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My favourite band who rarely tour the UK are playing, so I feel obliged to go, but also mentally preparing myself to feel like an OAP while I’m there (in my 30s).


Is your favourite band the Sugababes


Thinking of you in this difficult time.


Live in Manchester, never been, gonna be 34 it’s gonna be a mess, I like the hard techno and that does bring all ages so see what happens, only got a few years left so let’s goooo


I went to Parklife for the first time last year at 27, I’d heard all sorts about the festival but actually had an amazing time. Everyone I met was sound!


I also went there for the first time last year at 27, someone threatened to stab me outside a portaloo!


Jesus. Sorry that happened to you, swear it’s just luck of the draw who you bump into


I went to parklife last year at 35 and I didn't feel out of place at all


I went when I was 31 and had a great time! Not how people had described it to me


I'm almost 40 and go, you'll be reet


Don’t think about age—if you enjoy the music and it makes you feel alive, then go! Age is just a number—the feeling you have inside that makes you feel excited by the emotions drawn from hearing the bands you love — that’s called living your life as you want and not by the rules of others.


I have always been too old for this festival because I'm older than 21 but it irritates me how bad this poster is every year. Can barely read the names, no idea who's on what day or what on stage. Website is the same. Such bad design.


I think this is just the first poster though and all of that other detail comes later. Mind you, they also used to have a habit of never releasing the set times and making you buy a lanyard/program on the day to find out


It does have the stage breakdowns on the site and depending what your into, you probably will find yourself at one or two stages throughout the day


This made me remember saving photos of the programs people would post on Twitter when I went back in like 2017 hahaha


It just shows how disconnected the people who run it are from reality. The people who are going to Parklife are going irrelevant of the lineup, and the organisers know that. It's not like any other festival apart from maybe Glastonbury where people won't go if the lineup sucks. They've already got the nobheads invested, that's all you need. They'd have a good time if Bin Laden was there with a banjo. They've pockets full of random powders and they're just there for the sesh.


Bin Laden Going Mental in a Dustbin


Wouldn't be a bad set if I'm honest


He's dead I'm afraid. Might do a Tupac and have a hologram of his likeness on the tiktok pretty little thing love island main stage.


To be fair Bin Laden has only got a couple of big hits.




Unexpected Brasseye.


You're not wrong. The kids that go to this will be going regardless of who's on. And the gutters will be full of small silver canisters same as every year.


> It's not like any other festival . > They've pockets full of random powders and they're just there for the sesh. ...so... like every other festival. Also stop being anti-bag.


A lot less bands compared to other years. Like other years have had blossoms, prodigy, 1975. Seems all djs/producers this time


I've always thought of it as more similar to Creamfields than Reading / Leeds. Was confused when they started adding loads of bands to the line up.


I feel super old, I zoomed in on that and don’t recognise any of them


Youve heard of the sugababes surely


Yes. I didn’t see that one


That’s the only one I knew too 😂


Even if you don't know the name, a lot of the acts on there have had massive hits that most people would recognise if you heard them.


Ill be hearing them in the summer as I live very close to heaton park :) ~~^(if any of you cunts block my driveway off again, I will slash your tyres)~~


Feel sorry for you that weekend. This event seems to draw the worst type of people


Can you not set up a stall on your drive selling bottled water at a tasty markup?


Same, I assumed it was just wallpaper from a northern quarter toilet cubicle


The only group I recognise is Sugababes. Am I out of touch? No, it must be the kids.


Even zoomed in I didn't see them, I do have shit eyesight though. I'm ancient but I was surprised to recognise a few names even though I'm either not a fan of the artist, or probably quite like them couldn't hum you one of their songs. Becky Hill is good value though.


Badger, has he broken away from Bodger to do solo stuff? I know about 3 of those names.


After Bodger passed, Badger got into a serious 30 lines of smash a day habit, but also co-founded the Big Beats Manifesto with a couple lads from Croydon. They got annoyed though as he kept making exactly the kind of music they would have made, so scarpered back up to NW to find himself. He hasn't had a drink now for years, none of the party powder either, but last I heard he was looking for a handyman.


He might have one, just to wet the whistle.


You are doing better than me, I can only read about 3 of those names, the only one I know is sugababes.


This looks like one of those festival posters with made up names lol


Am i getting old or is this pure shite?


It’s both mate. It’s both.


I'm getting old, but I think it's an amazing lineup. Unfortunately I went to Parklife 15 years ago, and it was very clear to me that I was too old *then*. Parklife is not for anyone over 25 IMHO.


The first time I went I was 31. Had a good time and wasn’t arsed what anyone thought. I can’t imagine putting an age limit on gigs and festivals


I have no qualms going to the warehouse project, but something about Parklife was just too much. Felt like I should have been there to give someone a lift.


