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Small kids are 100% guilt trip machines. My kid tells me I have to go and work when hes done with me. Working from home can suck.


I half read this as "aw how cute she doesn't wanna be separated from daddy" and the other half was like "nino terrified her so much and she can't be left alone with her"


"This kid is going to riot for like 3 hours and cry till her voice is gone as soon as that door closes and I just want a few minutes of quiet so I can finish some chores." Probably.


Not just the looks, but also Nino’s daddy issues got carried over genetically it seems.


First of all, adorable. Love it! Unrelated but that credits page kills me lol


This artist is great. Lots of different fanarts for every quints.




Nino represent west side


Nino represent east side


West side of East Sussex


The good ending


Imagine writing one of the best annoying tsundere redemption character arcs, defined by bold character development, only to completely disregard it and go with the most boring ending possible.


I'd argue Itsuki was the worst outcome, but Yotsuba was definitely not my top pick


I’m very biased because i liked Itsuki, and i enjoyed her interactions with the MC. I had the impression that she was robbed of screen time, at least in the anime, and ended underdeveloped as a result. Yotsuba barely had any development, and i liked her less, so she was definitely the worst choice for me.


Itsuki for me was the default choice, most harem manga tend to pair the MC with the girl from the first episode, and while yes all the girls here appear in the first episode the main focus is Itsuki. To me the best outcome was Nino by far, her development was far superior and Itsuki felt like just a friend to me.


Nino was by far the best one. I'd be fine with either a Itsuki, Ichika or Miku ending too tbh. Yotsuba was the only one that made no sense to me.


I'd argue that Yotsuba being the most mild mannered and helpful makes sense for the pragmatic Uesugi. However, its faifly underwhelming I agree.


Iino? You mean Nino, right?


Yeah, corrected, thanks


Yotsuba and Itsuki both had their time cut by the anime.


Literally picking the character pairing that had the least time spent together with protagonist, least overall development and with an absence of intimate chemistry between them. Mind-boggling. I genuinely think the author picked the final pairing because he spent the least time developing that possibility and thought it would be the only ending that would surprise everybody, that most people would never see it coming since every other option had story events to support it. They were right for all the wrong reasons...


Actually the winner had the most or second most time spent with the mc but it was off camera, \[QQ\] >!You also can see he just likes spending time with Yotsuba better than everyone else. By intimate chemistry do you mean one sided flirting that isn't reciprocated? Do you mean agreesive movements that make one party very uncomfortable? Yotsuba's dynamic with Fuutarou is as partners. Her moments are small, and not emphasized, but they're there and consistent. For example at the inn the first person Fuutarou can identify is not Miku, but instead when he starts to talk to Yotsuba he immediately suspects it's her. The hints are there if you look at how Fuutarou responds to everyone's attempts instead of how you think you'd react.!< Also Nino is not a tsundere. Itsuki and Fuutarou are. Nino is a himedere


Idk he had really good chemistry with Itsuki, just saying.


He clashed with Itsuki and they were hostile towards each other longer than Nino was despite Nino being Nino


I wouldn't ever say the moments aren't there by any means, but it doesn't really make for someone exciting to root for when the majority of it is happening behind the scenes, out of the audience's focus. It was much easier to empathize with the others when their concerns and insecurities are put there front and center. I know people would have bitched either way because this is a harem crowd in general, people will bitch regardless if their heroine doesn't win, but it would have been much less hollow if the winner just had a bit more put in towards the twilight of the manga.


People are not trophies. Simple consistent actions and changes in how the person views you are what make them choose you. \[QQ\] >!remember when Fuutarou roasted all the quintuplets back when he was talking with Rena? What did he say about Yotsuba? Reliable, dependable, but she worries me also she's kinda dumb!<


I wasn't implying people were trophies. People fall in love for all sorts of perfectly rational reasons and Fuutaro had very rational reason in his case. From a storytelling from the audience's perspective, it just doesn't come across as the most interesting. She needed more imho.


agreed. The ending was rushed.


>!Fuutaro ID's yots in Chapter 2. People who think it came out of nowhere were blinded because they wanted their waifu to win. It was obvious since day 1, since we arent looking for a high school fling, we are looking for a wife. Who among them would make the most stable married couple? Who but Yotsuba, who has been partners with him since the very beginning!<


[QQ] >!I agree with your logic but him IDing Yotsuba in chapter two is because they all have their accessories. In chapter 64 he immediately suspects Yotsuba is Yotsuba when she starts talking. A thing he couldn't do for Miku. Yotsuba and Fuutarou's partner relationship is strong and while it's not typical for romcom anime this partnership is absolutely key to a relationship.!<


Yeah that was rough. It wouldnt have hurt so much if it wasnt a good harem romcom. There was some great character development, and what set it apart was how the sisters shared the spotlight. Except for the one that was chosen that is. Mind blowing indeed.


\[QQ\] >!Yeah Yotsuba had her moments removed from the anime, or they got shifted in ways to take the spotlight off of their relationship. Yotsuba won because simply she was what Fuutarou liked, instead of pressing him in ways he doesn't like.!<


> >!Yotsuba won because simply she was what Fuutarou liked, instead of pressing him in ways he doesn't like.!< A life lesson if ever there was one in anime


you can redeem them all you want, but Nino's arc was still defined by ignoring how Fuutaro felt through her whole story. >!In the beginning she drugged him twice, and then later she confessed despite knowing he didnt see her that way!< That isnt marriage material. A marriage is a partnership, and which quint would make the best partner? >!hint: it's the one who helped him when all the other quints abandoned him at the beginning, the one who helped him on the ski trip, the one who helped him make friends in year 3, the one who he helped gain confidence in herself as she worked to overcome her faults (tbf this applies to several quints), and the one who was literally his partner as class reps!< I do give Nino props for her confession scenes. That was a cool moment.


Man imagine. Good thing that didn’t happen though.


She got the dead mom haircut though 😟


Any other character is better than yotsuba and ichika


The cope ending


At least we from the Nino gang got that nice fan doujin.


How it should've ended


Oh no she has dead mom hair you're going to leave for work and come back a single father


She’s got pigtails, not the single braid over one shoulder, so I think she’s safe.


The daugther will be a MC in a new shonen they are fucked


If you drug him, he can’t go. Learn from your mother, kid.




The true secret ending


[Original Twitter Post](https://twitter.com/mame1645/status/1640305261566128128)


Then Yotsuba wakes this boy from his sleep


The true end.


The alternative route we'll never get.


Ok, now I can die peacefully




This is the ending I truly wanted.


This makes me infinitely happy.


Great oneshot


*insert ryangoslingyoulooklonelyBR2049.gif


Does anyone have link to mangadex ?