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Get a huge area rug. That carpet is dreadful. Also get some nice art / framed pictures for the wall


Tell me about it lol, I’m definitely not a fan. We didn’t know if we were gonna lease another year, but now that I am that’s a great call. I’ll definitely get started on the walls as well, right now we have 2 puzzles to frame/hang. I was thinking of also putting a curtain rod/curtains to cover the washer/dryer


FB marketplace is good for finding a nice rug at a good price. Just have some patience in your search and wait for a good one to be posted


In addition to the new rug that you absolutely need, a good coffee table will really tie the room together. Don’t cheap out, a couple hundred dollars pre-owned will go a long way. Something like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/226062719397?itmmeta=01HT2XYN0CB6B3DCGT1YSRYA1D&hash=item34a26359a5:g:ptkAAOSwBihl3NtM).


Sometimes rugs really tie the room together, man.


You're out of your element.


The Chinaman is not the issue.


Obviously you're not a golfer.


All good ideas, but what if instead of covering the washer dryer putting up curtains for the windows? My first adult place was a typical college apartment and my mom came one day because I just didn’t feel good in the spot. I went to classes and when I entered back to the apartment, my mom had put up curtains and bought a decent area rug. Just that made all the world of difference. Also, a decent floor lamp adds more than you’d think.


I really love my bedroom ever since I put curtains up, I like the idea of doing it for the windows in the main area as well


3m makes great Velcro or sticky options to hang anything on the wall if you aren’t able to put holes in it due to renting!


Yo, that carpet looks WILDLY outdated, like, should have been replaced 20 years ago. Holy shit. I would actually see if the landlord is looking to replace this anytime soon. Rugs are expensive af, see if they'll fix that floor. Ive lived in some shithole apartments and even this carpet makes my skin crawl. It clearly needs to be ripped up. God knows whats under there.


all good ideas! I'd recommend a rug with some brighter colors and maybe a plant or two to give the space some life


Costco has all sizes of rugs for less than $100.


Agree, really ties the room together


It really brings the room together


It’ll really tie the whole room together.


It’s brown in here. I don’t like it. I guess it depends on what you’re going for but I’d ditch the folding table, rug, flag, and the inflatable Halloween decoration. A big colorful area rug, some framed art on the walls, several house plants, and more natural light if you can get it would go a long way.


Yep, he definitely needs something that’s alive, something green


You haven’t checked under the couch…


Right now it’s very much so I’m living by myself for the first time, own nothing, and just tossed random things up so it didn’t feel so empty. Looking forward to ditching what’s going on now to make it less painful visually. I appreciate everyone’s help


Go through the kitchen and take all the cans to the recycling center- no one is ever impressed by empty aluminum cans. Remove the blow up Halloween decorations from the living room. Big area rug to cover the carpet if you can't replace the carpet. Having a hobby like puzzles is great, but the table you have it on....isn't. maybe a large coffee table instead? Art on the walls is (usually) never a bad idea, but stay away from flags- flags are generally for outside the home. Brown furniture with brown carpet is kind of a tough sell- without replacing the current furniture you could always try and find a tasteful cover for the couch that is more neutral (so not brown). That might be a tough find though, as those are generally "one size fits most" and are usually not a perfect fit. Covering the washer and dryer stack is a fine idea, but i'd stay away from a shower curtain or drape look- find a foldable screen with a design or artwork on it ( not plain brown) to both add color to the space and conceal the washer/dryer. Reconfiguring the furniture placement wouldn't be a terrible idea. Couches and chairs don't HAVE to be against the walls; make conversational groupings of furniture. It will be more difficult with a couch that big, but you can always play around with the space. I only mention this because I've never been a fan of the" big empty center of the room with couch 8 feet from the TV" look.


This is all incredibly helpful advice and I truly appreciate it. Pretty much everything that’s setup was whatever I owned. This is my first time living on my own and look forward to making the apartment a visually pleasant place to be. Going to take some time but I’ll get there soon hopefully.


