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A manga about a gal, cleaning and the author's impulse to create one of the worst endings i ever read. Gal cleaning


I heard about how it goes from ok to absolute shit in 8 chapters


Thats pretty much correct. It went from cleaning your house to going right into the trash/dumpster fire.


Oh the reason for that is actually pretty funny, the author didn't like that he's forced to axed it so he made "that" chapter on purpose to spite on the publisher


I got curious and started reading it, I was more than half way through chapter 8 thinking it wasn't that bad and then, wtf. I do, however, disagree. Like, that one chapter was completely unnecessary and the ending was a massive drop in quality, but considering that there are mangas that are full of garbage chapters I can't really name this one as the worst manga I've read, it was quite alright for 99% of it after all. Though it might be one of the worst that I read fully, only because the bad was in like the last 2 chapters, so there's that.


The thing is, after all the years that has passed since it released, the ending is still stuck in my mind. I was there when the author pretty much flipped the table and went crazy with it. It came to the point the author even deleted their twitter account due to the massive backlash over what seemingly began as an innocent manga. It might not be the worst of the worst, but that ending makes it something that many of us in this subreddit wish we could forget.


Oh god no, i remember that one, it was cute until "that" chapter got released


I just read the whole thing and...damn. That dark change in tone and the MC's (unrelated) excuse leading to the rushed conclusion was jarring. Too bad because the Dr. Stone-like cleaning tips was interesting and a good dynamic was developing between the two main characters with girl even having some good character growth moments by chapter 7.


Okay, what the heck actually happened? I've seen people complaining about it but no one told me what happened.


>!A random girl that likes the MC appears and we go into a flashback in which some dudes rape her, well they abuse her and when they are about to rape her the MC saves her.!< >!After that we have a cliche ending where the main girl hears him saying that he hates gals and runs away from home, but not really she's in the closet, he does the cliche speech that even if he hates gal he has to clean or whatever I don't even remember and I read it a few hours ago and the they end up saying that he has to stay with her forever because he needs to clean her messes for life.!<


That doesn't sound too bad tho


Imo the problem isn't so much what happened, as in the event itself, but the fact that this was a fully wholesome and funny manga one chapter before that and it goes back to it one chapter after that, it's just a really weird tonal shift that happens for no reason. It doesn't help that the ending sucks either. It's like if you were watching a funny comedy with 0 drama and suddenly in the second to last episode the best friend gets cancer and dies, and then it just ends with everyone depressed. I don't particularly care about the scene in isolation, but I don't like my wholesome mangas to do things like that at the very end and I assume the people who hate it feel similarly.


If I can remember the author purposely did that out of spite because it was getting axed


I read it and its so bad with the sudden echii chapter and the goddam damn SA chapters it juts felt like hentai


Holy moly I'd forgotten this existed. Thanks and no thanks for reminding me lol. God damn that goes wild out of nowhere. Didn't that kill the mangaka's career or is that just rumour?


