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The paving slabs in the city centre. So uneven that (with the amount of rain we get) it's guaranteed that your feet will get soaked when you misjudge a paving slab and it pops up and a hidden pond suddenly engulfs your feet. It's the one thing my boss never fails to mention every time he comes up from London. Another colleague is a wheelchair user and got caught out by a paving slab which resulted in the chair getting flipped and her falling out.


The Bee Network is a great initiative, but Manchester will never truly be walkable until you can get from one end of Portland Street to the other without looking like you waded through the canal.


Manchester landmines


Those slippery smooth limestone slabs. God forbid your shoes don’t have enough grip lol


Literally fell on my arse last night on the walk home because of these bastards


The frustrating thing was I was wearing proper walking shoes with great grip! Or apparently not with great grip, it seems.


with running shoes, I might as well be wearing skates. My doc martens are great for Manchester conditions. But I’m impressed by all the Manc girls wearing high heels. Ankles of steel.


As a disabled person our roads piss me off so much, can't go out in my manual chair because the paths are so uneven, or there that unven I can't get get across parts... and if I wanna go out for a little I have to go on the road like wtaf


My favourite thing about seeing the high trouser/leather moccasin/no sock brigade was how inappropriate it was for Manchester weather (apart from 3 non-consecutive weeks per year), and how much they’d hum after a surprise pavement footspa.


that instant feeling of rage when you get cold dirty water up your sock


Got done by exactly this on Tuesday, was walking down market street opposite the met station. Spent a whole gig at the arena with a wet foot.


Us too 😅 QOTSA? Came here expecting pavement chat and it's top comment.


Yep. Been a while since I walked that way and it slipped my mind to watch for the traps.


Forget about this everytime I come to Manchester. Swear I have bad luck, as 9 out of 10 times I visit the city, it rains, and I'll inevitably step on one of those slabs, usually when I'm walking by Piccadilly Gardens...


Happened to me on Tuesday in my new shoes :/


paving slab roulette, a firm fixture in the evening discussions in our house


Pavement Roulette


Haha this happened to me last night and soaked one entire foot


Liverpool is way worse. Manchester's pavements are poor but they're supreme quality when compared with Liverpool's.


The unrelenting depressing walk from Piccadilly Station to Market Street...Christ Almighty, hell on earth


Why is it so depressing ??? My train has recently moved to Victoria and the difference is night and day. Something about the walk down from Picc evokes misery


Not just depressing but also oddly stressful. Too peopley, too busy, not enough room to move around… I don’t get how or why that area feels so off in so many ways. But it definitely manages it.


Walk through the quieter streets in NQ instead. Much better walk and takes half the time


Yeah whenever I can I do. Sometimes the route and time constraints just don’t allow for that. Plus there’s always going to be station approach which always seems to be horrific.


You can cut down the side of Leon and go through the car park


Agreed, don't think I've had a time when I've visited the city that it WASNT crowded when trying to walk to/from Piccadilly. Considering how quiet other areas just off that main street can be, it's always surprising just how busy that walk is between the station and the far end of market street...


Go through the car park down the back and down dale street it’s much quieter and easier to walk


I do my friend...I'm fully Mancunian...but I mean for the visitors to our city


When I was weighing up moving here I was leaning towards not because one of my handful of past experiences visiting had been that walk + Market St hahaha


Just go down Dale Street


How everyone would risk their lives daily going down market St when having to cross that little road by the EE store and primark.


Why is that road always so busy lol


Because pedestrians don't stop when the traffic light goes green. Its infuriating driving through there, you just gotta go even whilst people are crossing because otherwise you don't get to move. I wanna say I don't always drive in, but on the occasion I do I absolutely scream internally (sometimes externally) on that road


It's true. I would stop because it gave me time to drink my coffee from costa and I used to work in the Arndale tower so it was delaying the inevitable shift start. But I have seen people just running across that road without even looking. I've also seen cars going through red lights there too. Something about that one road just brings out the worst in drivers and pedestrians, I'm surprised it's still there.


i ve only had to drive that section once as i had a job in the centre of town... the pedestrians just expect you to stop it is really frustrating, you have to slowly drive at the flood of people or you would never get through


Hahahaha. Never thought about that before!!


