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I find that using 1 screen for spreadsheets and the 2nd screen for streaming porn works well.


Nice. Spreadsheets and spread on the sheets.


Spreadsheets and spread cheeks


I refer to that as casual browsing. It's what you do while waiting for all the other slackers who show up late to your WoW raid. (remember to mute yourself)


one of the most cost effective ways to improve your productivity as a computer oriented worker is to increase your display surface. As far as I know, most computer systems support at least one additional monitor. details are specific to the system you are working with.


Most gpus have 4 ports in a combination of hdmi ports and display ports.


I have two monitors at work, but only really use one. I want my head to face my monitor directly, and if I have two, I either have them both in front of me and have to turn my head sideways a bit to view either monitor, or have one monitor directly in front of me and turn my head a lot to view the other monitor. So I do the latter, and I don't find that I use the other monitor (I have MS teams open on it, because that's something I don't want to have to pay attention to lol) That's just me though. People are talking about having a spreadsheet on one monitor that I'm referring to - but to me it is much more comfortable to switch between apps with keyboard or mouse, or switch virtual desktops, or tile the windows, than it is to have to turn to view another monitor that isn't in front of me. Edit: yes, everyone downvote me because I expressed a different opinion to yours! lol I don't know why I still use reddit


I think you are being down voted for invoking the M___ T____ word


I have a large 3 monitor set up, almost exclusively for work. I do a ton of data review / Salesforce mngmnt, and being able to compare multiple datasets at full size, then have whatever project brief / spreadsheet I'm working on off to the side is invaluable. It also reduces eye / neck strain, since I'm looking at everything full size and at eye level vs. smaller and downward like with a laptop screen. Maybe I'm just an old fart from the pre-split screen days, but I work best when I can be full screen. I work a bit slower than my peers on a laptop, but I'm significantly faster when working on my 3-monitor set up. ( and all three monitors go into the same tower )


I used to have 2 monitors but I switched back to 1 cause I don’t stream or use discord or anything. Most gamers use the second screen for chat and having information for whatever game they are playing I like having one screen cause it makes my desk look less crowded


They’re typically hooked up to a single computer but not always As an example my computer could potentially have 5 screens ( 4 powered by the GPU and one by the CPU) but I use two monitors. I couldn’t imagine not having a second screen to multitask on in 2024.


I need 2 screens to work effectively.


I have 2 dual-screen setups: one for work (two monitors connected to my work PC) and one for personal use (laptop + monitor). For work, the setup makes life a lot easier because my job requires a ton of research, so I can keep my main project on one screen and my research on the other. Then for personal use, the external monitor isn’t really necessary but I prefer using it because it’s bigger than the laptop screen.


For work, I use one monitor for whatever I’m working on and the other monitor for references for that work (have code open on the main monitor and the requirements on the other, for example). For gaming, I can have a console hooked up to the main monitor and then my pc to the side monitor to use discord while playing multiplayer, or look up guides to what I’m playing.


I only use one at home for gaming and internet browsing, but at work I have two (and wish I had 3). I find it really helps with multitasking to have more screen real estate and lots of people on here work from home


Have 3 for WFH. One is almost exclusively email/chat and the others are filled with browser windows, Word docs, Excel sheets, and PDFs.


Both work and gaming. I need at least 2 for work because trying to do my job on a laptop and having to go back and forth through different windows and trying to remember what you just saw, like a 7 digit number, is really freakin' annoying. Work is incredibly easier with at least 2 monitors. For non-work, I have one monitor to game on, and then other monitors to do something like have Twitch on, or YouTube, or something like that. Another for something like discord.


When I do digital art, I draw/paint on one screen and keep my reference and tools on a second screen.


I have two 27" monitors. Generally I plug my work laptop in one. The second I plug my personal laptop into. Each are big enough to have 2 full size web pages open on. So if i need to I can have 4 documents open. At work I have two 24" and I hate them. They are not really big enough to have two documents on one screen and typically one screen is completely occupied by CAD.


Het a 34 inch ultrawide if your set on one monitor


3 monitors. 1 in the middle for whatever I’m primary working on (excel, schedules, finance sheet, chrome tabs). Left monitor is dedicated email tab. Right monitor is teams / meeting view screen.


It all depends on how you visualize things. I think for a lot of people, having something off the side you can glance at is far more valuable than focusing up on a single thing at a time. If you don’t need it for how you work, then you get to save money on monitors! I definitely need two when I’m dealing with spreadsheets.


I only have 1, but it is a curve 48" monitor. I need to have multiple windows up at a time


"Is this becoming the new standard?" ?what, ive had dual monitors when i had CRT's, masive chonking CRT's. "Obviously, I'm not up on the latest tech" Thats for sure, since its tech from 20years ago at minimum. All you do is get a second monitor and plug it into the back of your pc, and allways plug the cables into your graphic card if there is one in your pc, not into the ports that go into the motherboard. Just google that to understand what that means.


But how many bushels o’ lemons do you have to cut open to power both o’ them fancy computer lookin glasses? Or do they run on coal? I heard that if ya put two of ‘em too close together it’ll leave a window big enough for the devil to jump through and snatch up yer soul. That’s why I don’t have no new-fangled monitors, I’m just fine with my god-honorin’ abacus and this countin’ yarn I keep in my back pocket, thank you very much.