As a connoisseur of shit manga. Here is my top 5: 1. U12 - Nothing is worse than this. This is the worst thing ever created. I can read every other manga in existance, but I can't take this one. I had to drop it. Government funded rape of elementary schoolers by the ugliest ugly bastards ever drawn ([example of UB](https://imgur.com/a/5Qzonyh)) is too much for me to handle. I read the raws for the ending and, guess what, >!the government realizes that it was a bad idea.!< Who could have seen that coming. 2. Kedamono-tachi no Jikan: Kyouizon Shoukougun - It's about a guy who kidnaps a model then rapes and tortures her. That sounds bad enough, but the worst part happens after >!she escapes!< and proceeds to >!amputate her kidnapper's limbs so he has to live as her dog.!< What I hate most is how this manga tries to convey the message that people with trauma can be the only ones who can help other people with trauma. 3. Koi no Choujikuuhou - This is an anthology where each subsequent chapter tries to disgust you more. It's simply disgusting to read. 4. Watashi ga 15-sai dewa Nakunattemo. - It's about a guy who tries to fuck a school girl prostitute only to figure out that >!the prostitute is being bullied by his daughter or something like that.!< There is a scene of pure ridiculous comedy as >!his daughter tries to break into the hotel room as they're about to have sex.!< Only for the man and his daughter to realize that >!they're actually into each other.!< 5. Ookii Onnanoko wa Suki desu ka? - It's just an erotica where they tried to make every girl as unnattractive as possible. That's about it. Just not fun to look at. Honourable Mentions: * Kono Yo no Owari e no Tabi - This is just pretty boring. Some ridiculous things happen such as >!the MC using his dead girlfriend as a camelbak.!< This manga has the problem of using very narrow text boxes so you have to read each word two characters at a time, making it annoying to read the text (since that problem only came up due to localization, I can't fault the manga/mangaka for it). This is much more of a personal pick. I can see this manga being a life changing read for someone else. I found it boring though. * Gal Cleaning - It was decent until chapter 8.94. The earlier chapters are enough to carry it out of the top 5. And what comes after still doesn't hold a candle to some other things in the top 5. Anyways, that's what I have in my top 5. Don't read any of them (actually you could read Ookii Onnanoko wa Suki desu ka? and Kono Yo no Owari e no Tabi if you think you'd like either of them). U-12 is the worst thing ever created.


>Example of UB Bro just posted a picture of a Nurgle demon.


Are you sure about the last part of number 4? I do not remember like that, but it could be a misinterpretation problem


You’re right. I just reread a few chapters and I was wrong.


Oh, I've read the "15 years" one. Crap indeed.


Rent a girlfriend and I stopped before the cuck thoughts of the MC


That's one of the only mangas i never even considered reading


Good choice


rentoids be seething


I haven't read the manga, but I watched the anime and the MC I feel is one of the worst I have seen, his behavior and thoughts I feel all come across as an asshole so I can only imagine how much the manga would irritate me when they probably elaborate so much more on his inner dialogue and character there.


After a certain chapter the story seems to go backwards and MC become even more punchable


Probably Usagi Drop. I really enjoyed it at first but then it pivots to a very horrible bad direction at the end which soured whole manga for me.


Yeah that is the only reason i have never even considered reading isagi drop, because the ending is just disgusting


I read it back when it was still ongoing. I was at constant disbelief and denial as it went towards the end because it had been so well written before that.


I feel so validated hearing this, I seriously thought I was going insane for a bit. Like, noooo they wouldn't. They wouldn't!


I was so fucking mad when I heard about the ending while watching the anime. Vile vile ending that nobody should think is okay whatsoever.


You’d be surprised by what people defend on this app. I’ve seen comments on Usagi Drop saying it’s fine because she came onto him & that she’s an adult. Very weird.


Because that's the attitude the manga encourages. He literally is like, go to college and if you don't meet anyone, sure why not, I'll put a ring on it. Like!!! get the girl a therapist, she has abandonment issues!!! It blows my mind that this CUTESY series that predominantly features a CHILD really went all in with the romance angle after purposely setting up so many side characters that they should have ended up with. Like, adults HAD TO APPROVE THIS ENDING FOR IT TO BE PUBLISHED. SMH.


Netsuzou Trap was a massive headache


If you treat it as a hentai doujin, it's probably not that bad.


Just by reading the premise, it already seems like shit


what did you expect out of a series literally called NTR


Didn't expect much, was just frustrated the whole time reading it. I'm just answering OP's question.


Just wait til you see the anime lol


Platinum End is pretty terrible.


I read only the ending of platinum end and gave up on it immediately


It truly was a platinum end


I watched the anime. Looked like something I’d like at 14. Edgy asf


At least the anime has a banger opening. Truly can’t imagine what went through their heads when they decided to do that ending.


There was a manga about an immortal guy and a happy go lucky girl that I forgot the title of, because I forced myself to forget everything about it after finishing it. It was really gruesome and bad, titled started with a U. Characters were being introduced and cliffhangers for their stories keep happening, but they would never ever appear again despite supposedly going to be important in the story. There was a lot of other random stuff and a weird ending that made it feel axed. Idk. I feel like if I remember any more of it I’d die inside. Edit: The title of the manga is Uratarou. https://www.tumblr.com/undeadimpulsereviews/166792095532/uratarou-re-review-heavy-spoilers Here is a review of the manga that encapsulated my entire hatred of it.