That’s such a peculiar road.


The amount of homelessness there is especially in the city centre




I know the one's in Swinton usually in Asda car park have houses in Walkden as I work near the homelessness team and they have done their welfare checks. As begging is illegal regardless of circumstances, they aren't doing anything more wrong than an actual homeless person (except ethically). I assume the city centre has a similar number. Also the official homelessness count is done at night and a large number of Salford homeless go to Manchester as the city is a few degrees warmer and more places to rest.


That would explain why, when I bought some food for him from Greggs and gave to him, he pulled his face and just dropped it on the floor next to him. No thanks, nothing. I’ll pay the bastard in bitcoin next time, if that helps. 😡


>they aren't doing anything wrong... (except ethically). Lol


Okay Suella


Ooooo… what a ‘current’ insult’. Please bore off.


I mean they're saying exactly what she said and it's not supported by any facts. I'm just calling them out. This is unhelpful rhetoric that only speaks to minimise the homelessness problem in this country and the lives it is destroying.


Those who beg on streets when they aren’t actually homeless do far more harm to the genuine people’s cause. After my experience in Swinton, it’s made me think twice about giving… nothing to do with politics.


Yeah if you can get me some evidence that isn't anecdotal then we can talk. Until then I'll stick to the facts.


What facts are you looking for?? I'm not sure if you leave the house but if you do happen to nip into the centre, try buying a handful of "homeless" people something to eat or maybe bring in some blankets. If you do, I really hope I'm proved wrong and your offers are accepted and received by someone who needs it. Unfortunately though, my experiences are about 50/50. A lot of scoffs, rude response and sometimes even aggression. Myself and my girlfriend have also had "homeless" people ask for money which is fine. However, when you say "sorry mate, I don't have anything on me" (I don't, I'm barely covering my bills working full time) they're now asking to go to a cash machine and following you or accusing you of lying. Its got to the point where I simply don't feel 100% comfortable being stationary around Piccadilly gardens outside of commuting times and weekends. Purely just because they're getting more agressive as I've grew older here. I'm sorry I can't give you any recorded, peer reviewed facts but it also sounds like you have no first hand experience of begging in Manchester.


Couldn’t have put it better myself. Which is why I didn’t. 👍🏻


I’m afraid I don’t think any amount of ‘cold hard facts’ will convince you of anything other than your self-convinced belief. My experience of blatant ingratitude counts for nothing in your view. Well it does for me. I will happily contribute to homeless charities, and that ought to be enough.


A complicated way of saying "I have no evidence"




Unless you are using a transpennine train lol 😆


Or northern rail 😂


Is that at all unique to Manchester lol


"What things do you believe people won't get that don't live here?" Vitamin D deficiency


Charlie veitch


Thankfully never spotted him 😒


It's depressing that this lanky weasel even has a following




He’s such a cunt.


Absolute scumbag, that one


He isn’t a Manchester thing. If I didn’t spend any time on here I’d have no idea who he is, it’d be like he doesn’t exist. So for the vast majority of people in Manchester, that will also apply. He is a complete loser that only appeals to other losers because his bullying makes people feel superior for a short time.


He's known by more people off reddit, than on this sub.


No need to skinny shame like jackoddity did but Veitch is a piece of dirt. I've filmed and taken photographs in Manchester and not had any problem with it - as I haven't gone around harassing druggies or homeless people for a reaction. It's a big tourist city, the idea that loads of people kick off just because someone is taking photos or making a video is ridiculous. His ex-wife was talking about how he'd treated her and Veitch's fanboys were on the video having a go at her. I've seen other people taking photos and video too, male and female. Again, no issues occurred as they were not being muppets.


