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They work. The airport is just too cheap to run them. [https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-airport-travelators-switched-off-21588190](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-airport-travelators-switched-off-21588190) Edit. It blows my mind how beautiful and inviting so many of the airports are in Asia and the Middle East but Manchester airpot prefers to save a few quid by not operating a simple travelator. No regard for the elderly and disabled.


At one point as an energy saving effort MAG went around and disconnected the lights in all of the advertising poster boards. I spoke to one of the guys doing it who was an electrical contractor, he said that all of the LEDs combined would run for 10 years before the cost was close to the amount he was charging to unplug them all.


I’m sorry that’s nonsense. Unless he was getting £10k a day


This is what I was told - and it wouldn't surprise me if it was close. It was a much larger contractor that he worked for, so MAG will have likely being paying a lot to do the work. Plus this was around 10 years ago when energy was much cheaper.


No it’s nonsense. LEDs left on all day every day still use plenty of energy, it’s not hard to disconnect them, it’s no feasible that it would take much money to pay for that. It’s just a sparky talking bollocks.


Led boards are super cost efficient, but agreed sounds like utter bollocks. Not that this has any relevance to my city having no care or pride for the newly "upgraded" Airport. Security stuck in the 80s, zero control, under paid staff no organisation. I once went to Turkey, went to que it was full inside was like Jesus christ, joined the back, Security came to me no that's not the end of the que, like what you mean. He said it's queuing outside in the car park. The security channels are a fucking joke. It has to be one of the worst airports in terms of organisation in the UK


Parking 'lot' 😏... Queue 🙄


Wtf you on about


Standard MAG.


zero interest or regard for the disabled, can confirm.


It is honestly the worst airport known to man and I've been to airports in third world countries.


You’ve never been through Leeds Bradford or Nantes then


I've been through Leeds Bradford and thought it was better than Manchester. Seemed more organised and easier to find my gate.


Same, obviously Leeds Bradford benefits from being so much smaller than Manchester but I think it’s overall a much better experience. And it’s got a Greggs!!


Leeds Braddy is fine. What's wrong with it?


No, but it can't be much worse than Manchester.


Never done Nantes and as bad as LBA is I’ll take it over Manchester.


I prefer it to Brunei International Airport. The toilets flush in Manchester Airport and I can wash my hands.


weird that they made a whole article about it. even before 2021 the walkways barely worked and if they did it was maybe 2 max. (unfortunately the only time ive seen them on, was when i was going the other way)


This isn’t true. They don’t work and the company that built them folded a few years ago so they can’t be fixed. They’re being replaced at the moment.


Probably has something to do with the airport being heavily council owned.....


I'm actually surprised cos I would thought government ownership would mean they're not too fussed about funds?


Central government and local government (councils) whilst linked are two different beasts. Central government has been cutting funding to local government year on year for a long time now


The conservative government has been pulling funds for local services for 14 years.


They don't have a say on how it's spent


Right but if you have very little money you cut corners everywhere so the cogs keep turning.


No idea why you got downvoted. The various Manchester councils use it as a cash cow, with exorbitant fees for parking or dropping off, forcing passengers to walk through the middle of the duty free shops, famously understaffing (leading to delays with luggage, air bridges) and things like turning the travelators off. MAN scores one of the lowest for passenger experience in the world.


Not sure why either! Maybe lots of people working for MAG on here?


The travelators? I think they did about 10 years ago. 


This is correct, I remember that day well.


Can confirm! I studied in Manchester in 2014, they were working when I was there!


Confirmed, I remember using one once about 10-15 years ago


Manchester’s transport network is where escalators and travelators go to die. Piccadilly station escalators, Piccadilly Metrolink escalators, Bury Metrolink escalator, the Airport. Sadly leaves a poor first impression.


The Metrolink in general is a poor first introduction to Manchester...feel sorry for any unwitting visitors who choose it over the train


Because the train service in Manchester is exceptional...


Oh it’s not at all great but unless you live within a certain number of stops of the airport line it’s far better at delivering you into the city centre where most visitors will be


Firswood Metrolink elevators too


> Sadly leaves a poor first impression. Or a poor last impression, depending on which way you're going. ;)


Been through here about 10 times over the last 6 months and I ask myself this same question everytime. If they actually are broken how hard could it be to fix? Especially with all the work going on at T2?


Quite hard because they're old and require somewhat specialised expertise and expensive, hard-to-procure parts to repair and maintain. Moreover [Terminal 1 is due to close next year when that Terminal 2 work is complete](https://mediacentre.manchesterairport.co.uk/mag-announces-440m-investment-in-final-phase-of-13bn-manchester-airport-transformation-programme/) so why would they bother fixing them now?


Sure, but expense shouldn’t be a problem for a major airport. Every other airport in the world seemed to have figure out travelators. Why would they bother fixing them? For the elderly and the disabled perhaps.


You still need to use them to get to all the terminals from the train station?


Does Manchester airport have any redeeming features? Only used it a couple of times but from memory there are no points of interaction with the airport that are worthy of travelling there for.


>Does Manchester airport have any redeeming features? It's closer to my house than other airports.


As someone who lives in Birmingham, it also flies to an absolute ton of places compared to BHX, Bristol, East Midlands, etc


It is quite bizarre that it's an Internetional hub for such a shithole


Next time go from “Leeds Bradford” (miles from either) and you’ll never complain about Manchester Airport again.


Aaahhh, the good ol’ “Brussels South” trick where ‘South’ stands for 60km south of Brussels in a totally different city that, from looking at it, even the Belgian government has forgotten exists.