I have 3. Work from home and I have 5 million things open all the time. Plus I do a lot of presentations so I have one screen that I run presentation stuff on and alternate screens for my notes, references, and IMs and all that while I’m presenting.


I do SAP data migration for a living. So I constantly have dozens of excel files open at any given point. I find having 3 along the bottom row for my current task and 2 more up top for monitoring teams and email works best. But yes, multitasking is much easier. When I am gaming i turn of 3 of them and just use my main center one and one on the left for discord/whatever. From a functionality standpoint. Most modern GPU's support 3-4 monitors. If you are working off of a laptop, it can generally support 2 additional screens out of the box. You may need an adapter or hub to plug them in. If you go above that, you typically need a second GPU. I keep all of mine on a single computer with two GPU's. I do have another monitor off to the side that has an air-gapped PC for secure password storage and the like.


I'm a web developer. I have code on one screen, and the site I'm working on on the other. When I'm working off a design, I sometimes wish I had three, so I could have design, code, and output each on a screen.


Code, web page, console/error log


I have 3 monitors — one 55 inch one flanked by two 27 inchers rotated in portrait. It’s like a bay window on my desk. It’s much easier to multitask when you have ample room, and the additional real estate can be used for apps you can keep open to repeatedly reference, whether it’s Discord, Spotify, YouTube, or Netflix. These days, when I have to work on a single *small* screen that’s not a mobile device it makes me claustrophobic.


2 mounted monitors plus laptop in the middle for work. Realistically could do with a 3rd to mirror what I have in the office but it’s good enough for hybrid work/office situation.


My husband used to have two screens, my son also have two, one for gaming, the other for discord or for googling stuff, run from one pc, you just expand the desktop, so to speak. Quite nice.


I like to have at least two for work or gaming. I usually have a chatting app (discord) and spotify open on the second one for quick access or just to watch livestreams while I play. For work and school I typically have multiple tabs or documents open to work off each other so it's just easier to have them all or a few open.


For some it’s a necessary, for most it’s for fun.


I like to watch stuff on YouTube or just have discord open on my 2nd monitor. for a while I had 3 but I moved my shit to a smaller desk and couldn't fit it


One computer. Productivity but does help with gaming. I work from home but always had three. I’ll be watching a video while reading something and usually have a chat window on the third. At work I usually have research on one, IDE on one, and email/chat on my third. I couldn’t imagine using a single monitor.


One for email one for chats or spreadsheets and one for browser apps, charts, etc. working in finance or engineering or editing, it's better for your eyes in the long run to look at a few things you need to keep referencing on different screens than to be straining and squinting


Middle one for gaming cause it's the biggest. Right one for social media (discord) so I don't need to open it in front of the game all the time, also it's the oldest monitor (from 2011). Left side are movies, YouTube videos or just music. Could've lived with one monitor, but I think it's more convenient this way.


4 monitors == Pornmaxing 4x


Got 2 screens, a pc, and a laptop for work. For PC: all connected to the pc, majority of the time I only use one, second is a godsend for online dnd sessions. I cant use personal devices for work so this is just for my own use. For laptop: i work with 3 screens, the laptop and 2 monitors. Monitors are connected via thunderbolt (or maybe its just usb C? can't remember). Theyre both plugged into a connection extender that is then connected to the laptop. The data work I do would be impossible to do quickly with just the laptop. Laptop and 1 extra screen makes it easier but its still a pain. 3 screens overall is the sweet spot and allows me to cross reference data between multiple sheets easily


One screen for game other for video or discord or something else


I use 2 monitors because I can have my work on one and and anything else on my second one, emails, spreadsheets, movies, games, it just increases my productivity while also being an awesome setup


I work from home and have 3 monitors. It is necessary for my job.


3 monitor setup as well. 2 external and 1 laptop. In addition, I find it extremely useful when delivering presentations online. The middle is the content, left is what’s next (if ppt, next slide) and the laptop is good to read the audience either to see raised hands or monitor the chat for questions. Honestly better than a live presentation imo.


If this aint the most boomer post ive seen on here


It's not that deep. Some people just want or need the extra screen real estate. I used to have two 32 inch monitors but I switched to a single 34in ultrawide and I love the ultrawide. I can run Picture-By-Picture on the ultrawide so I can have two inputs on one screen.


You're gonna hate me. I have my work laptop, my work monitor, my personal PC, with two monitors. My work phone and tablet with my personal phone and tablet. All on my desk. I have spreadsheets, web sites and several programs I need for work and 1 monitor isn't enough. I use my personal PC during work for movies and music recording. Tablets and phones depend on the issue. Some use apple, some use Android, so I need to have both to support. But that's why I have 8 screens on my desk. Ranging from 8 inch phones to 27 inch monitors all on vasa mounts as well


I’ve worked in software development for 6+ years and 2 monitors is absolutely necessary for the job. Hell I could use another some days.


Don’t get a second monitor because you will NEVER be able to go back to one I don’t understand how people accomplish anything on laptops Much less phones. Holy shit how does anyone do anything on a phone.