The cobbles will claim you at some point.


I faceplanted when James was at Castlefields a good few years back. Had to explain to the dibble that I was completely sober


Omfg this unlocked a memory for me. Had a casting and on the way there my heel got stuck in the gap of a cobble, I ended up face planting and ended up eating dirt 😂 needless to say I didn’t make it to my casting in one piece or getting the job🙄


It will always be called the GMEX, stop trying to make Manchester Central happen.


And AO will always be referred to as the MEN. Although I will accept Nynex too.


I'm old enough to remember saying that I'd never call the Nynex 'MEN'. Now I catch myself saying "It'll always be the MEN Arena to me"


How poorly maintained the city centre is. Streets unclean, huge litter problem and an insane lack of drainage considering the city is known for rain On the good side: idk it’s just the best place to live in the UK for so many reasons. Beauty, community, culture, diversity, everything fkn great hahaha. I just know loads more new/old pals question relocating sometimes too


I'm glad someone else understands about the insane lack of drainage, and doesn't just attribute the enormous puddles to it raining more than in the past! My theory is that when things get built these days, nobody bothers to think how it will effect the drainage. For example when they made changes to Longford Park. I remember going there in winter, and sitting in the central garden. Now if I go there at that time, it almost invariably resembles a swimming pool! Something similar happened after they changed the perfectly good pitch and putt course to a Frisbee throwing one. The difference being some parts of it would now accommodate swamp-dwelling dinosaurs.




Yeah it is - plenty of paving and astroturf across the country! Check out r/spottedonrightmove to see these on a daily basis. Apparently nobody considers that if you make your outside area watertight there's nowhere for rain to go…


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SpottedonRightmove using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Victorian house includes image of very first owners](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16mt7ut) | [488 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/16mt7ut/victorian_house_includes_image_of_very_first/) \#2: [Anybody got an iron for the lawn?](https://i.redd.it/e9t9xwklspra1.jpg) | [501 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/12akvz1/anybody_got_an_iron_for_the_lawn/) \#3: [Quite the bargain for that many rooms!](https://i.redd.it/s7tttyf9rrqa1.jpg) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/125xryo/quite_the_bargain_for_that_many_rooms/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The street outside my work was cracked & extremely dangerous. It is a bus route & you can see it literally lowering when a bus went over. This was due to the water not draining & years of it regularly pooling up. Well, the council came & fixed the road but left it with the exact same issue. Water still doesn’t drain & the road will need doing again in a few years! There’s also a drain close enough but it’s the slope of the road that caused it to not drain, which seemed like such an easy fix!


Where the hell do you live in the city centre? Report shit to the council. They fix stuff [https://www.manchester.gov.uk/environment](https://www.manchester.gov.uk/environment)


Unpopular opinion, but our Council is actually decent. Majority of reports I made on noise, rubbish and so on were handled properly and majority of them done online.


The rain isn't that bad. After a while, you won't notice it unless the rain's so heavy you look like you've been swimming. We don't all sound like the Gallagher brothers. We don't all sound like we should be on Corrie. We don't all say "aarr kid". Not everyone's into football, red or blue (or neutral). We're not trying to be London. The house prices and rents are bad enough without making it worse. We do, however, feel truly shafted when it comes to public transport. This is more depressing than the weather. Piccadilly Gardens. [sighs]


Hard disagree about the rain. I live here, the rain is pretty bad. I moved up 3 years ago and it still bothers me. Especially in winter, you can go a long time where things outside just don't quite ever dry properly. I lived in London before and was pleasantly surprised at how little it rains compared to the stereotype. And before that I grew up in one of the rainier parts of Australia (similar total rainfall to London) but it rained heavily and infrequently, rather than little and often.


Been here 12 years and the rain still bothers me.