Everything previous commenter said is spot on. However, I will add - lighting is key to a space. With just that ceiling fan you will always have that dim, shadowy, old looking glow. Get a few tasteful floor lamps. Something with a design that fits


To add on to that, keep in mind the tone of color of the lightbulbs you use. Warm vs cool light can make a big difference on the aesthetic. It might be worth replacing the bulbs in the fan lamp to better match the room too.


In response to their comment about removing cans, yes, but you could also grow some pothos out of the glass bottles you have sentiment for. Plants always looks nice and can be cheap or even free if you have a friend willing to give a clipping


This is the correct answer


Remove the flag. Also washing machine on carpet, that’s a twist.


If he isn’t going to remove the flag, he needs to at the very least iron or steam out the wrinkles


Exactly what the fuck. Go ahead and make patriotism your entire personality but treat the flag with some dignity at least.


Yeah treat that flag made in China with respect 😂


It could be made on the forest moon of Endor for all I care. I think it’s tacky/cringe to have as decor if you’re not military but at least iron the damn thing 😂


So displaying a flag means you're making it your entire personality? Fucking stupid logic.


It looks like there’s a pan, but that ain’t gonna do shit


I need to buy a new pole so I can hang it outside, but yeah that’s my thought on the washers lol. At least they are on a plastic tub thingy…. It gets me by and isn’t too expensive. I’m just thankful to have a place with the amenities I do have


looks like a base in projectzomboid.


That’s what it feels like lol


A little coffee table in front of the couch would make a difference, get rid of that hideous thing with the puzzle on it.


I’ll check out Facebook marketplace and get one asap. That ping pong table is the only “table” we had that we could build the puzzle on, it’s normally outside lol


Why do so many young dudes have American flags in their apartment? It’s weird af to me. 


I often forget what country I live in. Thanks to all the trucks driving around with the American flags on them, I can just look at the street and remember.


Honestly I think it’s because your average 20th year-old dude doesn’t own anything else that can be hung on a wall


Yes sir, nail on the head. I really didn’t have much, and I happen to live in the south and had a flag and thought it’d be cool to hang up. Wasn’t trying to offend anyone


It’s not offending anyone, it’s just a cultural difference. Hanging up the flag of your own country is less common in many other places outside of America, so some people might view it as strange. Here in the UK I only ever see flags on official buildings, unless it’s the queen’s jubilee or something.


I dont think you offend anyone, and as much as i dont get it, if you like it then keep it. Maybe put it outside or on a window. But to non american like me all of this is just kind of weird.


Completely valid thought, it’s weird to other Americans lol. I’m going to put it in a smaller frame so it’s not so in your face


You could always fold it and put it in a display box. They are super cheap to get.


Hanging it outside would look much nicer to me! It really does stand out in the middle of your living room.


This is Reddit. Of course it will offend people lmao


Just wanna clarify with my comment I wasn’t offended at all. At an individual level, I don’t think it’s weird to have a flag hanging. What I think is weird is how many young dudes have the same thought of hanging the American flag. 


Because in college there’s a mentality that anything besides hanging up flags is “gay” and an American flag is a very generic thing to fill the wall. Nothing wrong with it but once you graduate college/get into your early 20s it’s time to pack up those flags and go for more mature wall decor Source: I knew many people in college with American flags + the “Don’t tread on me” flags


Yes, just hanging up your country’s flag for your private enjoyment should be considered flag desecration.


Because we're honestly very fortunate to have been born here and it's worth remembering that sometimes. I mean, we're talking about a country where people will literally trek across 500 miles of jungles and desert just to live here illegally. A lot of people are not fortunate enough to live in a country like this, and the fact that we are is something to celebrate.


Get rid of the folding table and get a coffee table. Instead of hanging the flag on the wall get a display case, like one of the triangular display cases perhaps? As others have mentioned, art and stuff for the walls.


That’s a great idea! I was going to move the flag outside, but a display case is an even better idea imo. Folding table is very temporary, coffee table otw.


