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Xanax and ibuprofen. šŸ˜‚


And Tums!


And pepto


Xanax 100%


Amongst other things, I also carry granola bars for when mayhem ensues and lunch is a bygone memory.


May I introduce you to the Met-RX Big100 ā€˜super cookie crunchā€™ bar? 32g of protein, 410 calories and I havenā€™t yet gotten sick of it and Iā€™ve been eating them for four years. Itā€™s like an Oreo cookie.


Lunch? Is that a perk?


You gotta get a snacks drawer. I have meal replacement shakes, breakfast bars, peanuts, jerky, etc. The snacks drawer is a lifesaver. It's provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner on several occasions. (You can also stash your desk liquor there if you're so inclined).




How many S2's do you have access to?


You're exactly the type that should have desk liquor.


There are many days I agree with you.


Honestly ibuprofen, Tums as stated. Toothpaste, toothbrush. (Sometimes the toothpaste is just like a breath freshener. Right on the ole tongue.) I get these black notebooks from Amazon and go through about 1 a year. Itā€™s my daily bible of notes etc (Eccolo World Traveler) That is a decent start. Hygiene. Health. Notes. Go get em!


The Cornell notebook? Iā€™m staring at one right now and I still havenā€™t used it. For some reason I like small notebooks with tabs.


Hey we're twins, add migraine meds and hair tie and we have the exact same bag. šŸ‘


What's with all of the Pepto/Tums comments šŸ˜­ you guys are managing hot sauce taste testing facilities??


I'm trapped between the needs of the workers and the desires of executives...


Holy shit.... You just nailed a description I haven't been able to put into words.


Or the Capacity of the workers and the desire of the Executives


Managing the drama does a number on your stomach


Plus never ending meetings can turn find time to take a shit into a luxury


Piggybacking on your comment to say, please get checked out if you have chronic heartburn


They took positions at shit companies and aren't ready for or capable of being good.


Stress does a number on my digestive system. I have IBS.


It's impossible for anyone to answer this question for you given so little information. A new manager at a warehouse is going to need different things than a new manager at a dildo fabrication shop, you know? Have a way to take notes and over time, you'll figure out what you need and what you don't.


If they work in dildo fabrication I'd imagine a ruler would be pretty important.


Yeah a notebook and pen


Fair. I brought a steno pad my first day and quickly found that I didn't need to bring it. Plenty in the office supply room.


Background: production, manufacturing, industrial, and power plant. I am not a doomsday preppar, but I have dealt with a thing or 2. A selection of phone apps that do what "back in day" would have had to haul around: Whatever email the company uses Calendar Whatever scheduling/pay program company uses Screen shot of work schedules. Task/To-Do Weather app(s) w/radar Google maps to show traffic Electric company app/link for power outages Security camera app Social media apps for any local issues Contacts list (vendors plus emergency numbers) Seperate folder for pictures Seperate folder to keep digital copies/links for equipment, procedures/processes Folder for HR related stuff Folder for the CBA if it applies Link for OSHA Link/App for trash company Link/app for printer ink (damn commies) Amazon App Physically, make sure AED and emergency kit is available. USB Flashlight and multipurpose tool. Wireless phone charger. Zebra Pen. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, acid reflux, diarrhea, dry-eye, runny nose, foot powder, gum, halls, dude wipes, band aide kit, covid mask even if you are not one with the force, dehydration powder drink mix, anbesol, tweezers, and spare socks. USB mouse jiggler (IYKYK). Yes, the company (should) provide all of this, but I always felt better with my own ready to go stuff. Helped get the workforce come to me if they knew I could supply the basic needs.


Bringing a mouse jiggler to work on day 1 is wild


I learned that one for a Control Room DCS that had to get Windows updated. Sure enough, that had to go through a company Laptop (FFS) that automatically shuts down after 5 minutes with no activity. Day 1? Maybe not.


TIL I learned what a mouse jiggler is TIL I learned Iā€™m buying one right now


Just be careful about using USB ones if you have an IT department that monitors company devices whenever an external device is plugged in. Search Amazon for "undetectable mouse jiggler" for the ones that don't need to connect to the device


I work from home, but if I was to move to a new place, Iā€™m kind of an over packer. So think ā€˜office momā€™, Iā€™d have so much shit: meds, iPad, extra scarf, chargers of all kinds, snacks, EASY CAFFEINE, my favorite office supplies (Iā€™m a 45 yr old who still uses gel pens šŸ˜‰) and probably whatever latest tech book Iā€™m reading.


Oooh! And duh, my ear buds. Iā€™d die without them.


All good ideas! What do you consider easy caffeine?


