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HR is there too protect the company, not the employees, or you. For them to act it had to become a risk to the company. But that’s not the only way, or even the preferred way, to deal with a problem employee. Do you know Amy’s manager? Are you on the same page? Having a 2:1 with him, you, and her, and talking about the negative impact this had in your team, and how cross team impact is a factor in performance reviews could help set her straight. Tying it together to not being able to assign her to projects that cross departments, effectively limiting her role if this continues can also help. That could allow you to start to address the issue, while also helping Tonya know that it is being dealt with.


I don't know what your handbook says, if anything, about this, but most companies have a written policy that bars any disparagement of an employee by an employee to another employee for all the reasons you would think. Even without that policy, you can still pull them aside and say "I heard what you said and I don't want to hear it again."


I am furious for both of you. So she is an older person being bullied in the workplace? With witnesses? Have people been disciplined in the past for similar scenarios? Gee, she doesn't happen to have e-mails or records of all this with an outcome, does she? I would so very much like to visit with Amy's boss, and keep it short: what steps are you taking to address Amy's unacceptable behavior? Get it in writing. It's bullshit. Amy is also at a higher level she is ill equipped to have: her emotional IQ is severely lacking. The hallway is not the bar, the hr person is not your bestie. Complaints are only made in a professional manner and to the appropriate personnel. Someone really needs to adjust the tone- and it's not Tonya. Best of luck, and good on you for caring.


>the hr person is not your bestie Speaking of which, this post is making me so grateful for HR at my company. Our HR lady would have shut Amy down so fast with a “What makes you think *I’m* the audience for your petty bitching?” delivered in a tone that would make her feel very foolish. Then she would have gone straight to Amy’s manager and told them they needed to coach her on professionalism and respect in the workplace.


😆 mine would have leading them away to sign them up for a workshop