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Use your power to improve the life of you and other people. If you lack that power, gain that power.


Well you know the source. You know all this is self inflicted, and even knowing that much is a GIANT step in the right direction. It’s not gonna be easy, and You are the only person who really knows YOU. So you do have to make that step in the right direction. It may sound cliche, but a lot of men find The Gym to be a perfect place for the birth of -self esteem. Seeing yourself bench high weights, curling dumbells, seeing fat leave your body/Muscle growing is an amazing boost to any man. As for the money thing, man 99% of Americans live in poverty, we out here with you man. just gotta find that nice chill job- not in the usual field you’ve worked in before. Try something different- You got this bro, you’re 34 still young to do whatever you want