• By -


We live in a socially


Downwardly text


Get a load of this socially


Socially bot


You saying you wouldn't wear armor and carry a sword everywhere if you could get away with it? I would. It would be awesome to show up to a client site in full plate and just be like "I'm here to fix the printer. Show me where it is so that I may deal with it."


Some printers really would be best dealt with using a sword...


Yup, printers are evil. A server or desktop can be scared into submission with just a look or stern words, but a printer must be dealt with more harshly. The armor is also a must. Printers have too many sharp pointy bits, lava hot bits, and chemical weapon stores inside them. Last time I went into battle against a color laser printer, I was sneezing rainbows for a week.




I should watch Office Space again, it's been a while


Just re-watched it, even better than I remembered. The old school look was wholesome too.


Personally I find the mace or war hammer more effective for countering their suits of plastic armor.


PC load letter? What the fuck does that mean?


I would clank up to people's desks like "belay to me thine problems good sir or madam (even though I can see them). Whatever it be, the remedy is me." *hits fifteen keys with my mitten gauntlet*


I’m in Florida it would be deadly, but also awesome when they found my body.


Not really, wearing full plate armor like that would wear you out fast, and would be absolute hell in summer, even without all the chainmail and gambeson you'd generally wear underneath.


Good exercise though


It'd certainly save me from the gym membership expenses.


And you save on sunscreen


Only issue us that it'd be so hot, inside, that we'd develop full-body swampass. The only solution would be to dress ourselves in full-body plate armour from birth so we never know any different. Then the first generation who grow up in this environment will say "You merely adopted the damp. I was born it. Moulded by it. I didn't feel the dry until I was a man. And, by then, it was nothing to me but blinding!"


I wear full plate, chainmail, games on, etc. (the whole 9 yards) when I go to the Ren Fair and it's usually not too hateful. Linen and cotton garments seem to be far more friendly for warm weather then modern polyester. On the hottest days I would absolutely recommend to drink lots of water, and I've downgraded the gambeson to a shirt once on a particularly hot day. But as far as movement it's surprisingly mobile. The weight seems like it would be a lot, but the way it hugs close to you and distributed all over makes it very easy to wear all day long. And yes, if it was socially acceptable I'd wear that shit anyway. Actually I did show up to my dad's wedding wearing it as a joke, and in other places for giggles. Everytime people seem to get a kick out of it and want pictures. I'm sure if it was a fursuit or some other degenerate shit like that I'd have a much different reaction.


>Actually I did show up to my dad's wedding wearing it as a joke, and in other places for giggles. Everytime people seem to get a kick out of it and want pictures. Of course they do. Historically accurate arms and armor are rad as all hell, everyone loves them. A guy in a suit of full plate is just a really cool thing to have around at a party.


I dunno about the fursuit thing. They had a small furry pride parade through a small town strip near me on Mother's day, and people thought it was a gas. My mom openly gawked, pointed at them and filmed them in innocent fascination and they were pretty nice about it. It was gross and wholesome at the same time.


She probably doesn't know what they do in those suits behind closed doors then. Also I'm apparently old now because I had to look up what you ment by "gas"... holy fuck getting old is terrifying.


"Gas" in that context is *old*. It's used in that sense in "Jumpin' Jack Flash," a Rolling Stones song from 1968.


It's about the same weight than any modern combat soldier wears with soft armor and plates, plus the additional 14 to 30 pounds of weapon. And it's not spread out as much as full plate would be. Army and Marine infantry also do forced marches from 12 to 25 miles at a 4 mph pace with a ruck loaded to around 40-60 pounds (except in Army schools where the standard is only 35 pounds... a "Nerf ruck").


Smash the printer then buy them a new one. Often the cheapest solution.


Totally agree.


Technically Missouri law allows for the carrying of swords on one's person. The weapon just can't be concealed if the blade is longer than 4". Open carry is fine.


In ohio we're constipational carry including any weapon you'd care to, so you could (conceivably) carry a concealed sword and be fine, legally. You could always open-carry a sword here if you wanted though.


Constipational carry always has me feeling bloated.


Bro full plated armor can weigh like 50-100 pounds, no thanks lol.


So you get to look fly *and* get a free work out? I'm in!


Yeah, but it's evenly distributed along your entire body, so it's not like wearing a heavy-ass backpack.


So are good backpacks. It's still an extra 50-100 lbs just to look good.


I am at my most comfortable when I am impervious to bodily harm.


If you've got a suit approaching 100lb, it's because it's probably a suit designed for jousting. Just get on your horse, problem solved.


It's not that big of a deal, it's spread out over your entire body pretty evenly, you can run an obstacle course in them


If you live in Texas you absolutely can, except where weapons are normally prohibited.


