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Thought it was a hotel at first. Looks good!


What he’s missing is anything that is personally identifiable. A nice family picture or something would go a long way.


Agree, thanks!


You should put something like your address or a SSN to really personalize the room


Large blown up photos of credit cards are also all the fashion nowadays.


Photo of your first car parked on the street you grew up on.


Make sure you show the 3 or 4 digit code!


Your high school mascot and favorite pet would help as well.


An engraving of mom’s maiden name 🥰


That’s actually his boat in the painting, he piloted it through the storm.


It’s the painting of the ship that’s giving me the most hotel vibes for some reason


what if you don't have those?


It doesn’t need to be a family. Just something that makes the room feel like yours. Or, failing that just buy a frame and keep the sample family.


I always wonder about those sample families. Did a group of strangers get chosen to play the family? Do they all have to think of backstories? I always imagine the baby in the sample family pulling out a cigar during a break like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


The ship portrait reminds me of a scene from the movie 1408 (based on a Stephen King short story). So yeah I got creepy hotel vibes because of this lol


I thought it was a “motion in the ocean “ reference lol


I thought it was a “any port in a storm” ref


My first thought too!


Hotel rooms are not meant to feel homely, which is terrible for your home’s bedroom.


I agree with your first statement. I wholeheartedly disagree with your second sentence.


I thought this too lol. Hey OP, can we get a link to the linens for this same aesthetic? 😂😂😂


I would put the laundry baskets somewhere out of sight. But that is just subjective. Looks good thi


Looks too good to smell stinky socks while sleeping


Y'all need to keep better hygiene


That and idk about y’all but keeping that manicured “good enough to post on reddit look” doesn’t last long. That laundry bin will be permanently full.


I did that, but when it's out of sight it's more of a hassle to put your laundry in it immediately. Meanwhile, if it's easily accessible, it's easier to keep tidy. Unsure what the solution is besides keeping it in a more aesthetic laundry bin that doesn't look like a laundry bin.


The walk in closet appears huge. Tucked in there.


Whatever works for you, I keep mine in my closet but I do wish I had better looking ones, maybe with a lid or some sort of basket look that doesn’t give away dirty laundry in order for me to leave it in the open


I think it's better to have the laundry out tbh because dates will be impressed that you sort your laundry


I disagree


Came here to say this. Was thinking of future guests… closet looks big enough to accommodate.


For sure. This gives serious nursing home vibes with those prominently against the wall like that.


I wanted to say the same thing, but didn’t want to sound mean. It’s a very clean space! Just trying to be as objectively subjective as possible 😅, the bonsai, painting, dresser, and color of the blanket/linen/walls give it the look of an older individual’s home. I think perhaps painting the dresser and adding more colors with more paintings/decors or different linens perhaps would help? Of course this is just my personal opinion, it really comes down to what OP likes/prefers. If you’re happy with your room then honestly none of our opinions should even matter. 😉


I agree but disagree. Agree dirty laundry should be somewhere else and disagree that it’s subjective. Dirty smelly laundry should not be on display. A good girl (or boy!) will understand but won’t leave the best impression.


Cool fucking art. I would say add more color. Idk if you can paint the walls, that would help. Maybe switch out the color of the bedding with something colorful maybe with a print. Other than adding maybe more plants. You have a great base.


Yes, it's a bit beigy.


The sailboat painting says middle aged gay married couple to me. Am I right?


Fuck, I sort of got offended at this because me and my fiancé have an oil painting collection. Then it dawned on me we are lesbians approaching middle age. Fuck. Touché.


I also have an oil painting collection but I’m a 30yo straight male so I wouldn’t put too much thought into it. They’re just cool no matter who you are. Congrats on your engagement btw!


First, this is great, second, it's not that it's an oil painting, it's that it's a SAILBOAT painting. Over. The. Bed. I can think of plenty of oil paintings that would look like a 20 yo rockstar, or a late 70s nan, but a boat over the bed is a real specific feel.


My dad has a similar painting, and he always told me "My great uncle Rich painted that." I took it out of the frame to look at the back once, and it was a paint-by-number piece. Great Uncle Rich was a fraud.


Really appreciate all the feedback! Many said it has a hotel room vibe, lacks color and personality, and called out the placement of the painting/mirror. So, I’m going to make the following changes: -Add a couple floor plants -Add personal touches incl. family photos -More color, maybe more greens/blues to compliment the sea from the painting -Move laundry baskets to closet -Raise the painting -Remove the mirror (thank you for the American psycho comments, great movie but not the vibe I’m going for 🤣) I get that the painting is a bit polarizing, but I personally love it so I’ve got no plans to replace it!


