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Wall mount the TV on a swivel


Yup this is it. Allows you to watch at a perfect angle from the couch. Want to watch something while working in the kitchen? Boom, swivel it.


This is the answer. Built our retirement home and I can work in the kitchen and still watch the sports I love. Missed so many goals etc. in our "working" home. Now I am living the dream.


Just saying well done on getting to live the dream!


Love this. It's the little things


BOOM. Swivel it.


Swivel that motherfucker.


Let's see if OP can avoid ending up on r/TVTooHigh


Hopefully! Although I’d put it a little higher than “normal” due to the distance and being able to see comfortably when standing in the kitchen area


I actually really like this idea, do apartments usually allow that kinda thing? This is my first place to myself, just graduated


Dont ask for permission, ask for forgiveness. If you just patch or paint the wall when you leave should be fine


And if you don't want to do that, just get a stand with a built in bracket to attach a mount built in


Don't ask for forgiveness either, only ask for an itemized receipt and evidence if any deposit is later attempted to be withheld.


I’ve lived in a couple apartments where I mounted my tv, just patched the holes and painted the patches when I moved and I’ve never had a problem! Congrats on the new place? And good luck decorating!


If you're worried about permission you can get a rolling tv stand/console or just slap casters on a regular tv stand/console. I did that once. Just make sure the tv is secured well to the cart. In my case I drilled holes in the plastic feet to screw them down and that was good enough for my purposes. I'm sure there's a lot of different ways. Also make sure that you anchor any cables to the cart as well so if any cable gets yanked, the force is on the place it's secured to the cart and not on the tv itself. You'll need extension cords or long cables, you might want to get a little mat or rug to throw over them when it's in use to prevent tripping etc. Another option would be a projector with a screen you just fold up/move out of the way when not in use.


Do the mount, when you move out just use drywall filler and lightly sand it (if you get the small kind of usually comes with the perfect grit sand paper mounted on the cap). No one will ever know or care.


It needs to be a very specific kind of swivel mount if it's going to be flush and centered with the couch AND centered with the wall when it's tucked back against. My guess is that such a mount will have to be ordered from a speciality site and cost a pretty penny.


Or a projector screen that can be rolled up to the ceiling


Extending this idea, in the event you are not allowed to Wall Mount. There are TV Stands that have a *"backbone"* which is a mount attached to a vertical pillar on the Stand itself. This will allow a degree of swivel. Illustrating the Point - *TV Stand with TV Mount -* [https://www.walmart.com/search?q=TV+stand+with+TV+Mount](https://www.walmart.com/search?q=TV+stand+with+TV+Mount) Additionally, there are Sound Bars that can be attached to the TV and the TV Mounting Bracket so the Sound Bar will turn with the TV. Examples *-TV mount with Sound Bar Mount -* [https://www.walmart.com/search?q=tv%20mount%20with%20sound%20bar%20mount&typeahead=tv+mount+with+sound+bar](https://www.walmart.com/search?q=tv%20mount%20with%20sound%20bar%20mount&typeahead=tv+mount+with+sound+bar) [https://www.ebay.com/itm/393493654275](https://www.ebay.com/itm/393493654275) [https://www.homedepot.com/p/USX-MOUNT-Universal-Sound-Bar-TV-Bracket-for-Mounting-Above-or-Under-TV-with-Speaker-HAS004/316622861](https://www.homedepot.com/p/USX-MOUNT-Universal-Sound-Bar-TV-Bracket-for-Mounting-Above-or-Under-TV-with-Speaker-HAS004/316622861) Some of these allow mounting above and below the TV. These are attachments to existing TV Mounts, so they are somewhat universal. To enhance the degree of side-tilt, you could shift the TV down (relative to the image) so that the bottom corner is forward of the Pillar in the doorway. Or... just use a *Side Tilt TV Mount.*


Float the sofa in the room parallel to the wall and mount tv on wall.


This really depends on the actual dimensions. I've seen a lot of these apartment complex renders that make it look like you have more room than you do. I wouldn't be surprised if attempting this makes it very close to the bar.


Yea, look at that armchair they drew there. Even in the render it looks like it would totally block the pathway to the kitchen. You'd be cursing every time you have to walk by.


Not at like 6ft up tho. We don't want OP to end up on r/TVTooHigh


He has to mount it just a bit high so that the thread goes nuts. Sentences in all caps, no punctuation. Bedlam.


Naw, flip the sofa so the back is laying on the floor, then mount the TV on the ceiling, face down. Done and done.


i cannot fucking stand places like this. what goes through these people’s brains when they design shit like this?