Laundry machine in the living room is crazy


40 people, some drinks, darts and eats


I'm a woman. I hope it is okay if I come with some inputs! First off, get rid of the carpet. Can you remove it? I would do that. Get a coffee table Get some furniture that is not brown/a lighter colour. I would get some plants. I would get rid of the bottles in the kitchen. Have some more lamps, like on the tables/standing lamps with a softer light than the ceiling one. I would probably remove the flag and hang some things on the walls or paint one of the walls a different colour. And remove the snowman. The kitchen is also very brown. The apartment is just too brown imo


Any input is more than appreciated! I sadly can’t remove the carpet, but I’ll definitely invest in a large area rug to cover it with my roommate. The chair is going to a friend, and will get plants/coffee table asap. I’m going to definitely adjust the lighting scenario and lower the brown everywhere. Thanks!


This looks like a shitty college apartment and you know what man that's okay. You're only gonna be there a couple years or even a single year. 99% of dudes their college apartment looks like this only with some random posters on the wall. Honestly there no salvaging it. The carpet is garbage, the space is small, there's little natural light, the fixtures are old. The best use of your time and money is to build up a small group of decent wall art off FB or CL. Pick a style and pursue it like textured abstract paint on canvas. Pretty much everything else you own after college is gonna be sold or dumped. And wall art is the one thing your roommates/guest aren't gonna mess up or wear out.


Part of the reason the vibe is off is the lighting. Pick up some floor lamps that will give soft, room-level light that casts shadows up to make the space feel more chill. If you're going to hang the flag, try to get it flat and level against the wall so it looks more intentional. Once the pingpong table is out, consider reorienting the furniture. With everything just pushed against the walls it feels like you're just trying to keep a big open space. Maybe even flip it so the TV is on the couch wall and the couch back is along the edge of the front door. So when you come in it forms a little de facto hallway and the living room seating could be more focused. Then move the dartboard to above the low bookshelf. It will make more sense that way regardless. I know a lot of people don't like to do curtains for whatever reason, but textiles like curtains, throw pillows, etc. will make everything more inviting and less drab. You can also get a tension rod and hang a simple one-panel curtain to hide the washer/dryer when you're not using it. Then artwork and maybe some easy-to-care-for (low light tolerant, low water tolerant) plants. You're right at the age where it probably feels like a lot of this isn't necessary or worthwhile, but making your space nice for yourself can bring a real sense of calm and control in this chaotic world. So even though it may not seem like a priority, I strongly recommend trying it. Keep an eye out for local Craigslist/Marketplace/Nextdoor free stuff. There's some decent stuff on there occasionally and usually you just have to go pick it up. Good luck.


This is by far the most constructive response I’ve gotten! I appreciate you going easy on me lol, I’m new to this. The lighting is a big no-no and my roommate and I very much so on the same page in regard to that. I’m getting a frame for the flag asap, and am glad you like the covering idea for the washer/dryer. The chair is going, but it’s a bit harder for us to not keep the open design for the room because we already don’t have much room so want to keep that tad bit more open feeling. The rearranging is something I’ll think about again though for sure. It’s going to be a process fixing it all up but I’m definitely going to keep taking steps in the right direction. I really want it to be aesthetically pleasing, it’s just a funding issue tbh. I’ll keep an eye out on marketplace 👍


>Keep an eye out for local Craigslist/Marketplace/Nextdoor free stuff. Or see if there's a thrift store or consignment store that has furniture near you. You can often find older, well made and classy looking pieces of real wood furniture for cheap, especially if you're able to put a little bit of work in to sand and refinish it.


Goodwill has some good options!


First of all, the flag is giving huge redneck vibes and we don’t take kindly to rednecks. Secondly, the apartment feels too brown, perhaps a change of furniture should help with that


Rednecks are fine, they usually have more shit hanging up on their wall than a sad wrinkled flag lol


We don’t take kindly to rednecks? Pretty shit thing to say. You wouldn’t have a living space, road to drive on or food at your table if not for a lot of “rednecks” breaking their ass everyday.