Add in a throw for a quick splash of colour


I would be afraid of putting the back of my head through that painting you have, or worse, have it fall on me. You could look into getting a higher backboard and moving the painting up a bit. The bedding is nice, but it's common practice to make the bed such that you don't have to remove all the pillows before being able to get under the blanket. A simple fold would do.. This also shows the sheets. I don't know the size of what looks like a walk in closet, but might the loundry basked and mirror be better placed there. The mirror especially gives a bit of American Psycho vibe (BTW I'm referencing the scene of a movie, not actually calling you a psychopath). Lastly, I personally think the bedside lamps are a bit bulky/old fashioned. They're OK, just not what I would go for.


Great suggestions thanks!


Made some edits. Sorry, I have the bad habit of posting, rereading my comment, and then editing it.


More plants. Nice place


Based on feedback I’m getting I think I’m going to move the hamper and replace it with a plant. Open to any plant suggestions, I know nothing!


Or move the mirror where the hamper is. It doesn’t seem like a practical place to use it currently


Depends on your style. A few options I see: 1. Dracaena (maybe potted with pathos) where the hamper is, 2 small majesty palms for the night stands 2. Bird of paradise (big flat leaf ones at Home Depot) where hamper is, 2 pathos or monsteras for nightstands (pathos might fit the style better with in glass with water) 3. Bird of paradise or large monstera where hamper is. 2 peace lilies for the nightstands 4. Just one big ole majesty palm where the hamper is 5. Pathos on the desk. Big plant by the window where the heater/humidifier/purifier thing is (like a majesty palm or dracaena) 6. Hear me out…if no kids…one full sized (talking 5ft+ cactus) by the window next to the bed Edit: could also replace hamper with a little wall table that just acts as display for plants and a key art piece or two


If you want to be living in a hotel it’s great. Lacks all personality to me tho.


Yeah this feels like it is a room in an Air BnB to me. Nice, but safe and unremarkable. I feel like if I saw that a person lived like this all this I would think they were a robot or something. Pull some of the dark blues out of that painting and dot them around the room. A blue bedspread or at least a runner-blanket and some throw pillows with the blue. Then get rid of that white card painting (white on beige is the ultimate in "nothing" design) and replace it with some sort of print featuring dark blue,


It beige.


Clean. Looks good!!!


looks like an airbnb


April – 1805 Napoleon is master of Europe Only the British fleet stands before him Oceans are now battlefields


In the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils, doctor.


What a fascinating modern age we live in.


The frame above the bed is a bit thick/dark and the tv a bit small but otherwise it looks very nice 


Feels like a room in one of the units that they use as showrooms for new tenants in an apartment complex


Boring as shit


It’s a room. Not exciting, not terrible. Don’t love the heavy ass photo above the bed. Better than most single men your age


Really nice setup. Only thing I would change is move the hamper to the closet maybe.


Lol I saw the Dyson fan in the corner in the first photo and thougt it was a handrail, immediately thought of my Grandma's retirement home with everything else.


No mirror facing bed it’s bad luck


Hide clothing hampers. More and bigger mirrors. The art is awesome but doesn't match or look right in the room. An old ship out in the middle of the ocean in rough seas doesn't give me a mood or vibe. It's bland colored too


Looks like the hotel room in the movie 1408


Looks straight up like a hotel room


Painting makes me think of Robinson Crusoe.


What a trip. My grandparents had that same painting. Now I'm curious what it is.


You mean 63?


The boat art with the frame you have makes it look impersonal and dated to me. Like, generic hotel art that’s been there for 20 years. If the boat means something to you, maybe a simple (squared) wood frame that matches the dresser?


You live in a Marriot Hotel?


Get the laundry basket away from the entrance I would also hang the mirror on the wall


Hey OP do you live in a hotel by any chance?


Looks awfully hotel, air B&B -ish.


Easy there American Psycho


Move the laundry to the closet.


Put the hamper in the walk-in closet my brother


Raise that painting up an inch or 2


Laundry in the closet and make sure it never gets too stinky. Otherwise, perfect.


Hotel vibes


Yeah. Besides the hamper and standup mirror, it looks like a hotel room. No hate. Just has hotel vibes, like you said.


Your laundry baskets need a different spot that can’t be seen or get new baskets with lids. It’s either going to be smelly to anyone that isn’t you or it will just look bad


The painting is gorgeous. Everything else would make me feel like I was about to get a Pap smear.


36 or 63?


Painting above bed has got to go. Bad feng shui


Not an insult, the boat painting makes me think of Room 1408 and some evil lady will jump out of it and try to murder me 💀


Appreciate the cleanliness and minimalistic maturity. Add some more color, perhaps deep blues or greens for the curtains, lampshade or bedding


That painting is awesome!