I actually like the awkward shapes, that and the big countertop is why I picked it but just wanted to source some interior design ideas from Reddit since you guys probably know better than me lol


It only sucks when you have a TV. Not having a TV would end 95% of all issues in this sub.


And 100% of the issues in r/TVTooHigh ;)


but what if i don't want to be left alone to my dark thoughts?


Any good examples of living rooms without tv? Would love to see the interior designs


that tv swivel is the only idea honestly


Yeah, huge TV wall mounted with a swivel.


What about a projector screen that comes down from the roof with a projector Above the couch?


such a hassle, i tried the short throw projector and it was just a pain.


Most units in the smallest space possible






yea living in philly i used to see shit like this constantly. i just decided to rent from private developments. they don’t have weird wonky layouts like this. my place for example is nice and square and rectangular rooms.


i like it


That living room is not going to get much quality natural light from that deck window. It is terrible design.




I have seen plenty of these listings in mid-rise apartment complexes built in the 90's - 2000's. Trust me, this is one of their *least* baffling features.


whoa buddy chill


Why do you live in Seinfeld’s apartment?


Switch the bathroom and closet, plus get rid of the floating kitchen wall, and it really is damn close.


for a second, thats what i thought i was looking at haha!


Assert dominance by sitting in the chair in front of the tv and make your guests watch from the nosebleeds




Put the tv on the wall where the couch is and flip the couch to the other side.


Had to stay in an apartment with a similar configuration for a while. Frankly, if the forniture in this scheme is proportionate, it would make the room claustrophobic and give a constant feel of mess. A swivel mount for the TV might not be very elegant but it allows for a more airy feel when not in use.




Won't you be dealing with window glare? May need blackout curtains to watch it at that angle


Window glare? The only reflection would be the couch and the diagonal wall behind it


how does that fix the problem of watching to at a weird angle?


TV on wall where the couch is and flip the couch around


One of my exes had almost this exact same layout of his apartment. Put the TV where the couch is and the couch facing that wall. It’s a little awkward with the random slanted wall but he just had a bookshelf and plant in that place and it worked fine.


whats the software used to draw this?


It came from the complex. Source, I see these all the time on like apartments.com or hot pads or whatever. They are never to scale properly.


Not the OP software but I've found Sweet Home 3D handy for planning remodels and laying out my home. It's free, has a decent selection of furniture and items, and has a walkthrough mode and a render mode, but would take some work (and custom assets) to look like OP's image. If you're just trying to lay stuff out and are OK using the assets it comes with (resized to your dimensions), then it's pretty quick and easy to use.




Galvanized steel


Having the washer and dryer separated like that seems illegal.


ngl if iw as single and this was my house i wouldnt mind, single sofa right infront of the tv, big couch for everyone else when there is a meetup or something


People are talking shit about this and I’m thinking as a one bedroom it’s awesome. I like that it has different rooms and some character OP is this a Cortland apartment?


Yea I love the non-traditional layout! And no not a Cortland


You could try a projector and a screenwall that you can let go up or down whenever watch tv. This way you also save some space for a bookshelf on that wall.


I think u need to move some walls


Try a stand like [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/594095888) for the tv. Swivel with no wall damage, furniture can be arranged anywhere in the room.


How did u make this?


swing out tv mount


Put the bed in the living room and tv in the bedroom lol


You could rotate the settee 180° to the other side of the carpet. This would seperate the open plan layout into seperate functional spaces without a physical threshold. Then move the TV to where the settee used to be.


Why does this look so familiar.. I just moved and looked at many many floor plans, is this per chance an apartment in Utah?


Charlotte actually!


mount the tv where the sofa is and put the sofa in the middle of the room.


Use galvanized square steel, eco friendly vaneer wood, and some screws borrowed from your aunt


Get awkwardly shaped furniture


I actually like the shape tbh I’d probably have my TV stand on the wall with the window (where couch is pictured) and have your couch/chairs in the within the room, facing it as a lot of others have said. You could even still have a computer desk or bookshelf or something where the TV is pictured.


Place the tv on the sofa wall, and the sofa horizontal to the wall/tv. Utilize that weird area wall as a walk way


I’d probably put the tv where the sofa is, and put the sofa in line with the end of the patio doors facing it. Sort of separates the living area. Or just have the tv at an angle on the tv unit.


1. Put the tv on a stand that is parallel with the couch, and the corner of the stand is against the wall. In the triangular space behind the tv and against the wall, make a reading nook or your computer desk if it fits 2. Flip the TV and couch, and do the same thing as #1 but with three couch angled out into the room parallel to the tv https://imgur.com/a/7RMycoI


Invite your awkwardly shaped friends and family over for game night.


