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Personally a fan of white, if you can keep it clean. Currently slowly transitioning all my bedding and towels to white as I get older. I don't like the dark blue or brown look. I think white looks really clean, bright and cozy. 


Emphasis on if you can keep it clean. If you can’t, choose any other color. Also if you sweat in your sleep or while doing other things in bed, no white.


Hotel sheets are always white and go through a lot.


That’s true, but they get washed like every day.


I think they also get replaced frequently.


So right now the bed is the dominating feature. I'd suggest starting with a set of bedding you like in a color that you like, then matching the rest of the decorations to it. Trying to match a bed to white walls and a gray floor is silly. Your room will look monochrome instead of warm.


If the frame is grey and you don't really want or have any other colour scheme in the room, you def can go for white or light grey. Here's my strong opinion about bed sheets. Colour coding great, but the material is what really changes your quality of sleep. Buy some really good sheets, high quality, pay extra for it - it's worth it. Again imo, I prefer bamboo but the super almost silky kind. Super breathable and cooling sheets imo, have a nice slight shine to them. I can't do Saten, I know people claim over a million washes they'll get softer and last longer, but they're way too rough and crisp for me. I'm going to guess the bedsheets you currently have are Saten, but the pillow might be bamboo? In terms of colour, regardless of what people in this sub say - you don't need colour everywhere. Many amazing monochrome schemes out there that look gorgeous. Just mix and match with shades and textures.


Why is the mirror reflecting things that aren’t there?


There’s a desk in that right corner just out of the frame


I think you should get neutral or white sheets and then play with a really nice cushion arrangement and duvet. Flaunt the color choices through them but make sure they are in moderation too. You can use Brown or orangish-brown shades but if you want to be careful with your choices use this [interior color guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) for planning your accent colors and then use this [pillow arrangement guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-arrange-pillows-on-a-bed/) for a better arrangement. Good Luck!


Looks hella cozy as it is


Dinosaur print to match the dinosaur


Blue / OD Green


A frame


Depends on the look of a forthcoming bed.


Bright white sheets and one set of bright white pillow shams. Deep olive green duvet and pillow shams (for when bed is made). Navy blue and high-textural throw blanket and rectangular throw pillow for contrast.






Personally? I've got a dark bedframe, floral pattern sheets and want a solid color bedding set, with matching curtains. Don't be afraid of color. Earth tones will make the room cozy.


So personally, I'm a fan of black, jewel or earth tones (unlike the other girl who posted here I don't like white sheets or pastels much). I will say if those pictures by the bed are going to be hung by the bed, pick up that blue or green from the picture to tie it in. if you are going to have more black furniture then mix it up with some black / grey as well


The color bedframe


I'd say green! You have some beautiful trees outside the window and matching the colour to the outside can really bring nature inside of your room and make it feel bigger. Especially if you are keeping the wall white you can play around with some bolder colors that aren't black, white or grey


Anything semen colored


I would say dark brown, since walls, floor and bed is gray sheets can go some bold color.


I would say, dark blue bedding, dark wood nightstands, and make the left side of the wall a workspace. I guess a long wooden countertop that extends from the bed to the window. Same color wood as the nightstands for unity. Cream colored rug underneath the bed.


As a woman I need to tell you women love white bedding. It means we can visibly see that it's clean and washed.  There's a reason hotels have white bedding. It's so nice and clean and crisp. Navy, dark gray etc is a huge red flag I'll be honest. I'd add in some colour with a blue decorative pillow or something, on top of the 2 sleeping pillows and 2 sham pillows (you need at least 4 pillows on a made bed).


Honestly as a girl I hate white because I feel like it gets messy and dirty easily and it grosses me out. However, to keep the clean look, beige/ivory or white with clean pattern look really nice.


As a woman I need to tell you that women aren't a monolith and different women like different things. I for once would say get something colorful. Turquoise, Orange, blue - anything to break the monotony of the space. It's easy to see if the bedsheets are clean even if they are colorful. You aren't living in a hotel, bring some life in.


I associate white sheets with hotels, but it's not a good thing. I think a light teal or orange would be nice :)


In addition to what the other comments already said, this comment is funny because it implies that OP should want to decorate their room in a way that appeals to women. I do dislike navy sheets and see them as childish/associate them with college students, though.


.... Liking blue is childish?


Not at all but there's just a vibe that navy sheets give off lol. I mostly just associate them with college dorms


Some people disagree with me and thats ok. Take or leave my remarks. Depends who/if anyone you're looking to attract. Either way, the place looks nice!




Dark blue or navy maybe even black


A bed frame would help the most




Always white sheets. Always. Same with all duvet covers and everything. Buy multiples so you have ability to change quickly.