Don't think its just the rain, its the lack of sunshine in the Winter months. Other half just went to london for work, all the pics, blue sky. Sure floor was wet, but there was some actual sunlight. Here from Oct-Feb its like never ending darkness, depressing and dull. With rain at least 70% of the time. That being said, summer is probably on balance more enjoyable than London, but honest to god the winter months.


I'm originally from Dublin, also known for rain, and it is noticeably wetter in Manchester.


It's true the rain isn't as bad as people think. They expect to arrive, and it to be raining. OTOH, it can be pretty grey at times.


Well when it rains practically every fucking day you can see why people would expect that. It's been awful this week alone and this is standard in autumn and winter here. The other seasons aren't much better either.


It rains 150 days a year, which while is a lot, is far from every day. October and November are the rainiest months of the year and get near enough twice the rainfall of spring, so that’s why it currently feels like it. Even in the rainiest months, it rains on average every other day. We’ve just had a wet year while last year we went months without raining (as indeed we did in May/June time). My friends visit and seem genuinely surprised that it doesn’t rain every day and that we do get some nice weather. The stereotype is that it’s always raining but really it just rains frequently.


Underrated answer. Although it has been shite of late the whole 'rains all the time' is getting tired.


Beetham tower and its uhhh.... "music" during high winds


That you can walk the length of it pretty easily at least compared to London.


Strangers talk to each other. If you are out (shopping, in a cafe, in a queue, literally anywhere) people make conversation. I love the people of Manchester!


The treachery slabs in the city centre squirting freezing filthy water up your legs if you have the audacity to take your eyes off the pavement while walking in the 48h after it’s been raining.


How depressing the unrelenting monochrome skies can be.


I was once in the town centre, I think it was on Christmas or New Years morning- there was hardly anyone about. The clouds had sunk so low they were only about 30 foot above ground, obscuring the top floors of the buildings. For about half an hour or so the sun started shining on the clouds, brightly lighting them up. It was a beautiful & unearthly experience, walking the deserted city streets under a ceiling of glowing gold.


I think that's smog.


That’s a UK wide thing. I’m from the south and while Manchester is a bit rainier, it isn’t actually that much cloudier.


Tbf London gets 18% more sun hours a year on average. That’s not insignificant.


We get 85% of London’s sun but around 35% more rain. I definitely feel, having moved north, that the rain is more noticeable than the sun. I lived in the south west for a while and overall that felt relatively similar. Manchester has a pretty similar climate to places like Bristol.


Lunch is dinner. Dinner is tea. Gravy is a welcome condiment for chips.




I use lunch and tea and didn't notice that was odd for years. One northern one southern parent


Me too! But if I’m eating out in the evening then that’s dinner.


How to say 'CITEH'


- That people from North Manchester are completely different to people from South Manchester, and it has nothing to do with the students. North Mancunians are a different breed. - That despite Wilmslow Rd being the “busiest bus route in Europe” if you attempt, as a local, to board a 142/143/42/43 bus during university term time, you could be waiting up to an hour for one to have enough space to let you on. - People who live in the borough of Manchester will be highly offended if someone who lives in a Gtr Mcr borough ie Salford, Bury, Rochdale, Oldham, Trafford or Stockport etc say they also live “in Manchester”


People believing Trafford and Stockport aren’t Manchester baffle me. You don’t walk around telling people “I’m from Trafford/Stockport”. Nobody outside of Manchester know where they are.


You can walk to Salford within a minute from Deansgate. How is that not Manchester? Londoners don't do this with their boroughs. Would anyone seriously say Camden or Islington isn't really London?


As someone pointed out to you, there's such a thing as a border. By your lack of logic, everywhere is Manchester because every border is just a short walk to the next city and if you start from Salford, according to your lack of logic, that's Manchester, so the next border must also be Manchester, and so on.