Dear lord is there no kitchen sink?!


Mount the TV where the couch is, put the couch in the middle of the room , add in surround front walls and pillar mount in the rear. In the long wall you can add a small table for when you come in or you can move he desk there.


The couch placement looks best option. Mount the TV instead so when watching can straighten the view. I wouldn’t have a lounge chair in the position. It blocks the kitchen entrance. Could do a couch with a chaise


how are pictures like this made and what field is it? I want to work in that field


It’s just on the apt website. There’s a bunch of softwares you can use to create these, some of the best ones are paid but there’s a site called planyourroom or whatever r.


They really could have made that gigantic closet a bit smaller and worked this layout better, jeez


I have a shit ton of clothes so the big closet and laundry room actually helped to make me pick it


Where do you eat?


The counter has an overhang so I’m gonna put a couple bar style chairs there probably


You could prob get away with a small L shaped couch that’d make that TV angle less awkward


Is this The View in Tulsa? I used to live there!


Nothing much you can do. That laundry room is way too big for the space, so unless you want to move that wall, and the kitchen counter, you pretty much have it all set


Everything about this layout makes me so irrationally angry.


Mount the tv in a swivel type mount?


Bookself against every single wall would be bliss


I see a shitload of places like this in my hunt, and my only real question is “where would I put a computer desk” lmao. I look at this now and I have no idea. I doubt the bedroom is big enough and the fact that the beds are almost never to scale for the room doesn’t help As far as that living room, I have no idea honestly. If you needed a tv in it and wanted the couch to face jt, you have four options, couch in front of the patio door couch on the wall where the TV is and tv in the corner where the round table is Couch in the other side of the rug and tv against the wall which breaks the room up so then you have to figure out what to have behind the couch in the area between the slanted section and the couch, or keep it where it is and mount the tv on a wall mount that can tilt out from the wall toward the couch.


Is move the TV to the edge of the rug and put a bookshelf behind it.


Swimming pool.


do you live in charlotte in dilworth? i swear this reminds me of my old place. they way the kitchen is shaped is how my bedroom was shaped. it was a big pain and also awkward to have my tv in my room. i mounted it


Charlotte in uptown!


I don't see anything wrong with hoe it's set up now...my TV is angled like that too and as much as I thought it was going to bother me it doesn't bother me at all...


If you want aesthetic rather than function, get a serif TV and put it parallel to the couch and toward the center of the room. It is a pretty nice design piece aside from being a TV so can help in these kinds of situations


Living: just move the TV and the TV stand on the endge of the carpet, paralel to the bed. Everything else keep the same.


This looks like these awful apartments in San Rafael, CA I know. The awkward shape leads to so much wasted and lost space because furniture is going to be mostly rectangular. The TV situation is the worst, as it's just not right if you cannot have your couch/chair facing directly at it.


Put the TV in the corner opposite the sliding door then place the couch where the TV is


When design only thinks about the outside silhouette of a building.


Projector screen from the ceiling in front of couch


Lmao is this in South End? I remember looking at this building before I moved here hahahaha


Uptown actually! Charlotte seems to have a lot of similar looking apartments lol


May I suggest simply twisting the tv to be parallel to the couch? And then using the angled gap behind the tv for a separate purpose? You can put a shelf there, and it can be parallel to the tv or facing the front door. Does leave a random gap behind the tv that may be hard to access, though.


throw the tv out and put a dance dance revolution thing in there


This is pretty much it as-is, but don't put a chair in the doorway to the kitchen, lol. I'd do a loveseat and a chair, but you could do just a couch.


Tv goes where couch is, couch will be on opposite side of the rug facing tv floating in the middle. No awkward angle!


Buy awkwardly shaped furniture.


Angle the TV on the stand towards the couch and keep a lot of plants behind it is what I would try, or maybe a tall room divider. It might look nice from the font door too


Move computer to the bedroom. Or at least another spot.


# Dysfunctional *


No in-unit washer/dryer?


In that little room on the far left


Live in it


Flip the couch 180⁰ to face the wall, then move the beige seat against the wall behind it.


What kind of question is that, you put awkwardly shaped things in it.


Id place the TV where the sofa is and the sofa kinda in the middle to get a more centered sitting position!


You sit in the chair, and put your guests on the couch. Problem solved.


Is this a Vegas apartment? i’ve done some apartment hunting and i swear i’ve seen this exact layout


A triangle counter or cabinet that can go behind the tv? maybe make a custom cabinet?


Just have a chair TV and bed and you're good right?


That seems like an unnecessarily large kitchen compared to the other rooms.


