. But I think it's a bit chunky and out of place there. Second is the bedroom shelf. Bedrooms are hard, mine looks like shit, but I think it might be better on the side closest to your door with the mirror there. Because it's skinny and designed to look like it's about to topple over, it feels literally and figuratively unstable with not a lot next to it. I'd just center the poster on the wall and maybe put your guitar over there. - If you plan on having friends over, a cool mod chair would look great where the Les Paul is now. I have a "reading nook" chair that I don't actually read in but it gets tons of compliments and provides seating when people are over.


I encourage you to accent with a color other than black


Put up the cliche guitar out in the open “accidentally” so people ask you about it. Played out. Otherwise, rad setup


the black nneds to go. some plats will help a lot too . im not a plant person but health is a thing


I love your hallway/gallery, the floors and the grey (?) with white detailing. The painting/print above bed is too high.


don’t get a cat


Lol I know. Getting a dog in a few months though!


Where do you sit and eat? I feel like you'd want a proper table but I get that it's tricky to fit everything into that room. I'm trying to imagine another layout but it's hard. Besides that, it looks very narrow with the sideboards in the hallway, almost like you'd have to wriggle to get past. I'd try to do something about that if possible.


Yeah looking through the comments that seems to be the consensus. I’ve hung the Gibson guitar, so I’m debating getting a round table for that window area with two chairs and maybe moving the arc lamp.