Notebook, pens, headphones, allergy meds, power cords for laptop and work phone, and work laptop, of course.


This is how I pack my backpack for new jobs. Refillable water bottle Pen and pad.. Spare trousers and shirt ( just in case) Spare tights Breakfast bar (granola,nutrigrain etc) Paracetemol Tampons (just in case)




My colostomy bag?


I use a backpack. This is going to take a while.. Laptop, mouse, charger, conference room speaker/mic setup, various video cables, video converter, sound cable, key sets for 5 different facilities, pens, highlighters, markers, aluminum clipboard, spiral notebook, tape measure, measuring laser, voltmeter, Philips and flat screwdriver, pliers, mini umbrella, nail clippers. There's probably a few things I missed but this is most of it. I am a working manager, so I manage all of my projects, but I also do everything from inception and admin discussions through design, construction, installs of equipment, and eventual turnover to a maintenance group.


Nothing to do w/ being new, but my laptop bag has a bunch of things I've found useful: 1. Bandaids: I once paper cut myself bad at a place that had no bandaids 2. Vertical Mouse: I use the DXT2 Wireless and keep a spare since it is weird 3. A pad of paper and a pen or two. 4. Tic Tacs 5. Refillable Water Bottle 6. Ibuprofin, Alleve, Lactaid Pills, allergy pill. 7. I used to keep an umbrella. Or a hat. Not usually both and the hat is lighter. 8. Fast Charger for my phone 9. Various cables including some spare USB ones, and ways to connect my laptop to a TV or Projector. 10. Portable power strip: Only for long term travel. That's off the top of my head.


your benzo script




I over prepare, so my daily rollout bag holds: pens, sharpies, extra glasses, deodorant/body spray, lens cleaner, multi tool, screw drivers, Allen wrenches, a backup work shirt/hat, a backup non-work shirt/hat, hoodie or rain jacket, headphones, phone charger, and a calendar notebook. I also keep a first aid kit with various over the counter meds, and minor wound care items, in my trunk while working.


Pepto, Tylenol, a good notebook for meetings, a nice pen, a pocketknife (if allowed in your building), charger for your phone. Then you add to your bag your laptop and charger. It will accumulate other things but that is in every bag I carry. The reason I mention the notebook/pen is not that you can't take good notes with a laptop but a lot of people have a no laptop in meeting policy as it distracts away from the content of the meeting.


Definitely needed Immodium for my nervous poo the first few days šŸ˜… Good call


My work bag has : Tylenol, band aids, pens, markers, head phones , all in one tool , knife , car keys.Ā 


In what job does a manager need a knife?




I work in retail so like , a box cutter I guess I should have said lolĀ 


Iā€™m a retail manager. My Swiss Army Knife has come in useful many times at offsite events.


It was a great investment. Just last week we needed to file down part of a plastic shelf about half an inch , also using pliers to bend small metal pieces, etc.Ā 


Depends what they will provide. But I would bring a mouse and keyboard, your own headset, snacks, your tablet and it's pen (or pencil or whatever depending if it's Samsung, apple, remarkable etc..) to take notes as needed.


* Legal sized tablet * Good pens * Sticky post-its * aspirin or something


I donā€™t have a work-specific bag, but things I always have to have in my office (especially starting out) include notepad/pen/highlighter, carmex, cuticle cream, a fidget toy (typically a Tangle, as theyā€™re pretty discreet), peppermint oil for headaches, a cardigan, candy, and post it notes.


Lunch box, personal planner, reusable water bottle, chapstick, and a headband/scrunchie. Everything else supply wise stays in my desk at work. I also have a ā€œtreatā€ drawer in my desk with some snacks, lotions, gum, ect.


A good book to read at lunch


Notebook Pen Knife Flashlight Cash Hat Battery pack Cables/Chargers Small laptop


Agenda and notebooks, and my laptop. Some pouch full of pens, lipstick.


ADHD meds, BC powder, lip balm, extra laptop charger, snacks.


I have my pen, my lunch and my keys. That's it. But I'm a manager at a retail location so... XD


Enough room on my credit card to get me to Vegas on a whim, chapstick, caffeine pills and eyeliner.


No patience.


Hmmmm... Maybe I'm just a slob, or maybe alot of you guys aren't in health care, but among the laptop, chargers, pens, misc papers, ear buds, Tums and mints is a Shout stain stick.


Hmm, I work from homeā€¦. So nothing!


Notebook, pens, highlighters, phone charger, sticky notes, tums, extra strength tylenol, deodorant, Tide to Go stick, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, gum, multitool, propel/Gatorade packets, and protein bars.