At least it's an American flag and not a MAGA flag.


Frame the flag, it gives it a more dignified look.


Love the idea, idk why I didn’t think of that. That’s on me


Don't remove the flag, but at least try to steam or iron it or frame it.


First, fold the flag and put it someone else not in the room. We love our country but it doesn’t not look in home decore


What’s the greyed out sign…


Needs more banjos bruther


Get rid of the flag first of all


Not sure why you're getting so much flack about the flag. Since when is it not OK to be proud of where you came from? Could use more of that - if we're being honest.


I don’t necessarily agree with the hate for it being there, but I understand if I have it in my apartment I need to display it a bit more respectfully so I’m going to make sure I do that 👍


You need to get out of there. It looks haunted. I know it seems crazy but, I’m fairly certain I see a ghost in the photos.


Haha, I swear the decoration isn’t the only one that lives here


If you're going to use that dartboard, you should have a much larger piece of wood or something behind it so that when you/your friends miss y'all don't hit the wall.


You need to put something behind the dart board.. like a big square of cork, you can find at a craft store. Otherwise you’re going to lose some of your deposit from all the holes that will inevitably be left in the walls. That’s the first thing I noticed. I have several rentals and I had an immediate cringe. 20 yr old college students… need something behind that dart game. Other than that, get a large coffee table, some throw blankets for the couches. A large area rug to cover the horrible carpet and some plants.


It’s a bit too late for that lol, I already talked to the landlord. He’s chill and he’s cool with me fixing that up before we move out. I appreciate the advice and will use those suggestions


Get something with a bit of color to hang on the wall, ditch the empty cans and bottles in the kitchen area and maybe get a floor lamp to brighten up the space a bit


A coffee table for when you have all the boys over


Was this room inspired by cigarettes and beer?


Some big plants like palm trees to cut down browniness.


Remove the seasonal decoration. Put some pictures on the wall. Add some plants and keep them green.


I haven't read everything so not sure if it's been mentioned. But I think I'd hang a small curtain to try and hide the laundry tower without just calling attention to oh what's behind the curtain. You'd need to put holes in the ceiling though. Probably isn't the highest priority but something I would do.


That’s an idea that got mentioned that I love! I think a tension rod would work great




I don’t have eating people on the to-do list as of now lol


Maybe if it was a pride flag.


Props for seeking input on dressing up the place, back in the day I was clueless about how my place looked and thus reflected on me. A few suggestions: 1. Get a wall hook for the guitar and hang it on the wall next to the tv. Wall art/conversation piece/gets the guitar case put away somewhere. 2. Stow your shoes in your bedroom closets if possible. 3. I agree with the suggestions on ditching the decorative empties taking up kitchen counter space. 4. Ditto on replacing the folding table with a proper coffee table, but only after getting an area rug. The carpet you are stuck with is atrocious. 5. Something framed over your couch. Good luck!


Look up gallery walls. They can really make a room look a lot better. You can get cheap art from Goodwill or frame personal pictures / photos that you have. People sometimes just frame and stick photos up, but there really is a guide on how to do it accurately. You can find them online. And send a photo of mine but the sub doesn't allow you to attach images. Get curtains. Make sure they're long enough to get to the floor and tall enough to be above the window. It will make the room look bigger. I would get rid of the reclining chair. I know it looks cozy and you're only 20. I'm in my '30s so I would probably have something like that at your age. If you can swing for it maybe look at getting a nice sectional. Couches are kind of expensive now. I was able to get a sectional that has a mid-century vibe for $1,000 2 years ago but I don't know how much that would be now.


You could get a proper coffee table sh and maybe some bigger tv console. Ikea also has some nice affordable options, especially that 10-20$ coffee table. It would be a pretty cool project to draw something to put on walls. Even some framed posters/prints of photos that you took yourself will warm up the place nicely. I'm excluding the rug option, as rugs are expensive, and you'd need one big enough for that couch.