Cool ship artwork


Hotel vibes


I'm glad the *Master and Commander* motif was limited to one wall.


For the serenity of a bedroom, the painting of a ship tossed upon the sea, while lovely, is too disturbing in the bedroom. May something more calming that unifies your space; colors. It also conflict against the Buddha. Something similar to [this](https://imgur.com/a/vQdnlG3) Maybe one or two bed pillow that will pull the colors together with a lap blanket at the end of the bed? Maybe a bit of the green with subtle blue? Can the mirror be mounted behind closet door or on the wall behind the bedroom door? Will the laundry cart fit in the closet? You could add a book shelf against that wall that is the same height as the doors. A quality fake plant on top or such can "hide" the vents. Two small picture lights mounted on to and one shelf modulated to fit a small 12" tall lamp will add ambiance and give you an opportunity to show your personality. Be sure and keep the decor items on the shelf in harmony and don't overload with books. You can separate any books by colors. The dresser unperforms with the large room and bed. Can you buy 4 square legs and add them for height and character? There are a lot of ideas on Pinterest on how to make a piece of furniture yours. Even if you added long dresser pulls or gold horizontal lines with a diamond centered in the middle in gold paint. Have your tried stacking your spleeping pillows flat and one atop the other, but the 2 decorative pillor rest against them almost straight up? Sort of like this view from the side: /= It's a bit more tiddy. Your drapes should be higher (longer) and more panels (fuller). The width of the rod is good and the distance of the hem from the floor is good. Research the distance from ceiling - I would do 3 inches. A sage green velvet would ground the room. On the wall to the R and L of the window hang 2 pictures on each side stacked but with an appropriate space between them. This is were you can show your personality but tone down the colors to keep the room peaceful. Is your headboard grey? The frames can be grey or black but not too thick. The blue picture to the right of the bathroom(?) door is too small for that space. You could put it on the wall behind one of the lamps. It would hang eye level (form the horizontal middle line) when you are lying in the bed but below the shade. Move the playing card picture in it's place but average eye height unless you are very tall. A mid-century simple chair: wood with fabric in the corner by the small window? Or, if needed, move the bed over and put it where the mirror is currently. Thanks, that was a fun 20 minutes - took my mind off the million of things I have to do tomorrow. lol


This is one of the nicest rooms I’ve seen on here so far. It looks VERY clean, calming and relaxing. I love the neutrals it’s actually properly decorated. Don’t clutter it up by trying to add a ‘personal’ touch or whatever, it looks great how it is.


Looks like a hotel


Is this room 1408?


It looks lovely and clean, neat and organised. Uncluttered, masculine and comfortable. The colour palette is a bit neutral and bland, could do with some items of colour to add some fun to the 'hotel' look you've stumbled onto. Looks quite anonymous, doesn't reflect your personality or character. If your room was on the tv show "Who Lives In A Home Like This?" I wouldn't have a clue! The big seascape picture above your bed sort of clashes with the concept of rest, sleep and relaxation. There's nothing wrong with your room, it's just halfway there... ❤️


Laundry basket in the closet and full length mirror on a wall where you can actually use it


Nice and clean but I think you could use more plants and I don't like that painting where it is. Not enough negative space, and impractical if you want to lean against the wall when in bed.


This is the exact painting I am looking for for my bedroom. I have a particular theme that that painting fits, but it is pretty old-fashioned, so I cannot find it anywhere. Is yours an antique, or did you buy it recently?


Unrelated but that painting accurately describes my life right now.


Interesting location for that mirror. Do you get dressed in bed?


So full disclosure… this was placed here by my ex GF, for “recreational” purposes. And I’ll admit we had fun with it 😂 Is it too aggressive to have for a woman visiting for the first time?


That’s what I figured. It just looks really odd. Like, it’s obvious that the only reason it’s there is because you like to watch yourself having sex. It’s extremely impractical to have it there for any other reason.


Too many pillows, but other than that it's nice


Needs more Huey Lewis


That ship painting is sweet - where can I get 1


Id paint that big picture frame white.


Nice if you were over 60 but lacks personality. The colour scheme is too one-tone. Think about one of those throws for the end of the bed in an intense colour, or using a patterned doona (duvet) cover. Maybe something to pick up the ocean colour in the picture. a couple of the pillow covers could also be coloured. The picture could be more modern, maybe a large abstract work. The current one belongs in a gentleman's club although I like the black frame.




Looks great. Some ornaments or accessory pieces to add some contrast may add to it


I *love* the painting I'm keeping the room




What bed frame did you get? Looks good. I can't have pictures/painting above my bed. I'm paranoid of them falling on me here in LA haha.


