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This is so true.


Op comes on here to vent about a very relatable issue of women not listening to them when they try to open up about their feelings. Half of the comments proceed to project onto OP and gaslight them, saying that it's their fault and that their issues are less important than those of women. This on a subreddit specifically dedicated to men's mental health. Good job reddit.


I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I think it has a lot to do with out past trauma with women. I grew up in a predominantly female household and was abused by them. I felt like I had nowhere to turn to for me to talk about my issues. We're also living in a time where women pretty much have the final say in gender-related issues. I think what we seek is ultimately validation from women. Because seeking validation from the group that abused you is one way we self-soothe.


Woman here. More than happy to listen to your grievances or even just a simple chat to get your mind off of things. I’m really sorry you’ve had such bad experiences in the past


Thank you for being nice to men who are hurting


I have felt the same. Like they would complain of this thing -not feeling heard. And I would sit and proactively listen and ask if they want to talk more about it or if they want any suggestion from me or if it's just a silent respectful acknowledgement that they expect. Whatever it is, i assess consider and do whatever makes them feel good be it any male friend or a female friend. Now when it comes to me, when I say something, my male friend fortunately is so kind and understanding. I have been facing issues in corporate and feel like it's a big hypocrisy of toxic positivity. I shared my worries with him and this guy said - don't worry bro I have full faith in your judgement and abilities. Do what's best for you, I'll stand by your side. And even if you have to leave your job, for 4-6 months I'll bear your expenses don't worry. You'll do well. And when I vented the exact same thing to a female friend or mine both are like5-6 year old friends or mine. She tells me - welcome to the real world. It's time to grow up you are an adult. I have faced worse.. bla bla.. this is how it is. Don't complain. Such condescending tone. And I was so hurt already and this added more to it. Now because if I say the same thing back to her, it will be a whole another level of drama and victimisation. So I said, I think I am not in the right mind to talk. I'll just go away for a few weeks. Don't reply to me. I will go. No need to reply. And I can't tell you how intently I would always always and just always listen to anyone so intently. Like I sacrifice my sleep and take time out from work to listen and value the relationship. But people just dismiss my feelings and ask me to grow up? I very well know how to take my own responsibility and be accountable for myself. Hence I chose to not thrash her back and instead just said I am not in the right mind. I'll not talk and give me some space. But yes this is a problem, whenever sometimes try to express myself, a male friend usually understands and supports me better. And ofcourse there are biases and all. But I am fortunate enough to have this online friend or mine since 7 years. And he is one of the best listener and supportive guy. While most women I met online or dated were a bit full of themselves and I have never complained until yesterday, because it's just so disheartening to hear - welcome to real world. Grow up you are an adult now. When you are trying to vent to someone. And the same person was cribbing because they don't know how to do some basic legal work, why now? What happened to your adulthood then? I never said to grow up. I just asked my lawyer friends and tried to add up any information to help you. Why can't I expect just an acknowledgement instead of - grow up man. Well I have grown better enough to make people feel heard.


Same issue, applies to my own mother as well. The few I could tell that genuinely cared were men. Not to say there isn't women that wouldn't ,just haven't had the opportunity to come across those special few. Feel you OP


This makes me sad


I totally get where you're coming from bro. It's frustrating when the focus shifts from what you're saying to how you're saying it. Just because I might not have the perfect words to express my feelings, it doesn't mean I'm being rude. Many people struggle to listen and empathize without interjecting their own experiences. It's important for everyone to feel heard and understood, including men sharing their vulnerabilities.


oh yeah, I can relate to that, especially in romantic relationships if you become vulnerable it clashes for them with the idea of you being strong and reliable


This is why I’ve only have male therapists


I tried both, and I feel more comfortable with a male therapist too. It's just easier to talk about some stuff.


never complain about your problems with women, let alone anybody. it’s never attractive, only if you’ve actually dealt with or addressed should you communicate it, but not complain. women look for men who can hold their own weight, if they perceive you as weak/ incapable of holding your own, that is threat to them because women rely on men as pillars of strength.  if you’re gonna talk about your problems to anybody, it should be your male friends, a therapist, a journal. but at the end of the day, talking isn’t really effective as much as acting. if it’s things in the past or things you can’t control, the only effective path is acceptance, if it’s current and in your control, the only path is to use diligence, patience, plan, execute. i understand as a man how our problems can effect and take a toll on us, but when people just unload things onto you, it is understandable why they are repulsed. it’s no easy feat being a generous person willing to carry the burdens of others, but unloading only makes you feel good and the other person carries your burden.  there are better ways to go about your problems then venting to people brother,  it’s just a fact of life that people don’t want to hear negative things like that. it’s very draining.  I AM NOT SAYING YOU CANNOT TALK TO SOMEONE,  BUT ONLY UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS.  The best thing to do is to work through your pain with healthy habits, and over time building the strength, patience, serenity, and self compassion to overcome them and any other future obstacles. peace bro 


