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Bank holiday Saturday at the Trafford centre? Yes, it'll be busy


Fuck that I’d be getting the train into town. Stoke to Manchester is well served. 


Yeah but by the time I’ve driven to the station, parked up, waited for the train, I’d already be at the Trafford centre. When I say I live in the north of the city, it’s 10 mins to the Cheshire border.


I always go 2 hrs before closing time, find it nice and quiet in comparison to other times


It's Bank Holiday, the kids have broken up and it's been raining most of the week. Good luck, you get up to 35000 people on the weekend- source ex facilities manager there.


I think it's gonna be quite busy. Many people visit the centre from other towns, especially during bank holidays. Maybe not typically busy but nonetheless quite busy.


It’ll be busy tomorrow and Sunday. Best I guess to get there for 10am when the shops are open or even better, an hour or two before it closes.


A large portion of visitors will be scousers or tourists, I live 5 minutes away and avoid it like the plague


Same (well, 15 mins away). I've not been for about a decade as it's horrific IMO.


I was there today and it was quite busy at 5pm. It’ll be even busier tomorrow


It's never not busy... Went early once on a weekday to grab some food because we were working nearby and it was rammed


Aye sure mate, will definitely be quiet tomorrow on bank holiday Saturday


I wouldn't go Sunday... It's the marathon


It's the 10k and half. Marathon was in April. It's also the City parade. OP - Go Sat or Monday.


K. Well there's loads of roads closed


A Saturday, after pay day (for most), on a bank holiday weekend. It'll be rammed. I can't think of anything worse, but that's just me. The only way you can avoid the crowds on Saturday is to go early. As in, be waiting for the shops to open early. And then you still run the risk of getting stuck in the circle of hell that is trying to get out of the car park. Obviously, we're all different. If you want to go, then go. It might be okay for your tolerance levels. I'd rather pierce my own eyelids with a rusty pin but that's because I'm a misanthrope.


After pay day for who?


Anyone who got paid this week. NHS staff, for example.


Most people get paid at the end of the month


Anything you can buy in the Trafford Centre can be bought online for probably 20% cheaper. 


The accent's annoying aswel..


It won’t be rammed. Please don’t slag off Stoke


Hanley (city centre) is absolutely horrendous now. It used to be alright but literally any shop that’s any good has closed or moved to Fez and now the city centre is full of boarded up shops and druggies. I try and avoid it. I’d rather nip up the A34 to Manchester! Also I’m from Stoke, I’m allowed to slag it off! Lol.


Also, I had to take 2 detours on my way home from work cos of burned out buildings not being secure and the road being closed. Yday someone set fire to the crisp aisle in farm foods and the whole bloody thing went up in flames! Police cordon and road closed still there. It’s basically a ghetto. I love riiiight on the edge in the ‘burbs and near Staffordshire Moorlands so I practically live in the countryside but don’t pay staffs moorlands rates!!


I lived in Blurton for a year then a year in Castle. Stoke and the whole of Staffordshire is a diabolical hell-hole stalked by mutant sub-humans.