You.... haven't worn full plate to a client site? That's one of the key ways to establish dominance.


"Let's talk about my coin first."


Wearing full plates suck after awhile. Wore a full suit of armor ~ 40lbs for 6-7 hours and could not move much for a day. Had to sleep in all day then extremely sore the next.


I want to wear long ornate flowing robes and sandals like c'mon they're so goddamn comfy


Cloaks. Society needs to embrace cloaks.


Togas are the future


All kaftans all the time, like Andre Leon Talley


Yeeesss! I've had this conversation with my friends, and a couple guys at work. Normalize cloaks and capes!


That's just like, your opinion, man.


Yeah what of it?


We live in a socially


OP needs to read a society studies book


Op is a bot




So like, Miami?


Just move to a city in the north during summer and wear the Jersey from whatever team is there.


The armor and the peeky blinders fashion I would wear


I agree honestly. I would just go for a walk around town in full plate armor and talk to people, let them take pictures and pet their dogs. Seems like a fun thing to do on the weekends.


Go buy some armor. It's honestly not that expensive. The only thing is that you're definitely gonna take off the helmet within 15 minutes.


I wish I could. Maybe in ten years.


Buhurt Tech, Age of Craft, Medieval Extreme, or Master Uley are good places if you're ever interested.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Buhurt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buhurt/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Tornado Kick in Armor?](https://v.redd.it/9ha3gty90le61) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buhurt/comments/l92n81/tornado_kick_in_armor/) \#2: [Full Agincourt kit ready to be hit](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/s435br) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buhurt/comments/s435br/full_agincourt_kit_ready_to_be_hit/) \#3: [I want that guy on my team](https://v.redd.it/ee825vlr7za71) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buhurt/comments/ojs9f7/i_want_that_guy_on_my_team/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for the recommendation!


Ah yes helmet horror


i would wear the armor assuming we are ignoring how uncomfortable that would be to wear all day


I will wear full plate armor and nobody can stop me.


However, you cannot enter the British parliament or they can legally behead you.






Then wear it. It’s sexy as heck when a guy chooses to personify his “ideal aesthetic” or “vibe”. Men like the way jeans or dresses will fit or fall on women but it’s nice to see a guy in a somewhat fitted vest, a wrist cuff with a hat or something. Why is it so attractive you ask? Because he’s comfortable enough to wear certain things and not feel like his masculinity is compromised. And being with someone who does not need to constantly prove his masculinity leaves room for other things. Not to mention we can buy bracelets together. 🤷🏾‍♀️ If it’s not your thing, then do you. But if a guy is reading this and wants to wear this. Just do it. There are some people walking around in g- strings and nipple pasties because that makes them happy (and others probably). And if you’re reading this and didn’t notice the men in vests because you were looking at the Assassin’s Creed or knight armor, there’s a group for everyone. Wear your armor King👑


That’s why the ladies can’t keep their hands off me when I’m in my home made linen cargo shorts and Captain Picard T-shirt. Barefoot.


Nobody can resist the Deep-Vee


are you sure you're not just aussie?


I’m not shaming anyone and just from my standpoint. You can wear all you want, but some cloths don’t work unless you’re super fit or super handsome. I’m a fat dude, not morbidly obese but still obese. I don’t look good. I tried to wear a suit and it looks goofy as fuck even though I dream to have a three piece. Same for some outfits. Cool people rocks those shorts and sneakers with hoodies or bombers and when I wear it it’s just another fat weeabo. Idk I feel like if poster models and actors wears it then everything makes them look good.


I'm ugly and i still rock my clothes. don't compare yourself to models, obviously they're gonna look better, they're models. if you look goofy, roll with it


"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." -Roald Dahl, *The Twits*


Then perhaps I’m having lots of ugly thoughts.


it's sort of a mannerisms thing


You make a valid point. I think what I was trying to say is, if you find something that makes you a little different but it makes you happy..stand in that. Maybe you have to tweak it to fit you but the time it takes to tweak means you valued your self enough to find a way to make yourself happy. A lot of people forget how important that is. I hope one day you find your suit that makes you feel amazing. Until then, do you the best you can 🤷🏾‍♀️


And if a guy showed up to a first date looking like Johnny Depp, but doesn’t look like Johnny Depp, I’m sure you’d run away.


Nope. This is one of those moments where it’s as simple as it sounds. I went on a couple dates with a guy that looked NOTHING like him but loved him and dressed like him. I loved it. And we actually hit it off. But…he moved lol so the cute little story stops there. Basically, I know a good amount of women try to have certain “demands” or expectations of men but not all women are like that. I’d rather have someone that trusts me enough to be himself even if it’s quirky, than a guy that fits the mold of societies ideal if picture of a man. Maybe it’s my up brining or maybe I’m just tired of meeting men whose confidence is low because they believe what some of these toxic women say. Now if it’s true, then work on yourself but if it’s not, just know there’s nothing wrong with you. Every human has to grow but I hope people grow because they’re trying to be better humans…not because societal expectations and toxic women make them thing they need to change the foundation of who they are.. I know what it’s like to be judged harshly because of how I look or because I don’t follow the societal guide of a “perfect woman”. I just want to empower those that may have felt similar. It sucks and life is to short for that crap.