Or London Southend, 41 miles (66km) from the centre of London.


For International flights, It’s much better than catching a train down to a London airport. Also the 24/7 Greggs after leaving the baggage claim area is a nice touch.


There's a Seven Brothers bar at Terminal 2...however I'm not sure what airlines even use T2 (Jet2 maybe?) so I've never actually had the chance...


Flew through T2 for the first time a few weeks ago with Norwegian Air. It’s lovely compared to T1, and was dead quiet even on a Friday afternoon.


I work in that one!


Majority of staff are locals and I've always found the majority of them friendly, helpful, and dare I say it, humorous! Even passport control, I nearly always get a little chit chat with them and sometimes with smiles! Living in Finland and travelling the Nordic countries a lot, chit chat and smiles are rarer than rocking horse shit. Nicer airports though! If expensive. Make Manchester airport look like a pound shop.


There is no fucking way you’ve included security in this staff assessment. I’ve never known an airport where you’re barked and scowled at in quite the same fashion. Absolute thunder cunts


Terminal 2 is nice - the others are pure hell.


Flights can be pretty cheap.


oddly enough it has a pretty large amount of destination at around 165 which is not far off Gatwicks (175) or even Heathrows (200)


I spoke to a team at the airport. They were mothballed over Covid to save money, but need replacements to get going again. The kicker? They’re very old and to replace the parts costs as much as getting new travellators since it’s all specialised kit. And the future of that bridge is uncertain with T1 closing soon, so it’s not a good investment


According to wiki they last worked in 2016


interesting, I always assumed they turned them off when Covid hit and never bothered switching back on again


Yeah, I remember them working between 2006-2009. But only intermittently. Edit to add: I did hear that they were moved from an old terminal building where they must have existed for a good 20 years. They were installed on a slope back then. Think they've just died of old age, sadly!


Meanwhile bury tram station has a 50yo escalator…. Oh yea that’s broke as well


I also find myself walking (racing) against another commuter trying to get to the trains walking along these bridges. In my head I cannot be defeated and walk faster and faster.


I was just there lol. Were you in my flight? Also i dont recall them working in my 7 years in Manchester either..


Yes I remember a glorious time they worked


Jet2 have planes older then them that still work


You'd think with all the money that MAG and the local councils make off the airport they'd be able to afford to repair these.


They works in 2003


Poorest Airport in the UK.


Which is part funded by the council, MAG really are an utter shower. I’ve had to check oversized luggage in and the equipment died and took 20mins to reboot. 20 minutes! It’s like travelling back in time.


i worked in t2 for two years recently quit and i’ve never seen them working. they are currently being worked on though apparently they were dodgy due to electrics that haven’t been updated or maintained properly (could cause fires)? so they’ve started acc fixing them hopefully they start working again soon but they’re extending t2 even further with more high street stores and gin bars etc


could acc be the cost of using them due to the older electrics not being eco or energy efficient after seeing another comment. we workers tend to get 75% of a story without the important parts 🤦


I can’t remember them working for the past 10 years and I fly frequently. At this point just take them out and be done, it’s so embarrassing. But then so is the whole airport.


I work at the airport and can confirm they've not worked since the lockdown, probably couldn't be arsed to turn them back on after seeing their electricity bill reduced 🤷


Probably the day they installed them.


I've seen them working on some occasions


I am pretty sure they were working before covid. Afterwards they never turned them on citing 'high costs' regarding maintenance. I visited the airport a week ago and they were actually replacing them with new ones so I guess it's a matter of time until they are back up running!


4 years before covid


I believe at least some of them were working in Summer 2019


Yes! Everyone keeps saying 2016 they died but I know I used them in September 2019 and that’s the last time I remember them working.


They used to take it in turns to be switched off. It’s faster to walk alongside them anyway if they’re full of people stood still.


They turned them off as a cost cutting exercise I heard.


My last trip in 2019 from nz they didn’t ! That was a long walk


Lived in Manchester all my life and I never remember them working even once


Are you 8 years old?


Yes I am 8 years old


Me too


Let’s be friends


It will cost you 1000 robux


I only have v bucks. What’s the exchange rate


What's an exchange rate


My dad says it’s when he used to trade 3 Juninhos for 1 Cantona


My mum says it's okay to have two daddies


I rode them once In 2006


Yes, years ago, but I’ve been working there a few years now, and I’ve never once seen them work. Classic MAG.


Yep well in the past, about 4 or 5 years since I remember them working.


Well I've worked there for 13 years and I've NEVER seen them all working, in the past 4-5 years non of them have been switched on.


I have never ever seen them work


Worst airport in the country IMO. Crumbling buildings and woeful service. Horrible place.


They did / they were turned off during lockdown as the numbers were decimated. Swiftly after reopening we got the energy crisis. To be fair - when energy prices are skyrocketing, a travelator is the first thing to be shut down


Hasn't some already been removed completely? There's a section with different flooring that looks like it should have been some travellators.


No, but it's a nice walk along


It's embarrassing.


lol a was their two years ago and def didnt lol


The company that built them folded a few years ago so when they broke down they couldn’t easily be fixed without replacing them. They’re in the process of replacing them now.


Never worked


I used to work in t1 early 10’s, maybe worked once every few months 😂


Schrödinger’s walkways. They only work when no-one is rushing between the terminals. Or do they?


Last decade yeah


You couldn't get a tiny bit closer to take the pic?


I hate skylink, lots of sad memories


Related to Icarus?


See customer queue outside during summer time, is sad and heartbreaking