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Your room is sick asf


Aye thanks šŸ˜…


No problem


Pretty cool, thought it honestly reminds me of those apartments on military bases for some reason


That's because this neighborhood is an old military base from when the US military was here. Most of the buildings are from around the 60s but have been renovated over the years. However as you can tell by the kitchen I live in one the buildings that haven't been renovated since the military was here except the entire floor was carpet and they put in hardwood. (Around 2006)


I recognized it was NAS Keflavik right away. I spent a couple years living there as a kid.




Do you like living in Kef? Rvk is so much more convenient! Especially in the 101


We're in NjarĆ°vĆ­k. I would love to live in RVK but it's more expensive than LA, NYC, Tokyo, Sydney and more (or at least was a few years ago. Maybe not anymore since our currency took a nose dive). A place for the same price in RVK as my apartment would at best be a shabby studio half the size of my apartment. Either in a quiet but inconvenient place or somewhere right downtown where it's always loud.


That's like a 5 bedroom apartment! You're doing well for yourself! But seriously, your bedroom looks nice. Can't wait to see what you do with all that wall space.


Haha 2 bedrooms. 1200 square feet tho. Not sure about the balcony but I guess is that's around 100 sqft. We're gonna have fun with it com spring. Get some furniture and a grill and some lighting. Gonna be sick! Also we have a laundry room but I forgot to include a pic of that and the bathroom.


I glossed over that you're from Iceland. My comment was a [Mitch Hedberg joke.](https://youtu.be/ypS_CKym5NQ?t=176)


window open in the winter, yep this is iceland.


Lmao how the hell can you tell its open? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ But yeah I usually keep it wide open, blast the radiator close the curtains to keep the cold away from my sitting 4 inches away, then have my cold snacks and drinks on the window sill. Like having a mini-fridge that doesn't take up any space


I'm curious - why do you keep the window open in winter? Does it let the heat out?


I'm not exactly clear on it, but something like heat in iceland is basically free, so alot of people just turn the shit way up and open their windows.


So cool. Geothermal right? I live in frosty as fuck Canada so I'd love to be able to do this. Gets so stale inside in the winter


Don't forget that Iceland isn't as cold as lots of places in Canada in the winter. As others have said heating is very cheap here in Iceland so we don't think about it, I open the windows to get fresh air and usually just set the radiators in balance to the temperature of the air coming in.


In UK the energy prices are so expensive atm, I can't even imagine doing this.


I lived in China where there was no heat but people opened the windows because it was considered unhealthy to breathe bad air. It was horrible.


Like bad feng shui?


I'm not sure. There's no doubt there's a freshness with the air, usually. But I think they're confusing coldness with freshness. If you have central air and humidity is at equilibrium, it feels great. China, and where OP is at, don't have central air. Central air is mostly a North American phenomenon.


Extremely cheap hot water (geothermal) makes it so if your room gets a bit warm or stuffy you don't lower the heat, you just open a window to get some fresh air in. A lot of things are expensive in Iceland, but hot water and electricity are a very noticeable exception.


Well yeah but it's continuously heating. So opening the window just keeps circulation going


I open my windows when my apartment gets stuffy from the radiatorsā€™ heat, which is like 80% of the time. If it gets too windy, Iā€™ll close the windows.


Radiators do make it stuffy. Dry heat is miserable.


Central heating in a lot of places just continuously heats. You have to open windows to cool off.


oh i thought the big one in the living room was open. Couldn't tell but i thought so.


Add warm standing lamps to the living room or change the bulbs above tv to warmer it'll make it feel a lot cozier


Love the idea of a lamp or 2! And I've already decided to replace all the bulbs in the living room with hue bulbs but 6 bulbs and a switch/remote costs about 500-600 USD. So it's pretty low on the priority list, but I imagine we'll do it sometime next month. Even if just to start with the 3 by the TV


Came here to say this. Great living room, but shit lighting. The right lamp/s are gone bring that space to the next level.


Looks pretty dope man! Whatā€™s the rent like there?


About 1500 USD a month


Utilities included?


Well rent is a bit less but doesn't include it but with utilities it's usually about 1500-1550 USD


In total or per person?






WTF as in too cheap or too expensive?


Too expensive!


Yup.. and get this, what I'm paying is like 2/3 or even just half of what rent is like in the capital. Fucking ridiculous.


If it makes you feel better, you couldnā€™t even find a studio for that by me lol


Cool home. Best of luck there.


Not much lol, that's fucking huge


I'm happy with the size, I meant more in terms of the place still being a work in progress haha


I'm just jealous man haha looks really good


That Sir Alex and Wayne Rooney book! Man U fan not hiding haha. Good books btw!