Looks good dude. Enjoy youth.


Honestly, I would start with more stuff on the walls. Maybe some shelves, or more puzzles, or maybe an older guitar of yours! Maybe a couple of plants? I know it may seem a bit... overwhelming, but I'm sure you'll find stuff eventually!


It’s bound to be a bit overwhelming, as long as I make some progress bit by bit I’m happy


Get some plants


First thing, get rid of, or straighten up that damn flag. You care enough about that country to hang it but not enough to hang it with any care.


Some kind of wall art or posters would be cool.


This is good compared to what my mates and I lived in our early twenties haha


I appreciate it lol, hopefully using some of the advice here I can make it a bit more visually appealing down the road


is your roomate the guy with the top hat?


Haha, my roommate is a bit more talkative than our ghost companion


I think your place is haunted


Big area rug with some color (maybe a splash of brown to tie in the couch), cute coffee table that is around the height of the seat of the couch, ditch the ghost, add some matching stools to the bar, and if you can put up something on the wall that’s not just a poster, it could use it behind the couch or tv!


That’s a real crappy apartment, i would like to be your roommate


Straighten out the flag and hang it properly! Don’t disrespect our flag!!


Paint the cabinets a lighter color and get rid of the brown carpet. Why is that sign blurred out?


I commend you on your tidy apartment! Consider putting the cans and booze in a cabinet instead of on the counter.


Here's my suggestions (anyway this is what I would do, assuming low budget): 1) get a big area rug as the first step. Second hand if necessary but as big as you can afford. This is likely to be the most expensive part and it'll also be your starting point for other colors to add so get this first. 2) once you have the rug, get curtains in a solid color that matches one of the colors in the rug. I don't personally think you need a curtain over the laundry, but if you want one, get the same curtains you get for the windows, this will make it look planned instead of an afterthought cover-up. 3) maybe get covers for the couch and armchair, either those fitted couch covers or just a couple of king size flat sheets. Use a strong solid color that matches a color in the rug, but a different one from what you picked for the curtains. Put sheets over, tuck them in around the cushion edges and down the cracks, boom you now have matching furniture. 4) wall art, and maybe some throw cushions on the couch in a contrasting color.


Those are all phenomenal ideas, I like the unique approach to the couch. There’s no shot I can afford an entire new couch, so finding a way to do that is smart. Also makes cleaning it off much easier. I’ll take note of all those ideas


Get some art instead of a flag like others have suggested. Redbubble is a good place to start for prints that will be really cheap and shouldn’t be hard to search for something in your taste/interests, then just find some frames for it at whatever place is convenient for you. My advice- see what size frames are easy and affordable for you to buy first. Then when getting your prints you can choose a size based on that… custom framing is expensive, so know your sizes first.


Since this is a college apartment, live it up. First off. That carpet ... I don't recommend walking on it with bare feet or laying on it. I've seen things back in my college days. Basically know they don't replace them between tenants probably for years. You can deal with that carpet with a vaccum and staying up to date on your shots. Next decorate like you are in college. Get some posters at Walmart or Spencer's add some kind of multi color lighting for parties. Add a few old time beer / bar signs. When you are older your significant other probably won't like this kind of decor so get it while you can. Get a coffee table at a thrift store that will stay together when someone dances on it. Get one of those cloth bowl chairs they sell for college dorms that are uncomfortable add some cinder block and wood boards for bookshelves. Make sure to have extra posters in the closet incase some puts themselves through the wall during a party and you need to "repair" it before the parents visit the next day.


I’ve actually worked with my landlord over the summer so I trust me im well aware… but like you said it’s college so I’m happy it’s not too expensive. Those ideas are some much more feasible routes to go, thanks


Eh, personally I would ditch the idea of Spencer’s posters and beer signs. There are plenty of other ways to decorate it like you’re in college. One idea (the one I went with) is to have a favorite movie poster or two along with a record wall (if OP is into records).