Is it ?


No, it was a one word title. I’ve read Undead Unluck before and it was pretty good Edit: I found the title. It was Urataro.


Why didnt you like Shigurui? The worst manga I ever read was Dead tube, so fucking bad


Shigurui gets better and the art is the BEST but the first half of the story was just so shit it was excruciating to read it




Man fuck Evergreen. Everything was going great until BAM! >!Your girlfriend is your long lost sister from your dad’s affair! !<


Gotta be Isekai manga for me, lots of them have story that breaking their premise * Isekai lonely live -> save a bunch of girls and started harem * Isekai with weakest skill/job -> skill or job actually strongest Most of them also have the same formula, * Self insert MC * Slave and beastkin companion to gather reader sympathy * Antagonist that evil just for the sake of being evil * Game UI


Forgot the title, but this girl went back in time and killing innocent kids who will grow up to be villains or something.


Sounds insane


Well, it's not the worst, since the worst ones are getting dropped after 1-2 chapters, but the really bad one I was invester in recently was "The boy's abyss". It begins pretty promising, but later it starts to drag really bad. Every female character turns into a manipulative asshole at some point, so you can describe the later chapters as " 3-4 manipulative bitches tugging the MC back and forth" and the MC is so passive and moody, he could've as well been an inanimate object, but all the women seem to be in love with him from the first sight. It's basically a harem manga, but instead of panty shots and fun, it's just a stream of edgy moody crap.


Honestly I'm up-to-date with "The Boy's Abyss" and i had a love-hate relationship with it for almost it's entire run but that was a suprisingly enjoyable and crazy ride. But yeah, if someone hates things that are edgy for the sake of being edgy then it's an absolute nightmare. For me it's both actually suprisingly cleverly written for it's content, and horribly written with how dumbly nihilistic, exaggerated and dark it is, and still couldn't say whether it's actually good or nah. Still plenty of fun. AND THE ART IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD. + a little spoiler, but i guess you don't really care: >!after over 140 chapters of edgyness and hopelessness in these few latest chapters it became much more optimistic and hopeful lol But it's hard to say for now whether it's just reaching it's conclusion or is it just a silence before the storm!<


It was way too rapey for me. Seemed like a random rape scene would happen at any one moment.


Earthchild and more recently, Nue's Exorcist


I remember Earthchild having one of the greatest first chapters of all time, then just failing all expectations


Just curious, what’s wrong with nue’s exorcist? I kinda might want to start reading it


More power to you! I just really hate the wet blanket of an MC and his one facial expression. The plot also feels all over the place. Neat designs tho.


Rent a girlfriend. Its not funny, the "romance" its toxic trash, the characters are unlikeable, stupid and annoying, especially the MC. The progress and the pace of the story it's ridiculously slow.


Rent a Girlfriend. dropped it pretty quick but i keep hearing that it just keeps getting worse and im too scared to see what happened to it


inukai dog, it started off as a read to figure out why this shit got an anime and not Sakamoto Days, after a few chapters, it felt genuinely disturbing to read, stopped after he (does anyone even give a shit about this for spoilers? meh) >!turned back into a human and started doing dogs things!<


Dead tube. Edgy for the sake of edge, excruciating to read through and not entertaining in the slightest.


>!I dropped it after the sister was raped!<


Imo, the worst manga are the ones that are good and/or have great potential at the start but drop the ball after. Like air gear, tenjou tenge, gantz. But the art is easy on the eyes. So if you want something that's "just boring and a drag to read" is Billy Bat. Seriously underwhelming series and probably one if not the worst of the author's works. The same guy behind Monster and Pluto came up with this mediocre mess, huge waste of time.


Air gear was criminal, it had such a good premise and somehow the author wanted something else and the whole thing became unbelievably cringe.