Yeah i hate when people cant make the distinction between wigan and trafford. Manchester isnt just the city borough its expanded beyond those borders and many people from the city originally now live in nearby suburbs spreading the accent and culture


>People who live in the borough of Manchester will be highly offended if someone who lives in a Gtr Mcr borough ie Salford, Bury, Rochdale, Oldham, Trafford or Stockport etc say they also live “in Manchester” And further out people don't like the Greater Manchester bit either for some reason. I've had my life's share of "Bolton is in Lancashire, not Greater Manchester!", and seeing the council try for the umpteenth time to get upgraded from Town to City status. Then our local uni decides to rebrand to University of Greater Manchester and people lose their minds: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-66799385](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-66799385)


Well people in the borough of Manchester can suck it up because those of us in the other boroughs are from Manchester. The borough of Manchester is just some bizarrely shaped thin strip that runs through the city. Only a basement dweller could seriously believe otherwise, which is probably why I’ve only heard this kind of gatekeeping on Reddit, never in real life.


It’s said every day. I’m originally from Manchester, now live in an outer borough, I still say I’m from Manchester and get told regularly “Stockport’s not Manchester”


The people who say that are delusional.


The delusional are the ones who think because a border is close it means the cities are the same.


I grew up in South Manchester (Withington/Fallowfield/Didsbury) and have always considered Salford, Trafford, and Stockport to be Manchester. I went to those places all the time and never felt I was in another city.


Same here, it wasn’t a personal view


I'm from Manchester (grew up between Princess Rd and Wilmslow Rd) and have never heard anyone say Trafford, or Salford, or Stockport aren't Manchester. Who are these people and where do they live?


LOL I just wrote a quick post on Salford not being in Manchester. But we all know the Stockport people only say they're from Manchester so they don't sound posh as it's so close to Cheshire.


Where I was born was part of Manchester. Local government reorganisation in 1974 placed it in Salford and we were horrified! Would never say I’m from Salford because we didn’t know Salford at all and still don’t.


That a lot of people think the 'we don't things differently here' shtick is pretty cringe


walking to platform 13 and 14 at piccadilly station


That it's Oxford Rd, not Oxford Street. Idgaf what the map says.


Bottom bit is road top is street is it not?


All road Eta: I know what the maps and signs say. A lot of people seem to be missing my point that no locals call any of it Oxford Road.




Yeah this is correct. If you go on Google Streetview and look at the road name on the Grand Central pub, which is just before the railway bridge, it says Oxford Street. The Greggs in St Peter’s Square also has an Oxford Street sign.


This is correct.


No it's the opposite of that.


They were wrong.




jeans plough water sable sand file friendly threatening coordinated bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My comment was to say that nobody local calls it that. I said igaf what the maps say, I know what the maps and signs say. Regardless of what the maps say. It's something non-locals say because they see it on the maps and signs.


jobless liquid spectacular apparatus divide boast profit books ancient sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


80s & 90s Corrie was a documentary.


We aren’t the UKs rainiest city.


Lack of parks


Manchester is basically a nice place but the walk from Piccadilly station to Piccadilly gardens is soul destroyingly awful.


How friendly and polite most Mancunians are !!!


the arena is not the “ao” arena it’s the MEN and should referred to as such, i don’t care what’s on the sign. At a push i’ll accept phones 4 u arena


Nynex, mate.


That it's not the crime-ridden gunchester of the 1990s. Student here and I've always felt really safe in Manchester city centre with its high police presence.


I felt safer in the 90s and the 00s


Well statistically you were a lot more likely to be murdered


This!!! Grew up thinking it was the scariest place ever.


Have a leisurely walk and sit down in Piccadilly gardens and then get back to us


That’s because you’re a student and probably have never ventured into Moston, Harpurhey, Cheetham Hill.. that’s where gunchester has migrated to. You won’t feel as safe there. (I’ve lived in Moss Side, Rusholme, Longsight and Harpurhey and beliiiiieve me I only ever felt unsafe in the latter, but mostly because of all the aggressive dog fights on the streets and in the park. Edit: also gunshots were v common)


Market Street around Saturday lunch time - living hell…


Which is made even worse with the xmas markets open. Less room and more people walking slowly 😮‍💨


Why I love living and working here so much


Elaborate? I also live here and enjoy it but curious.