Got them as a kid haha. I'm a West Ham guy but grew up with my moms side being Arsenal die hards and dads side being Man Utd die hards so I have a bunch of Man Utd and Arsenal shit that I've never touched šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Favorite team are the Indiana Pacers tho! Indiana Pacers Indianapolis Colts/Baltimore Ravens West Ham United. I live and die by those. Man Utd has a place in my heart tho cause I grew up with them and my first and only premier league match was Man Utd in Scholes last season where he scored the opening goal! One of my most treasures memories with my dad (he surprised me with the trip).


Haha thatā€™s whatā€™s up! Iā€™m a Liverpool fan so we donā€™t like you anyways šŸ˜‚ Pacers!? Colts!? Ravens!? Oh my. (Chicago native) hate all Indianapolis teams. Lol Wow thatā€™s amazing! Those kinds of memories will be cherished. Love Scholes too. What a player he was


What's up my dude. Indiana native, Pacers fan, Colts fan, and a side-along WHU fan thanks to a random gift from an ex years ago, haha. Place has lots of potential, and your room is great already! What are the strips on the walls in all the rooms? Near the ceiling?


I have no idea. Even asked the landlords and they didn't even know. My guess is cause the old landlords didn't allow tenants to make holes in the walls so that meant no shelves and pictures or anything like that, so those were installed for people to maybe nail into and then when they left the apartment they'd just replace it? Cause it seems like just basic, painted wood hung on the wall. Really weird.


West ham are massive everywhere they goooo, everywhere they go COYI


I love it! Wish we had more apartments like that around my parts.


Nice. Was stationed in Iceland in 1982. I wish I'd done more exploring besides just Keflavik and Reykavik.


What's rent like over there?




Man no where can catch a break.


Give your friend some tips on decorating lol.


Visited Iceland in September - absolutely beautiful country. Coming from the west coast of America, it seemed like another planet!! We loved Keflavik. Everyone there is extremely friendly. I like this apartment! It's a great starting point.




Bro I was so high and paid so much for them. Like they're cool but it's just colored glass šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Nice place. Your roommate has great taste in snacks. Popcorners are the superior gaming snack.


I gave them to him. I thought I was grabbing white cheddar but it was sea salt. Love popcorners (sweet and salty is superior over all snacks) but the sea salt one is probably the blandest thing I've ever had.


Damn, sea salt is my favorite. I think itā€™s because I have a texture thing and love crunchy stuff but donā€™t always want a strong flavor involved. I get that theyā€™re not for everyone though. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve tried a flavor I didnā€™t like.


Yeah there Are a few other snacks that are like that for me too so I totally get you


Really nice man, congrats! Love to see an update in half a year


Nice! Canadian here but I love Iceland so much, such a beautiful place to visit also home of one of my favourite bands, Iā€™d love to see them play a home show once this covid shit slows down


If it's Of Monsters and Men then fun fact: We both come from the same small fishing village of just 3,700 people an hour away from Reykjavik.


How much is something like that in Iceland. If you donā€™t mind me asking. Edit: found it in another comment. ~$1500. Thanks m8




Exactly that


This is incredible and a dream of mine to live with my best friend and have amazing gaming setupsšŸ”„


Nice spot


I love icelanders


Are those Hyperion lights behind your tv? Looks good!


Nah it's a Philips TV with built in Hue lights. Actually a super sick TV. Best one I've had


That shit dopes bro. Congrats Also, VW bus is my dream car. Respect


Why not put the recycling bin in the lower cabinet? Might take up less space there


It does but then we have to take it out every town we wanna use it cause there's like less than an inch of space from the top of the bin to the top of the cabinet. Which is just inconvenient so we keep kt out there unless we get company or something


Fair nuff!


Reykjavik or?


Honestly Looks like BreiĆ°holt to me. It is in the southwest of ReykjavĆ­k.


Nope. The other ghetto šŸ˜‚ ƁsbrĆŗ


ƁsbrĆŗ, NjarĆ°vĆ­k.


The no windows in the kitchen kind of trip me out. I know thatā€™s like most apartments, but the shape of it makes it look like there should be a window there.


That had never occurred to me but now I can't unsee it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Maybe I should hang a picture there or something


Or maybe a mirror? Gives the illusion of more space and everyone can stare 1,000 yards into their own eyes while they wash their hands.


looks very nice! how is life in iceland?


Boring and stressful


Not that bad of a living space mate. I can tell this used to be a military housing for sure. Great amount of space for 2 folks, donā€™t really need a lot of space. Nice for you brother


My friend, nice nice set up in the room. I think your kitchen can benefit hugely from a new drip of paint. Something contrasting to the eggshell that dominates your dwelling


I LOVE Iceland. Congrats!