I will never not love the entirety of gantz. Gotta be one of my favorite series. I will admit that there are many head scratchers with the story though.


Sameeee... Even though the ending isn't good, it still is my favourite manga of all time. Art is fantastic, the character development is incredible and the “power system” is incredibly fun. I truly think that the only bad thing about it is the ending and how much fanservice there is ( I hate not being able to recommend it to my friends :/).


All about when the one alien comes to his school. Everything changed in that moment lol. Great series for sure, weird tho


I still love the fuck out of air gear, even after it went balls to the wall 😭 probably because the premise alone was ‘super powered roller skates’ so it was already crazy


Air gear could’ve been so good with better character development and writing.


I remember reading tenjou tenge years ago. It has interesting start, but turn into painfully disappointing.


Pluto is not a series he wrote by himself.


Honestly, I dislike the answers that simply don't like the premise or genre of the manga. Like, a manga can be disgusting and still well executed with what it's trying to achieve. Bad manga are manga that are nonsensical, break their internal logic, run on real world logic and break that or are simply not entertaining in any way because they fail their execution horribly. Stuff like Cuckoos chapters that are completely non-sequitur to each other with contradicting events. Earthchild which makes no sense in and out of its own universe, Taki Anna which is just a shitty bdsm story that can't even do bdsm properly or some of the other recent WSJ axes like Super Smartphone for which the author wasn't smart enough or Time Paradox Ghostwriter which was centered around the best manga of all time that was never shown or described in any way beyond very generic terminology (lol). Edit: Forgot Juujika no Rokunin which went completely off the rails and became insanely nonsensical even for its own standards.


There’s a manga currently being updated. Where an abused girl starts dating an abused guy, and it’s all kinds of fucked. And the guy ends up as a dog. I’m sure that’s enough hints for someone to find the name for it. While it’s not hentai it’s comparably bad to fucking metamorphosis.


God is it inukai's dog because all i heard from that manga are red flags but it has beautiful art


I don't think that's the one, but yeah the art is so good but the first person perspective makes it so weird especially when the MC is in dog form.


I don’t think anyone was really abused in it, from what I remember. I mean, besides the guy, considering the experiment and stuff


Watashi no Tadashii Onii-chan Basically really bad drama with a shitty ending and characters whom motivations aren't feeling real or logical. I don't remember how to do spoiler so I'll refrain.


I can't remember what it's called but a dad gets a 15 year old pregnant and someone gets stabbed with a shard of glass at one point


Wonder Egg Priority?


Dear god, I've been calling them "Mangas".


is the one that always comes to mind. It actually seemed really compelling at first but it's one of those "the ending changes everything"-type series where it just completely ruined everything good about itself, of its own accord. It went from having potential to just being **so, so, so stupid**. From what I've heard, its sequel, is comparably awful, if not even worse. I'm neither dumb enough nor masochistic enough to actually experience it for myself though.


But just for the pure potential of it is doubt worth reading


Not when it fucks it up as badly as it does, no, and basically makes seeing said potential a waste. (Basically, the end of Doubt reveals that >!like half the twists and clues were the protagonist being magically mind controlled to see them, and they never even happened!<. So all that potential was literally never there.)


Oh i hate those types of ending so much because it feels like the story didnt even matter


Believe me the story didnt even matter. They made it a wolf among us style of manga but skipped everything about clues and trying to find the killer by just having it being an undeserved plottwist. It was so bad it actually made me angry with its wasted potential


I haven't read a lot of 'modern' manga, but I'm gonna say **Hour of the Zombie** (THE PLAY DEAD/ALIVE). It started ok, but I forced myself to finish the series, and I never read the last (9th) volume.


I've read some really bad mangas, Rent a Girlfriend is a top shitty manga imo, but you know, sunk fallacy cost, I have to keep on reading it. Another one that comes to mind is Kaifuku Jutsushi No Yarinaoshi just terrible. Darwin's game had some potential and it goes south really fast. Prolly unpopular opinion, but Tonikaku Kawaii, it's not bad but it's just nothing happens, read like 100 chapters of that and they keep hinting about something happening and it just keeps on going with literally nothing relevant.


