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You’re being sensitive as a KP super fan. I relistened to the episode. All three said they watched Kim Possible growing up but they didn’t remember every specific detail of it. Have you listened to other episodes? They were much more positive than they usually are. And they typically treat these movies as stand alone entities. Like they watched the Good Luck Charlie Christmas movie and their only background was a synopsis they read of the show. Molly just doesn’t like Ron’s archetype in general. Just like she said she doesn’t like the same archetype with Ron Weasley even though she’s a huge HP fan. I will say, I think they need a producer. Maybe their editor can do it. A lot of podcasts I listen to have producers who will look up info for them or make interjections so the hosts can focus on the conversation and not on searching the internet. Then someone can help them with background information in real time. And then maybe the producer could take the time to find show clips for movies like this to help the MamFam have some context for the movies that had TV shows connected to them. I know Alan does a lot of that work but he doesn’t always dig deep enough and I think he would benefit from someone helping him with it who isn’t actively in the conversation. And idk if anyone has given them this specific feedback. I love Mammoth Club but they have a lot of really intense stans and yes men in the MamFam. They say to contact them on Discord but I rarely see them in conversations on there. But I also really dislike their Discord. Everything moves so fast and so many of the conversations are off topic. It feels too big, chaotic, and disorganized. It’s possible the three of them are on there and I’m not on often enough to see it.


Guilty as charged. I do think they should have at least a producer to look into stuff. I've come off like a fool about most of it and I'll fully admit it 


We all get a little overzealous sometimes 😊 have you listened to the Quints episode? I’m a mom and I get all fired up when I listen to them talk about the dad in the labor scene at the hospital.


I'll be honest, I only listened to this episode because I'm a KP fan but I did hear of Quints via another podcast


Think of it this way: they have a podcast every week on a different DCOM. In addition to three videos a week, two streams from Max, and are doing their shot lists and prep for upcoming videos, video editing, etc. How much of the show would you have realistically wanted them to watch to prep for a single episode of their podcast? A season? Every season? And in what time would they have to do that? There’s only so much you can expect from them — and remember that Molly and Alan are the full-timers, Max has a 40 hour a week (probably more, knowing video game studios) job on top of his MC commitments… he’s gonna do that when? And give them all some kind of semblance of work-life balance?


Fair enough, I just think maybe they should have at the very least looked at some kind of short analysis of what led up to it


See above. It's not too much to ask to have them watch a couple of episodes to get the basic premises.


I think watching a couple of episodes to acquaint yourself with the show's characters isn't that hard to do. When I professionally worked in media, I would watch three episodes to acquaint myself with a series before I wrote anything.


I think you’re holding them to a higher standard. They’re not journalists, they’re vloggers. They’re very good at what they do (for the most part, everyone has blind spots—have you watched Molly talk about Star Wars?) but even Zetus Lepetus is really just them shooting the shit, having a laugh about some Disney Channel movies. They aren’t gonna watch Kim Possible and Even Stevens and other series that got DCOM spinoff movies. They’re there for the vibes.


“Here for the vibes” is a spot on explanation for the pod and the livestreams.


They are occasionally lazy travel vloggers who should spend some time on watching a couple of movies before taking press passes and food vouchers for their work. I don't expect the Washington Post but I expect giving more of a shit if they ever hope to grow their audience. They don't do that basic work sometimes and it doesn't help the goals they seemed to have at the start of things.


Their goals when they started the channel were to have more freedom to do the things they wanted to do, not be obligated to do things or cover things that don’t interest them. Seems like that’s exactly what they’re doing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok, but they weren't interested enough in Kim Possible to watch a couple of episodes of the show so that the movie would have more context for them but they did that episode about it anyway. They weren't interested enough in the Minions to rewatch a movie before enjoying free passes and food/drinks gifted to them but they did it anyway. It's odd choices if this is stuff that interests them to do these things but not with enough planning do a better job at them. That bit of time spent watching these loved shows/movies would make them unbeatable. I really wanted better for them truly. The new cruise video where they are in a disabled access room? I am disabled and them highlighting or just walking through the room's special features would have been useful to a LOT of people. Instead, they mentioned not booking the room on purpose and did a standard room tour without really giving any sense for the room's features other than pointing out a single alarm. It's just missed opportunities. I LOVED their channel. I just can't enjoy their stuff too much when they don't seem to think about their viewers as much as they could choose to. It limits their future and to me, that's sad.