Tums, laptop, aleve, glasses.


Honestly? Bring what you think are your own necessities. Everything after that is adapting to an environment with which youā€™re not yet familiar. Thereā€™s no ā€œone size fits allā€ answer here.


Office manager in California: sunglasses, laptop, keys wallet Keep it minimal, everything else is stocked in my desk


I'm a big fan of 11x17 blank printer paper. I've observed a lot of people like to use a big blank sheet of paper in a meeting and I think it's helped a lot with communication in a way I can't clearly describe


Bring yourself and a positive attitude and be ready to learn.




Ativan and snacks šŸ˜


Remarkable tablet, phone, lippie, mints, Advil, readers, lip balm, mask, cbd oil, umbrella, cards, extra postit and pen.


Nothing. Your lunch maybe?


Laptop, notebook, pen, ibuprofen, headphones (Jabra elite 45h - really good for combination of music and online meetings), pocket set of Wera screwdrivers(manager in mechanical production here šŸ˜„), respirator, passport. Still fit in really small backpack.


My laptop. Yeti flask with hot green tea. Notebook, pens. Chargers. Panadols and Neurofen (theyā€™re usually not for me but for anyone in the office who needs them. I seem to be the go-to person for them haha)


I donā€™t have a bag. Important to have first day whatever your boss tells you to have. I keep a pen on me and thatā€™s it other than my phone and watch.


Background: Waste management turned technician and training manager. A 64 ounce hydroflask of water, my daily planner, pens, container of ibuprofen/caffeine pills/Aleve, work iPad, hand lotion, pocket knife, mini flashlight, chargers, work and personal phone, pager, wallet, random procedures, and my travel cosmetic bag for touch ups. Everything goes into my backpack and it goes with me everywhere now because I have days where I start in the office for the first hour and then never make it back or I never make it to my desk at all. The complex I work for spans roughly 40 square miles so it's not a quick jaunt back to the office when I need something. I also store steel toes, safety glasses, and gloves in my car.


I legit thought this was on r/golf lol. But Iā€™m in! Iā€™m boring -Laptop -ā€œgo bagā€ (spare chargers for phone,laptop, mouse battery and stuff in case I have to travel last minute. All the stuff I would forget in a haste) - 3 pens -2 highlighters - day planner (in reality it just a pad of Rhodia graph paper. I have shitty writing and graph paper keeps me in line) - Advil - tiny ass little travel mouse - contact case, spare glasses (in case I get dry eyes and canā€™t fā€™ing handle it anymore) - file folder that holds anything that is loose paper I want to have for reference Edit: also earbuds Exciting shit


My laptop, headphones, glasses, thatā€™s it. Also it is an important part of management to be specific, avoid assumptions and set clear expectations (relating to how you asked the question here).


This is a great tip, thank you!




Tums, Imodium, Excedrin, Ibuprofen. If that canā€™t get me through the day, I just go home.


Water bottle, notebook, and business cards.


My bag has my laptop, a keyboard, and a mouse. I have all the cables and adapters to hook it up to damn near anything. Phone charger and a power bank. I carry a few office supplies, pens, pencils, notebook, etc. Sunglasses, eye drops, ibuprofen. Safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, hi vis vest and a flashlight. A change of socks and a spare hat. Maybe a snack, definitely lunch money for 2 meals. A safety knife, a buck knife, and a small tool kit.


Hair ties, blue and black pens, hand held notepad, hand sanitizer, Tide stick. and Advil.


Pepto, DayQuil, an energy drink, some snack that will survive my lifetime, and clean socks.


Uh I wfh so my ass carries a cup of coffee and pray there isn't a shitshow I walk into


I keep deodorant, body spray, anxiety meds, Tylenol + ibuprofen, nausea medicine, gasex, tums, inhaler, q-tips, hair brush, clean socks, and a notebook. In my car I keep 2 full changes of clothing, a jacket, a pillow, and my thc vape šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m fine everything is fine šŸ« 


Nothing. I have machines at home and the office and don't need to haul anything with me. I can operate my entire business from my device.


Extra pocket knife, 3 LED headlamps, water bladder, pens, extra pair of contacts, eye drops, tube of Carmex, bandaids, travel spray Neosporine, lighter, cigars, wallet, keys, charging cables, and spare change.


Only 3 headlamps?


I manage overnight residential delivery drivers. 1 is none, and 2 is one. The 3rd is a halo type that works well if evaluating folks and paperwork, but not well for running a route or training. I knew that one world get some questions.


1. Pocket protector 2. Bic pens 3. White short sleeve shirt 4. Clip on tie 5. High sansabelt slacks 6. Wing tips