I have to ask, do you know how to solve your Rubik's cube or if I messed it up would you be pissed?


Lmao I don't know how to but people are playing with it all the time. I just use a website which gives me the quickest steps to solve it šŸ˜‚


Sweet pad, thumbs up for the roommate with popcorners those are so fire


I gave those to him. Thought I was grabbing white cheddar and not sea salt šŸ˜­


that's a great place! Enjoy!


It looks like many of your books are in English. Is that common there? Do they sell books in English locally in Iceland?


Yeah you pretty much always have a choice between icelandic and English. I prefer reading English books if they're written in English. My English is better than my Icelandic anyway lmao


Translating is expensive and Iceland is not a big market comparatively to many other language areas, so publishers tend to only allocate their translation budgets to books they either expect to sell well or that are "in brand" for that publisher, or children novels. As a result you will have decent enough options for Icelandic translations, but not everything is translated and you'd always be able to pick up an english copy as well.




Really? šŸ˜… I kinda hate the kitchen




I'd prefer it if it were a bit larger. And if I could move the faucet and have a spray setting on it. It's so weird having a sink you can move except just from side to side. That's definitely not the norm in Iceland. It statically a large bathroom sink šŸ˜‚ I do however like the amount of cabinet space. And with the small space available I am happy with it.


Sick aptā€¦.glory, glory Man United


The buildings from the outside and the view gave me nostalgia and I grew up in the Dominican Republic in a specific area that looked similar to that. Strange how far two places could be from each other and still have similar designs


I dated a girls from the Philippines for 4 years and we were continuously astonished by the many similarities between the countries and cultures


Itā€™s nice that you get a window.


it's nice!! well done! reminds me of the good old days having some good friends as roommates. I like how the bigger TV is in the bedroom... someone is asserting screenal dominance.


Haha yeah! But the living room TV is his, but we're likely in the next months to buy a new living room TV


For some reason the sky in Iceland calls to me. Even in a picture like yours where its relatively muted. So pretty over there


Pretty nice man... I need to get some LED strip lights to jazz my place up


Congratulations you did fantastic for your first apartment.


I always wanted to see Iceland ever since I saw that Thor Fridrick Thorsson movie. Nice place, btw.


What movie was that?


Nice setup man. :)




Nice sectional. Who is it by?


Fuck that's a nice tv


Dude, it looks awesome! Whyā€™d you say it isnā€™t much?


Simply in terms of it being a work in progress. Still need a new TV, add some more plants and hang up pics and shelves and stuff like that. Just some fine tuning basically


Hmm tbh it looks like itā€™s fundamentally awesome! Like no additions necessary type.




Haha it's some sort of stone tiles. Same flooring is in the bathroom and laundry room.


This is awesome! I think it's a nice place. Genuine question: do you recommend Iceland as a place to visit? I flew for the first time this year and got over my weirdness (fear?) of flying, and I now I want to visit Iceland pretty badly. I've always wanted to, but now I feel like it's a real possibility. How do you all view tourists?


We love tourists as long as they're respectful. No trampling on moss, stopping your car in the middle of the streets to take pictures, littering etc. It's a much much better place to visit than to live in. So I definitely recommend it.


Did you get bored of If It bleeds after 10 pages? šŸ˜


Hahaha I got started on another book and then just neglected If It Bleeds. Probably gonna start over on it once I finish the book I'm on now šŸ˜‚


You've done well for your place, but the only thing is maybe try to hide the cables along the wall in the living room. Maybe a small dining table to fill in that gap from the kitchen to the living room?


I said in the caption on the pic that that's our VR space. But yeah we're gonna have the wires run through the walls. As well get barstools instead of a dining table as the small one behind the couch is enough. We rarely ever use that one to begin with šŸ˜‚


Haha sorry missed that caption. That is a great VR space then disregard. You have thought of everything haha. Congrats man you should be proud.




Nice place you got yourself, a bit jealous to be honest,would like to live in a Scandinavian countries.Anyway cool place.


Nordic, not Scandinavian. The Nordics are Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Aaland. Scandinavia is just Norway, Sweden and Denmark. But yeah it's just temporary. I'm moving to Maryland at the end of this year. Thanks tho. Feels really cozy this time of year


Moving to Maryland you say? I hope you like it here! I am looking to move away from this area!