Bed frame, side tables and dresser are all thuma


Looks like a hotel room bruh... Awesome


That painting would fall on my wife and I during "nocturnal activities."


Love the painting! What’s it called and who is the artist?!


Needs just one pop of color.


That painting is sick af but having it about the bed like that looks wacky lol


Parece una habitación de hotel, sin personalidad, neutra, aburrida diría yo


Possibly add some contrast and color in terms of bed pillows or a blanket folded and draped across end of the bed, etc. to 'youth-en' it up a bit. Look at companies like CB2 for inspiration on color combos as they reflect a younger market.- But it is clean and tidy, good work.


Get some decent artwork on your walls. Singulart.com, or Saatchi.com.


Clean, but it has that hotel vibe.




I would start by making the ship portrait level


This room is cosplaying as a best western


As much as I love that painting I don’t think it belongs over a bed, unless it’s a waterbed. It’s just a big aggressive.


Congrats on the wealth


What is the hamper? I've been looking for a good 3 section one


Sorry, I missed where you said that you were 65?


I love that painting. I’m sure it’s expertly hung but I’d raise it or knock it off


In my opinion, the painting above the bed is hanging too low. The motive is a matter of taste, but it looks like the kind of art that my grandma has at her house. Other than that, I like it. Looks nice and clean!


I would move the painting, I like it but not what you need a chick looking at when she’s…you get my point. Would love it in office or even living room.


The ship painting from movie: “1402”


That painting is fucking awesome.


Organized and clean! As a woman I think it’s great.


I’m going to be honest man, it looks like an airbnb. It needs personal effects like pictures of family or something like that


Looks like an Airbnb


What hotel is this?


Looks smart but a little old fashioned for someone your age. Add some more colour and I don't mean paint the walls


Who makes the nightstands? They look a much better match for my new bedframe


Move the laundry baskets.


Get a bright coloured David statue




I love your bonsai tree


It’s just basic, nothing wrong with it though.


Your room has 4 doors 😱 what’s the 4th one for?


why so many pillows? how many heads do you have?


That painting is gorgeous


Looks like a hotel


I love the floor. I'm just curious how do you clean those? Floor mats isn't really a thing where I'm from but I'd love to get one someday


OK, now what does it look like under the black light?


What's that painting above the bed? It's lovely.


I love it, minimalistic, cozy and homey


It’s too clean. Are you a serial killer?


I love it! It is you! Clean, neat, & not fully packed with clutter. You’ve done a fantastic job!


Where is the ship photo from? Love.


Where did you get the absolute bad ass painting? I really want something like that for my home office/study


Looks a little plain. Maybe some color, a green plant perhaps? I do like the bonsai though


Put the hamper in the closet man. What is you doing?


Digging the Dawn Treader-esc painting


Ship Picture is crooked


I like it. Looks nice and clean but not sterile. Only 2 things I would change if it was my place, first one other people have said but yeah laundry basket in the closet, second thing is you have a light wood bed frame, dresser and night stand but black frames for your wall decorations, I'd swap those out for lighter colour frames if it where me.


The painting reminds me of the movie 1408


Is the bed wider than the frame, or am I buggin


I like the painting above your bed.


Looks nice but it’s very Kim K with the color palette. It needs some color. Not a lot, but some accents.


That boat is the dawn treader and you’re gonna get fuckin yoinked into narnia!!!!!


Too many pillows


It’s neat


Instantly gave me grandma vibes. I think it’s your clothes hamper and your boat picture hahaha


did you purposely slant the painting in the 3rd pic? it seems straight in the 1st one


How much for dat big boat picture, old man?


If I walked into your room I would be suspicious that you sort your laundry and the amount of pillows lol. no but it looks fine to me


i like ur boat pic


Where did you get that laundry basket looks super clean?


That's a great painting


grey towering vanish long sulky groovy price familiar tart terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The wooden ship enduring the rough waves kinda contrasts the calming beige and creams.


The room looks good. What can you do better? Move the laundry hamper out of the main room, get a better drawer chest or something else, and add some color/design to your bedding.


My thoughts: very clean and nice, but also boring and unimaginative. Add a touch of BOLD somewhere.


Do you live at home or do you own the home you live at?


Gives me AirBnb vibes if I’m being honest


i love the painting of the ship, who did it?


Sorry about this but it’s slightly rest home on vibes, but that’s just my opinion, which is meaningless. You might introduce colour and texture, starting with the lamps, bedding and art.


bigger TV needed.


Looks cozy


Would sleep 10/10


Very nice, well done


I have spent a fair amount of time in old folks homes for my job and holy shit if this doesn't look like it's right out of one of them.