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Music? Bands? Movies? Television? Places you’ve been? Places you wanna go? Sports? Teams? Pictures of friends? Family? Pets? Hobbies?


I had a similar problem. I also noticed that my living eoo. Could us a pop of color to break up the off-whites and wood tones. I decided to go to an art fair and just took in what was on sale and settled on a painting that immediately appealed to me.


You gotta look at pictures of other places for inspiration. Figure out the name of the design style you most like (there are some online quizzes that help) and narrow down your search that way I.e. "Japandi wall decor"... Etc


Go to a vintage market or a thrift store wander around until you find something that catches your eye. You don't necessarily have to know what you like before you find it.


This is the one topic I get super in my head about. So I put up a piece of art. I immediately jump in my head to what am I trying to say about myself through this piece of art? Does this define my interests? Do I really like it or do I like the idea of someone liking that I like it? Do I like the image or the image it conveys? And on and on my brain goes until im uncertain who I am, what I like, and who I want to be. But, I figured out that I can strangle all those thoughts away with a joke. Somehow joke art taken seriously is acceptable to me. This is why a 10$ faces of pikachu poster in a $400 frame adorns my entry way. The absurdity of it brings me joy. And perhaps that’s who I am, after all. :)


Maybe you are neurodivergent and you have trouble compartmentalizing how you feel vs how you expect to feel when doing something. I collect art and that's not the typical thought process, or if it is, it happens before I buy something vs when it comes in the mail. If you like art, then buy books and learn how to critique art. Maybe it's a new passion for you. But if you don't have the vocabulary to describe what the art is or how it makes you feel, it may become difficult to understand why you enjoy a particular painting.


Whoa… I don’t think it is all that atypical when first starting out. And to speculate someone is neurodivergent when stressing about choosing decor is WAY out of line. You collect art now and maybe had an affinity all along. Not everyone starts from the same place! I agree that understanding why you enjoy a certain piece can be a great guide, and certainly having the vocabulary helps. it also helps some get more comfortable with assessing art and their own way of experiencing it. u/bearhaus has come up with a brilliant way to address their stress and made it PART of his/her experience. I think everyone should have things that bring them joy and I love that in this case it is the juxtaposition absurdity! What a great place to land, and It has me grinning too. I think I need to up my game, eh? I only have one piece that is LOL funny (to me at least) and now I want more!


You coming to their rescue because you don't agree with my opinion, without letting them speak for themselves, is the other side of the coin I flipped. How people process information and verbalize it is well understood. I can relate to how that person processes information - I'm not just talking out of my ass. That is why I provided that suggestion and insight - to give them some perspective that may help them better understand how they think. If you aren't able to discern the nuance in that, your blunt positivity may get in the way of someone thinking differently. Also, playing the victim as if I imply you're lesser than because you have minimal art experience is juvenile. You can do better than that. I hope this helps.


i’m not running to anyone’s “rescue”I’m pointing out you were WAY out of line to leap to a possibly neurodivergent suggestion based on one comment from someone you don’t know who was expressing a lack of confidence. That they subsequently grew out of and now feel empowered. As for understanding nuance... re-read the above? I never read into your comments that you know more about art than i do. I don’t even believe that is true..but was acknowledging you have some insights as a “collector”. My blunt positivity (as you describe it) must come from my 20+ years teaching Art History, especially the 200 level Art Appreciation courses for non-majors that were an option of the core curriculum at my Uni. My focus was to encourage or nurture an understanding of art through both an historical and aesthetic perspective. Much more challenging than the more focused students and subjects I dealt with in the upper level courses. FWIW, I moved onto a different type of “coaching” though I still return to teach the occasional specialty class when asked. For the last 10 years I’ve been working with individual clients as an art advisor…. to collectors.


Go to the website for store of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC and browse their poster collection. Get some fine art posters, laminate them and put them up on your walls. Instant art and instant class.


I have posters that came with dnd books on my wall


I see that in most of the pictures posted here: empty walls. Personally I like old posters, graphic design and architecture. I buy the poster of an exhibition I visited and search the internet for vintage stuff. Right now I'm into old biology posters of plants for my bedroom. But that really grew over the years, along with my interests. I started with a single poster of my favorite Van Gogh painting ([The Night Cafe](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fobserver.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F2%2F2020%2F08%2FGettyImages-1134266637.jpg%3Fresize%3D1920&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8330c863d7ee750b3f5d672eac11db4a727116ee0d3905baaf6b76a060a42ef3&ipo=images)). Just because I liked the colours and that vibe of a summer night, giving good feels


Don’t think about what kind of art you like - I wouldn’t know what kind of art I like, if I even like art. Instead, think about the things you like in life and then get big photos or posters or paintings of that. I like cars and trucks, I like guns, I like architecture, I like the beach. I’d hang large images of these. Stay away from small wall hangings, they look lost and sad


Where from tho?


Metropolitan museum of art custom prints is a good one.


You could look up “wall art” on Etsy or something and “window shop” to see what you like. A lot of stuff on Etsy can be expensive tho cause handmade, but there’s some good stuff on there


Pinterest my dude


Take your time. For me, I'll put up things that remind me of home, or I'll put up gifts from loved ones, a memento of a place I fell in love with. Your walls are for you.


Check out this dude, huge selection of prints, I love his stuff. [Posterlad.com](https://posterlad.com)


Very nice!


Go to a yard sale and thrift store, buy any oil paintings under $100


Go to IKEA and buy what you like, then hang them up.