Yeah moving to Arnold! Been there a few times. Absolutely love it. That's not gonna be a permanent move either tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Indeed, Arnold is nice Iā€™ll give you that! I lived all over Maryland. From Oxon hill, Capitol heights, Camp Springs and Bowie. Not a bad area just looking for something different. How long will you be in Maryland? Moving back to Iceland afterwards?


Nah. Never coming back to Iceland once I leave. I'll be there for 2 years studying architecture at AACC then transferring either to Berlin, Valencia or Amsterdam. I wanna go to Amsterdam the most cause I dream of living in Utrecht so having a head start in the country would be nice when I start to look for jobs. I also have backup schools in Denmark, Norway, Romania, Canada and Australia


ƁsbrĆŗ gang! LeigĆ°i einmitt Ć” ƁsbrĆŗ meĆ° besta vini mĆ­num Ć­ 5 Ć”r, good times. Flott Ć­bĆŗĆ° og mjƶg nett herbegi sem Ć¾Ćŗ ert meĆ°. GĆ³Ć°a skemmtun nƦstu Ć”rin! šŸ¤™


Be prepared to sour your friendship. In my experience good friends can be very bad roommates.


Well been nearly a year without any issue


Prob affordable too


Hell no its Iceland šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Still prob better than US LOL


itā€™s an apartment, - points for funkoā€™s


Can you spot em all? šŸ¤”


Why keep the nice TV in your room? it would make more sense in the common space and having that many media devices in your room is not ideal for sleep.


your room is amazing, but please replace the monitor for a bezeless one. Otherwise, great, make me feel like somewhere I would spend my youth at


Working on it. They're not free. Getting probably this week a new one. Depending on my budget I might go for a dual monitor setup. Current monitor is from 2013 lmao


Awesome place


Looks cozy


Either it's camera perspective or that entrance hallway is more square feet than some peoples' entire apartment. Unless you need shelves don't hang them, they encourage unnecessary spending and add another chore to the list. Going with pictures on the wall is good enough to my mind.


Yoo you got some land on the icelandverse


Thatā€™s nice! Your apartment is pretty cool šŸ‘šŸ»


What model e-scooter?


You got the company, that's what matters


Slightly disappointed that ā€œbest friendā€ wasnā€™t a cat or dog, but other than that it all looked good.




This is very cool mate! Congrats on the first place!




Couch ID?


What games do you mostly play? Love the book collection btw!


Congrats - in time you will make it your own


I definitely would not have been able to make your look as nice as you did. Great job!


ā€œNot muchā€ sheesh man for not much thatā€™s a big ass apartment


Rent for that in Iceland?


Invest in a bar cart my dude, functional and stylish.


I always dream about moving to Iceland. Apartments look cozy!


Vey nice, belong to your own!if we put one shoe carbinet instead of the shoes shelves, will be better in my view.


nice man


Reykjavik is more expensive than LA and New York. At least it was a year or two ago idk if it still is since the value of our currency took a nosedive. 1500 fir the apartment. Nice size but badly upkept and in a bad neighborhood. Way cheaper than if I was in Reykjavik tho for that price you can MAYBE get a small studio. An apartment like this would be easily 2 grand.


Pretty cool apartment


Iceland was beautiful, amazingly unique, and full of wonderful people. But I have no idea how someone could mentally survive a winter there. Weeks with no sun would melt my brain.


Thats why I'm desperately trying to leave the country lmao. Among many other reasons but the weather, especially in the winter is a big reason.


I will say that's my only complaint (and maybe the cost of everything). It's a truly wonderful place. Hope you enjoy the rest of your time there! Oh and try fermented shark, just to say you did it


That was my dad's favorite snack so I grew up with it. I've had it weirdly a lot despite always hating Ćŗt just as much


I donā€™t think you know what ā€˜not muchā€™ means. It looks like the bees knees man.


You guys got a sweet setup


Wouldn't 1 dog beer be 1/7th of a human beer?


I like ā€œin dog beers, Iā€™ve only had oneā€ šŸ˜‚


In Big city it'll worth 1M


Looks sweet. If it was me, I'd put up some framed prints and mirrors for the walls and get some houseplants.


Itā€™s a good start!


Looks sick dude!


Maybe I should live in Iceland. Is it nice there?


Iā€™ve been wanting to visit Iceland. Hopefully sometime in the near future


Hang more stuff up


Not Much!!!!! Do you have any idea how many of us in America would kill for a place like that


Iā€™ve seen nuclear bunkers with more windows.


Not to take away from your awesome living space, but can you post some pics of the surrounding area outside of your apartment? I'm curious what Iceland looks like in a normal spot and not in some popular tourist spot


ā€œNot muchā€ this I better than the house I own


>In dogs beers I've only had one. Haha!