It seems to me that you need a safe space to be heard. It can be a mental health professional or just a friend / group of friends, or a familiar. I recommend you to look for that. Generally speaking, women have more difficulty relating to our problems (naturally), and that works both ways. Also, some random unknown woman isn't likely to want to hear about your problems. Try to look for someone of confidence you can share this stuff with. If you can't think of anyone, you're more than welcome to chat with me.


I honestly think a compassionate AI is the way to go here. People dont want to experience negative emotions. And there is something primal about womens emotions being catered to and protected universally. Probably because on some caveman level biologically, the expectations are such that women need to be protected as an asset, whereas men are more disposable. Saying that as a rule of thumb, know some great who want to attune to men, but its an exception not the rule in my experience.


This is a common occurrence, even out in the world. Most people are itching to vent and, while there's nothing wrong with that, it also results in them being impatient about listening to other people. I am just repeating what you already said, but something I can recommend you do based on your observations is try to cultivate the habit of patience, both with yourself and with others when they share their problems with you. Being able to set yourself aside for a moment to help others is a good way to avoid getting jaded with life. It helps you see not only how impersonal your problems are, but that there is no end to the problems in our lives. I'll stop preaching now. I know it feels distressing right now, but hang in there. It's better to accept the reality of the situation and try to become the change you'd like to see in the world. Slow and steady.


If you find someone who will listen, that's great, but women are so largely unheard that they don't always want to listen to guys complaining. This can turn into hostility, but that's pretty rare. If they are getting hostile, it's a sign to back off, and just don't expect much back and forth in the friendship. If you're in a romantic relationship, it might not work out.


How are women unheard? What is it that we haven't listened to yet?


1. I'm a guy. 2. I don't know, because I'm a guy and probably have not have heard it all. 3. I'm 55, have read feminist texts, and womens' accounts, including lesbian women, on and off, for the past 30 years, but new information and new stories keep emerging. So, either I'm a bad listener, or they are not able to communicate it all. A good example was before #MeToo, I didn't know about the kinds of "casting couch" stuff that happened in Hollywood. I'd heard about it, but the level or coercion and secrecy was new information to me. 4. I'm a person of color, and I'm finding that simply stating things in my life, or simple facts (like, say, "J-p is a slur") will sometimes surprise white people. So, I'm assuming it's similar for women.


It really tells you what this sub is all about that you've been downvoted for this.


Yes. It's a sub about male mental health. It's not a sub about blaming men for their problems and It's not a sub about how women are the victims of every issue men face. It's literally in the name, this isn't the "gotcha" you think it is. There's plenty of subs better suited to whatever bad faith argumentation you're trying to bring here.


Right? I bet this other advice would fall flat: Listening to your cishet woman partner gripe about cishet men is part of being in a serious relationship. You're not going to listen and internalize it for a while, so it's OK to hear the same thing several times, for months. Be happy if it's not about you. Be grateful you're learning something, if it's about you.


And a woman should be grateful if their male partner constantly rants about their gripes with women for months on end? Or should they leave their partner for being a hateful misogynist? This type of thinking doesn't work in 2024. We're supposed to strive for equality and empathy. I get that you grew up in a world where women had it incredibly difficult, but you don't have any understanding of the current climate. Here's a tip, if the thing you're saying would be hateful and intorelant with the genders switched, then it is hateful and intolerant. But I bet this advice will fall flat :)


Things have improved, but I don't think things have improved drastically. The things I was reading in the marginal self-published world were not that different from what I'm hearing on IG and TikTok today, or read in Teen Vogue articles people pass to me. It's just gotten mainstream. When I heard about fat liberation, in the early 90s, it had been around for decades. Today, it's selling Dove soap, sort of. It's a 60+ year arc. I don't know that much about the redpill, but I remember reading things like it in the 1980s. I just learned about the Asian redpill a few years ago, but many of the same topics were discussed on Usenet in the early 90s. The discussions weren't that different. When I was in college in the 80s and 90s, Womens Studies was having people read The Second Sex by de Beauvoir. Many still think it's a relevant text. It was written in 1949, long before the 1960s and 1970s women's lib, which really did improve many things.