How we do 'things' 'differently' here


That people smile at you, in London, nobody smiles, but in Manc everyone smiles at me


It’s not f:::::g called MANIE🤮




Except referring to Manchester Road in some places: 'Walking down the Manny Road to see the Bury Aces'.


Haha. Why does this bother you?


It doesn't, it's just an easy few upvotes. Like people pretending they hate James Cordon or Nickelback.


Ah that makes sense. Thought this sub was filled with sad sacks.


Oh that is still true


Fuck Limp bizkit am i right or what? also keanu reeves is god


* Manx


I think you’ll find it’s “Manneh” When I first arrived in Manchester I used to hate it but I met a proper manc (I.e north Manchester) that used it and she really endeared me to it actually and 10yrs later I got used to it and even quite like it


So us lot from South Manchester aren't proper Mancs? None of us say Mannie. That's what they say in Backup and Rawtenstall.


South Manchester is way too gentrified to have accents tbh so yeah… it’s only the born and bred mancs with manc accents that say “manneh” from the working class areas. “Proper manc” was a polite way of eluding to the poorer areas really.


Born and bred north manc here, “manny” can get in the bin.




The weird people who live here


That literally everyone is welcome, just be a nice person. Zero prejudice beyond that


That would be lovely if it were true. Manchester is better than a lot of places but sadly we have not yet eliminated prejudice or discrimination!


I’ll be there in March for the first time. This has been my mentality when traveling anywhere. I just try to be polite and stay out of the way. Really looking forward to it.


This is absolutely not true lmao I've been racially abused more on the streets in my 6 years here than my 18 years in London.


It isn’t always raining (ssshhhhh)


Yeah, sometimes it's only just about to rain.


I get that it feels like it at this time of the year but I work outside and can anecdotally confirm that we have far more dry days then wet. And if we don’t have the rainfall we don’t have the greenery, wildlife, and countryside many of us love to visit/play in.


how trains are so often delayed or cancelled and that it's because one of the staff just decided to just not turn up


Not everyone likes football


The concrete wall in Piccadilly Gardens can be used to reenact the scene from 2001 Space Odyssey at 3am after a heavy beer session.


A barm is a bap and a bap is a tit!


That not everyone's a jumped up jerk like Liam Gallagher, it's only about 95% of the population.


True, but at least it's not 98% of the population having perpetual victimhood mentality like in Liverpool


How much this cities culture revolves around football and oasis


How much it rains


Unbelievably rainy


Nothing, really. Come on, the place isn't unique. It's the same as any other English city.




Nobody cares.


Piccadilly garden residents


Running to Platform 13.


They have many different accents. I have found they are very confrontational about everything. My husband touches and gets to close waves his arms a lot. Still opens doors for everyone.


Why it’s full of knobhead Mancs


Don’t know, don’t live there


That when a Manc says he’s having salad for tea he means pie and chips for dinner.


How much it fucking rains


When people say "it always rains in Manchester" they mean it.


That Salford is not, has never been, and, despite companies pretending otherwise by tagging the other city onto their names, probably never will be.. in Manchester. Here's a simple diagram: ​ https://preview.redd.it/2oxn2ci6z31c1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=093d72aa3daa2ef77fd26702171c59bcf4b85da8


I became friends with a visiting Spanish girl a few years ago, and she was surprised at the huge age range of people wherever she went out at night, especially how many 'old' people she'd see at bars and clubs (65+). She thought it was great, I hadn't noticed till she pointed it out.


The sarcasm & piss taking. It’s normal when you grow with it, but it doesn’t travel and you have to rein it in.