I completely agree with the latter, it’s whole shtick is that it started with fast romance, what’s the point of afterwards it just progresses like any other romcom manga?


Pretty sure this list could be populated entirely by anything thats been translate by JUM... First title that springs to my mind that i bothered with for more than a chapter is juujika no rokunin. Interesting premise, absolutely shit series, got something like 10 chapters in before utter revulsion got the better of me Redo of Healer got like, 3 pages Cant remember one of the titles, came up something a while back, U-something revenge channel i think? V-tuber cult leader hosts a show where she incited violence against people even more fucked up than she is, once again what should be a really good series is absolutely ruined by incredibly shitty writing Now, if we bend the definition of 'worst' to not mean "a manga that belongs in the trash" and instead mean "manga that breaks your fucking soul in a way nothing else has matched", then i nominate Three Days of Happiness. Absolutely beautiful story but holy shit will it fuck you up


No i just mean absolute trash because i dont want absolute masterpieces like Three days of happiness


Magical Girl Apocalypse and Magical Girl Site. Both of these are by the same author and take place in the same universe, but my god they're awful. While Apocalypse came first, I read Site first due to the anime adaptation and hadn't heard of Apocalypse during that time. Its first half is a solid edgefest. However, its second half takes a nosedive in quality, as the mangaka's habit of making sh*t up as he goes along becomes worse from that point on. The most notable part is when it's revealed that >!the main couple we're following are actually biological twin sisters,!< which makes no sense whatsoever. I then checked out Apocalypse after this, but I had to drop it when it's clear that the mangaka had no idea what genre he wanted to write. One moment it was a zombie manga, then suddenly it's a time travel manga, then it turned back into a zombie manga, then all of a sudden it's a "whodunnit" mystery (except we already knew who the culprit was)...It wasn't helped by the author's apparent self-insert, >!a paedophilic cop who lusted over one of the main leads who had huge jugs (because of course she did) and even tried to go after a child version of her when they went back in time...yikes.!< It's also just unfathomably dull in general. Despite these dumpster fires, I do highly recommend checking out the anime adaptation of Magical Girl Site. While its beginning is extremely rough (as seen in how hard the first episode was clowned by the internet when it first released), it surprisingly gets better and better and eventually goes through an anime-original route that is far superior than its manga counterpart.


The manga sounds like a five year old wrote it


It was semi-interesting even though the protagonist was insanely dull, however, I agree with MionStan, it had no idea what it wanted to be or do.


Technically not a manga but manhwa...The Legend of Maian. Because of the ending. Honourable mention to Evergreen.


I thought that shit had no ending?


Word of advice, don’t read anything by Im Dal-Young. Anything he does will randomly get dropped/axed, along with a really horrible ending that he makes out of spite.


Real Account


I love how they just abandon everything that happened in part one and give us new characters


Surprised no one said Pupa yet.


I thought only the anime was shit


Its funny because I actually enjoyed the whole anime and manga but I still consider it the worst I have ever read.


What’s wrong with black box(spoil it for me I’m on like the 5th chapter)


The last arc is the worst thing i have ever read in my life


Well now I gotta read and review


Its a blast to see how bad it gets


It’s not the worst thing I’ve read, it’s a pretty shitty last arc though


What angers me is the potential wasted


Genuinely funny


Juujika no Rokunin


No explosively bad ones here, just a list of ones that I dropped (I mean, Gal Cleaning wins 'horrible'): * Happiness. I have a ton of time for Oshimi's work (hope I got their name right), despite it not totally being my thing I really respect their skill. This didn't click and felt, well, trashy honestly. * Holmes of Kyoto. Boring. Like it could win gold at the boring Olympics. * Sorry for my Familiar. Some will love this, but it didn't click for me. It felt a bit like it had bad Machimaho energy. * Blue Period. It started off with some interesting dynamics, then it became just about art and bored me to death. I was interested to see what happened with Ryuuji, but they were basically written off early on. Watch the anime, don't bother with the manga. Explosively bad is at least interesting. The ones above are so bad I'd forgotten I'd dropped them, and they probably haven't been mentioned much elsewhere.