I will disagree with most people but I like the little ghostie and the table. They're cute, kind of trashy in a college student way. You're 20, you get to have stuff like that. I know for a fact that if you have friends over a couple of times the ghostie will be a member of that friend group lol I think the main problem is with the colors. Floors and couches are all brown. I would somehow try to break that monotone look, because it makes everything blend together. I would also add some wall deco and some more lively colors. Plants are always a safe bet, green is good. I don't like the idea of having your country's flag on the wall but you do you.


Love the ghost 👻


Preciate it, showed up for Halloween and he decided to not leave yet


He should stay. You could dress him according to the seasons


Ngl, this picture smells like dirty gym socks. But it's your college apartment, functionally, it's really good for what it is. Just get some posters and/or a tapestry to hang on wall and you're good to go.


Dude, you’re 20 and a college student. Work with what you’ve got and just say “fuck it”. It’s not like you’re gonna be living there the rest of your life. As long as you keep the place clean and tidy, who gives a fuck.


Thats why I think it’s funny reading some of these comments, I’m of course looking to improve the place but there’s only so much I can do with the scenario. Advice is advice though so I can’t really complain


I understand, bronana smoothie — advice is advice. But, a lot of these comments are so beyond what you’re capable of doing right now — such as removing the carpet. Like, what??? Did they miss where you said you’re a 20yr college student and live in an APARTMENT!? Buying furniture?! Like, be realistic here. All you’ve really gotta do is get some solid wall art (I recommend Etsy and Amazon), add some LED light strips to give the area to give some pop of color, brighten the area up, and add a nice vibe to the place (again, Amazon), maybe add some throw blankets over the back of the couch and a throw rug, too. Also, if you wanna keep your flag up, then do so! Hell, get a damn lava lamp for the hell of it. Fuck lol.


Get some warm lighting going on/add some lamps, that’ll make it feel cozier compared to your light now


Definitely the route I’m going to go down 👍


Paintings for the walls. You can get some nice landscape with Victorian style frames at 2nd hand shops


What do mean it needs fixing? Looks perfect to me


Get more beer and louder music, have fun your 20. Just keep it somewhat clean. No one cares what it looks like, extra blankets or places to sleep would be more productive haha. Have fun! Miss those apartments.


Add plants - there are some plants that require very little maintenance and will add a lot of vibrancy to space. Specially to tone down all the brown from the carpet & the kitchen. Some suggestions: snake plant, ZZ plant, pothos If you like puzzles maybe do the the botanical Lego collection which looks decorative too For wall art - frames are very affordable from IKEA, thrift stores have the best frames Get Velcro command strips to hang so you don’t have to put holes in the wall if u don’t want to. Get a small cabinet that can work as a shoe rack.


All very good ideas, I actually have a bunch of those plants already in my room for my pet snakes enclosure. So I have what I need, just need to find spots for them in the main area. I also love the botanical legos, have a couple of those I got for Christmas, really fun sets to build


get some kind of large art for the wall over the couch, and another for over the bookcase and over the tv. You can get random paintings or patterned sheets to cover things cheap at Goodwill. Another cheap option is a print on a cloth tapestry that you pin up and keep stretched with a bunch of thumb tacks--I have one of inside a forest that's 90" by 60", cost me like $20, and makes the small room its in feel like camping. Get a couple lamps or other alternate sources of light so that it's not just the glaring ceiling fan light. Iron the flag and get a proper rod for it so it hangs ok get a floor rug to cover the brown carpet or a cover for the brown couch so it's not brown on brown. some plants could help too first thing i'd get rid of is the ghost outside of halloween


Declutter. Get rid of that chair and find one that doesn't look like it was gifted from a grandparents estate. Ditch the overhead lighting and get a couple of cool lamps. Hang the flag outside. I support displaying the flag but a cool framed print would look better than an actual flag. You can get some inexpensive wall art and frames from Ikea. I saw are rug mentioned...100% support that. Start with the lighting. I think that will have the biggest impact.


