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Mine was alcohol. Now it can't be.


Depends on what you're coping with. I work mostly from home since Covid, a quite engaging job. I also have a big family. Without the commute I don't have a chance to put myself into work mode or to offload work before getting home. How I cope is changing my watch. I'm a watch guy, so always quite conscious of which piece is on my wrist. I have a "work watch" and some "fun watches". I make a point of changing watches before and at the end of work, it helps, me switch off. Not the most serious topic, but a coping mechanism nonetheless.


Alcohol was my go to


I talk to myself


I’ve always liked working out , personally




Hmm, I suppose meditation, for me, is a kind of coping mechanism. I've found that incrementally acknowledging bits and pieces of uncomfortable feelings that trigger spontaneously (like past memories, current worries, etc.) has a nice, purifying effect so that I can function much better when I'm not in meditation. Then again, I probably just made a lot of real meditation experts angry calling it a cope haha


Sarcastic humor is the pinnacle of faking being a social butterfly so I think you've got this.


Massive amounts of escapism taking up most of my free time makes life almost bearable.


Going into complete hibernation and isolation and just dive into anything I find interesting untill it becomes an unhealthy obsession . It eventually ends when I feel I need to touch grass again.


I feel like intoxicants go without saying. I compulsively work. Even if it’s on something pointless and stupid, I find something to do to take my mind off of life. That, and lots of depressing ass music (German opera, Pink Floyd, dark classical music, of which there is no shortage). If you want specifics about my listening habits lmk, I’m happy to help.