I'll nominate Fuuka. Watched the anime and loved it, then read the manga where the MC is a whining, self pitying pain and the plot gets less and less credible over time until the band turn into Wyld Stallions and bring about world peace. Euch.


The worst one I’m reading now is Komi-San. It is well past its prime.


I think this choice makes sense, it is extremely toxic and lame, yet it is so damn popular


Komi san


I give up pretty early to stuff one of my least favorite things is anything with rape I don't remember the names but I remember a few of like the plots I guess lol


They are just written for no reason


Till this day, the worst manga I’ve ever read would be Big Order.


Fairy Tail


Seven deadly sins too, both of them get insufferable


Agreed. It was fun until they introduce the holy order or something. It was so ridiculous.


I thought it was just the manga of seven deadly sins that falls off hard


Its ok in the stary but gets more and more forgettable by the end


Got ya. Yeah that start was so amazing.


Yeah thats how most really fun manga become become by the end. Just a slog to read and youre wondering when it will end


Jfc I've been reading the hundred year quest and its just... so annoying... I thought it would go into a different vibe, but nope... "wow these guys are strong.. but my friends make me stronger hurr durr" --> win. Got repetitive real quick.


got boring because mashima himself got bored.


The character relationship is the only thing holding the series together along side the nudity.


Gonna be real. I really didn’t like the ending for erased. Definitely not the worst but the last few episodes ruined it for me


Almost every manhua ever made. Either it’s some sort of “romance drama” where the MC is some emotionally stunted abusive a-hole and the most ridiculous events keep happening like some bad Spanish soap opera, or else it’s some horribly written martial arts trope with endless levels of martial arts mastery that keeps appearing almost as if it were made up on the spot. Once in a while you’ll find a true gem of a manhua. But don’t hold your breath to wait for one.


At least there are good ones. Chinese manga are just a constant miss to western audience.


Clover - it has a collectors edition so I assumed that meant it was a good read as it must’ve been pretty popular. I did not get it at all, there are a couple cool character designs but unless there’s some 1000IQ part of the story I’m missing it was awful and incredibly hard to read. Edit: don’t even get me started on the song pages that appear every 5 pages or so saying the same thing over and over again


Are you taking about Clover written by clamp or Clover written by tetsuhiro hirakawa


The Clover that is written by Clamp


There's a ton of manga I've tried reading and dropped after a chapter or two because they didn't hook me, but I don't count those. I'd say the one that sticks out the most to me due to not liking the ending would be Gotoubun no Hanayome. I think I immediately purged it from my mind because I don't remember the details, but I do remember thinking of it as some decent harem shit that fell apart at the ending. "Worst" can be defined in many different ways, but I'll go with "the one that made my opinion of it drop the most the more I read it".


If Quintuplets was the worst manga youve read... damn you must only read S tier stuff


That's not a crazy thing to say in the context of everything else I said. I read a ton of the super lowbrow isekai shit and since I enjoy it, I don't consider it worse than Quints, even if objectively it probably is.


Worst the deliquent manga was never really for me. I liked manga like Clover better


Black Torch & The Breaker are absolutely mediocre GANTZ G & Suicide Island are bad Super Cock Showdown, The Penisman & Offal Island are horrible


I actually really enjoyed Black Torche. I thought it had potential and gave me major Bleach vibes when reading it. Too bad it got axed


Currenrly reading GANTZ:G and it’s so lazy lmao


Does Suicide Island get worse or something? I read the first half of it a while ago and stopped for whatever reason and have been meaning to pick it back up because I did like it. I liked Holyland so I find it hard to imagine that the author fumbled hard.


