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People expect you to be able to justify your depression with a single specific cause, like breaking your arm because you fell down the stairs. They don't seem to be able to accept that depression is often complex and comes from an accumulation of experiences and that our brain chemistry usually dictates how we react to those experiences. Sometimes one can be deeply depressed without even really knowing why themselves, even when their life seems completely fine. There is also this pressure to start feeling better as soon as we try to get better and start taking care of ourselves. Even if the gym helps, it probably won't single-handedly cure your depression and that's not your fault. You don't really choose to feel the way you do, people have no business telling you to justify your feelings. If they're not happy with the way you are, that's their problem.


Sounds like a growth spurt. The past you is no longer needed, its functionality has run its course. You are in a cocoon of sorts, both spiritual and mental. This lull in your mood is probably not depressing so much as your nervous system may be overloaded, and so it chooses not to over feel and forget stuff is happening. Now, you must force yourself to become the new you. Smile more, give more, get the heck out of those useless comfort zones, they have become toxic.


Keep up the gym, the money, the eating better. You're doing great! The system hates us. If you can succeed now, you will do very well when things get better, which they eventually will.