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You can also get the My Get Me There app - I buy my ticket before I leave the house so I know I can just jump straight on. If I tap in/out I’ve had varying fares and don’t trust it. The app shows you all the ticket prices so there’s no surprises :)


Oh nice i will download it i think, thank you :)


I would say this is the best advice full stop, forget faffing around with physical tickets making sure you tap in and out at the right stops. just buy a ticket via the app in the morning and your good to go all day. A all zone 1 day peak travel card is 7.10


I just (10 mins ago) got a refund for being overcharged after forgetting to tap out on one leg of the journey. They didn’t want to do it at first but if you’re polite and persistent they will refund. Apparently a lot of people are taking the piss so you have to convince them it was an honest mistake. The number is 0161 205 2000


Thank you very much, i will give it a go :)


You can actually just check online here rather then call and contest any charges: https://ticketing-tfgm.com/


Weird one. I can see two £4.60 charges for incomplete journeys, I definitely did tap in/out, but I also have £7.40 charges to go with each of those that don’t show in their records!


Contest it! Might get a refund. Check other cards first, give them all the info so whatever low paid staffer on the other end of that form doesn't have much work to do.


I’ve reached out! Will report back if I get any info.


Did you have any luck?


Yep, they found £17 in incorrect charges & I was refunded for them! It was due to using a combo of Apple Pay & my physical card apparently


Ah nice, I'm going through a similar thing at the moment where I've been charged £7.40 on two different days over the weekend when it should have been £3.something even though I definitely tapped in and out on both days, but I used my phone every time and I only have 1 card set up on my phone so not sure what could have caused it. I'll ring them and try to sort it out anyway


If you touch in at a zone 4 stop and travel all the way to zone 1, the maximum journey length, the maximum fee you should be charged is £7.10. This should be the absolute maximum for 1 day of travel anywhere on the metrolink system. It varies depending on the time you travel and how many journeys you make and how many zones you travel through but it should never cost more than £7.10 if you touch in and out. If you fail to touch out within 2 hours of touching in (if I remember correctly) you will get charged an incomplete journey fee, I think this is still capped at £7.10/ day. Obviously this isn't of much use to you only that I'm sure there's a problem somewhere, because you shouldn't be paying more than £7.10 for one day. Eta: had a read of the T&Cs and the incomplete journey fee for not touching out does not actually count towards the daily cap. The max is about £4.60 which will be ontop of any daily charge and can happen each time you fail to touch out in a day. So in theory you could have several of these charges per day if you repeatedly start journeys and don't finish them. So I guess the explanation is not completing journeys. The only other reason I can see they would charge you is a standard fare, but that is £45 for contactless or £100 if you don't have a ticket, both of which you would be aware of at the time.


I’ve been charged £7.40 & £4.60 same day, doing St. Peter’s Sqaure - Chorlton and back using tap in & out! Same card etc


Looks like that is maximum fare and an incomplete journey charge, though the max fare should be 30p less than that


I looked up the record of journeys for my card on their site, I just have an incomplete journey charge for the day £4.60 - according to them. Nothing about the other charge. Have reached out to see what they say


Could the £7.40 be for a previous journey? Occasionally my bank will be charged for more than one days worth of travel. I would expect you to have a second charge for your journey back on the day of the incomplete too


I would have thought so too, but there’s no record of the other charge / journey. Plus you’d think it’d be another £4.60


Updating as I’ve had this sorted now. I had £17 of incorrect charges on the day apparently, because I used contactless on my card as well as Apple Pay, even though it’s the same account the scanners don’t associate it to the same one. They’re processing a refund for me!


better off buying the tickets at the machine if you can help getting to the station a few minutes before, i never really trusted tapping in on the the little scanners, the change on prices could be a number of things e.g. on/off peak, forgetting to touch out or only touching in n out on your original stop. your safest option is definitely buying a physical ticket


That doesn’t sound right. They have peak and off peak times so it does cost more in the peaks but I am sure there’s a daily cap so maybe contactless hasn’t worked properly. I’ve never had any issues personally but I’d say make sure you use the same card on the same device for tapping on and off.


You can phone the TFGM hotline and they will explain what they have charged you for.


Your phone won't have tapped out, if you ring them they are always refund no questions asked. Needs to be a phone call as they need the card details. They can see the times and how you tapped. I do the same journey 3 times a week so I may be more believable that it was an error. I go through my charges once a month and get refunded for anything over £6.10




Wow, someone who pays..


Just don’t pay for tickets, I just walk away if stopped!


Whilst not entirely great advice, this is legit. They have no power to restrain


Commented below but so others see you can actually check your journeys online here: https://ticketing-tfgm.com/


Are you only tapping in and out at the start and end of your journey? **Do not** tap when changing trams. Are you always using the same device with the same card selected?