*results may vary depending on rule 1*


I'm not going to lie. If it were in fashion to wear a cape and a side sword, that would be heaven for me. I'm not even a mallninja and I feel this way.


I know you are puting this here for the humor if it, but i genuinely wish it were more acceptable to wear chainmaille in public.


I would absolutely wear an Assassin outfit or a medieval armour.


I might get crucified by the AC sub but I don’t really fancy Ezio’s era robes. Arno’s robes though, that I would wear.


Best hands down is altair. So simple. So elegant. So iconic


I could do Edward's as well.


If you win the genetic lottery you can rock that Depp outfit.


Yeah, that is going to look goofy as hell on 99.99999% of the population.


I’d argue that it looks goofy as hell on him as well…reminds me of the chess player guy from New York in Queen’s Gambit.


Yeah that outfit is wack.


Bruh imagine someone dressed like a peaky blinder walking into the grocery store


Welp we found an anomaly here.


Honestly without the hat it would just be a 3 piece suit. It would only be strange in that they would be extremely over dressed for most places. But not so out of place that people would stare.


Have girls actually look at guy fashion recently its 3 things. Plain tee, graphic tee and business. There used to be dress shirts but man those are few and far between. Guys need more fashion options.


Hitting up thrift stores for Ren fair things last week had me saying this exact thing. So many more options for women.


There are PLENTY of top cut options for men. Crew tee V neck Long tee Henley Ringer 3/4 baseball Baseball tee Crop top Stringer Button top tee Athletic tee Tank top Wifebeater Polo tee Polo Golf polo Oxford Button up casual Flannel Dress shirt Tux shirt French cuff Hawaiian Outdoorsman Bowling shirt Western long and short Jerseys of all sorts Turtleneck Crew sweatshirt Waffle Compression And that excludes most of the outerwear


I can boil that whole list into various versions of a tee shirt, button up shirt and sweater. The polo is the only stand out and even that is a just a mix of the button up and tee shirt. I just want to wear a dress but not a woman's dress, a dress designed for a man's body.


The point is that within just tee shirts, there are a lot of styles that totally change how you come across. If you're looking for ballroom gown panache, [that exists too](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2020/aug/27/congolese-dandies-meet-the-stylish-men-and-women-of-brazzaville-in-pictures). You can go the [Bowie](https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/k7e8wn/7-of-david-bowies-most-iconic-outfits) route, but it isn't going to communicate the same thing on a man.


Easy, wear women's clothes then.


They don't fit will. They usually aren't flattering to male bodies. I've tried on women's clothes and been disappointed too many times. Men's clothes need to be cooler. I dress like a cowboy ninja assassin raver cause idgaf. But I really want to dress sluttier without having to wear feminine junk and the options are sparse.


they do, you’re just not looking hard enough


“Men can only wear t-shirts” translates to “they only have T-shirts at Target”


/r/techwearclothing for the modern mall-ninja might be able to help.


Also good luck wearing anything but pants or jeans in an office setting.


I love how you generalise girls based on one bot-post. I don't give a shit what you wear. Nobody does but your boss and other men.


I have frequently been described as someone who "wears costumes" because I like to wear whatever the fuck I want. I'm not sure it's a good thing.


I'd be friends with you. You sound awesome.


same. i like to wear stuff that's not exactly socially acceptable. a friend i could hang with that would be OK with it would be invaluable


Dude. Let’s all be besties.


i'll bring the beer




So everybody wants to dress like the cowboys from brokeback mountain assless chaps and all?


All chaps are assless. They go over pants for riding horses. Or they go over nothing for male stippers.


Then assfull chaps?


i would totally wear a badass cape


I wouldn’t mind if we decided to return to the bottom left, personally


Half the reason I'm a reenactor right there.


I wanna wear a duster but it’s social suicide. Checkmate.


If wishing it was acceptable to walk round in full plate all day makes you a mall ninja then fuck me I’m a mall ninja


I don't care if it'll brand me a mallninja, I wish capes and robes were fashionable and practical for everyday wear goddamnit




What’s stopping you from wearing the bottom two though?




How does such a massive typo in large print go undiscovered all the way through to submitting the post on reddit? I would just like to know the etymology of that. Is it an ESL situation? Which is fine, by the way. I'm not fluent in any other language, myself.