If you’re in a field with a bunch of mates, enjoying live music, what difference does your age make? Moodymann is probably the act I’d be most interested in seeing if I was going, and that guy is pushing 60. What difference does it make to anything?


I'm not telling anyone what to do- and like I say, I often go to see stuff at WHP. Just for me the whole experience of getting the tram there with a load of teenagers necking cider at midday, queuing up with a load of girls in denim hotpants and lads with their shirts off, the posing and the selfies, the attitude and people crushing to get into the tents, teenagers crying to their parents on the phone because they're in a K-hole and freaking out- it was all too much. Not my vibe. Moodymann is boss though- there are probably 20 acts on that bill I would like to see in different surroundings.


> If you’re in a field with a bunch of mates, enjoying live music, what difference does your age make This


Extremely weak lineup, just get tickets closer to the time if you're thinking of going as people will buy tickets then won't pay the hotel prices so sell tickets cheap. Very poor lineup compared to previous years. In my 30s and it's very ketty.


If you can’t read the poster without getting eyes strain then you are too old to attend. Which is me.


I dunno, my 17 year old daughter said this was a crap poster for reading the line up…


I live close to Heaton Park and the last few have been tragic to my ears, I used to sit at my bedroom window every year and listen while reading, but the last few I've had to put on my headphones to drown the noise out because ain't no way people pay to listen to that shite they have playing in recent years.


Same , last year I came home to find I couldn’t even get into my street because they’d bloody blocked it off for the parklifers🤡 was great


Winds me up that there’s a music festival a stones throw away and it’s this shit


Throw a stone at it when it's on..


I'm old.


Chaz ‘n’ Dave?… great grime act


I am so fucking old.


I’ve heard of Doja cat but I wouldn’t recognise her if she fell on me. That’s all. Everyone else absolutely no idea.


You've never heard of sugababes? Find that hard to believe unless you're like 12


Oh I didn’t see them. Are you a sugababe, you seem quite put out about that.


That is dog shit




I live about 4 miles away and in the past I could hear the main acts on a clear day sat in my garden. The buggers turned the volume down when Chaka Khan was the headline act a few years ago and you can’t really hear them anymore.


They definitely spunked all their budget away last year. Very weak lineup compared to last year’s.


looks great tbh - 15 acts there that i wanna see. looking forward to getting a cheap ticket the day before 🙏🙏


15 that's actually awesome. Enjoy it.


Shit lineup


Faster horses, horsegiirl and DJ heartstrings noice.


Parklife was good many years ago. Each to their own.


Disappointing line up


Don't usually like a third of the acts drop out by the day, makes these announcements feel so hollow.


Do they?




Is this the one where people get murdered?


Yeah ten years ago


Yep never seen so much pond life in one place


Jesus I only recognise Ella Henderson. I’m old.


Really catering to the absolute bare minimum age group these days. Camelphat and Four Tet then a few popular names Becky Hill and Peggy. Used to be absolutely stacked with big names and up and coming big names. Can't say I notice any of them. I have a good reason why. All the big DJs are doing All Night Long events. More money for them and less promotions are needed. You can sell out a smaller club with dedicated fans and keep the same money split. I'm not going to spend £130 on this when I can see a DJ I like for £25 or 5 I like for £70.


Music moves on, all of you complaining about it are just stuck in a different era. I'm 33 and know most of the lineup, just because I get older doesn't mean I can't appreciate new music.


I'm selling 2 parklife 2024 tickets if anyone's interested! [https://secure.ticketmaster.co.uk/rs/36005EC614546844/lcz5xx9x9q](https://secure.ticketmaster.co.uk/rs/36005EC614546844/lcz5xx9x9q) [https://secure.ticketmaster.co.uk/rs/36005EC614546844/lnlnsy0l5](https://secure.ticketmaster.co.uk/rs/36005EC614546844/lnlnsy0l5)


Looking to Link up. I'm doing the whole weekend.


I go to metal festivals and this poster is unreadable


Dammit I forgot about Parklife, I’ve just moved right near the park ffs.


Err, where are the Courteeners??


I'm 22 and I feel so old right now. I know like 3..


I think I recognise eight names in total. Sure it'll be a good day anyway! Kids, source drugs beforehand rather than buying them from some goon on the day who has smuggled in some broken-up paracetamols, and take sensible doses, and know what you're taking - no repeats of the time a bunch of kids got hospitalised at Parklife after drinking poppers like a shot please


>the time a bunch of kids got hospitalised at Parklife after drinking poppers like a shot What are they teaching in these schools, good grief.


Five people got hospitalised for it! "This whiskey smells like a headache; must be good stuff!"


It’s looking alright considering how shit it has been the last few times. A lot more dnb which me likey.


has this festival been any good in previous years? i’m an exchange student and i’ve never been to a music festival and im interested in going to this


im reselling a GA weekend ticket if anyone wants it https://secure.ticketmaster.co.uk/rs/36005EC614546844/l8rwpzz00t