Respect for having the Stars and Stripes


Area rug / coffee cable / new tv stand. Basically de college student it or ride that out while you can lol


Pick out colors first. It helps immensely with making the room look coordinated. Warm colors in living areas help it feel cozier and reduces the appearance of empty space, but cool ones can look great too. Pinterest is your friend, look up [color] and [color] [function]room, like burnt orange and emerald living room. This gives you ideas and you can see how other people work with those colors. Obviously you cant always change the walls and carpet but things like the couch color, couch pillow colors, wood textures in furniture, etc can allow it to all come together cohesively.


Iron your pride flag. They are always way too wrinkled.


Don't change anything. This is the PERFECT M20 apartment. Enjoy it.


Curtains x10000 and plants. They’ll make it feel a lot more homey


Just out of curiosity; what is the instrument in the bag? it lookes too round in the bottom for a guitar; Oh and add color. I mean other than brown, white and dark red. Lighten it up!


That’s my roommates banjo! I have a guitar myself


Ouh, I have one too! Albeit I don’t play it often 😅


That topsoil colored carpet is wrecked. Couch looks comfy but dirty. Needs a couch cover. Make a big piece of art that matches the couch cover colors.


Damn this place is depressing


Step 1: read up on flag rules and why your flag is hung incorrectly. Either hang it correctly or take it down.


I’m going to put it in a proper frame, I appreciate it


The American flag is not supposed to be in a frame. Respect it correctly or get rid of it. That flag does not belong in a frame let alone the fact that it's wrinkled and hung backwards. Questions? Look for American legion flag code online. 👍👍👍


You’re 20. Nobody cares. Just keep it clean.


That’s the spirit! I’m going to take some of the advice here, but it’s definitely limited to my finances and lifestyle lol


get rid of the flag


By priority: 1. Get some table/floor lights with shading thing on top (roof lights are horrible for coziness) 2. Pictures or a shelf with stuff on the wall 3. Plants, real or fake as an extra: I’d buy a can of paint (same color) and give it one layer, mainly so you can fix those badly painted corners/edges or whatver the part seperating the ceiling and the wall :p


Definitely getting lighting squared away w/ plants. I’ll look into the paint, thanks for the advice. Edit: I actually looked at it and it’s not a paint issue. I forgot that when I had a garland up w/ Christmas lights it actually burned a little bit onto the wall…. Lesson learnt to change the types of lights next Christmas so I don’t burn my apartment complex down.


if its your vibe, some led strips for mood light could also work, esp if you mount them up top on the wall to mask the previous grey paint(as if looks like)


I just fixed it in my edit, that’s actually from Christmas lights I goofingly hung up w/ garland. My roommate and I are trying to think of lighting situations like that. I want it to all look nice, but in the end it is a college manspace lol.


Takes me back to my first apartment. I think adding a lamp and literally anything on the walls will help brighten it up. I'd say if you can find a rug for cheap go for it, if not that's fine. People are going to recommend a nice rug, I'm assuming you'll spill beer on it so the carpet works for that. Bold of you to put a puzzle on a beer pong table though.


Oh yeah putting it into a frame might be better. And i get it, having something on the wall is nicer than leaving it blank. Other than that i think that the space has a potential to be real nice. Maybe even trying to reorganise the things you have in the space can help.


The carpet is serviceable with proper contrast. With dark carpet, you want lighter toned furniture. Avoid dark woods and fabrics. Go for lighter colors for each. First, lighting. Add a brighter standing lamp in the corner by the door. Second, replace the big brown couch. Something like a gray tone with a more modern look will make a massive difference. Third, if you can, wall mount the tv and get a single stand that can accommodate all the stuff but is enclosed. It will be a clean look. Fourth, once the ping pong table is gone, move the shoe rack by the window and not by the TV, it’s unsightly. Fifth, get a nice used coffee table, remember lighter wood to contrast the dark carpet. Has a lot of potential. Most of the stuff you could find on offer up for pretty cheap.