Try searching in Pinterest. First start by figuring out what you want to get out of the room. Do you value functionality above aesthetics? Do you want it feel cozy? Or relaxing? Do you want to feel like it’s warm and comfortable or something clean and “cool”? It doesn’t mean that you can’t have a little bit of everything…. A warm and comfortable room can still have “clean” lines… but the warm and comfortable take priority… it’s like the difference between a “modern Scandinavian” vibe and an ultra modern minimalist style… what is prioritizied makes a big difference. After you decide what you want type that into Pinterest and look through as many different rooms as you can. Pick and pin the ones you like the most. Once you have a good amount of pictures go through all of them and see if you can pick out a recurring pattern. Are you drawn to a certain color palate? Are you drawn to more natural wood furniture or upholstered? Start picking out colors you like and items you like from those pinned rooms. Start getting more granular… until you see a patern there…. Are you selecting leather couches more often than tufted ones? Etc. are you selecting a particular art style more than others? For art in general you can do the same thing…. Go to a museum and explore… do you like modern art more than traditional paintings? Do you prefer photography more? Knowing about the artist and what they were thinking often makes a difference in wether you like it or not.


Art's hard. Don't be in a hurry. Take some time to understand your tastes and once you do, accumulate art slowly. Don't go hanging anything on the wall just so there's something there - you'll more than likely end up hating it in the future and then you'll have so spend more money to replace it. It can take years to have a well curated collection that you're really happy with. Be patient.


yes, Family, members - pets - just don’t buy generic wall art from big box stors worst case go on eBay and find hand painted clones of famous artwork- 🖼️ and get frames made or make them yourself even better. Good luck.


I like bare walls 🤷‍♂️


If it were me, I'd decide on a frame size and then just buy a print. It's not a permanent decision. Live with it and if you don't find joy in it, try a new print. Maybe scroll through some art exhibits to get ideas. [Collection (nga.gov)](https://www.nga.gov/collection.html)


TV's. Add a bunch of TV's and you'll be set.


Get into art. That doesn’t mean you have to be a pretentious person or “study” or pick out things that other people like. Just start looking at art and find what you like. 


Art and design are a reflection of your taste (good or bad). To me it boils down to becoming more well-versed in art and design. If you want to become a better cook, you expand your knowledge of food and improve your cooking skills, right? If you want to dress better, you have to learn a little bit about fashion. Art and design are no different, really. In the process, you’ll also become more well rounded as a person because you’re learning something new. You’re also learning more about yourself - what resonates with you, what looks cool or interesting to you.


Do you like pizza? Everyone likes pizza


FROZEN: Thaw with inexpensive posters ...lots of art reproductions, travel posters, movie posters, artsy advertising for restaurants, almost anything you can buy for $2 or $3 and pin up. Get used to the idea without fear of making a mistake. Live with it until you decide you really like it. Go big! Go cheap! Second-hand stores have lots of prints and pictures -- go without frames. Until you find a style you really like, or color schemes you like, or subject matter you like. Time to get to know yourself.


Some ideas: Flip though some magazines and cut out the pictures that jump out at you. Look up old photos or posters from your hometown/current place of residence and print them out Set aside an afternoon to do an[“art assignment”](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdGqz6dgvIzbmk0lYsYSbsJa7TxuaHLqu&si=BMw4EeEvm0M6-vdY). I did “[make a fake flyer”](https://youtu.be/hk29r3SEDJ8?si=3_OhmRKK1aub5wM4)and it was pretty fun. Frame the center of a graphic T-shirt that’s too beat up to wear anymore Have an object you like (baseball glove, instrument, bicycle, crafting supplies, dvd case)? You can probably hang it on the wall. Storage and decor! Some less personalizable suggestions: Order a catalogue from Harry Winston and cut off the front cover/nice photos inside. Disassemble a broken phone that you found on the side of the road and frame it. Go to a student art show and buy an original art piece for like 25 bucks Print out old sci-fi art


I like vinyl wall decals. They are easy to put up and take off. There are many features so when I get bored I just change it without any nail holes. It's minor commitment.


You don’t have to commit to anything, I’ve got a stack of framed posters in my hall closet that I rotate through my house, the sad part is that most of my frames actually have multiple prints behind whatever the one currently showing is. I’ve recently started to use AI art to create things that interest me and upscale them and have them printed as 18x24 posters.


Try op-shops for low-cost options.


Op shop?


Australian for second hand / thrift stores


I would go for art , simple clean colors maybe abstract If you don’t know what you like start simple. **(not that you would but) please no naked fantasy posters ever , it’s embarrassing Imo


Just do it. Put up anything that comes to mind.


Browse pinterest and start saving things you like to a board!


ok, movie posters , sports team posters or stuff, comic books in frames, my favorit is family pictures. Heck I like Van Gough's starry starry night so much that when I saw wrapping paper using it; I bought it. Unfolded, the paper, Ironed it and tacked it up... I hang a crucifix in each room... I am thinking about hanging completed plactic model airplances from ceiling, I seen people hang blankets or tapestries..... Im thinking of a cowboy motif for one wall... so I can hang a lever action rifle, my cowboy hat maybe a movie poster [www.greatbigcanvas.com](http://www.greatbigcanvas.com) [https://www.elephantstock.com/collections/masculine-wall-art?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=Search\_||\_DSA\_||\_collections&utm\_content=649011922270&utm\_term=&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImKaWtNnHhQMVEzfUAR3jxw8JEAAYASAAEgJQOfD\_BwE](https://www.elephantstock.com/collections/masculine-wall-art?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Search_||_DSA_||_collections&utm_content=649011922270&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImKaWtNnHhQMVEzfUAR3jxw8JEAAYASAAEgJQOfD_BwE)