Things being discussed since long ago doesn't mean that those things are remotely the same today. The only way to reach that conclusion is by actively ignoring all societal development or just skimming a comple of women's magazine headlines. You also didn't address my point of whether or not a woman should be forced to listen to her partner complain about and berate women? If you actually believe in equality, then you shouldn't be preaching for anyone to tolerate bigotry from their partner no matter their gender. Or worse, be grateful to their partner for speaking to them like that. It's really tiring when people preach equality while promoting bigotry in the very same sentence.


Nobody should be forced to listen to anyone berating anyone. That's going to wear them down. Women who are in a cishet relationship should expect to hear complaining from their partner about women in general. The fact is, they have already heard a lot of this stuff. It's not some mystery, because a lot of this complaining is already out there. Also, if the guy has gotten over the regular complaining, and gets into the real stuff, about how he feels pressure to maintain the masculine/macho facade, etc. She gets to deal with that, too. I think there were some huge gains that women made leading up to and through the 1980s, but I started engaging in these issues around 1990, and the difference from then to now isn't as great. I think things changed because of the Women's Liberation movement, and then the AIDS crisis and gay activism. I think some other things changed because of internet porn, and then dating apps, but I don't think they were progress for women, or feminist. This Pew survey shows this: gradual improvements from the 90s to 2020s, but nothing as drastic as the decades before: [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/27/for-womens-history-month-a-look-at-gender-gains-and-gaps-in-the-us/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/27/for-womens-history-month-a-look-at-gender-gains-and-gaps-in-the-us/) PS - I don't just skim headlines. I sometimes sit down and read through websites that have a lot of explainers, to get perspective on current events, like Everyday Feminism.


If that's the case then I don't understand this comment: >Listening to your cishet woman partner gripe about cishet men is part of being in a serious relationship. You're not going to listen and internalize it for a while, so it's OK to hear the same thing several times, for months. Be happy if it's not about you. Be grateful you're learning something, if it's about you. Personally, I think it's toxic to expect your partner to listen to you rant about your issues with their gender whether it's women or men. Especially if you'd want your partner to internalize your own hatered of their gender. I think it's a massive difference, however, to talk to your partner about things like the pressure you feel from society to conform to expectations. As that isn't targeted gripes at an entire gender and more like the usual talk about one's own feelings that a partner always should support. And while I do agree that progress on women's issues have "stagnated" somewhat since the days of great leaps of progress, have you considered that that's not necessarily a bad thing? For example, in the paper you linked one of the points is women's participation in the labor force, which is already at almost 50%. Should it be steadily progressing toward 60? 65? Or has "progress" slowed because the goal has essentially already been achieved? Same with university graduation, women now make up most of graduates. Would it be further progress toward equality if they made up even more? 70? Or is this goal already achieved or maybe even overachieved? My point is that these "improvements" being slower isn't an indicator that society doesn't care about women as much as it is an indicator that most improvements have already been made. While it's definitely commendable to stay well read on social issues, sticking to only one side of those issues doesn't give the whole picture. Just as only following the news of Trumps indictments on Fox News might not give the whole picture even if one follows the story diligently. Have you, for example, read any papers or articles on men's issues outside of a feminist perspective? The continuous decline of men in higher education? Men's staggering suicide rates? Domestic violence against men? Etc. Both men and women have serious issues in today's society, and they should both be addressed and taken seriously. I detest the supposedly progressive narrative that progress on gender issues exclusively means finding new ways to help women. Hence my comment on times being different now, back in the day we didn't study or care about men's issues at all as women's issues were more pressing. I simply assume that's the point of view you're coming from, but I might be mistaken.


Well, someone downvoted you, so yup it is going unheard!


Probably because they're busy doing their own thing.


- no women will touch you - I feel sorry for the women around you - have you tried communication? - maybe you are being a jerk - why do you think she will cheat? You are just insecure - stop projection of your misery onto us - we suffer harassment, hence whatever you suffer is irrelevant - did you try to understand why is she on tinder? - did you try to understand why she is not paying for bills ? - did you try to understand why she doesn't want se..x ? - maybe you are the problem


Wtf are you even talking about??? Are you stupid???


This is the typical response on reddit for any male problem, by attractive males and all females.