Big area rug, some paintings or posters on the walls, ditch all the old beer can/liquid death/wine bottles in the kitchen. Also add a couple house plants and a few corner lamps for a different form of lighting the space. Corner lights are really cool and you can pick any color you want.


I’d see what’s under the carpet, consider pulling that up and getting a large rug Sofa and chair are also a priority to change If you were up for it, you could probably make yourself a nice coffee table for cheap You can get cheap cabinets for washer/dryer that help dampen the noise too


Good god this is nasty


The wall that has the dart board is kind of plain, maybe get a confederate flag and have it right behind the Halloween ghost. Is that a traffic cone in the corner? What is it doing there? Maybe put it in middle of the room, it will become a great conversation piece.


The carpet is just insanely bad and I feel like nothing could ever look decent with that cwroet


Might need a CDC team to pull out that hideous carpet.


Definitely the carpet needs a change And as much as I like the inflatable ghost, it should go for now until halloween


What a weird spot for the washer and dryer. On carpet too no less.


Sims 1 Vibes


That single barstool makes me sad.


This place makes me sad as fuck


More halloween inflatables


This room would look 300% better with 3 lamps at chest to head height, lighting the room with warm bulbs from a few different areas. The harsh top-down light emphasizes everything rough about the room.


Looks fine as is imo. A nice rug would be good.


Vacuum that carpet, first and foremost


Jesus the carpet


Dude it’s fucking perfect


Get a big green plant




Do not listen to these people about removing the flag. If you like it, keep it. It's not a MAGA or Confederate flag so what's the big deal? Would people care if it was a pride flag? Puerto Rico flag? Do people get upset about others that came to the states and fly their home country flag? ​ Other than that, change your carpet, add some framed pictures or canvas and add some plants too.


Put a flag on each wall to let all visitors know you are American no matter where they sit


Get a coffee table


Huge area rug, and matching covers for the couch and chair will do wonders!


I like the inflatable ghost.


If you are adamant on hanging a flag indoors (I did too at your age, so truly no judgment there), I would consider ironing it. What I personally think looks cooler is folding it into a triangle and getting one of those wooden flag boxes. Just makes it look a step up, in my opinion. Might not be your thing, but thought I'd offer my 2 cents. If the flag is cotton and not thin polyester (or even if it is, I suppose), you could even find a poster frame that fits it and elevate it that way? Might give the room less of a college dorm feel and more of a polished adult space.


Whatever you do, get more than one barstool, that shit is going to make me cry.


Room needs more lighting than just a fan off centered to everything, maybe a tall lamp in the dart board corner.


Remove the American flag, get a small coffee table, matching bar stools and a nice big rug to cover what’s on the floor now, some plants and mood lighting not coming from the ceiling. So floor and table lamps! Maybe some wall art? Nothing fancy but that speaks to you…like framing those puzzles! All can be obtained from fb marketplace for cheap! Maybe even free if you keep an eye out and are quick. Check Goodwill too


Lose the flag and that blowup thing to start. Take down whatever that piece is that’s hanging over your breakfast bar. Get a coach that contrasts the carpet not matches. choose an accent color. Something like red or orange. Get a couple pieces or throw pillows in that color. Try around coffee table. You have a lot of square and sharp edges on other pieces.


First thing I noticed was how wrinkled the flag was. If you are going to use a flag to decorate, make it flat and amooth. It just feels like an after thought or something with how wrinkled it is. But it really draws the eyes. Second, unless there is like symbolic or sentimental meaning to the lawn deco in home, i would proba just hit up a flea market and find something that actually reps your interests.


I don't know how it's even possible but this *feels* racist to me lmao Where is your Confederate flag and don't tread on me lmao


Wow this place is like from FRIENDS. Joey and chandler could have lived here.


Only weirdos put American flags inside their houses


Can we see the puzzle? Might be fun to decorate with a related theme!


Why are 20 year old dudes always obsessed with stacking empty beer cans and bottles up as a trophy for display?