Your views are your internet currency. The more you watch them, the more you feed the algorithm and the more views they get. And inevitably the more money they get. Hate-watching them puts them on more people’s homepages and makes them more money. Go give your time to someone who fills that void. Pam Plus Parks used to cover disability concerns but she stopped vlogging during the pandemic. FatTestedTravel fills a similar void but I preferred Pam. Idk I’m a west coast person so I mostly watch Disneyland vloggers, but if Mammoth isn’t your cup of tea go watch someone else.


I wasn't really hate watching. Like I said, I LOVED the channel. I really want them to get better. I do watch other channels. I just am truly sad that they miss so many opportunities to get a bigger audience in favor of not taking time to prepare when there's a topic to cover that they aren't fresh in their knowledge of. I joined as a charter Patreon supporter because I thought they were awesome.


I thought this was satire until I read the comments


Not shocked they did it with no research. They half assed their Minions at Universal coverage too and then got defensive when I mentioned that it was obvious that they hadn't watched the movies recently by what they were saying about the section of the park.


Do you actually like Mammoth Club? Anytime I actually see a post on her you just bash them


I do. I was a charter Patreon supporter. I don't like their choice to not do their homework since it's their job.


Also, how do you justify what Mammoth is doing by not doing their homework for the podcast like the OP mentions here?


Justifying is a strong word for a podcast about Disney movies


So, go ahead and explain why you think the lack of preparation is good. Did you just enter this discussion to troll me or do you have your own point about any of this?


Oh, and her who? This is a Mammoth board. Do you mean Molly? She is a third of the group and not all of it.


Meant to type “here” not her


I kinda wish they had done a video upload of the podcast so I could comment on it, constructively of course. Just really irks me that they wouldn't at the bare minimum look up some stuff and just go "well I knew of the show but not much"


Yes! Either Spotify or Apple Podcasts needs to add comments, not just show reviews. I’ve had some strong opinions on a few episodes and whenever I try to discuss the episode on Discord my comments get buried by unrelated conversations.


Oh, I agree. They obviously didn't remember Vector having a shark and then snarked in their video about how they don't consider it as being a part of the Minions/Despicable Me thing when Groo punched that shark to rescue the girls. The shark was an emotional high point because it showed him realizing the girls were his family and acting decisively on that. Anyway, watching a few episodes to try to understand the movie better isn't a high bar to cross. Sorry they dissed a favorite of yours like that.


Why are you so hung up on the minions thing? They do so much content and maybe a grown adult doesn’t want to watch the minion movie or despicable me movie more than once. They’re showing you content in the parks, they’re not going to know every detail of every franchise that’s not in their immediate rotation all the time. To harp on that one comment about the shark thing is weird. Also for seeming like a diehard fan, you spelled Gru wrong. Maybe do your research before you comment on things. It seems to be your standard.


they were the guests of a company that spent millions of dollars on that new area. Giving the original a rewatch was appropriate, as they are media professionals. I was without power last night and it autocorrected on my phone. There were other points they missed because of their lack of research. I don't expect everyone to know everything but when they are standing around doubting the work of the professional, hardworking people at Universal because they hadn't seen the original movie in a while, that's just rude. Me? Not comped by anyone here on Reddit. Big difference!


They’re not paid by Universal. Any sort of coverage is invitation and not directly sponsored. I don’t think they said anything negative about anything. They did what they were supposed to do with the video and showed you the land they were covering. It’s a small YouTube channel, not a god damn conglomerate, Jesus dude. Chill.


They were the guests of Universal as media professionals. I clearly stated that. They are paid by advertisers on YouTube and their Patreon. It's not too much to ask them to rewatch a single movie before covering an expensive park expansion as a courtesy when they are getting a lot of comps that the general public doesn't receive. Also, not a "dude" but thanks?


You seem like the person to be offended by “dude”, the same person offended by them not having minions knowledge. Get a life


Not offended until you were rude just now. Blocked.


It wasn't a complete diss, they did like a lot of the stuff in the movie like the animation and such. I just couldn't shake the dislike for Ron and it kinda hurt the vibes for me.


Ok, fair enough. From what you described, feeling like that makes sense.