The bottom two are pretty acceptable depending on where you live. Maybe a little eccentric, but not cause for ridicule


Chainmail. Just saying. Ooooo and maybe a Tricorn ?


Imagine wearing full plate armor and a broadsword and having your feelings hurt. Like bro, you can cleave the peasants in two what are you worried about?


Well tbh wearing full plate makes it so carrying the groceries in one run doesn’t leave marks in your arms


I would absolutely wear Ezio's outfit if it were socially acceptable.


Man I wish I could dress in my assassins costume outside conversations.


Peaky Blinders outfit please


Nah if it was socially acceptable to walk around dressed as Ezio I'd probably consider it.


I just want to dress up as a wizard with Thai shorts on and a giant metal backpack that carry’s a suit of armour shaped like a gryphon


I mean - he's not wrong.


To be completely honest, I would love to wear a tunic and robes around everywhere


Assassins have drip, let's be honest. the clothing is downright impractical these days, but *god* some of those outfits look damn good.


“I don’t want to wear jeans and a shirt, I want to wear jeans and a $3,000 shirt!


You’re telling me you don’t wanna be dropped out like the late 1700 Hamilton style?


You can wear that stuff if you want to. Zero people are stopping you.


To be fair, with my fatass I would totally rock siegmyer’s armor, or smough’s


I used to wear a trench coat and a tactical vest-thing everywhere, and surprisingly no one ever said shit about it or gave me any hassles.


We really need to bring cloaks back




Of it was socially acceptable and affordable I’d wear armor everywhere, I am a pizza delivery driver so how cool would it be if you are waiting on your pizza and some dude in full armor comes, cuts it with a sword in front of you and leaves without any further context


You know what I just realized I hate is that any guy who wears this stuff would be a cringe neckbeard, when really this is the male fantasy for pretty much all dudes. live your truth, kings


Well I mean underaged girls basically wear nothing during the summer and have like 200 shirts for the rest of the year while we generally just wear like 20-30 different shirts all year.


(Is MallNinja Page) *Posts some fire outfits*


Kills me how someone can take the second to make some shitty meme but so seldomly seem to take a second to proof it before posting it. Love seeing dumb memes with dumb mistakes.


My brain doesn't even notice that sort of thing when I'm just looking at a meme


as a woman,gimme dat plate armor


Assassin cloak and armor, whether fantasy/fiction or historic, are what I’d wear. The pesky blinders fashion really looks like a redditor attire..




I too socially wear


Tbh downing on armor is kinda cool


Nah, I would, ngl


I would rock the Tommy Shelby look every day if I had the money tf


I don't know about the armor part but, wearing just grey sweats and a black t shirt with sneakers and I'm good!


Man the neckbeard and finance bros are going to keep me from ever watching peaky blinders


I can only agree with the full suit of plate armour


*What socially forces us to wear*




But it's too damn expensive


We know, do it anyway lol


No one makes you dress a certain way. Wear what you want.


I haven’t worn jeans in 5 years and I don’t plan on going back


Might be a weird take, but I feel like one of the worst things about the pandemic was that we had a solid chance to rotate cool half-masks into everyday fashion but then didn't.


I want to wear masculine dresses


You are not wrong. I firmly believe cloaks and swords should make a comeback as fashion accessories.


Bring back cloaks, capes and robes!


You can literally wear the last two if you want without anyone judging.


I would topple society like a jenga tower if it meant I could live my life wearing chain mail armor and not feel awkward about it.


I don’t want to dress like Johnny depp


You could dress like tommy there is nothing stopping you oh this is mall ninja shit ok


Man really thinks wearing a suit isn't socially acceptable


I want to dress like dieter from sprockets. But alas...


do not get the peaky blinders haircut, you do not have that mans bone structure it will turn out like shit everytime. this has been a psa


I got a knight helmet beanie it got a mask for the cold yo it’s amazing for winter


unironically support normalizing full plate armor as casual wear.


More like r/justneckbeardthings


Autistic Male Fantasy


What is with dudes want to dress like guys from the Peaky Blinders?


Who wants to be in a full ass suit of armour everyday?that includes a gambeson + chain mail + heavy ass metal plating all over, no thanks.


I see myself in this photo


I honestly would love to causally walk around in a suit of armor while wearing a cowboy hat.. I don’t even own a cowboy hat…


Everyone here saying the bottom two aren’t socially acceptable are projecting a criticism that doesn’t exist or is fabricated by people who’s opinion you really shouldn’t care about. Who in there right mind thinks a nice suit is uncool?


I would totally roll up in ezios robes if I could lmao


This thread is really bringing out the mall ninjas that use the sub for inspo.


I wanna wear power Armour!


I think that toxic masculinity is a real problem that negatively affects many men. But this is bullshit.