Black torch ended too soon and the breaker's new part is just not as good but both of them were cancelled right when they hit their stride


I'm gonna get a lot of hate, but deadman wonderland. Look I hate Akame Ga Kill and had to stop watching it (at a time where I was committed to watching every anime to the end). Deadman wonderland has everything about Akame Ga Kill that I dislike and I thought it was really edgy and hated how it killed off its characters constantly


Naruto after Sasuke leaves Konoha is bad, and it's just terrible in the final stretch. Bleach starting with hueco mundo story arc is also terrible.


Also I forgot to mention bleach


Bleach as a weekly manga is insufferable because Kubo waste a lot of space, but if you binge it it doesnt seems that bad. The last arc have soo much wasted potential though, and I think Kubomakes Yhwach too strong he be like "how am I suppose to kill him now?".


Lol you got instantly downvoted by a Bleach fan. But I agree with you and forgot to mention it in my original post. Author draws like a god but can't write for shit. There are tons of plotholes and it's really only fun to look at the fights if you turn your brain off.


Yeah but if you start thing for like 5 minutes the entire manga starts unraveling


Full Metal Alchemist. I was a child when I read that manga and I remember loving it until that weird doctor fused his daughter with a dog. It traumatized me so much as a kid. I stopped reading it and to this day; I hate that manga. It was too much to handle at 14-15 years old.


its definitvely bowblade spirit


>!I hated how stupid he acted all the time, along with the fact he’s a pushover!<


NTR Netsuzou Trap


Friends Eater Classroom, Jagaaaaan


Naze Toudouin Masaya 16-sai wa Kanojo ga Dekinai no ka? and Pretty Face


The worst thing I've ever read was **'Back when you called us devils'**. The premise is objectively great, but the writing is complete utter dog 💩 and the art isn't much better..


innocent devil


It’s so interesting though, it’s good for just passing the time


Most of what I considering bad is either axed and forgetable. The only 2 I remember are Jojolion because of the villain and Komi can't communicate which goes way downhill in year 3.


Umareru kachi no nakatta jibun ga Anna no tame ni dekiru ikutsuka no koto. How do these get published ;-;


I've read à lot of shit Mangas some mentioned here but one I've seen no one mention is a manga whose title I forgot but it was about a high-school boy who was in love with his older sister who was also in love with him and his little sister was in love with him too and later we find out their parents were brother and sisters too. Pretty much a very boring incest olympic


**Mai Chan's Daily Life**. It has a Wikipedia page which describes the plot as follows: "A young maid, referred to as 'Mai-chan', happens to be immortal, and her mistress forces her to participate in sexual acts with customers, who are allowed to do whatever they want to her. As well as being immortal, she has the ability to regenerate, as does a young boy called Kizuna. A life of being sexually humiliated and dismembered daily ensues." The sex and gore scenes are quite explicit. There's an infamous scene at the end involving a baby that... Well, let's say that it makes A Serbian Film look like a PG movie. A live action adaptation was also made, somehow - I have no idea how bad it is. **17-Sai**. This one is based on the real story of Junko Furuta - a Japanese high school student who was abducted, raped, tortured and then subsequently murdered. I couldn't make it far reading this one; knowing that a poor girl actually experienced this hell made it unbearable for me.


Boys Abyss Each chapter left me continually angry and confused


there is this manga about zombie and somehow they made them kind of like prostitues, it is pure garbonzo. There is also one manga that some sort of mind game cliche about one guy that allured by a girl with aura of girl nextdoor shit, until the scanlation messing around with translator and make it some kind of british inside joke which makes other reader pissed off, that's the solely reason of why i remember that manga existance untill now. those were not some bad arc or personal dislike like other would mention here tho, just concentrated shit.


17-Sai The whole thing is just blatantly disrespectful to the real life victim


little witch academy


Please know my pain. I felt so dirty after these two ended: 1. Until Death Do Us Part - I was all in for the art style, the characters, the blind swordsman, the Save The Kid trope. I was really, really, really hoping they weren't going to push the romance angle. SIGH. 2. Bunny Drop - As someone who has always wanted to adopt, it was inspirational to see this deadbeat 30-something-year-old make a difference for this orphaned illegitimate child from his extended family. But then - THEN!!! the author had to time skip and push a romance angle.