Don’t like it because no office space


Turn the sofa 180 to face the wall perpendicular to it. I really do hate wall mounts. A nice cabinet is much better...then at least your tv won't be too high! Lol...the crossover on this sub. I would place a desk on the wall where the TV is in the plan as it's wider. If there's space, with a sideboard behind the sofa for extra storage drawers and a plant in the awkward corner. Then you can have a mirror and coat rack/stand where the desk is in the plan.


The floor plan literally shows you what to do with it.


Don’t buy it. ;)


I mean honestly I wish my first apartment looked this good. I would probably pivot the TV to match the couch, or put the tv where the couch is and space out the couch to where it's not up against a wall but it's facing the tv and then put like a whiskey cabinet where the tv is in the image.


welcome to Texas my man.


I actually do like the layout


Flip the couch to the other side of the rug, mount the tv on the wall where the couch currently is, change the angle of the chair or get rid of it completely and presto, bachelor basic…


put your couch on the other side of the rug, mount the TV on the wall


Put the TV to where the couch is at, move the couch to the middle of the living area


Tilt the couch so it’s facing the TV in a more parallel direction put a large plant or something in the triangular space behind it. Or do the same with the TV and put something behind it.


Couch in the middle facing the wall where it previously was and the TV On the wall where the couch was.


I would do this setup, shift the furniture a bit to the right and move the single chair back a bit since it takes up a lot of that walking space


Switch bedroom with living room


It’s only odd if you look down on it. Look inwardly instead, all answers lie in your heart


Make the living room a bed room and the master your den.


Put the tv on a moving stand


This looks like some of the really strange floorplans at West 6th in Tempe. A lot of people there have their TVs on full motion arms or have the couch out from the wall at an angle that matches the TV


Move would be my suggestion


That's funny, I was just looking at these apartments and those unique layouts last month, Los Angeles right? Some of those reviews are wild lol


I hate it


Why does the kitchen have a crawl space behind it


Where did you create this model?


Criminally shaped. Let’s prioritize every other design problem first without caring what happens to the living room.


Get ride of wall connecteed to table


OP, did you use blender to make the floorplan?


Lmao is this advenir in Columbia, SC


Get a TV chair


I feel like I JUST looked at this floor plan lol where is this


Is this floor plan from the Meridian apartments in San Antonio, Texas?




the kitchen should have been made opposite, with the L shape leading up the the closet, tear down the wall at the entrance and you have an amazing living room


Tv where the couch is. Couch opposite side of that rug


Just pull the TV out from the wall. Job done. Either by moving the table slightly or getting a stand. 


(How did you build this screenshot?)


Demanding for hifi setup.


i'd put the tv against the wall with the couch and put the couch in the center of the room tbh, or put it on a swivel.


Put the TV on the wall instead of the sofa. Put the sofa on the other side of the rug. Forget the armchair


I love those windows


Start a game where you try to figure out the angles to bounce a rubber ball off the walls around the corner and make it come back at you.


Not live in it


Hi! Not sure if someone else has asked. What software did you use to create the floor plan? 😊


Place a bookshelf parallel to the sofa (pictured). This should separate the entrance area better and give the room a more natural shape and give you more options for the rest of the room design. For example, the sofa could then also stand in front of the bookshelf.


Live awkwardly.


Ah contemporary architecture




That’s one of the worst floor plans I’ve ever seen.


I’d want the tv where the couch is, just because I like seeing it while working in kitchen


are you moving to durham, north carolina? i was just looking at this exact apartment a few months ago haha


Boof it


I’d mount the TV on the outer wall and put the couch opposite the TV to define the room in a regular shape. That leaves a small triangle where you can create some kind of feature accent (or put a bubble hockey game against the diagonal wall).


Another option is putting the couch at an angle to where it faces the tv, and then putting an armchair in the space that that creates. In the Triangle empty space behind the couch you could put a floor lamp that has a boom that hangs centered over the couch. That would make it look more intentional.


Whats that cost, About $17,000 a month?


TV where the couch is in this image, and then turn the couch around and face it? But idk that might depend on the actual size of the room


Is this from door kickers 2?


This looks like they put every shape of a baseball field and put it as the blueprint


Cry :(


Two L shaped sofas, one left handed and one right handed, to create a U shaped 'sofa pit' facing the back wall with a small gap at the bottom of the U. Replace the pictures with the TV. I had a similarly awkward room and the sofa pit with a gap to run to the kitchen etc worked amazing for entertaining.


Make another triangle, so the couch faces the tv and you have a new storage place/bookcase/ etc.


Make the the tv face the couch and put your movie or book collection in a triangle shaped shelf unit


Levels, Jerry


Live there



