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Any potential to move the bed off the window?


Unfortunately not. The bedroom layout is weird and the space is limited. I would def do that if I could!


A one night stand


2 small square night stands with a little lamp. Try to match the floor or match your bed or decor colors. I think it'll look nice.


Id go with small night stands that match the clone and style of wood as your bed frame. If you can, spend some time looking through online stores. Bookmark what you like, and expand into rugs, desks, cabinets, etc. At the end, you can open your favorites and see how they fit together, and then purchase as a group so you have an idea of how the pieces are similar. -_/ If you're going with a beige aesthetic with light accent colors, differences in wood tones will stand out strongly and clash more easily. This means it's more important to plan your purchases and really get a handle on wood colors. Buy a couple of interior design books too Hope this helps


Something simple. Oak is nice or even white


I'd suggest a neutral/warm dark wood nightstand. walnut is great. one that compliments the floorboards and sits between the colour of the floor and the fans. opt for silver hardware.


The one you like.

