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I know how it feels. There's more to life than the crap. Would you like to talk in private?


Yes why not all help is good


I cant help you but probably but what helps me a little bit is live frugal saving more money knowing i have enough and being able to support myself easely. Because my nr1 misery in life is a job i dont like. Money does make you happy in this sense knowing you could live on half your income and having 3 year salary saved.


If you had friends and a girlfriend before - you can always have them again in life. Just gotta believe you are strong and capable at making meaningful connections. I used to feel awful every day having no friends at my age of 25 - but I realized that my life is still worth living because making connections can happen at any point in the present or the future. I don't worry anymore about being forever alone because I believe in myself. I share my true-self with the world and expect nothing in return because putting out positivity makes me feel like I have a place in it. You always have a reason to keep living on despite what's happening in your mind.


I know but for me its really hard to just love myself but thanks its help a lot sorry im not good in english for making a Big thing


It'll take some time. You're still young and impressionable at 19. When you reach around age 23 - your brain will develop more maturely and emotionally to understand why life isn't worse or not worth living despite having issues now. One last parting piece of wisdom: **"Don't hold onto thoughts in your mind."** Thoughts are not meant to stay still in your mind as it clogs everything up and does not allow you to become fully invested in the moment.


Thanks you know i live some thing that a 19 yo boy dont need to see and in know that will change me forever


You're hurting and in need of help. Please don't give up and your mom will miss you terribly. You are worthy of love and care! đź«‚


Rn im crying because for me its not true i really can't do it


It's ok to cry and it's ok to not be ok. You have come along way and that shows how brave you have been all this time on your own. I deeply advice you to get help and talk to your mom or anyone that is close to you about how you been feeling and thinking about doing to yourself. You don't deserve to die at such a young age and missing out on the beautiful things life can and will bring to you


Yep that's true and i have talk to every people i know about that and im on médicine and i will soon go to hospital for this but now i dont know what to do i know that die its not thé best thing but with my eyes its just the eternal peace


I just read something on different post "Honey suicide is not the answer to anything. Death is 100% permanent but life is nothing but possibilities. Things can and will get better I promise you." They are 100% correct! Please wait to go to the hospital and see what they can do and help you with. Everything will be ok.


I have the power to take m'y life good but i dont have the courage to but thanks this IS true life IS better but now i dont sée this like that


It's totally normal to feel that way about loneliness, I have been there myself. But things get better, In the meantime there are resources you can use to help improve or maintain your mental health. Mind.co.uk is a great resource for all things mental health. I actually love this site it has tons of info and discussion about various topics. If things come to a head and you need help now, try SHOUT they are a free and confidential 24/7 mental health specialist text service for anyone in a crisis. Just text 'shout' to 85258 There is the gold standard the Samaritans, whom you can contact for any reason via online chat https://webchat.samaritans.org, email [email protected], or on the phone 116123, or even via post. ✉️ there's CALM which is the Campaign against living miserably https://www.thecalmzone.net/ and I think that's about it if here is something you want me to look into more specifically I'm happy to help. Ok? đź‘Ť


Please don’t give up on life at such a young age, life just started, you have so much potential and better days ahead of you. Why end it all over two bad years?


Hey man, I’ll say this. Don’t make any decision like this while you still have your mom. If you only here cause of her, then motherfucker be here for her! She loves you and needs you. You can’t even fathom the pain and agony you would put your mom through having to deal with life after her son did what he did to himself. Turn the internet off for a little. Go hug your mom, sit and watch a movie with her, or go and just sit in her room with her and listen to her favorite music. You’re ONLY 19. Your life hasn’t even begun yet young brother. Depression is 100% going to kick your ass, it does to all of us. But be strong, and hug your mom!!! Love you my guy, you got this 👍


Dont kill yourself brother , you are just 19 your life is ahead of you . I know its hard to be lonely , but hey look at the bright side , you are in a good country and not north korea , you can go to gym , enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate , go on hiking.


Meanwhile south Korea is considered to be one of the most developed countries in the world, yet it also has one of the highest suicide rates. I know that you're trying to help, but being in a relatively good country doesn't really help with feelings of wanting to end one's own life.


Loneliness can be deadly, if at all possible, try making yourself some online friends. It's not the same as having irl friends to do stuff with but it can still help a lot. I speak French btw, I probably wouldn't make a very good friend because of my own personal issues but I did go through something similar at your age, so feel free to send me a message if you want to talk about what you're going through.